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30 Days of Yoga - Day 7

Day 7 of The 30 Days of Yoga journey! Total Body Yoga! This practice opens up the side body and invites you to create space as you build total body strength.

Use this Day 7 practice to get the heart rate going and build strength. This sequence focuses on core strength and side body length! Meet your edge mindfully - don't push! Practice non-harming, mindful action and alignment! Drink a tall glass of water after this practice. Keep up the great work!

Connect and support others down below! Cultivate positivity. Remember each day is different! The journey is the reward! See you tomorrow!


68 comments on “30 Days of Yoga - Day 7”

  1. Good morning, Adriene! I just finished day 7 of your 30 day yoga videos. I'm very much enjoying it. I noticed today you gave more instruction on body alignment for each pose. This was very helpful as I am not very experienced in yoga. For example, you gave more instruction on where my hips should be during side angle. I hope you continue these additional comments because it helps me get the most out of the poses. I hope to make it the full 30 days. Thank you for the great videos!

    1. I loved this video.. Despite the wobbles I managed to do it !! Love the warriors. Side plank needs to be worked on... Getting there..X

      1. I wobble too, feel very off with my balance this morning. I needed to put my knee down for side plank.

  2. I wanted to thank you for reaching out to those of us who have wanted to try yoga but have been unable to in the past. I cannot keep up with everything you do, but feel really good about what I am doing.

  3. Hi A!
    I love the 30 days and just paid for the download but think somehow it didn't register with your site even though my cc was charged... Any guidance how to get the download so I can have your amazing class anywhere?
    Thanks so so so much for your energy and willingness to share it!!

  4. I feel like my mind still wanders much tho, but i feel good. I just really hope to build up more my flexibility through out this 30 days, because I have no flexibility at all, I can't even do the downward dog fully. Besides that, I'm actually liking yoga more and I've add it to my daily training. Thank you so much!

    Best wishes from Portugal 🙂

  5. Great practice today! Felt like a really good workout too. My abs are sore from yesterday's practice, but got a good stretch from today's video. Thank you so much!

  6. Hi Adriene,
    First of all, I want to thank you by spread and share with the world your amazing yoga, your energy and happiness, this is one of the things that people should do every day, share the beauty of the life to make a better world, I think. When you share, you are receiving double benefits or more without expecting it. The wise says : "That I give to others I'm giving to myself "

    I can't believe,
    We lived in Austin for 2 years, and I was searching for yoga groups, and I participated in some groups, but, to be honest with you I couldn't find that feeling that make things different and happy, I told my husband it might be me, because I'm so sensitive and I have some issues in my bones, and even, in that time, I searched in YouTube and Google for good videos, and your videos never showed up, so sad.
    I've never heard about you until 2 weeks ago, and is never late.

    I started following you on Twitter, facebook and Google and your site, I have no business like media business, or so, i do this by my own benefit and the others and my friends, I like that, I like to follow people that really have good things to give and learn, at the same time it is part of my own feed of my daily. Now we are living in New Zealand, my husband is from here and I'm from Colombia, life just has beautiful surprise when you flow with the espiral, and my live has been changed a lot, I went to hell (I had a terrible experience, my ex was about to kill me) and as a person, my experiences make me embrace myself deeper in life, and now, I'm in paradise and my husband is a gift of heaven and my new Lina, as well, he says the same of me. I did make my family tree, so can realize why all this things happened to myself and in general with people, and understand deep in souls and patterns..

    I want to share with you a little bit about my bones issues, maybe you have some thoughts about what yoga can help or if I have to be very careful. I like you a lot, because you have a method to make people do it, and for my condition , make me feel free, though I have to be careful anyways. I was very afraid to start.
    My bones used to be out of place, that means, my vertebras and joints get out place, though, because of my self-esteem I've improved a little bit to live with this issue, and as I'm getting old, I'm 47 years old, I have some rheumatism or something like that , and I don't want to go through medicine at all, I want natural treatments or just yoga.

    I have my blog , I write some poetry, metaphors, spiritual phrases, etc. and the idea is gather my experiences of life in words and make my book like a tool for others. I know most of the posts are in spanish and has been difficult get my inspiration in english, and this is my goal for this year: yoga and get english inspiration..

    Dear Adriene, thank you for your time, I know you should have lots of email and texts and you are a busy person.

    You are very welcome to come to New Zealand, we are living in a region call Oakura, Taranaki, just on the beach, I know is just wonderful to live here. We arrived 2 month ago, and our plan is back to North America on vacations, we love love love Austin and my husband has some business there with manager of musicians, he is web developer and drummer.

