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The Courage To Show Up. That Is Where It Starts.

Dear Friend, 

It is the first Sunday of the month, and with that, I send you a brand new free yoga practice, fresh from the palpable love press that is my soul.

Today, in alignment with our monthly community theme, I have spent the morning walking with Benji, contemplating courage and what it means to understand courage as a practice of action, of experiment, awareness, and choice. 

My fancy weather app said 89 degrees, but it felt like 98, and as I was walking I tripped over a myriad of emotions, recognizing all the ways in which I am being called to be clear right now.

But in order to get clear, you have to show up for practice, you have to be brave enough to pause.

Because with the pause, a single clear conscious pause, comes an opportunity to try and understand, 



The internal work: 

This is how we create calm within a storm. This is how we cultivate intention. This is how we show respect for ourselves and for our fellow humans. This is how we evolve and heal and create transformation and change. 

But none of that happens if you are not brave enough to come to class.  

WILL showing up fully evoke vulnerability? For sure. 

CAN it be uncomfortable? Yes.

BUT is it painful? Sometimes, dear, right now, very much so, yes. 

The courage to show up. That is where it starts.

This is a breath-focused fiery practice that invites you to the table. Pull up a chair.

Nurture the body, tend to your heart, balance the brain, find strength, find stillness. 

Get your fill so that when you step off your mat you have the energy you need to be present and serve.

A strong and whole practice will assist you in taking your yoga off the mat and into the world. 

I invite you to contemplate what it feels like to be courageous this week, finding ways to carve out the time to show up for yourself and for others, as well as honoring that pause. 

A pause to sit up tall, to anchor in the breath, a pause that allows you to respond from a true place, rather than just react. 

Get clear. 

I love this quote from Brene Brown,

“Clear is kind. Unclear is unkind.”

With this Sunday letter, I send you my love, my respect, and a clear invitation to practice. 

The courage to show up. That is where it starts.

And it starts with you.

And me too. 

I’ll see you on the mat. 

All My Love, 


PS: Please save the date and join us for a special live YWA class on Saturday, June 20th at 11am CDT (Texas time.) No editing, no scheduled upload, let’s meet on the mat together - in real-time. 

PPS: Get your Free June COURAGE calendar and playlist HERE! 

5 comments on “The Courage To Show Up. That Is Where It Starts.”

  1. Clear is kind. That resonates. There's so much chaos in our minds sometimes. Fears and insecurities take control. They make your words and intentions ugly. Courage to show up on the mat, and off mat is so important to challenge those insecurities. Pause! Assess the situation. Clear speech and clear actions reward us.

  2. Adriene Mishler and the YWA team have truly changed my life over the past five years or so. I wouldn't be nearly as healthy and calm if it weren't for the 30 day challenges and Adriene's unassuming and inspirational personality. The camerawork, audio, and studio for the yoga practices are beautifully done as well to inspire focus and presence. Thank you Adriene and the YWA team!

  3. Such an inspiring article. Thank you for sharing your insight on your starting with simple things makes the world of a difference.

  4. to Fatima who commented - when I read Brene's quote, it really resonated with and wanted to see if it did for anyone else. It does take courage to question ourselves for clarity but if it is kind in its inherent nature than it is all a cycle of compassion.

    Running away from fears might feel safe and might be necessary, but for me right now it may just not be the most self-compassionate place to be in.

    May we all have the courage to show up for ourselves!

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