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30 Days of Yoga - Day 1

Day 1 of The 30 Days of Yoga journey! Ease into your 30 day experience with an open mind, kindness and curiosity.
Use this DAY 1 practice to take stock, check in with the body and mind. Begin the practice of slowing down, noticing, stretching and moving with ease. Commit to 30 days of breathing deep and listening. Acknowledge the distractions, the frustrations, the parts of the body that need more love or are in healing. Acknowledge it all! For this journey is about more than just a flexible, strong and tone body. It is about full mind, heart and body wellness. Begin here to set the foundation for a connected home practice. - FREE and in the comfort of your own home! Get empowered, find what feels good, listen to your body and lets have some fun!

Connect and support others down below! Cultivate positivity. Remember each day is different! The journey is the reward! See you tomorrow

196 comments on “30 Days of Yoga - Day 1”

  1. Good Morning.... I have just stumbled across your free video on You tube. I am so grateful. My experience of getting back onto the mat today was really gentle & I felt a sense of ease & calm.
    I live in Queensland, Australia, and am just thrilled to see your website.
    Thank you again

    1. Thank-you for this practice today, I'm starting a little late, but better late than never is what I hear people
      Hi Nicki,
      I too am from Australia the north coast in NSW. I am soo going to try do this for the next 30 days...Have a great day all!!
      Warm thoughts

    2. I'm in Queensland too! My first day with Adrienne today. So excited!
      Namaste xx

    3. Today is October 23, 2020. I just finished Day 1. I am not a yoga person. I like high impact everything, so starting the video was hard. In fact, I was checking my bank account on my phone during the first 5 minutes, so I started the video again. I kept looking at the clock and I was relieved to realize it would be only 35 minutes.
      By the end of the video I got into it and felt calmer. I look forward to Day 2 and doing the 30 day challenge. This is my accountability post. 🙂

  2. Thank you. I have a lingering cold and feel kinda crappie from holiday foods and I really needed to easy into a new year. I only have done one beginner yoga video before so I looked at a few of your foundation classes and was amazed at how much y instraction clarified thing. Thank you I have a feeling I need this class on many different levels.

  3. I was so pleasantly surprised when I remembered that this challenge started today. This couldn't come at a better time 🙂 Thanks Adriene!

  4. Loved Day 1! So excited when I heard you were doing 30 Days of Yoga! Such a wonderful idea!

    I stumbled onto your youtube channel a year ago when I was looking for a way to practice yoga at home. So thankful I found them! They've been a life changer. Thank you so much for your positive energy and for helping me fall in love with yoga 🙂

  5. Hi Adriene! I'm so very excited to try the 30 day yoga challenge. I did my best with day one, but I have bad knees (once of which has been replaced), so sitting with my feet drawn in (cross legged) isn't something I can do. Do you have an tips for alternate sitting options during those parts of the instruction?

  6. Practicing in Japan, so today was Day 1 for me with the time difference. Love love love your videos, and feel so stretched after the first one. Runner's Lunge is great! Your catchphrase 'You got this!' is my mantra for 2015. I look forward to the challenge. Thank you so much!

  7. Great first day. I started my yoga journey with you 6 months ago and I recommend it to all my clients. Really excited for the next 29 days.

  8. Thank you Adriene! I found you on you tube a couple months ago and have been so grateful ever since. I've been able to create space in my morning for your yoga videos- but usually would just choose one of the first videos I saw. I am SO thrilled that you are now offering a progression of yoga videos for 30 days- what a brilliant idea! And for free- how very generous 🙂 Thank you- I love your playful, personal approach to creating videos and appreciate the tips as they almost always apply to me (for example "remember not to scrunch your shoulders with this one!") Looking forward to the next 29 days!

  9. Just did the challenge and I loved it! I am a beginner and it is my new years goal to do yoga every day. I thought it was a great combination of challenging poses and more simple poses. I love the way she talks during the video, its calming but still funny and I feel like we are just friends doing yoga together. She talks with ease and tells you when to breathe and how to tailor the poses for yourself and how you are in charge! (: I recommend it.

    Sometimes I found that shed be moving to the next pose before I established my breathing pattern but it will be fun to see myself progress through the 30 days as I work on my breathing and body awareness!

    (: yay for yoga in 2k15

  10. Dear Adriene,

    Thank you so much for this gift of 30 days of Yoga. I am an Australian living in Thailand and choose to do my yoga first thing in the morning so with the time difference I am a day behind you. By starting my day with your wonderful gift this morning I experienced a wonderful feeling of being part of a community all starting a new year by taking care of ourselves. Thank you again.

  11. Wonderful idea! But, do you think you could repeat the exact time you put the videos out? (Your midnight is my 7 am which means I can do it befor work...) I'm so looking forward to the rest of this months practice...

  12. Hi Adriene, thank you so much for offering the 30 days of yoga challenge. I am really looking forward to this month since I found out about it. I have a question about the Kula though: I cannot access the group on Facebook, although you sent the link. Is it because the month already started? I really would like to follow it and be more part. Thanks for help & cheers from Germany

  13. Dear Adrienne, Thank you so much for sharing the 30 Days of Yoga with the rest of the world. You are a great teacher. I loved doing the relaxed day 1 and am looking forward to the days to come.