    With all my love and a big hug

  7. Hi Adriene,
    First of all, I want to thank you by spread and share with the world your amazing yoga, your energy and happiness, this is one of the things that people should do every day, share the beauty of the life to make a better world, I think. When you share, you are receiving double benefits or more without expecting it. The wise says : "That I give to others I'm giving to myself "

    I can't believe,
    We lived in Austin for 2 years, and I was searching for yoga groups, and I participated in some groups, but, to be honest with you I couldn't find that feeling that make things different and happy, I told my husband it might be me, because I'm so sensitive and I have some issues in my bones, and even, in that time, I searched in YouTube and Google for good videos, and your videos never showed up, so sad.
    I've never heard about you until 2 weeks ago, and is never late.

    I started following you on Twitter, facebook and Google and your site, I have no business like media business, or so, i do this by my own benefit and the others and my friends, I like that, I like to follow people that really have good things to give and learn, at the same time it is part of my own feed of my daily. Now we are living in New Zealand, my husband is from here and I'm from Colombia, life just has beautiful surprise when you flow with the espiral, and my live has been changed a lot, I went to hell (I had a terrible experience, my ex was about to kill me) and as a person, my experiences make me embrace myself deeper in life, and now, I'm in paradise and my husband is a gift of heaven and my new Lina, as well, he says the same of me. I did make my family tree, so can realize why all this things happened to myself and in general with people, and understand deep in souls and patterns..

    I want to share with you a little bit about my bones issues, maybe you have some thoughts about what yoga can help or if I have to be very careful. I like you a lot, because you have a method to make people do it, and for my condition , make me feel free, though I have to be careful anyways. I was very afraid to start.
    My bones used to be out of place, that means, my vertebras and joints get out place, though, because of my self-esteem I've improved a little bit to live with this issue, and as I'm getting old, I'm 47 years old, I have some rheumatism or something like that , and I don't want to go through medicine at all, I want natural treatments or just yoga.

    I have my blog , I write some poetry, metaphors, spiritual phrases, etc. and the idea is gather my experiences of life in words and make my book like a tool for others. I know most of the posts are in spanish and has been difficult get my inspiration in english, and this is my goal for this year: yoga and get english inspiration..

    Dear Adriene, thank you for your time, I know you should have lots of email and texts and you are a busy person.

    You are very welcome to come to New Zealand, we are living in a region call Oakura, Taranaki, just on the beach, I know is just wonderful to live here. We arrived 2 month ago, and our plan is back to North America on vacations, we love love love Austin and my husband has some business there with manager of musicians, he is web developer and drummer.

    With all my love and a big hug

    Lina Marin

    1. Hi Lina, I know of some natural products which may have some benefit for joint problems and various other ailments. I am totally feeling your vibe. I'm on facebook if you want any more info. Look my group up, it's called Active Freedom with Forever.

  8. Another great day! Thank you again for doing this. I am really enjoying these, and I am starting to notice more ease with the poses.

  9. I really enjoy this 30 days of Yoga practice so far and I feel my body's gaining strength and length with each day I practice it.
    But I must say this Day 7 Video was a little too fast for me being a Yogi beginner.
    None the less I will hang in there. Thank you for sharing Adriene. Namaste from Germany

    1. It was a little fast for me, too! (And I'm not a beginner, though I'm not very strong.)

      I'd love to see some wrist stretches -- this is a little more time on my hands/wrists than I'm used to. Thanks for the great videos!

  10. I love my evenings with -- first time yoga and I truly love it. Thanks. Day 6 hurt, day 7 awesome!

  11. I just got to day seven...but I'm doing, I'm really doing it!

    Adriene, you are inspiration personified and yoga, you are not so bad yourself.

  12. DAY 7: Is Seventh Heaven!!!! It was great to open up and stretch to the Heavens!!! My lower back was not a happy camper yesterday and know that I must continue to strengthen my abdominals in order to strengthen my back. Today's practice was challenging yet so rewarding. You know in your heart of hearts that it will improve when you are willing to stick with the process. Nothing happens in a day or over night and I am blessed that this is a 30 day program with a vibrant, positive, inspirational and often quirky and humorous yoga instructor. You are an encourager Adrienne, one who kindly asks the student to move forward and to not give up -- as each day provides a new gift and reward -- for those who are willing to engage body, mind and soul to understand one's self even better! Feeling blessed to have this sacred meeting space each morning! <3

  13. This series are genious I feel like I'm on fire seven days on a row! After 5 months of laziness I'm keeping daily track of my practice and it's awesome! Thank you so much Adriene!

