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Abs, Arms, and Attitude | Yoga For Weight Loss

Focus on the power of thought as you build strength and awareness in the arms and abdominals. This 31 minute warming practice invites you to work with the body rather than on the body.

We check in with the attitude that surrounds how we feel about our bodies while building upper body strength, waking up the abdominal wall, and bringing some energy to the third chakra or the power center. This sequence will have you stepping off your mat feeling your best, physically AND mentally.

Return to this video to build muscle tone.
Return to this video anytime you need a reset.
I got your back.

Let me know how it goes for you in the comment section down below!


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81 comments on “Abs, Arms, and Attitude | Yoga For Weight Loss”

  1. Really enjoy your , like having Benji there too...
    Helps me focus with your instruction and reminders to feel my own body and limits.
    Think I may be improving...
    Thanks so much!!!

    1. This was exactly what I needed before going off to work- checking attitude is something I’m going to try to remember to do in times that need a little care- thanks!

    2. Fantastic way to stay the day. Ive brought you with me to Bhutan where we are doing a lot of hiking to monasteries during the day. This is a perfect complement to that as it helps to stretch before and add some core and arms. Plus Bhutan is the perfect place for some yoga and meditation

    3. You are an angel who came here to heal the planet.....I believe this with all my heart. Thank you Adriene.......Namaste

      1. Ive only just discoverd Adriene and am full og gratitute and think she may well be!

  2. Adriene - this was amazing! A challenge but followed your advise about "attitude" and it made all the difference. I also applied what we're learning from Sumair. Thank you and Namaste!

  3. Great workout. Your reminders help me stay focused on my breathing and my body . Thanks for your videos.

  4. Loved having Benji there, he is a master at the zen life style!
    As always enjoyed the workout, you are wonderful Adriene.

  5. I love the importance you put on being kind to ourselves and remembering to smile and love ourselves. So positive! Love how much I'm sweating right now, too! Proud of myself 🙂

  6. Thank you Adriene for drawing me back to my yoga practice! Almost a year of knee issues resulting in surgery and I’m finally able to do yoga again! Oh how I have missed you AND missed me! Thank you!!


  7. Thank you! Its always so hard to relax my shoulders and not hunch them, any tips for how to get them to relax?

  8. Thank you Adriene! You have become a frequent part of my week and I love your Benji! Warmly, Shannon

  9. Thank you. I loved that. Your voice and your practise - beautiful. Om shanti x

  10. Thank you so much, Adriene. My first yoga session in years. Loved the practice and your attitude. Feeling more positive already. Bless you

  11. Hi! I’m an 11 year old girl and I love your vids they make me feel so good after I get off the mat! Please make some more arms abs and attitude they are SO good!

  12. Thank you for this beautiful return to practice, with a loving intention and attitude. It's so easy to let attitude slip on the weight loss journey. You helped me come back to myself with love.

  13. Such a great video! I really appreciated how you encouraged us to work through everything, but never pressured us in any way. Your guiding comments are always helpful, and I love how even though it's a general video, you make sure to make our practice feel so individual. You're fabulous!!!

  14. Thank you so much for this! Getting back into daily practice, and this was a great one to start back with!

  15. Love this video! I've been working on changing my mind-set towards my body so I love the reminder to work 'with' rather than 'on' our bodies. I have a long-term shoulder injury. Thankfully I'm recovered enough to do plank and downward dog again but the side plank is rough. Is there a modification that would work the same muscle holds but be gentler on the shoulder? Thanks!

    1. Hi Sarah. Have you tried bending the bottom leg to the floor instead of doing side plank with two straight legs? That will take some weight out of the shoulder!

  16. Hi Adrienne

    I'm getting back into it from full abdominal hysterectomy. I'm lost ok 6 weeks. Worried Bout over stretching my tummy. Any suggestions where to begin again. Alzo, any tips for wrists hurting on the mY would be most welcome. Thanks xx

  17. I live and work in Saudi Arabia and do not have access to any yoga classes. In fact yoga is almost unheard of here. So thank you for the daily yoga exercise which keeps me sane and balanced in a very difficult culture

  18. I have had Lupus for 20 years, and most styles of exercise and fitness are very taxing on my affected joints. I have been mixing up your videos for about 2 months now, and I can't remember when I have felt so strong. Even after a tough workout, I have no pain. Thank you for doing these videos! You are a life saver <3

  19. Thank you for sharing - really enjoying your practice in self isolation and love beautiful Benji.

  20. I was in search of an online Yoga class and this was the first one that came up. Adridne, you are amazing and I feel blessed to practice with you. Thank you!