  14. I am so glad that I found you and your style of yoga and teaching really brought me close to yoga and my body. Thank you for sharing with us all.

  15. This seems like a great place to get on the road to better health. Looking forward to positive change. Thanks.

  16. Hi Adriene,
    i'm following you from italy, and for me your efforst mean a lot. Everytime i watch one of your video something changes in my life: my smile, my body, my life! You inspired me and i want thank you for that. Have a worderful day.

  17. I'm so excited to participate in your 30 days of yoga practice! I found your you tube channel a couple months ago while looking for yoga for bedtime. ♡♡♡! Thanks for being such a calm, positive influence! I am new to the practice and want to learn more!

  18. Thanks for these! It's been over a year since I've been in a studio (since I moved to Japan) and your channel is so positive and uplifting. I'm excited for the 30 Days to encourage myself back into a more normal rhythm~

  19. Good Morning.. I can't wait to see what day 2 brings!! Where is the calendar (pdf) that you offered, I can't seem to find it on the site:( , please. Thanks!!!

  20. I can't seem to find any of the videos past #1...Do we have to pay for access to those ones? Don't mind if we do, just want to make sure I don't fall behind! 😉

  21. Following you from the Netherlands! Thanks a lot for this first session. Looking forward to meet again for the next 29 days!!

  22. I'm happy to go on this 30 day journey, and then continue the rest of 2015. I discovered yoga a year ago at a stressful time and then I found your channel and I am so grateful. Going through a yucky divorce and much transition in 2014, yoga and your positivity- celebrating the uniqueness of each person- have been such a help to me. Looking forward to another year and continuing the journey.

  23. Thank you Adriene! I just did this one. It was a nice start back to yoga after a crazy and overeating holiday. I've been doing your vids for a few months now and I notice improvements in posture every day. (Even when driving I press out of the steering wheel and lengthen the back of my neck - LOL!) Looking forward to the next 29 days. <3

  24. I'm a little late, but I just completed Day 1 and feel great. I will definitely follow through with all 30 days. Thank you!

  25. First day, great practice! Thank you Adriene 🙂 I have a problem with all the yoga poses on my wrists, so do the same poses on my fists or elbows. The most challenging is the "downward facing dog" and the "plank". In the past year, I noticed that my wrists always hurt for days after yoga practice, so we'll see how this new technic works. Namaste! ...and have a great new year 2015 to all you yoga fans!!!

  26. Yay! I've found what feels good! Thank you so much Adriene. I absolutely love your style and sense of humor. (practicing from Montana, under two feet of snow today)

  27. Hello from BC!
    I'm just starting Day 1 today - would it be overkill for me to do two in a row?

  28. Thank you so much for this! I am a sophomore and took a yoga class last year during the summer and really enjoyed it! I wanted to be able to continue to do it, and this is really the perfect opportunity. My musical choreographer and eleventh grade English teacher is my hero and my best friend, pretty much the only person I know I could trust with anything. I love her, and she is a yoga maniac. I love her to death, and we are so alike, so I just knew that I would love yoga too. My yoga inspiration is also her friend. She had cancer, twice. It was such a tragedy, but she pushed through. Her yoga studio did a fundraised for her, and I helped my teacher work the event. It was just amazing to see her be able to do amazing yoga poses after all that she has been through. I knew that I wanted to try yoga. I just want to say thank you for allowing me to do this!

  29. DP and JP, I love you with all of my heart. You are my inspiration in everything. This is no different. And because I knew you, I have been changed... for good. DP, I miss you so much and you better be having the time of your life in CA. The little town of WM will always miss you. And JP, where do I even start? Thank you for giving me the inspiration to do yoga. Thank you Adriene for the amazing videos!

  30. Thank you so much for such light and positive video! I just started my 30 day journey today and I am so excited about what's to come on the way!

  31. Dear Adriene!
    Thank You so much for your on-line practice!
    I had practiced in yoga for 4 years before i became a mother. I really had suffered that I dont have ability to go to yoga class, tried to find good video, but all of them were too fast to be calm, or too difficult to do without support, or too boring for my own level, too short or too long.... :-/
    Your Videos is great for me!!! Enough time to feel yourself in asanas, different levels of excersize, accent on breathing:)
    From Russia with love!!!:))

  32. Staring a bit late as I stumbled across this 30 day practice through a friend's facebook post. Enjoyed day 1 very much and looking forward to how this transforms me over the next 30 days.
    Thank you Adriene!

  33. Thank you Adriene for the opportunity to reconnect to who I am, my breath and my Spirit! I have felt the ache and desire in my body to renew that internal feeling of goodness and external body comfort through discomfort (especially in the beginning), as it is through the discomfort we will once again find comfort, to seek the stretch and wellness that has been resting much too long. I'm in a new phase of my life and my body is screaming for a new song to be sung. I will what I want and I will find a way to create a new connection with my heart, soul and body so that I may connect with the world with light, love and happiness! This will be a great 30-day journey with YOU and your unique self!!!! In gratitude! (I also thank my friend and colleague Jill Saville for the invitation to join her on this journey as we discover how spiritual and physical discipline can create inner peace and improved wellness!)