  14. Woo Hoo I made it for 7 days in a row an I'm really loving it. Thank you for inspiring me to get back to my daily practice.

  15. Had to make it up and did on Day 26. Two a days usually make hurt a bit more down the line but after 24 other lessons in you would think I can hurt less tommorrow or the next day.

  16. Loved this one! I am moving through the sequence belatedly but I'm doing it. It helps to know each day will be a different challenge. I like the surprise of not knowing what it will be.

    It would be great if the music would continue softly for a little longer for savasana.

    I am starting to develop a regular yoga practice for the first time. Your videos are what hooked me.

    Thank you!

  17. Love the reminders to not let the stress of the day get to you during practice. As soon I felt my mind wandering, you brought back my focus. Thanks so much for this!

  18. Dearest A,

    I am So grateful for your spirit and guidance down this crooked old yoga road. You inspire me to be a Good force in the world with your encouragement to find this.
    I did all 30 days, although I did not get deep into the Day 26 when I first saw it. I only started it and was not able to finish at that point. Anyway the point is I just did the full Day 26 and I am just startled at all you were able to cover that one day. I loved the end and it brought tears to my eyes when you so generously and naturally offered all those lovely alternatives before sivasana. You are a weirdo and it makes everyone feel like they can be weirdos too! I love you for it.
    Thank you!!
    XX Barbara

  19. Day 7 begins!! I'm also doing a 30 Day plank challenge. The one I'm doing starts at 30 seconds and you work your way up to a little over 3 minutes. I work it in right after my yoga so I'm already warmed up. Try it! Check it out! 🙂

    1. FYI, I am not promoting any particular plank challenge, only sharing what I have added to my daily routine 🙂 of course everyone should do their own research and do what feels right for them! 🙂

  20. Hi Adrien,

    Today's session was great my 9year old son, Adam and I took the challenge to complete the 30day workout and feel so good about it. We look forward to it every evening as a bonding time for us. I started doing this because my blood pressure is way too high so I thought this would be something interesting to try so far it seems to be working.

    So on behalf of Adam and I, we want to thank you for putting on a great program and keep on keeping on. Oh and...... Wu-Tang, REPRESENT!!!!!

  21. Hi Adriene and my fellow yogis,
    Day 7 - THAT was an ass kicker! All about side stretches. I feel real good after doing it. It could have been a bit slower though so that one who is slow paced can follow and transition from one stance to the next smoothly.
    Side plank is not my thing. But I still stuck with it, wobbly, shaky all through and wondering how many more minutes to go. It was challenging for me but with your gentle assuring guidance Adriene, I managed to stay.
    Thank you so much Adriene for this wonderful gift of yoga.


  22. As of day 7 I am now able to do a proper plank - flat back, straight arms and legs, with no shaking! I have become so much more limber in such a short time. I can see and most certainly feel (muscles are so sore - ouch!) such a great change in my body's performance. Thank you for making these videos available. Because of this I have re-established my love of yoga (I took at least 10 years off).

  23. Sunday 03/22 was supposed to be day 7 for me but I am combining day 7 and 8 together for today to get back on track...Really enjoying the daily workouts and reading all of your comments do keep me on track! Thanks, all!

  24. THANK YOU, one million time over, Adriene! I've honestly never connected to yoga, but a few weeks ago, searching for...something, I found you online. I'm so incredibly grateful that I did. Now I get it! You've really changed my experience.
    Best of everything to you,

    x Alise

  25. This was just what I needed to end my day. It was a crazy one between painting a room, homework, cooking, cleaning, etc. It was nice to come away from this relaxed and with a smile on my face. Now, its bed time. Goodnight all.

  26. It's the morning after day 6 for me...just let me say...Owww, ouch, and ohhhh. My abs are more than slightly ticked at me. It hurts to move, but in a weird way it makes me smile. Reminds me they're there! The amazing thing for me is that it didn't kill my back. Thanks, Adriene, for your outgoing personality, you're commitment to helping others, and especially your precise directions and reminders for body alignment and to breathe (I have a tendency to hold my breath, but I'm doing much better). I find myself being more aware of my posture throughout the day (I've slumped since high school, a loooong time ago, and chronic pain makes it hard to stand & sit straight) and my breathing. It's been almost 4 weeks since I started yoga (my "pain management" doctor has been nagging me to do so) and I can already tell a difference in my flexibility! If anyone reading this suffers from chronic pain, or knows someone who is, I strongly urge you to give yoga a try! Adriene is like having your own personal instructor at home, without the worries of other people watching! My abs are screaming at me right now, but thank you again, Adriene. =)

  27. Hello!
    Today was a difficult practice. That side plank KILLED me.
    I have a quick question, though. I don't yet have a yoga mat and I feel I need one, but I am just getting mixed reviews on amazon. Can you tell me what the best brands would be? I want to find one that is fairly durable and can be used outside, I go camping a lot and would like to continue to morning yoga tradition.

