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Yoga For Complete Beginners

I’m not going to bullshit you. I am going to cut right to the chase. Sometimes the hardest step is just at the starting line. We humans crave practice, ritual and routine. But the hardest part can simply be to begin. We create so many obstacles and excuses for ourselves as to why we cannot quite yet begin when in actuality with a slight shift we can use those same excuses and that same energy to tell ourselves why we simply cannot skip out or wait any longer. The time is now! You deserve it.

In fact, the time is now- and you have already begun. Hooray!

The beauty of Yoga practice is it serves up what you intend, it always manages to fulfill and assist in incredible transformation. But you gotta practice. You just gotta. Yoga is not about what you do but how you do it. It is about the experience. It is not about becoming someone you are not- but rather, getting back to the true awesome you.

So here is a little video for the complete, brand new and total beginner - to help you feel comfortable on the mat and to give you a little taste of what Yoga Asana (the physical practice of yoga) is all about. A jumping off point if you will. Try this once for 7 days and let me know how you feel. Pay attention and for heavens sakes, smile and have fun. Yoga need not be so serious. Yoga is all about you- it is you. As Sri K.Pattabhi Jois affirms, “Practice and all is coming.”

271 comments on “Yoga For Complete Beginners”

  1. I'm quite frustrated because I've wanted to tell you via youtube that I love this routine but I can't comment anymore for some reason. Anyways, this was a great way to get back into yoga after a bit of a break


    1. Yes, many new changes for YouTube! We are rolling with it! In the meantime- I am so thrilled you found me HERE! YAY!!!! xooxo love to you!

      1. Thanks a lot Adriene for bringing lots of internal peace with your inspiring classes. Love it...

      2. Hi I just did my first yoga with the beginners complete video and I am in such horrible shape... My cross feet was barely like yours

        1. Did 7 days of this as I am horribly out of shape and tired of it. I feel fantastic. I feel taller then my 5'2 self and over the last week have been sitting and standing up straighter.
          I feel the start of a new inner peace even at my very stressful job.
          I'm moving on to the 30 day challenge and am looking foward to doing my best with it.
          Thank you.

          1. Hi ...I am so grateful for your kindness and presentation. You are so right...It's getting there...this is my second day....For me a miricle!
            I was shocked to find I cannon sit crossed legged completely ....I will find my progress when that appears to fall into place without discomfort. I have not
            been to the pool in 2 years and OMG does it show.

      3. Thank you so much for doing this! You have made a huge impact in my life. I've discovered and fallen in love with yoga thanks to you while I recover from Plantar's Fasciitis. Do you have anything posted that keeps you off of your feet for a work out. I'm not sure if you get that kind of request often but I'm rapidly gaining weight while I can't jog and getting so frustrated.

        Thank you again for bringing yoga into my life. I'm forever grateful to you!

      4. And it makes you feel so good afterwards. You even have a little spot you can vent from. The total package for everyone.

      5. Hi adriene I only started yoga today been putting it off forever. I'm just wondering if I do this complete beginners vid for 7 days what should I move onto next and for how long ? Thank you

      6. Swami prem... Yoga has many forms... At the end of the day it is a means to an end. It is suppose to provide to you the discipline and endurance to hold poses for the longest time in order to meditate. The end goal is monisha. Hut {hath} yoga is what Adrienne practices and she is doing a fabulous job it. As a true Hindu you should applaud her efforts.

        Adrienne I would apologise on behalf of my country brother . Please carry on the good work.

      7. I asked for a yoga mat for xmas to do planks on during a 7 minute workout app I found. Instead, I researched beginner yoga vids on YouTube and found you. I looked for no others. I started your yoga for very beginners last night. I did what I remembered at 6am this morning, and just got done doing it again tonight. I will be getting up at 6am again tomorrow. I am sore but feel great. I am overweight and tired of making excuses. 2016 is about transformation. Whether that be spiritual, physical, or mental...or all three. You have NO idea how impressive it is for me to get up and do that in the morning. I literally "used" to get up 30 minutes before I had to go to work. No wonder why I was such a bit$h to my family! Your video made me feel comfortable and confident. It was easy going and a level anyone can do!!!! You are super awesome! Glad I found you!! Take care 😉 Wendy

      8. How is this a scam, when a lot of us come here using adrienes free videos. I think she is funny and sweet. I have been using her free videos to get back to my center after a long hard year. When I'm done with her free videos I will purchase because I feel comfortable with her leadership and intentions and this is really creating a home practice that means the world to me.

      9. Practicing something from another culture is not a scam. Anyone can do yoga, there are no restrictions. It's like saying I can't play baseball because that is an American sport and a part of their culture, as I'm Australian and from a different culture.
        Also, if you watched these videos, you would have noticed you didn't pay. There is no fee.

      10. We need more peace in this crazy world not more conflict and hate. That's how violence and wars are started. This is a practice of peace. Something the entire world needs more of no matter your ethnicity or religion.

        Peace be with you.

      11. Oh dear, I think you'll find yoga and mindfulness/meditation go hand-in-hand. If you need convincing, read anything to do with Paramahansa Yogananda.

      12. Thanks for this is however frustrating...I have been looking for something like this for the complete beginner and every beginner video includes downward dog which I cannot do...are there any intro to yoga videos for true beginners who even need practice to get them to the point where they can support “half” their weight in their hands???

      13. Thank you for these videos. I am just beginning but have been wanting to do this for some time. I believe in the practice and thank you for the help.

      14. Hi Adriene

        I am looking at yoga to release my extremely tight muscles, which will hinder my ability to even cross my legs for the first position in your video. Have you any tips on becoming more subtle without injury?


      15. Hi Adrienne. Hope I spelled your name right. I just subscribed to your yoga videos. I used to do yoga years ago. I’m starting back up. I love it❤️. My body shakes involuntarily now when I exercise. It’s been freaking me out. Have you heard of this happening before? Will it go away? Thank you for your time.

        1. Hi Christina, it can be normal to have a little shake when holding a pose and engaging the muscles. Since you are starting up a new exercise or one you haven't done in a long time, it would be best if you talk with your medical provider about this and be sure that it is only your muscles quivering as they work.

      16. This is exactly what I needed to hear! Learning & growing every single day into the people we're all meant to be. Some start early in life some start late but NEVER IS IT EVER TOO LATE; even after we leave leave the vessels we inhabit while here on May we all stay blessed...not too stressed...even we we're all just a mess ❤

      17. Hi Adriene,
        my first class today, I am so stiff!!! just realised my knees don't like it when I am kneeling on them, how can I make it easier??

      18. Many blessings for a day filled with peace. I am a little challenged physically and within that I am thoroughly enjoying some of your beginner classes. At this stage in my practice I am focusing on follow through. So, to me that is commitment to what I love. 1. rolling out the mat each day. 2. walking in nature. 3. eating/fueling my body effectively. 4. simplifying all aspects of my life.
        Adriene you are welcome n my home anytime.
        Stay well

    2. I love this video. I am new to Yoga and have been doing this video for a few weeks now. I feel I am ready for the next step but don't know which video would be good to progress to. Can you help?

    3. This has been my introduction to the amazing practice of yoga. I am recovering from a very painful heel spur injury. Adriene, you are a fantastic instructor! I am on my third week in, feeling stronger, more confident - like myself. Thank you so much for sharing your time and positive energy!

    4. I made it day first yoga experience thank you for the encouragement and patience. I am a 55 year old lady having lots a health issue number one with my hips I've been wanting to start this for quite a while and I finally found you online I feel more comfortable doing it this way before I go take a private class. I'm trying to gain knowledge about yoga before I try to go do it in public Thank You Adrian for all your support I'm going to do the first 5 days and I will let you know how it goes but I feel good already thank you

    5. Hello there, I am loving your Yoga flow videos which I purchased after doing ( and doing second time round...........keen hey ) 30daysof yoga with you. Have even got my husband doing it now and joining me in my yoga class! I want to ask what is the music you use, played a lot throughout and goes into song on the 2nd yoga flow video. Love it, love all that you do. Thank you for getting me deeper into this lovely

      1. I found the song that Adriene uses for the intro to all her videos. It's called House of Winston by Shakey Graves on his album And the War Came. You can find it on Spotify.

    6. i wish the vide would be captioned so I can understand what you are talking about. I feel this is important video & part of great tool to start.

    7. I used this video to start doing some exercise again after stopping martial arts training, which I had done for over 30 years, I had over 12 months break and so this routine was ideal to reintroduce myself to some training and self-discipline. My wife and I did this for 7 days and then started to expand with some of your other routines. I currently get up at 6am on workdays to do my yoga practice, along with some Tai Chi. On days off I will spend longer and maybe have two sessions throughout the day. My wife struggles to practice every day due to shift patterns but is training when she can.
      Four weeks after starting, at age 54, I am stronger and more positive than I have been for a long time and a long standing shoulder problem, helped only moderately by physiotherapy, has all but healed! And my flexibility, from years of Karate and Kung Fu is starting to come back along with some muscle definition, which I feared had gone for good!?
      Thank you Adriene. We did try other online teachers but you were the one that we clicked with straight away.
      Bright blessings

  2. Adriene you're great! All your videos are very inspiring, they bring yoga and "what feels good" to our daily life.
    I enjoy all of your sequence and pratice many times a week in your company.
    Thanks for being such a generous teacher, so happy and inspiring.
    Love from Brazil.

    1. Oh, it is my sweet pleasure! thank you my friend. I went to Argentina earlier this year and next year I hope to go to Brazil! You never know!!!!
      Enjoy your practice my friend! Love!

      1. I am from Brasil too! I have lived here in America for many many years. I love yoga and I am a newly certified teacher. I am excited to continue learning. Adriane, thank you for your loving, fun way you bring yoga to all of us. And Hello, to my fellow brazilian friend, Agneyde!


  3. Hi Adriene, I was curious what you use to clean your yoga mats with. And, once again, thank you for all your work and building this wonderful and inspiring yoga community here online.

    1. Hi there! I will post a recipe for homemade mat spray!
      1 cup white vinegar
      1 tsp tea tree oil
      Essential oil drop in as much or as little as you like! I use peppermint and lavender, sometimes Eucalyptus.
      Add water and shake in a big spray bottle!

  4. A big Thank You for sharing your knowledge, in such a fresh way 🙂
    You help bring balance and serenity in a busyyyy life.
    Light and joy from France.

  5. Did YouTube yoga for complete beginners and my wrists are awfully weak...and now sore. shoulders are wimpy too. I was going to do it every other day until they strengthen up a bit. Do you think that will be enough? I'm not sure I can keep it up everyday with them being that weak.

    1. Hi Jeri!
      How has it been going? Stay mindful but stick with some sort of practice to check in with the body. Alternate with the Yoga For Healthy Wrists and the Yoga for Neck and Shoulders- both located in the Silent Yoga Series!
      Let me know how it evolves.