  34. Dear Adriene,

    I have seen your videos before and has used some of them but after a big stressful personal/work year I had stopped doing yoga then I stumbled upon this on your channel. This 30' just changed my life. Have a good week.


  35. I'm soooooo late to the party! But, I'm here now, and ready to celebrate!!!! Thank you so much for doing this!!!! You always make me smile while getting connected! xo

  36. Thank you! I've been trying to get back to my Yoga practice and I found your 30-day challenge videos. You are a breath of fresh air - I truly enjoy the way you teach. I only wished I lived closer so I could come to a live session. I've completed my first video and mam looking forward to tomorrow.
    Namaste - Susan

  37. I love your videos. I just started the 30-day challenge, a little late I know, but I figure I can do it at my own pace and still get it done! Thanks for the videos!

  38. I'm a little late to the party. But felt great doing Day 1 today. Thank you Adriene for sharing your love of yoga with the world.


  39. I am so thankful to have come across your video on my free yoga. Im more of a beginner and your video was the perfect peaceful pace. it was difficult to find the right video for me. but your the one! you have a great personality and humor like mine. Thank you Adriene for your time and energy! Namaste

  40. I have only just started this, but better late than never! (Bit of a newbie to yoga)

    I really like your style and found the first day great.

    Really helping me on a new journey.

    Thank you from London,


  41. amazing! i just moved house and took ages to get internet but got online today and tried your challenge on my friend's recommendation. lovely, relaxing and gentle. can't wait to catch up my 30 days. i used to find yoga so dull but this was really lovely xx

  42. Dear Adriene,

    It is very fascinating to watch you do all the moves so gracefully and effortlessly. I guess it is years of practice. This is my first time so my body is quite stiff. I am not able to touch my toes without bending my knees. I did follow the first day of your video but at the end landed up with a feeling of heaviness in the head and nausea. I slept the rest of the evening and husband had to make the dinner. My pressure is on the lower side but normal. I will try again but would like to have some advice from you to avoid this situation. If I bent down or read in a moving vehicle I feel the same.
    Look forward to hearing from you. Thanks for sharing these videos. I really want to get going with the Yoga considering all its benefits.

  43. Hello! I'm so glad that I found your videos when I did, as I was looking to try yoga and didn't really know where to start. I really really enjoyed it! Even though I found the parts where I had to do the lunges, downward facing dog, and plank really difficult (whether its because I'm not strong enough to hold those poses right now or I'm just not used to them... I'm not sure), I'm still optimistic that I'll get better as I continue, though. 🙂

  44. I'm feeling pretty down and unmotivated lately, so im joining the 30 day yoga experience in the hopes to reconnect and bring back some positive energy. I'm a beginner so i'm curious to see how this is going to go, however having said that, i love nature, i feel connected to the earth and im going in to this with a clear and open mind. Thank you for being there Adriene and for offering your videos for free.. they are priceless to someone like me.
    Kim x

  45. I really enjoyed the flow of this video. It was easy to follow while preparing me for how the body may respond or react to the poses and movements so that I don't become discouraged . I'm looking forward to this much needed journey and am so grateful for this platform Adriene has provided.

  46. Been doing your beginners yoga for a week now I am just starting the 30 day challenge. Did day one and a little sore but will be fine thanks.

  47. Hi Adriene, I just started the 30 days of yoga challenge and I am loving it!!! I look forward to the remaining days.... oh and I hope I am your first subscriber from Nigeria, West Africa. Cheers..........

  48. Adrienne,
    Thank you for putting these videos together. I am very late to the 30 day challenge. Today was my day 1. I am also new to the yoga experience. I am looking forward to day 2!

  49. Hi Adrienne! My husband and I just started this workout today. I haven't been on the mat for the longest time since giving birth, and I'm so thankful for your 30 day challenge. Thank you for your generosity. Lots of love from the Philippines. 🙂

  50. Thank you so much for that amazing gift Adriene! 🙂 It is my first day with 30 Days videos. After i had done, i felt like i've just came from sea swimming. I feel relief, full of love&joy, and aware. Thanks again for sharing your gentle yoga practice and your time. Love from İstanbul..

  51. Dears,

    I am so thankful for this 30 day yoga experience that i can get from your website. Its suits beginners like me. Thank you!

    Best regards,

  52. Thank you! I too am a yoga instructor. I checked out a different site also offering a 30 day yoga challenge and absolutely could not recommend it to others who may not be strong and flexible to begin with. Your video is a great introduction, and I am confident that most anyone could do it. Thank you for touching on the breath, on listening, and inviting us to move slowly. I appreciate your sense of humour too. You are beautiful! Thank you. Namaste

  53. Just completed day 1 of the challenge. My 4 year old son came and did a few poses with me in the beginning. The best was him finding me in corpse pose. The video had ended, but I was taking my time to end that particular pose. He took the matter into his own hands and sat on my head. Thank you for 30 minutes of sanity from a hectic day with my kids.