  28. I was cursing you yesterday (with love of course!) but loving you today! Day 7 and I feel like I'm doing 'yoga'! This has been my favorite session by far. The movements really helped me find fluidity in my practice, and I was giggling and shouting to myself 'I did it!' when I finally hopped up to the head of the mat instead of walking - it's the little things! My abs really enjoyed the extra vinyasas today, but I think I'll be paying tomorrow for sticking through those side planks. Even though I was shaking, I was smiling! Thanks for bringing your energy to the practice and making yoga accessible.

  29. Fantastic session! While Meg was happy hopping up (Congrats Meg!), I was cheering because I finally lowered myself down to Cobra (without my knees collapsing onto the floor). Side plank was truly a test of arm strength. Can't wait for day 8!! Adriene you are a terrific teacher, so inspiring and fun!

  30. Hi Adriene,
    This is my very first time ever attempting yoga. I had back surgery when I was 20 and was told to never do it.....but after 16 years, 2 kids, losing 100lbs and trying to stay in shape - - - I thought I would give it a go anyways just for the stretching. I will tell you, GIRL-FRIEND!, I am on Day 8 now and I feel A.M.A. Z .I .N .G. I feel stronger AND leaner AND more grounded than ever. You have inspired me to continue on taking care of myself! Thank you. I am now a faithful Yogie ( spelling? lol) of yours. Continue your sarcastic sense of are my soul sister. Thanks again!

  31. Good morning Adriene,
    Thank you for sharing what a difference a week makes I can feel my body improving and become stronger. Something unexpected everyone says I am so much calmer and peacful..... I wonder what I will be like in 30 days.

  32. This has been my favorite day thus far in our journey together y'all. I felt so present & strong, despite my sometimes jelly noodle arms. I noticed my body was/is more responsive & able to transition from pose to pose. Thank you Adriene! I so enjoy your real, silly demeanor. I'll keep my eyes peeled for yoga with with Wu-Tang 😉

  33. Loving the daily yoga workouts!
    I have back issues and these are great for me, thanks so much for having them.

    What would you recommend for beginners after this 30 day round?


  34. Adriene, Adriene! My feet touched the mat during downward facing dog today, I am soooo excited! hahaha It was just like you said, I wasn't paying any attention to if my feet were touching the mat or not and all of a sudden I was like "Heeeyoo" ;D
    I started watching your yoga videos in mid January, and it has become such a positive aspect of my life! It's day two of doing yoga in my garden (and my cats watching), it's about 35 degrees here in the Netherlands, but I just love your videos so much that even the weather isn't stoping me ;P
    Lots of love, Hannah

  35. I just finished Day 7 and I can't how good I feel. My right side has been stiff and sore for the past week, and today it feels wonderful. I'm so glad I stumbled upon your you tube videos. I just recently started yoga with my daughter's best friend from childhood who recently returned from studying yoga in Costa Rica which inspired me to look for more. It's been an amazing journey. Thank you for helping me grow in my practice.

  36. Must say, this seventh day kind of pushed me over the edge. I am now recovering from a long depression and an eating disorder and I think of yoga as of a tool to help me connect to the body I have been suppressing for a really long time. But I am new to yoga and I am still really sore from previous practices, so today was a little overwelming, and to be honest I burst into tears in the middle of practice. But now when I'm done I do feel better than before I got onto the mat. Thank you, Adriene, for yor beautiful work and for ispiring me to love myself.

    P.S. Sorry, if I spelled something wrong, I am actually from Russia 🙂

  37. Just completed week one! This has really helped me in a difficult week with a transatlantic flight messing with my body clock. it helped me listen to my body and what it needed. Thank you for sharing these videos and sending your positive, happy vibes into the world!

  38. Challenging practice today! Am becoming stronger in the upper body, so plank and vinyasa are taking on new rhythms. Find it easier to balance on my right than my left side of the body, and was shaking for balance. Bring it on, week 2!

  39. Thank you so much Adriene!

    Your videos bring so much love, light, and joy to my life (and I'm sure so many others). You have helped me rekindle my love of yoga. Feeling so blessed that you are sharing your gift through selfless service to the world. You are truly transforming lives!

