Yoga for Cramps and PMS

A moment of self-care and solace, just for you! This gentle, loving practice was created to support you, whether you are feeling physical pain, discomfort, or just need a little TLC.

Tap into your self healing powers and invite the mind and body back into a state of ease.

Stretch it out, breathe softly into the belly, and soothe the nervous system. Join Adriene and Benji for this 20-minute restorative yoga practice.

All are welcome. Remember, a little goes a long way!

Let me know how it goes for you down in the comment section down below!

Optional props: a blanket and 1 or 2 pillows

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54 comments on “Yoga for Cramps and PMS”

  1. Love love love that this is inclusive now. Thanks for making our sisters, brothers, and siblings of all types feel welcome ❤️

  2. Adriene, this is so wonderful! Your original version of this has a special place in my heart because my google search for “yoga cramps” is what introduced me to your channel in (I think) 2014. I love love love that you re-did it to include every body!

  3. Thank you. My wife and I just did the original video a month or so ago and I was so struck by the very gendered language so how much I love to see this remake and your thoughts on doing so. I so appreciate your authentic commitment to growth and learning!

  4. Adrienne I want you to know I do yoga for myself. To keep injury free to run. But most importantly.
    I run for Achilles International New Zealand. I am training a Blind and Deaf man to complete his first Marathon next year. We are now great friends. I could not run injury free without my daily Yoga with Adrienne. THANKYOU! I am a fully qualified sports teacher. So I know quality teaching. You are the best!
    Kindest regards

  5. Thank you for making this more inclusive and learning and admitting you don’t always know it all.

  6. Spooky timing.... just what I needed today. Thank you. As always, a wonderful way to start the day.

  7. Great freaking thank you! Seriously your videos have always been wonderful, both the yoga but also just your positive energy which just really cheers me up.

    And now your last newsletter, thank you so much. The video is not relevant for me since I do not have ovaries, but it makes me so happy to know that you include transgender men in your community. I have frequently read stories from transgender men who is bothered by specific troubles of being a man with a period, small things like the often very girly packaging of hygiene products to the lack of bins in the men's room. So, I am so sure that your video, and your mindfulness about including the entire community will make a lot of people happy and more comfortable.


  8. Thank you so much Adriene, this was the perfect session for today, I don’t have cramps or PMS, but was in need of some TLC ❤️❤️❤️

  9. Sorry....inclusivity and all, pink does not define a gender or sex. You lost me at "gender neutral". If someone is potentially offended by your use of "ladies" and pink socks, they have more problems than a little yoga can solve.

    Just live your life and be your own best self. This new world of "inclusiveness", "tolerance" and "gender neutral" generic people is getting old fast.

    Instead of us becoming less, maybe we should all be a little more brave, daring and strong. Caving to these crazy notions just makes everyone weaker and watered down.

    Now stick to yoga and don't stress over insulting people with your gendered attire.

    Have a great day!

    1. I'm not out to change your opinion on this subject but I would like to address the "stick to yoga" comment. Yoga is way more than just bending and stretching. It’s a guide for living with expanded awareness. Yoga (meaning to yoke, join or unite) is uniting your awareness with ALL.

      There are four paths of yoga: raja yoga: the path of self-mastery which includes breathing exercises, asana (what most people think of as yoga) and meditation. Bhakti yoga: the devotional path or path or pure love. Karma yoga: the path of right action and selfless service. And jnana yoga: the path of intellect which lifts the veil of ignorance for the attainment of truth.