  54. so generous of you to do this, very well paced, not too slow or fast,
    With Love and thanks,
    from Dublin, Ireland!

  55. Hello Adriene! I first came your Youtube channel when I was looking for a runner's warm-up and cool-down yoga session which you had. Your bubbly personality and your ease in soothing my morning makes me want to come back everytime. I loved the Day 1 yoga session and it brought a new awareness of mindfully looking at your body and visualising the slow movements of beauty within the muscle and skin. Thank you and I can't wait for Day 2!

  56. Hey Adrienne, I loved the 30 day challenge! It was great for me spiritually, emotionally, and physically. It was the first thing I have committed to myself to in a while. It felt great. I am about the run through the challenge again. Thank you for doing this 🙂

  57. Thaaank you Adriene!

    I complete all of 30 days
    And can't stop smiling my face!

    Doing yoga every morning know!
    With big love from russia

  58. Wow. That was really special. I've never been much into yoga, but I decided to try out this challenge. The awareness that I was able to bring to my body and how it moves was incredible. I look forward to completing this challenge and beginning a daily practice.

  59. Adriene, you were referred during a Tom Ferry Event by Bill Pipes. I wrote your information down and intended on beginning last week, yet this must have been the week for me to begin. My body and myself truly enjoyed this day one workout. I will see you tomorrow!

  60. I look forward to seeing myself connect mind, body and soul!

    With love from Washington DC!!!

  61. Thank you for your generosity. Much appreciated. I made it to my mat for day one today and commit for the next 29 days!

  62. Really enjoyed Day 1 . have to admit its been a long while since I last did yoga ..felt lovely getting back . LD no idea my body had gotten so tight and restricted. .. Will probably ache a bit tomorrow but looking forward to keeping it up

  63. Two months ago, I discovered yoga with Adriene searching YouTube on one of our many snowy days in Boston. I have taught dance, acting and public speaking for 30 plus years. Adriene gets an A+ for her content, organization, style and love of her subject. I, too, now, love yoga! I am going to do the thirty days all over again. Can't wait to restart with Adriene! Also, I found day thirty to be very special - your emotion was heartfelt and greatly appreciated by your new adoring fan.

  64. Hi everyone!!! I' m from Russia and my friend just share link and her desire to try to do 30 days of yoga. And I recognized that I want to do it too! So I'm totally in. My first day!!! Yay!!!!

  65. Good morning, Adrienne.
    I've just started your 30 day yoga challenge. I'm in Brighton, UK. I had my two year old daughter jumping all over me, but I made it to the end. I love your channel and have subscribed. Thank you so much. See you tomorrow!

  66. Wow, what a great way to ease I to Day 1! Got up early to do this and I'm SO not a morning person, so the calmnesss and quietness of this video was much appreciated! I loved how great the stretches felt and the variations you showed. What a stress-buster! Thank you!!

  67. I have been searching all over for an introduction to yoga. The first day was even a challenge for me but afterward my body felt so relaxed not as tense as I usually am. I'm looking forward to day number 2! Thank you for sharing your practice!

  68. Hello, Adriene. This is my first time to do yoga in my life. I think it is very helpful and useful. I'm so greatful. Today is just first day but great start. I will finish this course.

    'Day 1 yoga' is not easy for me. I think my muscle and all skin is very tight. but it will change.
    Thank you^_^

  69. You have a lovely calm way of letting beginners like me know that it's all about the journey and what feels right. Thankyou Adriene!

  70. Hi hi adriene

    My name is Eva and I live in Iceland..... 3 weeks ago I sign up for 4 weeks course of beginners yoga in a new yogastudio (openend in jan) and I fell in love and went and bought myself a yoga mat so I could keep on going at home but it´s difficult to try to some poses with no one to follow. That´s why I went on youtube and found your videos.... I love them 🙂 I´ve been overweight for many many years so it´s not so easy to bend like you but I try 🙂 hehehe I´ve also been dealing with depression and anxiety for many years and on mediction for both and right from the first class in the studio I go to I´ve found change in the way how I´m feeling.. I´m more relaxed and ony take my meds for depression but stopped taking for anxiety... I´m gonna keep on following you and remember you have at least one big fan in ICELAND 😉 hehehehe

  71. HI Adriane,

    I am from Johannesburg, South-Africa. I discovered your videos via Pinterest earlier this week.
    This ha n=been my best yoga practise week to date.
    I have the best teacher in the comfort of my own home and can 'jump on the mat' whenever I have some free time.

    I strated the 30 day challenge today and am so looking forward to this 'month' of yoga.

    You are lovely and a special teacher. I really enjoy your sense of humour and how fun you make yoga.
    Thank you.


  72. A late starter, but day 1 done. Loved it, just what I was looking for. Feeling nicely chilled & ready for the day - albeit a very grey wet one here I the uk. Thanks Adriene, I'm looking forward to tomorrow. 🙂 x

  73. i came across the 30 day yoga challenge yesterday and started it today. Already, I love it! Thanks for putting this together. 🙂

  74. Started day 1 yesterday- completely new to yoga...woke sore this morning but not too bad. Glad to have found this website and challenge! Thank you!