  21. Is this for persons who are accustom to doing yoga? I had so so much difficulty during the first class and even cried. I am overweight by 50lbs. So it was challenging.
    I love Adriene though ❤️

  22. Have I told you lately that I loooooooooooooove your practices and the way you speak to us while we do good for our body and mind? Thanks a million for what you do and how you do it Adriene. Especially in these challenging times, it's as if you were hugging us every class. thank you...

  23. Definitely one of my favorites!! Thank you for the practice today! My attitude also thanks you.

  24. Broke a sweat on that one! As always, love the reminders to connect the mental and physical. Great way to start the day feeling strong. Thank you for all you do!

  25. That was wonderful. Second yoga workout ever. First one made me almost get sick. I was nauseated and dizzy. Lots of breath work. Only made it fifteen minutes. Today I stuck it out but the side planks were not as long as Adrienne's but that is okay. I will work up to it. I am happy that I listened to my body.

    Six months ago my body/spirit began telling me that I needed to yoga. It took this long to respond. I am here. I am now. I feel strong and beautiful. Centered and grounded. Thank you so much for sharing this with the world. Thank you all who participated with me free your various yoga mats around the world. Namaste.

  26. This is one of my favorite Yoga with Adriene workouts -- it's challenging but feels so good when I process through it.
    With love,
    Lisa H.

  27. WOW! I have never had the confidence to try any kind of exercise yoga before. I always type in "beginner" when I look up these videos, but for whatever reason, today I awoke with a new determination this morning and WOW WOW WOW! I DID IT!

    I feel so empowered and strong and inspired right now. I've been feeling really down on myself. I am a nurse and work has been particularly draining, but in this moment, I feel invincible - ready to tackle the day and give my patients the best care I can. Thank you Adreine! I am so overwhelmingly grateful for you and everything you do. Namaste.

  28. Thank you so much Adrienne for all your work on your videos. I think they are FAB!!!
    Your encouraging attitude has really helped me to work with my body. Though I do struggle a bit some days with downward dog and the plank as I have painful shoulders.
    Thanks again.

  29. This is a tough one! But loved it.
    Thanks for the companionship during the entire pandemic.❤️

  30. It was too hard for me but I did what I could. I like being challenged. I’ll try another one soon

  31. My daughter has been enjoying your videos for quite awhile and encouraging me to try as well. I participate in group fitness classes at our local wellness fitness center but can not work the yoga classes into my schedule. This was my first and I really enjoyed it. Thank you. I plan on trying the others!

  32. Thank you! I've been doing your yoga most mornings for 2 months now and seeing changes in flexibility and balance.

  33. hallelujah! I did it all and will feel the abs tomorrow. I really enjoy the variety in your videos. This spring I have been dedicating to core yoga. I have shared your videos with friends and family during this long year of lockdown.

  34. Thank you so much. I needed that today. It is Mooney outside and I wasn’t feeling well grounded. This was the second video I’ve watched & That was absolutely wonderful! Benji is such a good helper too.

  35. day 2 trying this one out. first day i couldn't make it past 20 mins, the pain, Lord. Day 2 i went till 25 mins. i hope day 3 is easier and i can complete the whole video. i feel great though. i love Adriene. mainly why i keep coming back.

  36. Recently learned I need an ankle replacement, I need to put it off as long as I can due to my age. It is also misaligned. I have progressive scoliosis as well. I have always been active and have faced a sudden slow down that I wasn't quite ready for. Now I am looking for ways to fight back and keep from giving in to the changes in my body. My daughter came home from college during Covid and we began your Yoga together. I am so grateful for how it makes me feel. Even with my necessary modifications the benefits are always there. I love your positive messages. It is my goal to walk through this with a positive attitude. You are a blessing! Thank you!

  37. Not quite ready for the ab work but I know it’s needed. Too much sedentary work. Need to change my relationship with my body. Will come back to this one a few time to see how things are changing. It’s a good touchstone.

  38. I am new to your videos but am hooked. I love your non-judgemental way of teaching, your messages, your humour and Benji. It is great that there are so many videos to choose from. Fabulous. Thank you so much for creating a safe place to practice.

  39. I started a year ago doing the 30 days yoga with Adriene, at age 57! I love how relaxed and supple my body feels after yoga practices. I have just been redoing the 30 days yoga videos, but now I am starting to move on to some other classes like this one. Thank you Adriene, I have really appreciated this opportunity to learn something new that is good for me.

  40. As always a great practice that both worked and encouraged me! Since I started Yoga with Adriene my chronic back pain has been under control - what a blessing you have given me in being able to live more pain free!
    I was super excited that for the first time I was able to rock up from my back to the 'ball'! Thank you for this and for everything you do Adriene!!

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