  6. hey! i just want to thank you so so much for these nice videos. i'm tender 16 years old and i just started yoga (yesterday ☺)! i think it takes a lot of time to be "into yoga" (doesnt it?) but i'll not be imaptient (yup, also a part of yoga.....) because i really need to calm down my body, especially in the evenings, you know, school and stuff

    1. Laura, sweet Laura! You got it going on! I am so honored to receive this comment from you. You are on the right track!
      Let me know how it goes and if you have any questions!
      Love to you,

  7. hey adriene,
    first of all i just want to thank you so so much for your wonderful yoga-blog! i'm so happy to came across on youtube!
    i'm 16 years old and i just started with yoga (yup, yesterday ;)) my parents split up a few month ago and it makes me always pretty sad and there are troubles in school and stuff and now i decided to do sth.... i think it takes (a lot of) time to be "into yoga" but i dont want to be impatient (cause its part of yoga too, i think!)... so to calm down from a heavy day i make the "bedtime yoga" and the one time i did it, it was sooooo good! but i have one question: what music did you take for this video? all "yoga-and-meditation-music" i heard is just... you know, not the right thing to me (like too fast or idk)
    thank you so much and keep going with this beautiful blog!
    namaste from berlin 🙂

    1. Emily, you are so awesome. I too went through a divorce and it can be unsettling whilst still in transition- but I know that soon everything will become balanced again- in fresh new way. Have faith!
      How is your yoga going so far?
      The music in the bedtime yoga is a free meditation tune. If I can find the name, I will post it!

      Thank you for your note- it is beautiful inspiration to me. I have some good friends in Berlin - who are actually come back to Austin for a visit this spring- but soon I will make my way back to Berlin!!!! Soon!


  8. Hello Adrienne,

    Thank you so so much!! I'm trying and with every passing day i'm getting better. 🙂

    I have a bit of a "tummy" which makes poses like Child's pose slightly difficult. Also, the transition poses to and from runner's lunge seem a bit difficult. when doing downward dog i cannot touch my heels to the floor. same with poses where i need to touch my feet. I'm so so not flexible!

    Am i doing something wrong?

    Thanks again for the videos! Please upload more weight loss videos!

    Love from India,

    1. Hi Pooja! You are doing nothing wrong at all! You are doing it all right. Truth is- as long as we are being mindful- we cannot be doing it wrong! We can only watch it evolve and grow. My heels don't always touch the ground in downward dog and sometime never in a practice! Its about connecting to your body and the sensations- which it sounds like you are doing. So you are doing it RIGHT my friend! 😉 Stick with it and let me now how it goes. Move with your breath and make adjustments for your body as a way of honoring it and allowing for transformation to make it way in. It will happen! Enjoy the practice.

  9. Hi Adriene,

    Thought I'd give yoga a go to see if it helped with some achey muscles and recovery time after sports and found this video on's a great starter and I believe it is working on improving the recovery time for sure. Just wondering, what I should try next?

    Highlands of Scotland

    1. Hi Emma!

      I would try the Gentle Morning Sequence next followed by Sun Salutation and Freedom Flow! Start there! Also, take a ride through the Foundations Of Yoga videos and try the Bedtime Sequence at night or when you are feeling low energy.

      Let me know how it goes!


  10. Adriene, I just have to tell you how happy I am to have found you in this big wide world that is the internet. I have been wanting and talking about doing yoga for over a year, but could never find a decent "starting off point" that I felt comfortable with. A friend of mine sent me a link to your yoga for beginners video on youtube and have been following your foundations of yoga from the beginning for a couple weeks now. I will be eternally grateful to her for sending me your way. The amazing serene and relaxed feeling I get after practice is beyond worth the time set aside for it.
    Thank you.

    1. Samantha!
      Awesome. I am so glad to hear! Enjoy the ride- stay in the moment and have fun!
      Let me know how it grows and if I can assist in any way. xoox

  11. Thank you for this video. I'm a 28 year old mother of four, ages 7-8 months. I strained my already weak back and I've had a tension headache and limited movement for over a month. After researching reasons for my aches and pains (horrible posture and baby wearing), I searched for solutions and I was not disappointed to find not only yoga, but "yoga with Adriene." Your candor is refreshing and I

  12. Thank you for this video. I’m a 28 year old mother of four, ages 7-8 months. I strained my already weak back and I’ve had a tension headache and limited movement for over a month. After researching reasons for my aches and pains (horrible posture and baby wearing), I searched for solutions and I was not disappointed to find not only yoga, but “yoga with Adriene.” Your candor is refreshing and I am looking forward to delving deeper Into yoga. Until this week and my "experience", I laughed at yoga. Now that I've finally tried it and had an experience if my own, I understand what all the hype is about. Thank you for not only considering my out of shape arse when you made this video, but also my perfectionist personality. The permission to freely move one's body during a fitness routine is foreign to me. Also, they immediate physical relief that I feel in my neck, shoulders, and head are profound to me. I have also noticed a pep in my step following this sequence. Again, Adriene, I thank you so much for the immediate pain relief and extended range of motion And encouragement you've provided me.

    P.s. My biggest problem is lowering and opening my shoulders/lifting my chest and keeping my tailbone out. What would you suggest to help with that?

    God bless you.

    1. Oh bless you, thank you so much for this. You just inspired me to the moon and back. I too am a perfectionista using yoga to crack the shell and spend my energy and my money on what serves me.

      Let me know how your practice grows and how I can assist. Also- can you explain "lowering and opening my shoulders/lifting my chest and keeping my tailbone out" or send me the time on the video- so I can help! 🙂

      LOVE to you,

  13. My dear,
    I writing from Italy, quite far away from you. isn't it?
    You deserve worldwide followers!
    You are great and a very good explainer!

    I will start practise with your videos

    I hope to meet you someday in person,

    With love,

    1. You are too sweet! I hope to meet you too someday. I really hope to visit Italy!
      Love to you. In the meantime we can rock an online friendship and ROCK our yoga practice 🙂



  14. I'm so happy your videos popped out amongst the overhyped versions by other celebrity instructors. You're warmth and fun videos make yoga something I look forward to each morning! Thank you thank you thank you.

    1. Yes, carve through those Foundations Of Yoga! They are so good! They allow us the time to break down the pose so we don't feel so rushed and crazy! 😉 Peace.

  15. Hi!

    I just decided to try doing a 20-30 minutes yoga routine every day. So far I'm 1 for 1 so I feel great 😉 As I am a complete beginner with yoga and noticed you suggest we stick with this beginner video for a week I plan to do so. But my question is - what comes next? I find the downward dog is really difficult, but I am going to try using your foundations of yoga to get it right.

    On another note, my knees are hypermobile, do you think I should do something different or can just go ahead with following your moves (or attempt to anyways)?

    Thank you so much for your advice - and great videos!

    1. Hi Sarah, great questions!
      After this video, try the Gentle Morning Sequence and then the Sun Salutation Video. Then, the perhaps Freedom Flow video! See how that order feels.
      Regarding the knees- we will post on this soon - but it is something to be mindful of. Remember the word INTEGRATE! Connect to your foundation and integrate the core to create a full body experience in your poses, so those knees are not hung out to dry! If you have specific poses where you feel unstable- or to flexy- let me know what they are and I will do my best to assist!

      1. Hi Adriene,

        So I fell of my motivation hype back in January after about four days, but this time I've pushed through and have done two weeks now, the first with this video, the second with the two morning videos you have, and I am now ready to jump into flow video that you are recommending! 🙂

        I do find myself with a few questions though, so I hope you have time to help me out once more 🙂 1) which of the flow videos would you recommend? And are there any specific sequences you would suggest next? And 2) doing the energizing morning sequence, I've noticed that my knees did not like the one pose which is sort of like the warrior poses but with one knee on the ground. Have you by chance heard about this before, and can you give me some advice on what I must be doing wrong?

        Thank you so much, your videos and kindness is inspiring!

  16. Hi Adriene!

    Words cannot even begin to express how thankful I am to have stumbled onto your lovely website!! I am not necessarily a "beginner" but still feel very new to finding the "appropriate" alignment and posture - I let life get in the way and distract me from yoga for waaaaay to long, so it's been a hot minute for me 🙂

    Never, ever have I seen yoga practiced or explained in quite the unique way that you do it - or I guess I should say that I have never connected to any practice the way that I feel I've connected in following yours. It's amazing, and refreshing and I love the freedom that you bring to the mat....I know yoga is about the listening to your body and breathe and making it your own, but I've always felt a little confined by the instructor and trying to do it exactly the way I see it done. So, thank you for reminding me to practice yoga for myself and really make it a personal experience. It's so refreshing and I'm so excited to get back to it!!

    I do have a question, and although there is no "stupid" question, this one might seem a bit silly....I am very mindful of my breathing and don't usually find myself holding my breath but sometimes I feel like I am adjusting the speed of my inhale or exhale in order to match a movement, so my question is how do I better manage that? Is it cool to take an extra moment in a pose to go through another breath cycle (which seems logical)? I am just worried about not "flowing" through a sequence if I do that....

    Again, thanks so much for these videos and everything that you do to remind all of us that yoga should be fun and relaxing and rejuvenating! And thanks for making my personal journey back to yoga an easy thing to dedicate myself to!


  17. Hello Adriene,
    Hello from New Hampshire ( the University of New Hampshire actually lol)! My name is Morganne and I am extremely glad to have found you and your site! After some stressful life events and the general "Freshman 15" weight gain two years ago, I have been searching for alternative ways to slim down besides busting my butt at the gym...which did work for a while but I have completely lost interest in that workout regimen. Recently I have began to have a new, holistic, outlook on life. My mother and I have started getting into holistic medicine and regularly visit our Shaman with great results! I am a healthier, happier, more grounded person...there is just one piece missing. And I believe that piece is Yoga. My best friend has been practicing Yoga for about a year now and I see how much she has grown and lightened emotionally, mentally, and physically...So I have decided to do the same! Unfortunately, as a poor college student, I am not able to afford the classes she attends at the local Yoga studio on campus. So, that is why I am writing this to you. One, thank you for your amazing videos...I watched your recent bedtime yoga video and was laughing hysterically at the "petting yourself" part. You just seem like such a humerus, whole-sum, genuine person, and I am SUPER excited to start my Yoga Adventure under your instruction! I am beginning now with this video and can already feel that this will be the right path for me. To de-stress from the college pressures and work load, especially as I head towards my Masters Degree in the next few years, to reconnect to myself, and to get back to a comfortable weight. Thank you for your light heart and soul, I am ready to begin...Namaste!

    P.S I was involved in theater all through high school and continue to do community theater back in my home work in CT during the summers...its a wonderful, thrilling, exciting world to be a part of...just wanted to throw that in there too haha 😉

  18. I love this video and have been working with this one for weeks but I want to go to the next level. So what should I try next??

  19. Hi Adriene!

    I love all your vídeos and I would like to thank you so much! I can't pay for Yoga classes and I really feel confidence in your vídeos to (try) pratice yoga at home. I'm loving your channel on YouTube since.

