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Dedicate - Day 22 - Steady

Happy Day 22! This strength building practice brings our attention to the principle of Sthira, or stability.

Can you move in a way that is strong and alert without pushing, forcing or creating tension?

Condition the body and the mind in this 22 minute session to cultivate steadiness without tension and to build strength without pain.

Pro reminder: This concept works both on and off your mat.

12 comments on “Dedicate - Day 22 - Steady”

  1. Couldn't find this on YouTube but was so sad that I wouldn't be able to do it today I kept looking!

    Still can't get the video to work though on my phone?

  2. Adriene, you are such a joy and gift to the world. Thank you for all you do. Been practicing with you daily for four years now and can say you have totally changed my life. For the better, the good, and in ways I would never have imagined. I am so grateful. And I hope every new-to-yoga soul participating this month will continue on with you - those who already practice with you don't need the nudge. They know how wonderful you are. Thank you again.

  3. appropriate theme. for me, I am looking to hold steady to my choices, to act in a consistently mindful manner and so the word just did it for me.. and then, the practice. sigh.

  4. Thank you so much, Adriene, for all the joy you bring to me and people all over the world! I'll never forget, Day 16 - I was so tired and really forced myself to show up. The perfect treat was a practice intended to reward us by showering ourselves with kindness!

  5. Adrienne I’ve been meaning to thank you for a long time but never too late, right !!? You really are a fabulous person and having started your classes in sometimes random order, have learned, enjoyed and benefited hugely. Really can’t imagine how life would have gone without your words of encouragement and clear, fun classes. I hope you get half as much back and you carry on with you’re work for ever !!

    Many, many heart felt thanks. I find myself strongly advising everyone to check out your classes & hope they do because your a true blue .

  6. Fantastic, loving everyday but sideways plank defeated me completely, collapse on the mat.

  7. Thank you Adrienn ~ I really needed this! It helped to realign me, both physically and mentally and find that gentle, steady (kapha) action I have been working on ❤

  8. Dear Adriene, Steadiness is a powerful and needed intention during this historic moment in our world, as many are rising up to challenge oppression against black people and work towards justice—racial, economic, social, healthcare, education, CLIMATE. Thank you for so consistently, beautifully, and compassionately sharing your practice with all of us. Namaste.

  9. Just discoverd you and your amazing clarity Adrienne.n I have been practicing and teaching off yoga off and on for 50 years and you are truly a gifted teacher. Thank you during COVID for giving me something to look forward to each day.

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