  75. So awesome that you have this available to people online and for free. I am going to recommend this to friends, family and my patients. Oftentimes body shame, finances, time, and location are obstacles to yoga practice. This eliminates all of that. What a gift a beautiful gift

  76. I just noticed that I haven't left the comment for u.
    I am a freshman in the yoga and so grateful for the video.
    That's really easy to do yoga first time for me even if I haven't control the breath well.
    I will keep going the 30 days practice.
    Thank u for the video again.

  77. Writing from Bakersville, NC, deep in the Blue Ridge mountains. I found the 30 day challenge through a facebook friend. I am recovering from adrenal fatigue and need, need, need this. Having done a lot of yoga in the past it was sad to see how weakened I was, but again, heartened to see how flexible I still am. Thank you for this gift. On to day 2.

  78. I am Brazilian and always wanted to do Yoga, but didn't have time.
    I must say, it's not easy for a person who never ever even tried something like this. I started today and I'll not give up.

  79. Thank you Adriene, I have been away from yoga for 2 yrs and my body is showing me how unhappy it is about it. I am so thankful for your videos because I am able to get back into it and am really enjoying it. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!!

  80. Thank you so much for making this video series available. My husband and I did the first video together last night. I have been doing yoga off and on for 10 years, but last night was his first introduction to it and he loved it. Afterwards he kept saying, "I feel so tall!" Thank you so much for giving my husband and I this relaxing, month-long experience to share together 🙂

  81. Finding time to just get through video 1 (which I let play in the background the first day to familiarize myself with it) was well worth it. I am about 7 days behind but am so pleased that I can go back to the first video and start over from the beginning. I have worked out with Denise Austin's yoga buns so am familiar with the moves but I love the way Adrienne presents it in such an easy to understand and fun way. I am looking forward to catching up!

  82. LOVE how accessible you make this - thank you from Cape Town - we are notorious for being late and since i stumbled upon your videos recently am going to engage in a 30 days of Yoga at the same time as going through some other 30 day health challenges. Enjoy your blossoming spring in the North, as I enjoy getting warmed up for Fall (autumn) here in the south!.

  83. Hi Adrienne

    I found you on youtube while searching for a yoga class for beginners..Iam totally new to yoga though i am trying to do some meditation for last one month..i am trying to be a better person..improve my memory and self confidence...

    Today i have taken the first step, and right now feeling great and promised myself that i would take the 30day program..looking forward for the next session ..Thanks alot..You really inspired me.
    Best wishes

  84. This is my first experience with yoga and I must tell you that after Day 1 I am loving it.
    I am older (62) and have fibromyalgia but I was able to do all in the Day 1 lesson. Waiting to enjoy Day 2.

  85. It's exam season for me at the moment so my stress levels are pretty high! I've done yoga in the past but not for a while so this challenge is really helping me to take time for myself and ease back into practice. Thanks Adriene!

  86. Thank you for this lovely practice! I started my 30-day-challenge today so unfortunately I can't follow you in real time, but I'm lucky enough to have a friend join me in this beautiful challenge. Which is great really, because she lives pretty far away and I love to stay connected this way. I'm a dancer in progress (I start my college education on "dance in education" this september) and although I did yoga a couple of times as a child, it was only recently that I really got into it. I have been saying I wanted to do yoga for a year or so, so I am really excited to have found this challenge and finally get to it. I am already grateful for its effects. I feel like yoga is really going to help me explore my body further and listen to my body rather than just pushing it through dance class after dance class - I think it is a helpful complement to all this dancing. I hope to find a mindful awareness that I can take with me into dance class, to let go of my thoughts even more, be more centered and dance more freely. One of the best tips I ever received on dancing, was to use the focus of my breathing in my movements. I can't wait to find out how yoga can help me in that! Thank you for sharing these practices with all of us, you're wonderful.
    Love from an enthusiastic dancer from way across the ocean.

  87. Me and my husband (both from Norway) are about to start this amazing journey together, and I want to thank you for the inspiration you give us. We did the "Yoga for complete beginners" routine yesterday, and it was so wonderful to be able to stand side by side, as complete rookies, and to feel the energy that came along with the experience. After doing the routine, we sat down and both of us felt both happy and calm.

    Keep doing this forever, please<3


  88. im on day 2 now and i already feel amazing! im from england but living in cyprus, its my first time trying yoga and it is so relaxing and so perfect for a bit of "me" time. thank you so much Adriene xxx

  89. Hi Adriene,

    Just wanted to say thank you for this great opportunity you have given my husband and I. I'm happy to say we have completed the 1 video today and felt great. We look forward to see you for the next 29 days.


  90. Thanks Adriene. I am from India and following your videos.

    I have done yoga in my child hood and its pleasure to see your easy and modified versions.

  91. My boyfriend and I are complete beginners on day 3 so far and we love your videos. Great to find a sport we both enjoy doing together and spend a lovely 30 minutes together each evening getting in silly poses in the garden. Thank you so much. Really looking forward to the next 27 days!