    Thank You!

    Love from Brazil.

  20. Yoga has made quite a comeback in recent years as more and more individuals start to realize the many yoga benefits that they can accrue from doing this low impact form of body and mental yoga positions and exercise.

  21. Hello Adriene,
    I just wanted to say thank you for being you, i think your groovy:) I have been struggling with TMJ and Migraines for about four years now and im disgusted with what the Drs/ Specialists want me to do about it. So ive gone off on my own journey to fix it the natural way with out pumping nasty stuff into my body:) So i decided to start doing yoga cause i heard its good for body and mind. I tried a few video's but didn't conect and wasn't enjoying it. I stumbled across your Beginners vidoe and i've been doing it every good day that i have had for a month. I have started to notice a change in my body, that it's not as tight in my neck and shoulders and that my muscles are getting stronger and im actually enjoying it:) I finally feel i may be getting somewhere and just wanted to say thank you for being such a genuine and caring lady and making your video's so enjoyable and real:)
    Thank you so very much all the way from Australia,
    lots of love Jess:) xox

  22. I love your videos. Have been doing some of them and it's making me really excited about learning yoga. I do have a problem with my hands a lot though. They hurt due to my condition; I have fibromyalgia, so I can't really put to much weight on them. Do you think maybe you could do a video about yoga for fibromyalgia. I think a lot of others would really appreciate it as well 🙂
    Anyways, thank you, x

  23. Adriene,

    I have been doing this Beginner's Yoga Video and LOVE It! I just wish you had more beginner's videos to choose from. I am on a tight budget, so cannot afford to pay even the $29 for your Re-boot program (which is a very fair price, I might add). I have a some back issues, so I find that I am not yet able to participate in your most of your other videos, especially the flow sequences. Will you be posted another Beginner's video any time soon? I just love your style of teaching and your great sense of self/humor. Thanks for making this accessible to ALL ! Melanie

  24. Hi Adriene,

    very inspiring person you are! Just what i needed these days...
    The love for what you do

    thanks for your videos. As a tall stiff dutch man i need some 'stretching'. Happy to follow along here.


  25. Hi Adriene,

    Stumbled across your website quite by accident but so pleased I did!

    Absolutely love your style and teaching!

    I am a beginner so have started with this beginner video. I go to class once a week (so far only for a month) but would like to make it part of my life and 'yoga' in my own time as well.

    I am very excited but slightly overwhelmed by the workout/video options here and don't quite know how to approach them. As such, can you suggest a way of navigating your videos for a mere beginner like myself? Would you recommend a sequence of them? Do a different one every day? Stick to a few core ones?

    Sorry, too excited, too many questions. Apologies if you've already answered this somewhere.

    Keep up your good work you're fabulous!

  26. Hi Adriene,

    What a breath of fresh air! Thank you so much for offering these free videos to get people like me started. Your teaching style is unique, and your video so easy to follow. I felt like we were in the same room. I've struggled to find any decent online tutorial and had given up - until finding your site yesterday.

    I suffer from Post Traumatic Stress disorder and am agoraphobic, therefore joining a class is not an option for me - for the moment at least. Since going on a bit of a journey, loosing my job, separating from my wife, then walking across Spain on pilgrimage in a bizarre attempt to get rid of my agoraphobia, I have been on a journey of self discovery - or rather, rediscovery. I got cancer last summer and beat that and am now becoming more aware of my body and its needs, along with that of my mind and whole being. I have wanted to take up yoga for so long and perhaps to incorporate it into my meditation, but have been too afraid.

    Today I followed your 'Yoga for beginners' video and it felt fantastic. I'm pretty stiff and all that but I'm going to stick with it and hope to learn a lot about myself as I continue. If I have time would it be ok to follow this sequence twice a day or do you think that is too much?

    Thank you so much once again,

    Namaste, From England, UK.

    1. Hi Jimmy,

      I wanted to say that I admire your strength and perseverance. It seems like you have gone through a lot and still have some challenges but have not given up. Keep up the good work, man, you are inspiring!

      I am a yoga teacher and i wanted to let you know that most teacher training programs have the students do asana (movements and postures) twice a day. I think you can more than safely practice twice a day.

      Just listen to your body. If you get tired, take a break or stop. Maybe do a gentle morning session and a more vigorous afternoon session. Experiment a little, don't be afraid to find your limits but please listen to your body and know when to back off.

      also, if you feel that yoga asana twice a day is too much perhaps you can experiment with different forms of fitness as well. I walk for almost at least thirty minutes every morning and weightlift in the afternoon followed by a full body yoga stretch routine.

      what ever makes you feel the best, do more of that, and slowly branch out to further avenues of health!

      Namaste, and good luck on your journey!!!


  27. I have done a little yoga from time-to-time over many years, but I've never practiced regularly. I am now trying to get "back into" or "into" yoga and your beginner's video is perfect! I have only done it once so far, but I can see how it will be easy to do daily and then move on to more when I'm ready. Thank you!

  28. I stumbled onto your videos a week ago on youtube and have been on the matt every day since. Thank you so much for your wonderful videos! I've wanted to come back to yoga for sometime now but there is only one yoga studio here and their hours do not fit in with my work schedule. I love your approach to yoga and you have inspired me to find what feels good. Thank you Adriene!

  29. Finding these videos has been a great blessing. I have lost 5 lbs in about 1 month. Also, I have been able to significantly reduce my blood pressure. No mean feat for a 46 year old overweight middle school teacher with a family history for heart disease. I have signed up for Reboot and I cannot tell you how excited I am, and inspired. I have never been able to stick with any exercise program, ever. I have been watching your videos and actively doing one or more each morning since The end of February. This, for me, is a huge accomplishment.
    So I bow to you, Namaste, in gratitude for your welcoming attitude and acceptance. From one teacher to another, you rock!
    Pam Morganelli

  30. Hi!
    I want to thank you for your videos
    I started 3 weeks ago with the 20" minuts routine and after a week I started with the 40" one, I am so glade to find you online.
    I started doing yoga last year at a gym one a week and it wasn't like yours; they are amazing: now I can do yoga when I want and I start doing yoga every day, it helps me soo much. I had an accident 6 years ago and the doctors litterally rebult one of my harm; yoga is helping a lot with my blood flow in my arm.
    My son is 6 and he enjoy watch me doing yoga: he loves to breath in and out.
    Can you make a video about yoga with kids?not along one but something fun to do with my kid?
    Thank you for your help!!!
    Viviana from a town in the middle of the vineyards in Italy

  31. Hi,
    i am a very basic beginner and tried this video for the first time (and yoga) a week ago.
    After two pregnancies that gave me daily back ache, I can not tell you how greatful i am for changing my life. I have never tried a practice that can give me instant relief. I have not had any back pain ever since!

    I have gained so much, I have given myself some amazing time every day, just for myself to create peace and love.

    So from the very south point of South Africa, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are amazing, you are an inspiration, your video's are a gift.


  32. I've been wanting to start yoga for awhile now. I have a desk job and my body is tight all the time. I tried another video and did not like it. Then I found your channel on youtube and I did the beginner 20 min session this morning. It was awesome! You are so positive and you talked me through everything. I am planning doing it for the 7 days. I am really excited about it! Thanks Adriene!


    Hi, Just found your channel and website.
    Im a runner. Love fast movement running 30 klms a week fast and easy for me. But constant back, knee and tight shoulders are taking their tole on my body.

    Im 40 and have always adored HIT, Tabata and running. Im fit in terms of cardio but not very strong or flexible. Ive always thought yoga would bore me. I like that I can go for a 10k run and burn 500 calories.

    Im going to commit to yoga every day for the month of june and see how I find it. Im vey confused with the breathe talk.

    When people say take a deep breath in, my breath draws my stomach in tight to my spine, but I hear yoga people say that your breath should push out your stomach on the inhale?????

    Im so confused as to how Im supposed to breathe.

    If I can't get the breath right I might as well not even start.
    Do you have a video that shows you the basics of breathing?

    Thanks so much and I truly hope yoga can be part of my life incorporated with some running.


  34. Hi Adriene,
    Like so may I just stumbled across your videos and I love your gentle style and your warmth. I came to this page to comment because I wanted to ask about dodgy knees... My feet don't seem to care if I sit back on them (the bit where you roll your wrists and take a break from the strong shoulder stuff) but my knees scream if I try to fold them tight like that. I just kneel up, instead of back which feels okay.
    Anyway, having seen all your comments here i just want to say that I really hope you can see what a gift you are offering to the world!
    Thank you for your generous sharing of you. I don't mean financially generous (that too!) but I mean your genuine care and the love that shines through you. In the modern world, that is a remarkable thing. Thank you.

  35. Hi Adriene,

    I just wanted to ask you, if it would be possible to add english subtitles to some videos, because although I understand you when you use the ordinary english, there are unfortunately some phrases, which I simply can't catch..:/ I love your chanel and I must say, that you've showed me how useful and relaxing can yoga be (after my terrible experiences with classes in my home town). For that, I owe you a lot! 🙂 But it will be a bit better and easier for me with small help. Just a little prayer 🙂

    Have a nice day and keep going, your job is awesome!

    Tereza, Czech Republic

  36. Hi Adriene! I just want to say I love your videos! I've been trying to get myself into doing yoga for a long time, and your videos finally pushed me to roll out my mat. Thanks!

  37. I have started doing your videos every day for the last week and a half. My mother got me try yoga when she came over for a visit from the States a couple of weeks ago. (I live in New Zealand!) I loved it but had a hard time trying to find videos that I liked online. They always left me feeling a little uptight and stressed. Then I stumbled across YWA on youtube and the rest is history. I love the way you teach and make yoga easy and accessible for all of us and easy to understand. I love the idea of finding my own way and what feels right for me instead of trying to match and fit in with how the teachers or magazines look. I find myself doing yoga poses here and there throughout the day! Just because it makes me feel good! I have tried a number of your beginner videos and the stress relief and bedtime ones as well as a few foundation ones, and I love how happy positive and relaxed I feel after them. I have had a lot of knee issues as well, and the only time they haven't hurt is when I've been doing yoga! I love my new straight posture and how my body feels as I practice. I could happily do this all day every day of the week!! Thank you and God Bless! Namaste!

  38. Hey Adriene! I am very new to yoga, and I just had a question. I've done your 20 minute beginners video as well as your 40 minute beginners video, and I read (somewhere) that yogis should also be practicing a pose a week. Can you give me some tips on how to structure my yoga practice per weekly?


  39. Hi Adriene,

    I might be your first yogi from Egypt! I just started your Yoga for beginners (20) minute practice. I have to admit, at first I doubted if I'd be able to commit... I am on my 3rd day, and having pushed through the initial soreness, I am loving yoga (doing it as best as I can). I try to do some additional sequences to the basic 20 minute beginner sequence. I'm finding the downward dog to be the most difficult, but hope to past it too. God bless, know that you've inspired me to continue yoga to better my health, physique and spirituality!