    "It is said that the lifespan of a butterfly is only a few days to a week. Yet how joyously it flies around! It spreads delight and happiness to everyone. Our lives should be like this." -Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi

  40. I was "hangry" coming into today's practice. I was stressed out, had snapped at my children and husband (who's out sailing this week - naval officer), for no reason other than I was hangry. I was just plain pissed. I wasn't in the mood, it had been a long day, I didn't have time this morning as I usually do. It was me against the world it felt like.

    I'm so happy that I did what I could today. My arms are not the strongest, my core strength is not fantastic - I'm feeling progress though. BUT WHAT A DIFFERENCE today's practice made on my mood. On everything. I'm so happy that I rode it out, and got it done. Now I'm ready to drive my kids to their "teenage fun in water" - swimming-thingy, with out wanting to bite someones head off. I'm loving this journey..

  41. Hi Adrien,

    just finished 7th day of yoga and as much as I enjoy exercising with you, you sometimes speed up so much that I find it impossible to follow and do the pose correctly. I greatly miss your instructions regarding which part of the body we should put our weigh on and what to do with other parts in the meantime. As I noticed, sometimes pressing the wrong muscle unaware has a complete opposite effect asintended and I find myself frustrated as the pose doen't feel right. I would appreciate if you repeated certain movements or at least prolong the poses so that we could calm down and bring the mind and body to ease when doing another sequence.

    Greetings from Poland.

  42. Thank you Adriene:
    1) I am pleased with the completion of another day. I like the knee to elbow,(same and opposite and in the middle) and feel comfortable with that
    2) I like how you allowed to do several breath cycles from forward fold to mountain pose and hands to heart center
    3) From vinyasa to downward facing dog I need to cheat to get from upward facing dog to downward facing dog. How should I choose what to use, cobra or upward facing dog?
    4) I wobble and need to place my knee down for side plank. Balance was not so strong this morning

  43. Thank you Adriene, for making yoga relaxed and fun. I've tried to commit myself to yoga several times, but it never really felt like it was for me. Today i did Day 7 and completed my first week! For me it's such a great start of the day. Just totally ground, breathe, stretch and relax. Thank you. Love from the Netherlands.

  44. I absolutely loved today's practice ... and combined with yesterday (and all of the days so far) my mind feels at ease and my body feels energised. This is my second 30 day journey with Adriene and thank you again .. and again .. and again. You have helped me more than you know =) xo

  45. This is the second time I have done the 30 days of yoga. A year ago I restarted yoga with the 30 days (and probably took 60!), now I do yoga everyday. Thank you.

    I currently have had some minor, niggly injuries: a pulled back and sore hamstring, so I have come back to the 30 days of yoga as you give so many modifications and make it such fun. I have surprised myself and managed Day 7 well, thanks to the healing power of your yoga! I regularly do your videos with a smile.

  46. I really didn't feel like practicing today, the sofa was tempting. But I did it, and now I feel much better about myself after a tough day at work and an evening with kids that din't want to go to sleep ... Day 7 completed! I like the tempo of this session, it got my pulse up. I love the warrior poses and the stretching that makes me more aware of my shoulders and back. I'm struggling a bit with the breathing, to find a deep, natural rhythm, but I guess it takes some practice. Thanks a lot!

  47. Hi Adrienne, I'm up to day 9 of the 30 day challenge and really loving the practice. While some days I feel sluggish and it's hard getting out of bed early, other days I spring out of bed and love getting onto my mat! I'm only having trouble with getting the right email to match the day I'm up to. For example, I got the day 7 email but I'm up to day 9! How can I get them to sync? Thanks heaps x

  48. I've recently found your website and have started following the 30-day program (& going through the Foundations of Yoga at the same time!). I'm fairly new to yoga but full of enthusiasm, your teaching style is great, and I feel with each day's practise that I am more energised and see small changes in posture and reach and attitude. Thank you!

  49. I'm finding that this course is getting harder very quickly. Im really heavy so lieing flat on my back is uncomfortable, also I cant hold the planks very long. Should I persevere or try something else. Thanks

  50. As a young senior citizen who does gentle yoga, I am really enjoying your 30 day yoga although it is a stretch for my abilities. Usually you give modifications that are helpful for me. Today, is the side plank, you only gave modifications for more challenging postures. What is a less strenuous posture?

    Thanks, I love your videos!

  51. 7 days in and I already feel better in my body. Thank you Adriene!
    Just curious to know: Am I the only one who cannot step up the foot from plank/downward facing dog into lunge? I land halfways and need to use my hand to get it in the right place.

  52. no you are not the only one, I just wrote a comment stating that I struggle with this and it takes the joy out of the practice for me. I have very tight hamstrings and a stiff lower back which I assume is most of the problem.

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