  92. hey Adriene thanks for this amazing job
    I love yoga and I am from Iran unfortunatly we can not pay from Iran because of sanqtion ww have problem with transfering money to other country could you please make it free for me?
    best regards

  93. Salaam Aleykum from Puerto Rico,

    I must say I am loving day one of the 30 day challenge, its amazing so far. I did posses and breathed and feel pride on having accomplished this and Sabr (patience) to not go at high speed which is how I usually am with my day. I loved it, can't wait.

    I'm a beginner and quite loving it so far.

  94. Practicing from Toronto. Finished Day 1 and felt wonderful. Thank you for being awesome, Adriene.

  95. Thank you so much for the opportunity you have given us all! I started off with the beginners video thinking I want to learn yoga and now its actually possible at home, at no cost (and no excuses) but I probable wouldn't stick with it. Well ... wow you are good! And I feel great so again thank you! I have been doing a few of your yoga sequences daily few a couple of weeks now, so being that I haven't missed a day and still love it, it was time to commit to the 30 days!! 😀 Your generosity in sharing with the world is truly beautiful Adriene!

  96. I just did day one!! I can't believe it made me sweat so much, but it felt really good. I haven't done any work out in decades, so it was intense. But I will do the 30 days program!! Excited! 😀

  97. I have just discovered your site and just finished Day 1. It felt amazing and I am looking forward to seeing what the next 29 days bring. You are a natural teacher. Thank you for all of the effort that goes into producing this 🙂

  98. Day 1 completed-looking forward to completing this challenge & making yoga a daily practice

  99. I just found your youtube channel and this challenge. I am so happy to begin. I have been doing yoga off and on for 17 years but have lost my practice after having my two children starting almost 3 years ago. After the second child, I left my career to stay at home with them during their early years. I have become lost in my wonderful role as mom to two toddlers. This is part of my rediscovery of Kendra, and I am looking forward to getting back to myself and getting my body back in shape after way too long. Thank you!

  100. Thank you! I absolutely love your style of instruction and can't wait for tomorrow. This video series is such an amazing gift-thank you again!

  101. Hi there 🙂 I don't know if I'm going to get a reply but I started the 30 day yoga yesterday and I use to do yoga loads like a year ago and I've noticed I get motion sickness now. Is this normal? Will it go away. Like I really want to continue doing the yoga and completing my 30 days but the motion sickness is a bummer and is actually making me scared to continue. Any tips? I will appreciate it.

  102. What a blessing to find you on Youtube, Adriene! My poor body and mind desperately needs this program. Thank you! Day 1 was ONEderful!

  103. Day one done! 🙂
    Hi Adrienne,
    thank you for this 30 day Yoga challenge! Thank you for taking the time to make the videos and post them at no cost. That was such a nice and thoughtful thing to do. Hope you have a wonderful day!
    Greetings from Austria

  104. Thank You!
    I started yoga on the first of september after feeling a call to yoga for many years but had never found a style i felt fit or a teacher i could understand before, but thanks partly to another website that offers 30 day things like this for beginners and some days with your yotube videos i finally feel able to do this!
    so today i have started and its the first time ive felt a natural smile creep across my face as i felt things loosen and lengthen, and i can do down dog!
    thank you so much for your humour, wonderful way of teaching, support and options, thank you for helping me take my life back, feel good in my skin again and start to love myself at last.
    as i set my intention i burst into tears because i realised i do love myself, for the first time in my life i do. and it feels so good. and im overwelmed with that feeling, thank you.
    yours gratefully, Nikki xoxox

  105. Hi Adriene,

    Thank you very much for recommending me this. I really appreciate it. I also want to thank you for sharing this with everyone, including myself. I myself am fan because I feel like this is a good way of practice, not just with my physical self but also with how things evolve around me. It just gradually makes me want to be a better and happier person. Plus, I watch your videos on Youtube and on your website. They are great. I love your routine and I would try my level best to follow them as you do them so I can stay in both good shape and in good spirits.

    I live in Austin, too, so hopefully, this can somehow pay off.

  106. Ouuch, just did it, was winderful,
    After the phrase allow yourself doing nothing, I had few tears on my eyes.
    Thank you ! You are wonderful!

  107. I'm very late to your 30 day challenge but better late than never ! I am recovering from (learning to live with) a chronic illness and am using your beautiful videos to reintroduce yoga to my life. I love your voice, your energy and your gentle instructions. Day 1 was challenging but I managed to complete in spite of all of the external noises and distractions. I am sitting taller as I type you this 'thank you' from the other side of the world (sub tropical Australia). I'm very much looking forward to day 2. Warm regards.

  108. Day 1 just completed and I am super excited for day 2....this is perfect for me, due to a torn ligament a couple of years ago my ankle has been weak and a constant problem for me. This 30day challenge is a starting point for me to make my body strong again and maybe even slip into some heels for New Years Eve

  109. Thank you so much for what you do! I started the 30 day challenge with the hopes of toning my muscles, but I was not expecting my body to feel this good along the way.