  40. Hi there, i'm very excited when I found your video for yoga beginners. But I'm a foreigner so it's a little hard to following all your directions. Coud you input some images of yoga poses in your website for someone like me can easy follow? Tks very much

  41. Adriene,

    I've been practicing with some of your videos regularly now for several weeks... i am feeling the powerful sensation of positive change in my body and my mood, and real gratitude as i practice.
    The days where i allow myself to make excuses not to practice leave me feeling less awesome.. and are becoming less frequent 🙂
    The truth is that it is not easy for me to leave the house and practice in a class (i have several young children) so this has been a wonderful blessing to me.
    I would be paying to attend a class... but there appears to be no link for me to pay or donate a small thanks offering to you.
    Please, don't get excited, i don't have much, but it is only good and right that i can in some way reward your effort.. (OK.. Australian dollars aren't that exciting, but it's the principal). Is there a paypal or donate link somewhere on your site that i'm missing?

    Love and Blessings.

  42. Hey Adrienne.

    Loving the beginner and travel yoga segments. I notices that you transitions from one pose to another are very fluid. Unfortunately, for me I am outta proportion some where. Either my legs are to long or my torso and arms are too short. Would blocks be helpful or a hindrance in my practice?

    Also. Due to an old back injury there are days that I drastically need to modify or skip certain asana. If I skip the pose I try to substitute in additional deep breathing or a less involved pose. Is this ok?

    Thank you for being an inspiration!
    Suzanne in upstate NY.

  43. After many "fits and starts" attempts at yoga over the years I decided to get back to basics and start at the very beginning. I just tried this video and it was a serious "aha! moment" - alignment, breath, groundedness actually connected for me. I think it was first time warrior poses made sense and didn't hurt! Can't wait to continue to practice this video and develop through your others. Love it! Thanks Adrienne!


  45. Hey. I tried this for the very first time today, and must admit, that within fifteen minuets I had to give up.
    I should keep trying right?
    The more I do it the easier it should get right?
    I don't think I could get my butt up in the air the right way. Lol.

    I felt sloppy and very unbalanced, like I'd fall over.

    Do you mind explaining what you mean by pulling my naval to my spine? Does that mean using my stomach muscles to suck my stomach in or. . . ?

  46. I really like your videos they are inspiring. I have always wanted to practice yoga but didn't know where to began. It feels more comfortable practicing at home. Please keep making great videos. Thanks

  47. Hi Adriene,
    I am mentally ill with the most major symptom of anxiety, depression and IBS and since I got ill over a year ago everyone has been telling me about the amazing benefits of yoga. I had as a goal for last year to get myself to a yoga studio, but it became clear to me quite quickly that being around a lot of people when I hardly go out most days of the week was a big step. A few days ago I signed up to SuperBetter which is a online routine/game to help people with their goals in life and as a quest I have put to do yoga two times a week as a minimum. I started yesterday with this video and I even did the 40 min beginners routine later that evening. Then today I did the 20 min again.

    I just wanna thank you, your voice and demeanour is so pleasant and you keep pointing out to not stress the poses but have the experience in the body and it helps me so much cause I always feel like I'm not doing it right, that my wrists are too weak and my knees are not under my hips and so on. But other than slightly collapsing on the second downwards dog I am doing all the things and it feels great.

    My body aches cause I can't remember the last time I moved it so much in two days, I am tired, but I am also eating cause I am hungry from moving my body and it feels good to be tired physically instead of only mentally.

    Thank you for making these videos, I have already recommended them to quite a few people in the same position as me and 3 people have already come back to me saying they made it through 20 minutes, I'm sure it doesn't sound like a lot to you, but 20 min yoga for someone who is mostly bed/sofa-ridden is a big step 😀

    Thank you and I wish so many good things in your future.

    - C

  48. Here we go! This will be my first experience with Yoga. I hope to keep up with this and keep you up with my progress. I have had a pretty rough time physically since my twins were born. It's been 8 years though and I will not improve staying on the road that I've been on.

    By the way, encouragement and advice is always welcome (and I will try to keep smiling while I do this).

    1. Ok So this is the end of the first week. I started running the same day I started doing this. I did not make it everyday, but only really took one day off, The pay off though is that, even though I don't run a very long distance, I was able to double my distance this week (and I can hold the downward dog for the same amount of time as on the video). I also feel like I am breathing better and only got one headache this week versus one almost every day.

      The other thing that is happening is that I have noticed that I am more aware of my motion which in turn is causing my stature to already improve. By being more aware of my breathing, I can relax and concentrate better.

      I know all of this may seem like not such a big deal or maybe even a "well duh" kind of moment. It is a big deal though. I have been meeting a lot of people that are in the same boat as I am and would really like to be able to inspire them with something that truly helps you feel better. So far this is it.

  49. Adriene.
    Only other thing I can add is: your videos are amazing.
    Much love from Australia!

  50. Hi Adriene! May I know all the names of the yoga poses in the correct sequence of "Yoga For Complete Beginner"? Thank you so much! Love all your videos! 🙂

  51. Hello Lovely Soul
    When I began my journey on the mat I started with your videos. I was inspired to "Find What Feels Good" everyday and to dedicate that time no matter what. I became a yoga teacher and realized that I found my tribe.
    Over the summer I suffered a substantial concussion and have since been living with Post Concussion Syndrome. It has completely pulled the mat out from under me, so to speak and I find myself once again, right back at the beginning in my life as well as on my mat.
    Even yogis and yoginis get lost, but if we look deep enough we can see through that veil of illusion and find our way back to ourselves again.
    Thank you for continuing to be such an inspiration to me. I really value you and the good vibes you send out in the world; they travel further than you may think.

    Stacey, Victoria BC

  52. Hi,

    I stumbled across you on YouTube, I am loving the videos! I am a complete beginner and they are so easy to follow. After doing the videos everyday for 2 weeks I am now brave enough to try my first yoga class, couldn't have done it without your help!

    Sending love & happiness!

    Danielle, DURHAM UK.

  53. Hi, I started using your videos a couple of months ago and loved them! Unfortunately I've just moved to China to teach here and YouTube is blocked, so now I can't access any of them :'(

    Is there any plan to post them on another forum at any point so that people on this side of the world might be able to watch?

    Thanks for making such great (and beginner friendly) content available!

  54. Hello Adrianne!
    I am sixteen years old and have ADD and some anxiety problems. I did yoga a couple of years ago for PE when I was homeschooled. I loved it but for some reason I stopped. I decided I needed to start again after I read an article on how yoga helps with ADD. I've been repeating this video for about a week now and I've been doing it every other day! I just want to let you know that it feels amazing to be doing it agin! And I love how 'chill' you are! Haha you don't make me fell stupid for not being able to do a pose! Thank you so much!

  55. I just wanted to come here and say thank you for this. After terribly sore muscles from my cardio session yesterday, your beginner yoga session was just what I needed to feel relaxed. You explain the poses very well and I love that there's no pressure to get things "right". I can't wait to see what else you post! Thank you so much!

  56. Hi Adriene,
    I'm very new to yoga I just wanted to ask you that how long am I supposed to do this 20 minute yoga routine for and what do i do after this

  57. I'm on day 6 of this video and I've already noticed changes! Thanks for this awesome resource. My question is after finishing it up tomorrow with day 7 should I move on to the 40 minute beginners video and do that everyday for a few weeks or start going through the foundations maybe doing a few moves one week and moving on to more moves the next week, etc.? I'm doing your #30daysofyoga starting in January. You're site rocks! Thank you!!

  58. This was a brilliant beginners session. Just what I needed for the holiday season, something relaxing to do every morning whilst the household is sleeping. Thank you so much.

  59. thank you so much for the beginners class on youtube; you have shown me a really beautiful, harmonious , expanding as well as focusing practice. with love and all the best for 2015, ellen

  60. Wow, loved my first time ever my sister, has been doing it for a couple of mths now and her poses amazing she loves Adriene! Now my goal is to do 30 days beginner and too keep going.. was very relaxed and feel good!! Anyone please feel free to push me to complete this and the. I WANNA move up.. My goal eventually.. I wanna be able to do every pose! Thank you for having this online and free! Feeling relaxed already NEW YEAR = I wanna be a Yogie!! Thank you

  61. Hi Adrienne, Ive just started your 30 day challenge this morning and LOVED it!!! You are by far the best instructor I have had and I am soo looking forward to the next 29 days!
    Love and Peace girlfriend xx

  62. Andrianne, your aura was really inspiring in the video!
    Thanks to that, I'm your new (beginner) yoger and I already feel better! 😉
    Keep sending energy vibes!
    Greetings from Greece! 🙂

  63. Adriene... I am so very happy that I found you on YouTube. I have always wanted to get into yoga more seriously but getting started has always been my Achilles. It has been harder to get into yoga after all the body changes after my first child. I have bought DVDs, tried to go to classes etc but your beginner video done daily got me hooked and how I do that a long with some of your other videos. Thank you so much for sharing your gift of yoga instruction!

  64. Hi, I've just found your YouTube videos and your site... I am totally loving yoga, having just started it for the first time (I am 32... Why didn't I start years ago?)
    I am very inflexible and finding that my hamstrings are very tight. I guess they will loosen in time as I strengthen my core and lower back but I wondered which videos would be specifically good for this as there are so many to choose from! As a newbie it's a bit confusing!!
    Thank you so much all the way from the uk 🙂

  65. Thank you so much Adriene!

    Your beginners video made me feel fantastic and your enthusiasm was just what I needed to finally get past that initial hurdle of getting the mat out and starting something new and wonderful:)


  66. This is amazing! Never done yoga before in my life but I found this on YouTube and today was day 3. I already feel great and look forward to it every day. I have 3 boys so I start every day the second nap time begins, or else the house would never be quiet enough for me to hear the video. Lol! Thank you for this, Adriene! You're doing a great thing here.

  67. Hey Adriene,
    I'm a bit of a seasoned yogi and a friend of mine has expressed interest in practicing as well. I found it was hard for me to remember what it was like to be brand spanking new to yoga and came across your intro video. IT IS AWESOME, as is your website! Thanks so much for sharing and posting.

  68. I have never done yoga before and came across your video and decided to give it a try. I love it! I think you are a great teacher and really enjoy learning from you. I am on day 8 of the 30 day challenge. Thank you again for posting your videos.