      There are 8 limbs of yoga:
      Yamas: guidelines for social behavior; Niyamas: self observance and personal conduct for living; Asana: the physical postures (that most people associate with yoga); Pranayama: breathing exercises; Pratyahara: turning inward; Dharana: mindfulness; Dhyana: meditation and Samadhi: expanded awareness
      And within those 8 limbs you go deeper and get more specific which is too long for a blog comment.
      As you can see, by Adriene receiving and being thoughtful about feedback, learning and growing, expanding her awareness, her desire to be all-inclusive, etc is very much her “sticking to yoga.” 🙂

    2. I dare you to tell me, a non-binary person who uses they/them pronouns and possess ovaries but is assumed a man every day I walk out the door, that I am not brave to authentically show up for myself in a world that has people like you, telling others that I should not be accounted for in spaces that SHOULD account for me and others like me. When we talk about reproductive health as just a thing for women, we ignore and erase the needs of people who are just as impacted as women by the topic at hand. Men get abortions. Non-binary people get Pap smears. Agender folks get IUDs. People with uteruses get cramps. Why shouldn’t we be invited to this practice? Why shouldn’t we be seen in this practice? As someone who this practice seeks to include, I’m really very grateful to see Adrienne ser her intention on inclusivity and connection for all people dealing with cramps and PMS, not just women. Women aren’t the only ones who have to deal with the realities of having a uterus and ovaries. I’m not a woman and I have a uterus and ovaries. Why should this content also be directed toward me?

      So many folks in this world who share your point of view have somehow been convinced that inclusion is a zero sum game. That to open space up to others will take away space from them. You stand to lose nothing by being more open to the idea that the world is a mosaic of diversity, and that nobody should be excluded from full participation because of ignorance.

      1. To AJ : you are so wonderful !! I just spent way too much time scanning through this thread, and your patience and unflappable attitude in explaining things for others who simply did not know what the big deal is, was truly inspiring to me ... you're a treasure, especially nowadays when people are so quick to see through a lens of negativity without opening themselves up to learning about their fellow humans. Equality and decency for all, once we learn, and learn .... Namaste

  10. I find the decision to re-film this video really troubling, and a little upsetting. Menstruation is a key aspect of womanhood and femininity and to suggest that the pain, and emotional turmoil this brings is something that can and should be shared with men is bizarre. Is there no area of life anymore where women are allowed to place a stake in the ground and say ‘this makes me a woman’? We’ve striven for decades to assert our place in the world, to be heard, and to not be ashamed about our bodies and now that’s being eroded on the alter of unscientific uber-woke thinking. I don’t doubt that the motives behind this were good, but please think about the message you are sending with this.

    1. I made comment that because my wife suffered with very bad PMS, it also affected me too because I felt her pain, even though it was her suffering, and I thought I would be called out about that. But no, someone called me out for me referring to her as a she,woman, wife. That is what she wants to be referred to, and I prefer he. man and husband. Where is the inclusiveness when others criticize what you want to be called?

    2. Trans men menstruate. Non-binary people menstruate. Agender people menstruate. Butch women who do not identify as feminine menstruate. Many folks who are not women or feminine menstruate.

      Women can “stake their claim” without erasing trans people from spaces they want and deserve to be in.

      Feminism isn’t feminism if it’s exclusionary to trans folks.

  11. New Video fab as ever - am a bit curious as to why the original was redone - are you able to explain at all - not sure if I’m missing something?

  12. Your videos are always so therapeutic in ways that go beyond the specific issue you may be targeting. But no denying your target is always, well...on target. This practice is directed toward something pretty specific, and I just have to chuckle at the need to make sure no one feels left out of this one. It’s for PMS..if there was a video to help with prostate pain (like my husband had after surgery for prostate cancer) I wouldn’t get upset that there was a video that made me feel excluded. I’d just acknowledge that one wasn’t for me and move on to another...there are more than plenty to choose from thanks to your desire to provide for the masses. Some will “fit” and some won’t. I’m also not a runner but don’t feel offended or left out because there a Yoga For Runners’s just a shame that there’s a perceived need to inject current social issues into something that really should transcend all that...