  110. Hey! so good to find you on internet! I was just reading about new Year's resolutions, and I found your page! How amazing! I practice yoga since 2 years ago, and now I wanted to go on to a new level of yoga, and I want to study more about it and become a teacher, so your Yoga Camp with 30 days of Yoga encourage me more and more!! Thanks a lot for all that information, I'll be checking all of that!

  111. I started today at 9 am and honestly i love it! i actually love all your videos and they are super reliable since its all on youtube! i feel energized and ready to face todays challenges! xoxo

  112. Even after just the first day, i am already feeling the effects amd it is awesome!! Thank you so much for making these videos!!

  113. I want just to say thank you! You are wonderful and so special person, full positive..
    After just one week I feel fantastic!!
    Kisses from Vienna
    Keep calm and doing YogawithAdriene

  114. I want just to say thank you! You are wonderful and so special person, full positive..
    After just one week I feel fantastic!!
    Kisses from Vienna!!
    Keep calm and doing YogawithAdriene

  115. thank you for this challenge. i really need to find something to bring me back to me true center and you appeared from the universe. looking forward to the next 30 days!

  116. Thank you for this!!! You make it so relaxing and enjoyable. I am so looking forward to this journey. I have recently moved and there is not a Yoga practice near me that meets my needs, so I began looking for something on line and here you are!!! Thank you!!!

  117. Thank you so much for this wonderful experience. I have always wanted to try yoga but its so difficult to find a beginners class near me. I have started your challenge and i love it. thank you for being so thoughtful and talking thru the poses. I cant wait to see my progress at the end of the 30 days!!

  118. After some time off of yoga - ok about 3 years, i'm committed to getting back into it. There are no longer any studios near me - they closed 3 years ago. 🙁 I am super excited to find these videos - i get bored with the same videos over and over. My body really needs this but as much my mind needs it - thank you for putting these videos together Adrienne!

  119. Hi from Rio de Jnaneiro, and i am very happy cause i just got cured from the pain in my back due to a herniate disk! Freedom means no pain!!! Love, love, love!

  120. Never ever thought I'd be announcing that I'm kicking off #30DaysofYoga but here I am. Never say never. 🙂 Thank you for putting this series together, and for not being the typical yoga instructor. I know you know what I mean. 🙂

  121. Just completed Day 1 of the 30 day challenge after a 25 year break! Looking forward to Day 2 already.

  122. Just found out about this through a work friend. I had such a full and busy day that I chose veg out time on my couch this evening instead of remembering to start the challenge. Doh! I'll just get a later start. Looking forward to it!

  123. Thrilled to find you and thank you or the inspiration to get back on track! I love your humor and kindness! I found myself chuckling which was so wonderful. Thank you. I look forward to all 30 days.

  124. Needed to find some peace and stumbled upon this 30 day challenge. I'm a newbie to the yoga community but I enjoyed the first session and the relaxation it brought me. I attempted to try yoga on numerous occasions but could never find a connection with the teacher. I look forward to the month ahead!

  125. Hi, I just finished the first day, and I find it really difficult to breath deep. I end up taking two shallow breaths in a row and I feel like I can't expand my chest. Is there any way to make breathing more smooth?
    Thank you!

  126. I came across your YouTube channel last week and tried 4 beginner videos. Totally enjoyed them. I can count on one hand how many times I have done yoga in my life and I just didn't like it. Yippee!! Am so excited to continue after finishing Day 1. After losing 20 pounds, I feel like a change in my routine and I know your lessons will help me become flexible, stronger and lose a little more weight.
    Thank you, thank you , thank you.

  127. Just started over, since I was distracted from my first challenge in January. I'd forgotten how good this feels 🙂 Thank you!

  128. A girlfriend of mine told me about these videos. I have been trying to figure out a way to get back into yoga. The local class schedule just doesn't fit in with my daily routine so this is perfect.. I have to admit even easing into it as Adrianne did on day 1 was challenging because I have been away from yoga for so long but it was worth it.

  129. Hello Adriene!
    I'm from Warwick, in south-east Queensland, Australia. When my chiropractor suggested I needed to stretch more, I was surprised to admit that I hadn't really stretched for years!! I had bought a beautiful yoga mat last Christmas, so I rolled it out and searched for yoga on YouTube... and here I am. I began 2 days ago and feel sooo good, like I've missed this sooo much!! I've even invited my friend, Charlott, from Melbourne, to join me on this 30 day journey. We are both working mums who are also studying and running our own small businesses - so this is a perfect way for us to do our daily practice in a way that also fits in with all our other life commitments. Thank you Adriene! xx

  130. Hi everyone I am totally new in yoga! I've just finished my first day, and it feels so good!!! I hope that I am not going to quit Thank you Adriene for this opportunity! Love and peace to all

  131. Absolutely brilliant! I've been hunting for a yoga programme I like and this is the best I've come across. Adriene, you explain things beautifully, I love your lightness and your humour and the balance between achievable and challenging poses is perfect. Thank you!

  132. Hello! I am doing your 30 days of yoga and I already look he it. I have done yoga before and always when I do some of the poses it is almost as if I feel anxiety. Like today on day one when I was stretching forward with my hands out to the front and side it was hard to continue due to the anxious feeling I had. Is this normal?