    1. Hi, I need some guidance. I have started to do the beginning videos with my mom (70 years young) twice a week and we are getting to the point where the yoga for beginners is getting "easy" but I don't know what the next video should be? It's can't be too challenging as she is 70 and we need to go slow but I don't know what the next step is?!
      Btw, English is not her first Language but she is really enjoying your guidance and me too and we love Benji

  69. Hi Adriene!

    I was recently in a car accident leaving me with many bulging discs in my neck and lower back. Having been on a Pilates and meditation (sometimes too boring) regimen, I had to stop because of doctors orders to lay low. Now it's been a month and my doc gave me permission to only do some walking and to 'maybe try yoga'. I've never been a huge fan of yoga always felt it was so pretentious and NEVER felt love for myself doing it. I would always get so frustrated, out of breath and felt so frazzled. So many of my friends talked about how life changing yoga was and how non judgemental it is. So, I FINALLY broke down and found you! My very first practice of this video brought me an intense release of emotional stress, I have no idea why but I was crying like crazy the entire 20 mins! It was the strangest most exciting experience and I was hooked. I've been doing this video for a week or so now. Already everybody around me has noticed a difference but nobody can quite pin point what's different about me, but I can! 😉 just want to say a BIG THANK YOU! And I can't wait to continue and be able to build more strength and do all the impressive poses! Thank you thank you thank you for your non judgmental, loving, open minded approach. You've changed my perspective on life.

  70. This is my very very first yoga experience. I´ve always been curious about it but never had a chance to, now i have to because of health issues but it´s exciting. visited many websites and videos and i just love yours. This is my second day and i have already seen a difference! thanks for doing this for us 🙂 Xxoxoxo

  71. Hi Adriene

    How wonderfully refreshing to have a yoga teacher in my living room without all the hype.
    I've not practiced since falling pregnant with my third child - almost 15 years ago (my how time flies).
    Seriously out of condition & over weight I have loved this last week crawling out of bed at 6 am & waking my body up from its slumber. The challenge of completing the beginners video is a comfy one & yes I have achieved it. I'm eagerly looking forward to selecting one of the other treats you have prepared.

    Thank you for being so natural and fun to follow - it's like having my own friend guide me through my journey.

  72. Adriene, you are simply brilliant. I have always wanted to try yoga, and because of you it will be part of my daily routine. I suffer from depression and anxiety and your have helped me more then you could imagine. My mum is also trying to lose weight for her wedding so she has joined me and has equally fell in love you. Sometimes in this world you just have to thank people for being themselves, and you are one of those people. Many thanks from England xx

  73. I found your YT videos a few months ago and immediately subscribed after watching (not even following along) one of your videos. You are so genuinely positive/happy, your voice is so nice to listen to, and you have such a wide variety of videos and video lengths. I have tried a handfull of your complete beginer videos and your fat buring/weight loss videos. I started a week ago and the first few days I was so sore but I have been keeping up with it daily and I feel so much better! I haven't had an excersise progam in the past year, and gained weight so it feel great moving again. Can't wait to see improvement with my poses and holding time. I'm hoping to eventually become comfortable enough to take a group class. So I just wanted to say thank you for putting out such great videos and for free! Can't wait to watch more of your videos!

  74. Hi Adriene

    Thank you for sharing all you greag videos.

    I only started YOGA this weekend and absolutely love it. Youget so relaxed yet you know you are using your inner strength and excercising.

    I have shared your beginners video onto my blog along with my twitter account @madlittlehead.

    Looking forward to more updates and advice 🙂

  75. Hi adriene, I really love your beginner's videos and how you explain each, and I've really enjoyed getting into yoga. However, I am crazy unflexible and find it difficult to do even the easiest stuff. Do you have any tips or suggestions to help flexibility? Could you do a yoga vid for ppl who are flexibly-challenged?

  76. oh my goodness! I just finished the beginners yoga and i'm sitting here sweating (hah! i just typed "swearing" by mistake!)..I am an overweight 62 y/o female who has at least 75 lbs to lose. My joints are so tight that my knees were pointing skyward in the sitting pose and i had to sit with my legs out in front of me. I could not complete the dog poses and definitely felt this in the back of my thighs and in my wrists. I have fibromyalgia and exercise is difficult for me right now. I'm hoping i can benefit from yoga and also lose some weight. Thank you for sharing all these wonderful videos!

  77. I have been attempting to get into yoga for some time now but I never could seem to find a video that worked for me, until I found you! You make it easy and seem simple, no pressure or judging and I love it! I can't wait to start this journey and to go on it with you! Thank you 🙂

  78. Adrienne,
    I love your blog! I want to say thank you for not making it scary. I am very intimidated by yoga and because of that I wouldn't go to a class. But you make it so relaxing and inspiring! Also I would like to know your thoughts on yoga and conditioning for a half marathon. Currently I am doing yoga twice a week one day after a short run and the other as a yoga only day and I consider it cross training (no other running activities). Do you recommend that I combine yoga with my daily conditioning (running & swimming) or have a day scheduled just for yoga and consider it cross training? I want to make sure that my body is fully benefitting from the yoga. And that I am mentally and physically prepared for my first ever half marathon. And yes that is super intimidating.....but here goes nothing! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

  79. Thank you for this video! I was doing yoga regularly but since I've had my newborn I can't really get to class. Now I can do yoga right at home while she naps. This video is a blessing and will help me relieve stress! Thank you!

  80. Hi Adriene, My name is Anne and I have Cerebral Palsy. I do want to start yoga. The main reason I want to start yoga is because one of my legs started to hurt and I do not to go back on Muscle Relaxer Meds. Do you have any suggestions on how I should start yoga? Please ask me any questions you have in order to help me. Thanks

  81. Adriene, I dare confess my yoga pants (which are about to fall apart) have never been to yoga. I've never been flexible. Even when I was in the best shape of my life, I was fast and I was strong, but limber I was not.

    YOGA IS INTIMIDATING!! Especially for someone like me who can't even touch their toes. I've decided starting at home will be my best option to ease my way in. I've watched a few of your beginner videos, and I must say... I'm not there yet, but you are certainly relieving some of my anxieties about yoga practice. You have the most gentle, relaxing voice.

    You will without a doubt be the reason I start practicing yoga, and I will let you know how it goes. But for now, I wish to thank you for relieving some of my many fears and anxieties where yoga practice is concerned.

    Thank you.

  82. Hi Adrienne! I am new with Yoga but I've always been interested about it. In my mind I can do it but not sure if my body could actually carry out the exercise. I've never been physically active and now I've gained so much weight and one day I just had an epiphany ~ my body is begging me to move, to do something. Thank God I've discovered your videos a few days ago! I will start with your beginners video and let's see how it goes . Thank you! 🙂

  83. Thank you so much Adrienne for the online videos! The beginner is perfect and depending on how much time I have I can do the 40 minute . Or 20 min. I started in January 2015 and I am getting stronger every time ! Thank you so much for offering this to us!

  84. So glad I found your videos! I started with the complete beginners video and have moved on to the 30 days of yoga series. I have gained so much awareness of my body and how it moves, and I feel so much more centered - never realized what I was missing before! Not to mention the weight loss benefits. Finally losing that last 12 pounds I can never get to budge, even after I have tried running to lose it! Thanks for making your videos fun, encouraging, and affirmative. You rock!!

  85. Hi Adriene! i just wanted to share with you that you're such a huge inspiration. no matter how long i'm out of yoga practice i always come back to your youtube videos and i think to myself "why have i gone this long without yoga!" your vidoes help me reconnect with my mind and body. It'd be so awesome to meet you one day!

    Lots of love -Joshualyn

  86. Adriene,

    My partner and I love your videos. We started a daily yoga practice this past week with you and we absolutely love it! Every morning we wake up and simultaneously ask the beloved question, "Yoga?"

    We adore your positive attitude, your bright words of encouragement, and your friendly manner. I wish we could join you in one of your Texas classes!

    Keep smiling!

    Love from Tennessee,


  87. Hi Adriene, I only just discovered your videos on YouTube and I'm really looking forward to yoga for complete beginners! It's been two (difficult) years and gaining 25kg since I did any yoga or exercising! Thank you for sharing your knowledge 🙂
    Ren xox

  88. Hey, Adrienne!
    I'm 15,I've been watching your videos for about 2 weeks and have been practicing yoga every morning for 20 minutes before school, and it helps me go through my day!
    Thanks for putting up these videos!

  89. THANK YOU!! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! After a few health issues, minor car accident and subsequent shoulder surgery, I was a walking mess. Found Yoga with Adrien 30 Day Challenge purely by accident on YouTube. Let me say that it is TRANSFORMING my life back to the way I felt as an athlete in my 'younger' days. More balanced, 100% less pain in the hips, knees and shoulders and my mental state.... WOW!

    Keep up the GREAT work. I am on day 20 of the challenge but I have supplemented the sessions with some of your other yoga videos and I am so ready for more!

    Thanks again! YOU ROCK!

  90. Just found out I have a fallen bladder and would love to know some poses to help my pelvic floor. I'm afraid to do the wrong poses and make it worse. Can you help. I just did your beginners class. Thank you so much.

  91. After living a joyful, consuming, career-driven life, I contracted an illness overseas, requiring me to re-focus, slow down, and live life with a new appreciation for margin and mindfulness. I'm still working out the details for after-care, but these seven days of beginning practice with you, Adriene, reveal yoga to offer the kind of mind-body-soul integration I need for continued health and healing. I'd be at your classes today if not for the long commute, but will work through the videos as I look for a teacher and community I like as well as what you offer here. Thank you for sharing your gift for movement and communication in this way! May you be richly blessed.

  92. Hi Adriene,

    i love this routine , i am new to this and i looked at so many videos and you are by far the best, you take your time and explain everything , i feel no pressure , I know that yoga is about mind and body. We all work hard and have a lot of stress in our lives and your Yoga videos help to forget that. i remember the first video i watch was bed time yoga , let me tell you not even 2 minutes in and you had me almost asleep . well i just wanted to say being a newbie and doing your yoga i will recommend it to everyone i know, i love how people giggle when i tell em i do it , i tell em hey it burns calories and helps with my sanity , they are missing out 🙂
    thank you Adriene .

  93. Hi Adriene;

    What type of mat would you recommend for someone who has very sweaty hands and looking to be able to solidify inverted poses?

  94. Hi Adriene,

    I came accross your "Yoga for beginners" video on You tube. It is by the far the best beginners guide I have seen. Your are so easy to follow and I can actually keep up with you. I have one word for you "Awesome". It is now on my favorites and will be looking into your other video's. Thank you so much!

  95. Hi Adriene,
    I just found your video and it's perfect for me. I am 51 years old and was a collegiate athlete, and triathlete in my prime. Over the last few years some health issues have sidelined me, most recently an MRI showed I have some minor tears in my left shoulder, impingement and frozen shoulder...uggh!! Anyway, my question is, I can't really lift my shoulder over my head, is it still beneficial for me to do what I can with the other shoulder?
    Thank you.

  96. Hey Adriene!

    I'm just writing so you know how special this practice is for me. You're such a good instructor, with your jokes and you way of just being relatable (some yoga teachers make it such a complicated ritual like as any pain you experience means you're weak for this...). Anyway, I'm entering a new phase in my life and yoga is just what I need to embrace my new me and develop it everyday.
    Thanks and a big hug all the way from Germany!