    1. We were being excluded from content that directly spoke to parts of our anatomy, but spoke of it through a gendered lens that effectively told us this content was for women only. That’s why Adrienne redid it and why your husbands prostate video would be exclusionary to you. Unless you have a prostate, why would you watch a video about prostate health?
      I am a non-binary person with a uterus and ovaries who deals with cramps. I appreciate seeing concerns that includes me.

  13. As even you are now peddling anti-woman, pro trans ideology I will be unsubscribing.

    Biology is NOT bigotry.

    1. Biology says that gender is not a binary, and that gender and sex are not the same thing, and not always aligned, so really Adriene is doing exactly what fits with biology. Biology is not bigotry, but trying to use biology (falsely) as anti-trans rhetoric is.

    2. Anti-woman? How in the heck is it anti-woman to be inclusive of others who identify different than you do?

  14. Adriene! Thank you! I have enjoyed this video on many occasions, but as the mother of a transgender teenage boy I was troubled by the gendered nature of it because I know first hand that not everyone who gets their period is a girl or woman. This change means so much to me and will to my son as well. Thank you!!!

  15. Yoga with Adriene was recommended to me a couple of years ago when I was going through a difficult, life-changing time. I have loved everything about it, and you, since then. I have raved about you to anyone who would listen. I didn't think it was possible to love someone I had never met more. Until today. Thank you for doing this. You have the best heart.

  16. Thank you so much, Adrienne! I read your email about why you redid this video, and as a strong ally of the non-binary and trans community, I am so pleased! You also brighten my day each time I get to engage with one of your videos. Namaste! ☺️

  17. I just read the e-mail. I personally appreciated the back story and the reason why and hitting all the nails on the head (re-do, your past, being a woman.) Telling stories is the best way to do honest inclusivity. These snips and bites we get from videos of people do not tell full stories. Thanks for telling this story.

  18. Thank you much Adriene. Thank you for using your platform to provide insight and education.

    I learn so much from you every day

  19. Thank you so much for changing this to include everyone! (I’m a big fan and the partner of a trans man!) 🙂

  20. I so appreciate this. Thank you for your awareness, for sharing this story with us, and for making the changes.

  21. Thank you so much for this. I watched the original and was struck by the gendered language and felt aware of the folx (trans, intersex, nonbinary etc.) who may be left out of this beautiful practice. Thank you for the recognition and the inclusive new video. Much love and appreciation.
    When we know better we do better

  22. I love this. I love this so much. Thank you for seeing me. Thank you for including me.

    At a time where I’m seeing my community being tested on a boatload of levels (SCOTUS case on discrimination in the workplace, trans exclusionary military policy, policing of bathroom use, murder of black trans women, constant misgendering and dehumanizing of trans folks, y mas) this really helps me to find what feels good. Some days it’s a real struggle, but today’s newsletter was the sign I needed to set my intentions for a good day, however I manifest it.

    Thank you again, Adiene. ❤️

  23. This is such a beautiful redo!!! Thank you so much. I can now share this with more people who need relief from cramps and PMS without having to apologize for the language! You are amazing.

  24. I really appreciate your kind, sincere and quite long mails Adriene. Thank you for all. Namaste. A big heart from somewhere around the world... 🙂

  25. I'm trying very hard to work with your support team. I'm new to the subscription and can't access any video anymore
    I could for 3 days and now everything shows up locked. I've tried everything and it's been going on for 2 weeks with canned answers from support. So I'm coming to video comments to try to get attention
    I love what you do and hope I can get help

  26. I love all your videos. Thank you for what you bring to the world. Living your integrity. Being an example of grace.❤️

  27. Adriene, you are one of the most positive and motivational persons that I know.
    Thanks for being, for communicating your philosophy, your discipline, your art. In a word: your love for life. Thank you.

  28. Adriene. Thank you SO MUCH for this. I'm a gender non-conforming/nonbinary person. I love yoga so much because it helps me experience my body in a way that is gentle and loving, which is often hard to do in a world that expects me to fit into its boxes. However, sometimes the yoga community can feel really gendered, and I struggle with feeling like I'm not included, or being misgendered by folks who assume I identify as a woman. Gestures like the re-make of this video REALLY MEAN A LOT. Thank you thank you thank you for being a strong ally for folks like me. This is why I love FWFG and your youtube channel.