  97. Hi Adriene. I was wondering if you could put together a YouTube video aimed at mums and kids (or dads and their kids of course!). My 3 year old, Willow, likes to climb up my back and use me as a bridge when doing downward facing dog, but she also loves to attempt to copy what you're doing 🙂 x

  98. I never did yoga in my life. I love your videos for beginners. I have MS so somedays are rough for me. I did day 1of 30 days of yoga this morning. Had lots of trouble and some hip pain while sitting cross legged and bend over forward. Do you have special positions for MS patients ? If not I will keep trying. Thanks for keeping me interested in yoga. You're the best.

  99. I'm so grateful, Adriene, that I stumbled across your teachings. I'm about a week into the absolute beginners stuff, and it's starting to bite. I think it might be a very good new beginning! Huge thanks to you; you make it all seem easy and approachable. Heart-felt thanks for your welcome.

  100. I am 50 years old and deteriorating rapidly because of extra weight and a desk job. I have done the "for absolute beginners" video for seven days and I noticed that, although my knees still hurt as much as they did before the video, they are more stable on stairs. I also noticed that my posture got better, which seemed to lessen the force of the weight on my bad knees. Also, I noticed that I wanted to keep doing it and that my 14 year-old daughter joined me. This week, I am doing the 40-minute video, and my eight year-old joined me. It is making it more fun for me and I love finding what feels good!

    Many thanks to my 23 year-old daughter for telling me about you and thank you for explaining what you are doing so well that this newbie can understand without even watching the TV!

  101. Hey Adrienne,

    I follow your beginner series of videos and find them very useful. I particularly like your teaching style and that you are able to clearly communicate the key focus points of an asana.

    I wished to know if you could suggest me a video to follow your 40-minute session for beginners. I tried the fat burning yoga session, but found that too intense.

    You are doing great work - keep at it!


  102. Hey Adriene, you genius of yoga!!! 😛

    I am a completely beginner with yoga, but i thought that it is the only solution to relax, calm down and work my body at the same time!! I began with this video for 4 days and I feel great! Full of energy but also relaxed at the same time!

    Tommorow I am going to start your videos about 30 days of yoga! I hope to make it till the end!!!

    Love from Greece.

  103. This was really nice, I did it after my day 8 of your 30 day yoga challenge, because I just felt like it. you are so sweet, Adriene. Ommm from Switzerland.

  104. Dear Adriene.
    All your videos are very inspiring, you bring yoga and “what feels good” to my daily life. am very new in yoga, i practice 30 days of yoga with adriene too, and its awesome!!
    Thanks for being such a generous teacher, so happy and inspiring.
    Love from Indonesia.

  105. I'm hip with this... I'm on my third day and for the first time in my life I can touch my toes! (I'm 25 but not real flexible.) I'm a total bummer at downward dog but will keep trying cause this routine just makes me feel so good! After I do the seven days, what should I try next?
    Peace out!!
    Zoey Rain

  106. Adriene,
    Thank you so much for making this available and talking to the beginner is such a gentle and clear fashion! I have psoriatic arthritis and your gentle approach really gives me "permission" to accommodate the poses as my joints require. I enjoy getting as much movement and strength as I can and chair yoga just doesn't appeal to me. This, however, sets the tone for me to explore my practice!
    Thank you!

  107. Hi Adriene! I am a flight attendant based in Qatar for 5 yrs now, and today i just felt the need to "workout", and i thought, why not give yoga a try. So i came upon this site, and tried this video, it's a bit challenging, trying to focus on what i'm supposed to do, and looking at my laptop to see if i'm doing it right. ^_^ but now, i feel so empowered, i feel good about myself, knowing that I took the first and most difficult step to a healthier me, starting to workout. I hope i'll be able to stick with this for the long term, i'll let you know how it goes. Thanks! <3

  108. I've been thinking of doing yoga for such a long time but being the young high school teen I am, I make excuses and say I need to rest it off. It's time to cut the excuses and get fit. But first, I need to buy a yoga mat...

  109. Could you post a foundation of yoga video for beginners on how to do plow. Having some trouble getting it. Thank you so much in advance.

  110. Hi Adriene! I just wanted to thank you for your videos. You've really been the only one that actually made yoga enjoyable for me and I think it's going to be hard when I begin classes and you're not the teacher! Well, for now I'll just do your videos. I was also wondering, is it too much doing yoga twice a day, daily with one day's rest, if I'm a beginner? Or how many videos can I do in a row in one session? I'd like to do a little more than an hour, but I don't want to strain myself too much. I hope you'll get back to me. Have a lovely day! 🙂

  111. My daughter and I just started yoga, and this was the perfect video to get started! We have just subscribed to your channel and look forward to learning much more!

  112. Heey!! 🙂

    I'll be honest with you... I have months trying to start a yoga practice but here in Mexico (greetings from here!) yoga clases are pretty expensive... Specially if you want it to be a daily thing.
    While searching for free videos online I was sooo worried to be doing the same routine for months hahaha but you have so many videos!!! I just survived my first week of yoga and I'm so excited!! Can't wait to try all your videos, specially the ones of 30 days of yoga. I have a friend who has been into yoga for over a year now, she was so pissed because till now I actually listened to her. Guess I just needed some inspiration, like your videos! I love them. Hope to see more coming 🙂



  113. hi Adriene! Love love love your videos. You keep yoga so fun and refreshing. Have you considered creating some more intermediate segments? I want to continue improving my practice and am looking for some new challenges 🙂

  114. I am a student about to start my 3rd year of college, just got a promotion at work (working a part-time job 37 hours a week), and I am learning life by doing it and all of this can be stressful. I have heard amazing things about yoga. My thought was probably like most..."Yoga? How can sitting, standing, and breathing help my with stress and weight loss?" Well, I just started the past few days actually doing it and giving it my all. Using my muscles correctly and breathing. It has made a HUGE difference. I couldn't get through this video completely until today because of how weak I am and I am so proud. Thank you so much Adriene!! I now do mountain pose at work (I am a cashier) and I feel more calm even when awful customers try to ruin my day. Thank you so much.

  115. I have made every excuse NOT to start Yoga. However, when my Dr recommended I look into it for anxiety and stress relief in order to assist in stopping severe muscle spasms in my spine and shoulders due to degenerative joint disease, a spur and bulging disc in lower spine I started frantically researching. I came across your videos today and just completed my first session for complete beginners. I would really be embarrassed for someone to walk in on me, but I already feel scores better. I am sure she recommended this for several reasons, one being breathing techniques for stress and anxiety and two being the stretching and lengthening of my posture over time. Thank you so much for keeping it real for the beginners and making it so easily accessible! I have favorited you and had no idea in all my life how relaxing this can be just learning the breathing techniques. Never understood the hype till now! Again thank you

  116. I turned 60 2 weeks ago, complete with intermittent migraines, and what I call my "cement back". I hve been wanting to start a stretching routine with yoga and tai chi, but have been unable to find the right venue. Then I stumbled upon "Yoga with Adriene" on a new app. called Pluto on Amazon fire TV. You are exactly for whom I have been searching. You have the right voice, look, manner, everything. I did your beginners yoga session and 25 minutes later, I am amazed!!! At the start of the session I could barely bring my arms up high enough or straight enough to make it even look like I was imitating your pose. But by the end of the session, I must say, I feel pretty darn good. The cement tightness in my lower back is much less, and I predict that with a whole week of this video, I will have much better control of my back muscles and be much more limber. Can't wait to be less stiff at the hips and hams. Didn't mean to get so wordy but I am so excited I couldn't help myself.

  117. I am new to Yoga and have been doing this video once for 7 days as you said. I feel great and i think i'm ready for the next step but don’t know which video would be good to progress to. Can you help me out? 🙂

    1. Yoga is always a science of living a healthy life.

      It is like a medicine, which gradually fixes various diseases by regularizing the stages of the functions of our body parts.

  118. Hello Adriene!

    I've recently started yoga last week-I started doing the thirty day challenge but then I noticed getting very sore. So I did this video for complete beginners and it helped tremendously! I also enjoy doing the bedtime sequence winding down from the busy day. Getting sore after not exercising is normal I would assume, I used to do ballet so getting back into something I'm growing to love is so exciting and I wanted to tell you! Keep smiling, Love from the Mitten!

  119. I just discovered your YouTube channel and have been following along with your introductory videos this week. I'm a complete newbie to yoga, but I am loving it! Thanks for making this available. I'm looking forward to learning more!

  120. Namaste Adriene,
    My name is Danielle, I am a Catholic Franciscan nun (MFIC Sister). I was born in Québec 52 years ago. I live in Rome, Italy. I began yoga 2 months ago during my annual retreat at Mercy-by-the-Sea, Madison, CT - we were gifted with free beach yoga classes with Petra Axlund; what a blessing! I since do yoga asana every day. Petra referred me to your website which I enjoy thoroughly! Yoga is growing on me. You would be amazed at how often it is becoming part of my day... Yoga is inspiring (= Spirit-filled breath) my daily life: I am so often reminded of alignement, opening, space - at meals, at work (spending most of my time at my computer desk), at prayer (especially at Mass, whether standing, sitting or kneeling). Yoga has become part of my journey into God through a growing body+mind+heart+spirit+soul awareness. I wish to thank you for the blessing you are, a companion walking beside me on my journey. May God bless you and keep you! May God turn his/her gaze towards you and give you his/her grace! May God's face shine upon you! May God give you peace and all good!
    Danielle (you may call me Dani, as my English speaking friends do!)

  121. Just turned 65! Have the years flown by! Have struggled with migraines for years and now a lot of neck and shoulder tension. Want to feel better and times a'wastin. 🙂 Had a 'not too good' experience with trying a yoga class years and years ago.. I've been doing the "Yoga for Beginners" for a number of days now, and it feels wonderful. Just right for me, and I love Adriene's whole gentle and encouraging persona. I'm going to keep going with beginners for a little while longer than move on to her other videos. I see "ALL AROUND FEELING BETTER" in this 65 (it's just a number) year old's future!!!!

  122. Hello Adriene!

    I think you are going to be my new best friend 😀 I followed this whole video through, trying the best I could. It was the first time I have done Yoga, and I am so going to follow through. At the beginning, I checked the length and I was like, "I am gonna quit in the middle, all sweaty and achy." And then, when the video finished, I was like, "It's over? But I was having fun!"

    Just a little rambling to let you know that I liked this video and your gentle coaching very well.

    And now a little about why I am here.

    I am 23 years old, with recently discovered Vitamin D deficiency. I have lots of lower back ache. Also, I would love to lose a few pounds (not for the beauty reason, but because the recent belly seems very unhealthy to me). I get tense and stressed very easily, and every joint I have aches. My hormones have a tendency to go berserk more often than not--I would like to regulate my hormone a bit too. Get them on track.

    I know Yoga will not do a lot in a little time, but it seems like a healthier, more organic and more wholesome alternative to sweating it out in the gym. I need to connect to my body, and it cannot happen while Bon Jovi yells in my ear that I am to blame.

    I wanted to know a few things. I am going to do this specific video for the next 6 days. Is there a good time to do them? I mean, is it more effective to do this in the morning? Also, maybe out in the open is a good idea, since breathing fresh air has to be better than stale air? Just guessing.

    Keeping the goals above in mind, and knowing that I am really an absolute beginner, what would you suggest I do in addition to that? I saw the 30 days of Yoga thing on YouTube, which brought me to your website. So, what else should I do?

    What I want to know is a routine of different videos, with the times at which to do them. If any. Please help.

    Thank you for making Yoga so non-scary I will come back,
    Astha (Who really should have started Yoga before).

  123. Hi, your videos are amazing 🙂 I love the complete beginners, although there are a couple poses I can't yet do. But it will come in time. I have a question...I'm looking for a great book on that breaks it down and explains what it's all about. Do you have any suggestions? Thank you for your time 🙂

  124. I see many comments here, but didn't stumble across any from other guys. LOL There may be, but I didn't see. Anyway, I'm a 49 year old guy who's been on and off again with a healthy lifestyle, but have been "on" for several months now. I was really happy to find you, and this video in particular, on youtube.

    As I get older, I'm increasingly aware of mobility issues in others around me and that I should do something good for myself to delay/prevent/prohibit the same in myself. I live in Chicago, so quite a diverse set of individuals everywhere I go and I see struggles in young and old. Yoga has always seemed like a combination of things to address those concerns and in alignment with my own thinking around wellness. However, I've never done it before and really needed an intro like this without getting overly spiritual about it all. I get the mind/body/spirit connection, but I really wanted to feel like I was doing something more centered around overall wellness than praying. 😉

    Anyway, thanks for this video. I went through it several times and just today started your easy morning yoga session. Superb way to stretch the body out in the morning! I intend to go through more of your work as I learn more and grow from your intro videos.

    Have a wonderful week and weekend. Not sure what Austin fall is like, but the colors will be changing quickly here in Chicago soon!

  125. Hi Adriene,
    I just started your YouTube videos a few days ago and I am trying all the different beginners ones for now. I wish there was somewhat of a road map as far as order to go in or approximately how long to stay on each one. I would like to do the 30 days of yoga but I don't know when I would be ready for that.
    Any recommendations?

  126. I doubt you'll ever see this but I am compelled to let you know that you have saved my life this year. Finding your YouTube videos has given me hope; yoga is the only thing (bar all the meds) that truly helps me fight my depression and anxiety.
    You're a great teacher, please never stop guiding us further into the journey. And thank you xx

    1. Hi Carrie,
      I'm seeing this and I'm seeing you! Beautiful and brave. Thank you for this note. I am so honored to be on the journey with you. You are not alone girl!


  127. Hi Adriene!

    I just started to do yoga with this video and with 30 Days of Yoga. I'm feeling great, my back doesn't hurt any more, I have more energy and I just love to do yoga^^

    I just have one question. I have a problem with my stomach so I can not do anything upside down. So I was wondering what I best do instead of upword facing dog and a foreward fall?

    Thank you for the great classes!


  128. Im so happy I stumbled upon you A!!!! I've been anticipating starting yoga for a while & have taken classes here and there but never pulled through to be consistent. This beginner video is everything. There are so many benefits to your site and I can already tell you are going to be my little life savor. I don't believe in coincidence so on this Christmas night, I was meant to find you!! And starting off my New Year, with a cleanse and really embracing my mind, body, in spirit. IM SO EXCITED to start the 30 day challenge and then some :o)

  129. I am looking forward to the 2016 30 day challenge, and will begin working with your videos tomorrow, as I have already been doing a bit of yoga daily and have already done mine for today.
    I am glad to have found this challenge and your videos.
    I am looking forward to learning more, and becoming more flexible throughout the year.
    Thanks for offering this to those of us who are interested in doing better for ourselves.
    I am a 65 yr. old woman who used to work out a lot, but have lately been very lax in my exercising, but with Yoga I know I will be working daily to be the person I know I can be again.
    Thanks again, looking at the New Year with a bright new look from the inside out.

  130. I have been thinking about yoga and possibly starting to practice! When I found this video I was excited to start and learn more!

  131. So I had booked marked this to start early this year, but it seems the video is no longer available. Is there some where else this is posted? I am a total beginner and need to start off from the very beginning.


  132. Hi Adriene,

    On sunday i saw your Yoga video's on Youtube and monday i started my first Yoga for Complete Beginners and i loved it! I've been taking this class now for 3 days along with the bedtime and morning yogavideo's. It feels great!

    I just have a question, my right leg is very stiff, it cannot do what the left leg can. It's very frustrating because i can't even do the beginnerspose without pain.. Do you have any tips or tricks to loosen up the muscles in my right leg (especially the muscles from the inner thigh)??

    Thank you so much allready, and keep up the good work, your video's are amazing!
    With love from Holland,

  133. Adriene,
    After two years of not really moving my body other than what it takes to go to back and forth to work each day I am doing your 30 days of yoga but I came upon the posted videos only just this week. How long they stay posted after the end of January? I would really like to finish them all. It would be a great start back into yoga. Thanks for making the series. It is a great idea.

  134. Good morning Adriene from Sunny Spain,

    I will soon be opening a Glamping site/BnB/rural house with friends in the mountains of Valencia, Spain. I have been following your videos for some time now and you have in fact inspired me to train as a yoga instructor in the near future i hope. In the meantime however I would love to offer our guests a few simple yoga sessions while they stay with us. I am considering projecting your videos on a large screen so that we can practice together or devising a yoga workshop perhaps for beginners or something around your morning sequence videos. I would however like to point people in your direction as i have fallen in love with yoga thanks to you! If you have any suggestions or advice i would be immensely grateful and if you are ever in Spain, please teach me : )

    Ems xx

  135. Hello Adriene! I am writing to you on the day I finished my 30 day yoga challenge for beginners 🙂 I wanted to take the time to say THANK YOU for taking the time and effort to upload it. I feel so good! I found your classes both great and inspiring! You taught me so many things, and I don't mean just yoga. Thanks for your good vybe and words of support. I know that If I fall you will be there to catch us 🙂
    I am from Argentina but living in Vienna, so If you ever come just let me know! Namaste!

  136. Dear Adriene,
    thank you for theese perfect 30days of yoga you have made for us. It helped me start my yoga practice again. Thanks a lot for your kindness, light and energy, you are a great teacher! That was exactly what I needed to start again. I look forward for every other lesson, its favorite part of my day. Your videos are amazing! Best regards from Czech republic and huges thanks!

  137. Adriene, I wanted to tell you that I'm LOVING the yoga for complete beginners! I have always wanted to do yoga, but have always been intimidated. When I found out I have an autoimmune disease, I also discovered that people find yoga to be a better option than higher impact exercises so I am giving it a try! I feel like I'm already hooked-- if only I could get the downward dog!! Thank you, again!

  138. Thank you so much for posting these vidios i just started doing yoga this past week I decided it was time for a chang the deep breathing and focusing on me has been great I had issues sleeping and am slightly over weight and the past couple of night I've slept better than I have in years thanks again I love the videos

  139. Recovering from a traumatic brain injury from a car accident a year ago. Been doing this video a few times a week. Loving it getting me motivated to be a "Yogi"...slowly but surely

  140. I did this today for the first time and I am experiencing upper back/ribcage pain later in the evening. Is this normal? I'm not overweight albeit out of shape. Should I continue?

  141. Hi. I had to comment on this, because I started to watch and practice your yoga videos on youtube last week. I've been suffering from deep anxiety about a year and yoga really helps! Time flies and even though I hate breathing exercises it has become easier and easier every day. Love the inhales when you say smile..:) today I started the 30 days challenge and it's harder than the beginners videos, but I think I can keep up. So THANK YOU for these videos and never stop being so sunny..:)

  142. This is a great way for me to get started with yoga. I have chronic joint pain but I like to stay active and stretching is very important for me. I have never attempted yoga because the extreme positions were difficult for me. This method does not put pressure on me to become a pretzel. I felt so good after trying the moves for the first time even my bad knees!! Adriene I am so glad I found you

  143. Hi Adriene!

    I found you through a friend on facebook. I am on day 6 of the Beginners Yoga and I love it!! I wake up looking forward to doing Yoga with you! I cannot wait to move on to your other programs! Thank you so much for the time and energy that you put in to this! Thank you again for making it easy and fun to follow! My hopes if to become a yogi but time will tell. Thank you again!

  144. I liked your video it is fun doing yoga with you. I want to do all of your videos because there fun. I hope you make more of your fantastic videos they are very fun. I hope you liked my reply. Bye bye. I am only 10 years old.

  145. I just completed Yoga for Complete Beginners, my very first session. My cats were highly interested and involved! Maybe they will help me stay connected. I plan to follow through for a week and see what happens. I am old and so not flexible. I may remain a beginner forever, but I guess that's better than not beginning at all!

  146. First my history- 60 yr old chronic physical pain from scoliosis , degenerative arthritis of spine c-1 thru c-7 and L 1 thru L -5, hip replacement, degen arthritis in shoulders, severe carpal tunnel and osteo arthritis in hands- needing joint implant and surgical correction, both knees severe ostro arth bone on bone, and left ankle damaged , massive spurs no joint space requires a surgical fusion with 6" steel plate. None of the surgeries happening soon due to auto immune disorder, bleeding issues due hi doses long term steroids. I own a horse breeding farm and work 7 days a week dealing with feed care and hard physical labor. But I always have serious pain issues and muscle spasms requiring massive doses of opiates just to walk in my yuard."""
    So. Some areas I am extremely flexible still others I cant move at all due to fused joints painful spasms and crampintgg.
    I wonder if the yoga is helping me even tho I cant assume a lot poses correctly or for very long. I wish the video streamed live so I could get help when I have spasms and such. I do notice less nights up floor pacing from pain now and sleep is better
    This isnt perfect but its so
    Much better than my previous painful nights. So please continue to be inspired to do this for those of us who are inspired
    To do more

  147. Adriene, Love your videos and the way you teach is great! Im brand new and have been doing your "A little goes a long way for about 10 days now and probably stick with it a little longer. One quick question Which practice should I do next 40 min workout or the one titles for the complete beginner?

    Thanks! Im hooked that and that's a lot coming from an old guy! lol!

  148. Where have you been all my life?!! Your delivery is GREAT, your direction is clear and you are relatable. I am also sending your site to a friend and anybody else who'll listen. (I don't ordinarily send money to subscribe to anything but I sent the little I had and will send more - YOU DESERVE IT.) I just was impressed enough to ensure that you stay available for REAL PEOPLE.

  149. Hey! It's exactly what I've been looking for Thank you so much! But I have a question- one year ago I had a back injury. Now I'm good and healthy and I practice 3 days and feel my shoulders and neck a little bit sore and tired. Is it normal for beginners?