  29. I understand the girl reference - rightfully so for PMS and cramps. But, as a male yogi, I often feel excluded living inside a predominantly female sphere. I'm sure there is no sympathy from the girls who have lived the last many thousands of years in patriarchal world. Anyway, my point is, it is comforting and warming and loving in so many ways just to know that you took pause to include EVERYONE, even though cramps and PMS is reserved for persons with ovaries. This also makes me pause and think about my own actions and speech, and ask myself do I do or speak in ways that make others feel excluded, or just not quite a part of something. So thank you for that. Much love.

  30. Reading your email about redoing this video brought tears to my eyes. I've always loved your videos and your community, however taking the time to do this and making a statement by announcing your reasoning made me love you even more. The world needs more of this mindfulness.

    Feeling feminine energy from menstruating isn't a bad thing, but it's not everyone's narrative. I love and support cramp-suffering humans of every identity! Happy to practice yoga with you all. <3

  31. THANK YOU SO MUCH for redoing this video. I have been part of Yoga with Adriene for longer than I've known I was non-binary, and it was so hugely affirming to have you remake this video in a way that acknowledges me and other trans folk. I constantly feel excluded or made invisible by spaces and activity billed as 'for women,' even when they claim to be inclusive. This was huge. It's huge to acknowledge that our body may need a specific type of care, but doesn't necessarily dictate our sense of self.

    I am sorry that there are many trans-exclusionary people who are commenting negatively. I hope that they may learn to be more understanding of the variety of experiences human beings have in their bodies.

  32. Thank you for sharing your reason for redoing this video and for your commitment to creating a warm, healing, inclusive space. Appreciate you so much!

  33. Hi Adriene - as you know, many of us are connecting with yoga to recover from some sort of trauma, PTSD and/or body pain or numbness from trapped grief. In fact, I spend half of my time on the mat, once I finally drop into my body, grieving. Would you be able to do a yoga for grief or yoga for trauma recovery at some point? I know that’s pretty specific and possibly clinical, but I also know how much yoga has helped me connect with my authentic self and heal my spirit, mind and body.

  34. As the mother of a transgender young adult son, who still has the parts he was born with, thank you for this. It means so much in a world that doesn't seem to understand these types of complications.

  35. I love that you redid this video to make it inclusive 🙂 thank you. Like others have said, this was the first video of yours that I ever did, and that got me hooked.

  36. Thanks for making me cry this morning 🙂 As the mom of someone transgender, kindnesses like this one here, bolster my faith in humanity (especially in the face of growing polarity and fears). While I am writing, thank you, too, for being one of the two major forces in helping me become "woke" over the last year or so (you, and my beloved). Namaste Dear-heart

  37. Very thoughtful, Adriene. But please don't ever re do the one where you're wearing the blonde Marilyn wig! LOL!

  38. Dearest Adriene you have followed your heart and soul, choosing to do what you feel you must. Good for you and for those who now feel more included by you. I am not one of them. Choosing for myself to no longer be silenced through intimidation of being called a bigot, I'll say my piece. I do not begrudge or find offense with anyone who chooses to change their gender, live an alternate lifestyle, marry whomever they choose, etc. But in life, every human has been offended and/or diminished in some way. For instance, my inability to conceive a child has ostracized and diminished me in the child/family-centric world we live in. But I am concerned and disagree with the ever louder drumbeat to change and monitor (even mandate) our words, our individual beliefs and our very society in order for various groups to be less offended and feel more included. It seems likely that future generations will do things quite differently but recreating history, even by altering a yoga video, in the interest of making people feel better does not make for a better future, in my opinion. I wish you happiness and have enjoyed your videos.

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