  150. I really like your style, i.e it's ok if you're a bit rubbish. I managed to do most of it, although I gave up at about 17 minutes. Hopefully i'll get better the more I do your workouts. Do you have any tips of how to do yoga whilst overweight? Some parts can be more difficult to do just because there is stuff in the way. I found my boobs as they are really big anyway, to be the most annoying particularly when arms have to be stretched over them.
    This was the first time I've exercised in a couple of years, so I've got lots of weight to lose. I've had lots of problems with depression and anxiety, particularly in the last few months, so it wasn't a priority.

    1. Hi Liz! You are not alone. Just show up. Every day. A little something something. It will begin to transform and evolve and inspire more movement that feels good. Try not to beat yourself up and just do what you can when you can. Make modifying fun and light - a curiosity of the process not a desire to be perfect. *** Because you already are! Just keep moving. "Practice and all is coming."

  151. I've been doing this one for 2 weeks now and have noticed a MARKED difference in my back, hips, shoulders and knees! Also, I have much more energy - feel more like myself! I would like to know how long I should stick with this video or should I move on and how much more should I add? I've been trying to memorize the positions in this video so I can just add to them, but wondering if I should just move to another video. I just don't want to go from 20 minutes to an hour and die 😀 LOL Any suggestions welcome! I have struggled with my weight for a long time. I had lost 120 pounds and recently regained a bunch. Trying to get things back under control, but want to increase activity level to start.

  152. I am new to yoga, I am loving you'r videos, and your sense of humor! Thank you for bringing laughs to my morning workout routine! <3

  153. Hi Adriene,
    I am 60 and new to yoga but I have significant osteoarthritis. I really like your videos and your way of guiding yoga workouts but I find some things difficult, even in the complete beginner one, because my one knee doesn't like to bend and my hand/thumb joints are very painful. Can you recommend a good yoga video for people with osteoarthritis?
    Thank you.

  154. I love your writing style. This article is enriched with knowledge and information regarding my needs. Thank you for sharing this. Keep it up.

  155. Sorry this got a bit long as I was writing it.
    My friend/roommate recently had shoulder surgery and, even after a month, was having trouble getting his field of motion back. I suggested yoga as non-impact, stretching, stregthening, etc. But he was intimidated by all the difficult positions one usually sees pro yogis doing. But I asked him to mention it to his physical therapist and she was thrilled at the idea, and that's what changed his mind (boys...I tell ya).
    I showed him this video and he really got into it. He's not the most flexible guy and also has a prosthetic knee so he only has about 90 degrees there. But we fashioned a stool for him to kneel against for the more bendy portions.
    He appreciates your "find what feels good" attitude. Downward Facing Dog has been awesome for him! It was even on his PT's "best list".
    We've been doing this video every night for about a week and he's already noticed the difference. Even his carpal tunnel is getting better!
    On a personal note, I'm rather a beginner myself so I generally go to your 30 days series after he goes to bed and it's kind of kicking by butt. I've been on day 1 for the last few days just to find my pace before continuing. I find your voice calming and soothing. Your side comments keep me from concentrating too hard on the poses and help me "stay in the moment". I even play your videos at work listening just to the audio and it helps me kept my breath.
    You are a wonderful teacher and I look forward to continuing my yoga journey with you. Even if it never goes outside my own living room 😉
    Best wishes and keep up the good work!

  156. I have not even started doing anything for yoga yet but am interested. I am about to start a summer job where I have long breaks (2 hours between lunch and dinner and from after dinner until the next morning) and am looking to find new ways to work on relaxation and fitness routines that I will hopefully be able to keep doing as life picks up in the future. Is there anywhere that I can print out directions on how to do poses and find ones that will work best for me? With my summer job I do not have access to internet or youtube to be able to watch videos/log on for tips.

  157. Hey! I found your beginners-yoga-vids a couple of days ago and I just wanna thank you for them! I've thought about getting into yoga for a while and your videos make me feel I can (and wanna) do it. The latest 6mths have been a struggle and I haven't felt like the best me. But since I started practicing along with your videos I feel a lightness. And you're just great! I can't do all of the poses just yet, but you make it feel like I'm good enough! Thank you!

  158. We love your videos. My husband and I are late to yoga. We are in our 60s and not flexible or strong. We try hard but even complete beginners series is too difficult. We will keep at it nonetheless.

    Could you do a video aimed at your 60+ grandparents crowd some time?

    Thank you. Namaste.

    Tracy & Peter

  159. Hello Adrienne
    Thank you so much. The video is very helpful. I was able to sleep well after doing it. How many times a week should I do this? How will I know if i am ready for the next level yoga?

  160. I love your videos and your personality and guidance in your yoga for complete beginners. I work at a desk all day and know it's terrible for my posture and health. I'd really love to start practicing yoga regularly. What videos would you suggest I watch next as a beginner looking to build up my skills? Thank you so much for putting out these videos free on youtube! I'm also not opposed to paying for videos if it's something I (as a beginner) can do.

  161. Just found your free videos and then your website. At 66, I’m going to give this a try as your videos take the beginner slowly and easily through the variety of moves.Thank-you for making this so accessible!

  162. This was an awesome beginner video! I just had my third child and have been searching for something to help my body get back to what it was before having kids, but also something that would potentially help my body be better than before as well as my focus and anxiety. Thank you!

  163. I have done 3 of your beginner videos and I love it! You are real and encouraging and I love when your dog is in the video! My body is not as stiff and I feel better all over after doing a video. I plan on continuing. Thank you for making the videos simple with clear explanations and I like that you encourage us to move a little in the positions. We don’t have to be a statue.

  164. I teach junior high physical education and would love to introduce yoga to my classes. However, I have never done yoga. Is it legal to use your beginner yoga video in my PE classes?

  165. I just finished your Yoga Home 30 days on YouTube and I’m wondering what videos I should do next. I do have lower back issues so I want to take this slowly—Home was awesome!! Thankyou!

    1. Hi Michelle, congrats on finishing your HOME journey! There are several options for where to go next. You could jump in and join us on the current monthly calendar. The monthly calendars are a little different than the 30 days yoga series. You can read more about the monthly calendars here. Or you could pick one of the other 30 days series to go through. Or you could pick one of the playlists off of the YouTube channel and practice through the playlist. Whichever path your choose next, we hope it's another great journey!

  166. At the grand old age of 60 I have returned to yoga (done intermittently in my past) with my husband. I have osteoarthritis in my wrists & thumbs (& a couple of other places) so have not been able to maintain some of the floor poses for as long as you showed. However, after our first session together, both my husband & I have felt the benefits of the stretches & turns. As we can do this at home, we are more likely to continue with the exercise (especially as we are currently living under social distancing requirements!) and look forward to growing in our knowledge of yoga over coming months. Thank you for your video - clear & easy to follow & understand. Namaste!

  167. This is the video that started it for me!

    I was very keen to try out Yoga after the Covid Crisis forced me into total lockdown and working from home. After 3 months of basically rolling out of bed and sitting in front of a computer all day, my back became so bad I was finding it difficult to walk. I couldn't go to see my Osteopath, so I was desperate to try something that might help.
    Then I found this video. I found it SO challenging to start with. I found that I simply couldn't hold the second Downward Dog because of too much pressure in my wrists, and my knees hurt whilst remaining on all fours. I decided to repeat the video for a week to see how I got on.
    A week later, I was still struggling with the second Downward Dog, but my knees felt better and so did my back. Plus, I was genuinely enjoying the time spent on the mat (despite the difficulty!), and loved listening to Adriene's voice. I made a decision to move on, rather than get trapped in a destructive perfectionist cycle. So I started 30 Days of Yoga. And I LOVED it.
    There were days that I struggled with (day 15 will always be remembered for this!). Sometimes, I felt so unhappy with my performance, that I repeated the video the next day. Other times, I would accept that I did my best, and move on to the next video. Every day, I would watch the next day's video to see what was included.
    Following completion of 30 Days, I moved on to Yoga Camp. This time, I didn't pre-watch the videos, and just enjoyed losing myself in the Practice, listening to Adriene and following along.

    I've now completed Yoga Camp and am considering which of the many videos to try out next. Do I want to move on to another 30 Day challenge? Do I want to try Yoga for Weight Loss? The World is my oyster!

    Bottom line - I have completely fallen in love with Yoga, and I hold Adriene completely responsible for it. Not only does she manage to cater her videos for beginners and experienced yogis, she also manages to put beginners completely at ease by reminding us regularly, that perfection doesn't matter. What matters is showing up and giving it your best. She's hilariously funny as well, and I just love listening to her chatting away whilst taking me through the video. She's completely natural, and I just adore her.

    Thank you Adriene. Thank you for introducing me to Yoga. Thank you for making my back, shoulders, legs and feet better. Thank you for making me giggle every day.

    P.S: My Husband has started watching the videos as well, although I suspect this is more a case of hoping he'll see Benji. 😀

  168. Hi Adriene
    My doc suggested that I try your videos as part of a healing journey I am on where for the 1 st time in 50 years , I am learning how to inhabit my body ( so scary!) The problem is I am starting at a deficit. I watched your beginner video and did the poses with you. I’m starting at overweight , not very flexible and weak so holding things like downward dog is impossible for now. I’d love if you showed how to modify some of the poses that take enormous strength so that my only choice is not to leave it out. What does a forward bend look like or downward dog for someone who is at the very beginning and not flexible (yet) Enough to hold my weight. I have hope. The way you teach makes so much sense. “Don’t just do this, this is what it should feel like. Explore this in your body.“ you have a very healing presence. Thank you for your videos.

  169. Hello, I’m trying to start yoga watching you on recommendation of my PT, but due to hip replacement & bad arthritis I cannot sit on floor with legs crossed nor can I kneel on knees. Can you steer me to a place/ video that I can still accomplish some yoga that will do me some good? Thank you very much.

  170. Revisiting today the first ywa beginners video I used to kickstart my yoga practice. I followed your advice to do this for 7 days last april 2021 after finishing your foundations series. Really amazing how I can now do this much easily than before. So grateful for your free videos Adriene, more power!

  171. Enjoyed introduction video. I have done a few and they are all good. How do you “like it” to continue to follow?
    Does pain in wrists with “downward dog…get better? Last time I tried yoga it flaunted my carpal tunnel syndrome.

  172. Hi Adriene, I started yoga for beginners three days ago & so far like it a lot. I will be starting the 30 day challenge on September 1st. Did some yoga years ago but never found on I was comfortable with till now.Thank you for these youtube videos.So helpful.

  173. So, a friend in Belgium recommended this ages ago. I'm a lazy procrastinator, but your soft lessons I think even I can follow regularly. So nice how you repeat "try not to be perfect, think of the experience, enjoy", instead of those correct-asana-fascists out there. You ll save my middle-aged joints! Many thanks from North Sweden!

  174. When I first tried yoga, it was also a bit challenging for me to focus on the instructions while trying to get the poses right. However, like you, I felt empowered and good about myself after the workout. Taking that first step towards a healthier you is definitely a big accomplishment.

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