  133. After finishing yesterday the 31 days of yoga revolution, I'm happy to do theses 30 days of yoga ! 🙂 Thank you Adriene, you're great !

  134. Dear Adrienne,
    Day 1 has been fantastic! I really loved it and you are awesome. Thank you so much.x

  135. I'm a few years behind for this one. My sister mentioned your Yoga with Adrienne youtube videos when I told her I started a group yoga session earlier this year 2017. I loved how the yoga made me feel but not the social anxiety I get out in public. So far I've done Yoga Revolution and Yoga Camp. Now I've started this. I'm feeling so much stronger, flexible and taller. Thankyou Adrienne. Namaste.

  136. Hi Adriene,

    I am glad as I am going to start your 30-day yoga program, but I have some queries. How will I get to know the yoga sequence after 30 days? Should I restart the month circuit after 30 days? Also, my focus is weight loss and getting in shape. Does 30-day yoga program solves the purpose?

  137. I found myself very tight in my hips and shoulders. I struggled a little bit with day 1. Should I stay here until I feel comfortable and then move on?

  138. Hello Adriene,
    I have had 2 hemi arthoplasty replacement surgeries, and currently have a total reverse shoulder prosthesis in my right arm and shoulder. I am not to weight bear more than 20 lbs., as the threat of dislocation is huge. Are there modifications for one armed positions? What about people who only have one arm, or leg? Is there a program in place for amputees?

    Thanking you in advance,
    Robyn Paul

  139. I am totally new to yoga but have heard lots of positive things about Adriene so I decided to give it a try. Just did the first practice and even though some of the postures were a bit challenging for me, not being fit at all, I now feel relaxed and as if I've just taken a nap 🙂

  140. Adrienne - first of all, I love your style of teaching. Your use of visualization suggestions, at just the right time in the pose is really helpful. Your soft, sometimes humorous verbal instruction is helpful in remembering that, yes, yoga is serious, but doesn't have to be viewed as strict and regimented. I like the way you gently guide.

    Totally of the wall here, but......I'm America's Marathon Man ret. (check YouTube, America's Marathon Man). I'm 72 years old. I'm planning on coming out of retirement and doing one more outrageous adventure........a transcontinental run. My second. First one was in 1991. I"m planning it for my 75th birthday in 2021. Part of my long range training plan for the run is to "get my yoga back". I would like to talk with you about being my official yoga coach / teacher. Are you at all interested in discussing this idea?
    America's Marathon Man.....a.k.a. Jerry Dunn

  141. So I e never done yoga before
    Is this a good starting place
    It seems I cant sit in this position very long

    1. Barbara, you might want to start with Adriene's Yoga for Beginners video. There is also a playlist for beginners on the YWA YouTube channel that is a good starting point. Take it one day at a time. It is normal if you can't do everything right away. It is a practice and will grow with time. Enjoy the process. 🙂

  142. I started day 1 today. I have never been flexible. I am 57 years old and I am paying a price for my lack of care or any cross training earlier in life. I loved the day 1 yoga physically and emotionally. I’ve started a journal so I can track my progress. It was tough but I am feeling pretty darn good and I think I feel a little taller! I love the first word..... discern. I took lots of notes. Thank you for your empathy and encouragement that I sense in this video. I am in need of it! Looking forward to day 2.

  143. Hello from sweden 🙂 Just started my challange today 🙂 Goal is to find some space for me and my yoga everyday, hopefully this challange will help!

    Namaste <3

  144. Finally I took time for myself. I'd done Yoga for a year with a friend but work schedules change and I was left wanting for a similar experience and gentle, soft-spoken instructor.
    I start with the 1st day of the 30 days today and feel so good after completing (most of it). My knees didn't want to fully cooperate.
    Am anxious to get into tomorrow's after work tomorrow-no matter how tired I am when I start it>
    Thank you Adriene!

  145. Ok Day one done. Im hoping to make changes in my life and this was one of them. I was able to do most moves. Long time runner given the diagnosis of pelvic organ prolapse can no longer run looking for a new outlet needing to calm my mind. Horrible traumatic things going on in my life feeling so positive that this will help me focus. Thank you.

  146. 30 days of yoga
    Thank you! This site was recommended to me given the new reality of teleworking and social distancing. The 30 days of yoga will help bring joy and structure to my life over the next month.

  147. So blessed to have been able to share this with you - just coming out of lockdown and in a bad head space - finally pushed myself to begin this - I feel like I have made a commitment to you and will enjoy the challenges ahead - though to be honest my creaky old body might take a while to remember how to bend x

  148. good day Adriene! i have started your online classes (30 day at home) and was wondering if there is anywhere i can find which poses are covered on each day? i have decided to study some theory around the origins and history of the practise and would love to learn both the original pose names and their english translations. anything like this available? thanks again from South Africa

  149. Just started the 30-Day Challenge today, after spending lots of time on the website exploring. Adriene, I really relate to your style, knowledge and compassion - not to mention your beautiful poses and understanding of the body. Your relaxed (sometimes funny!) approach is amazing - like talking to my sister! I look forward to the remaining 29 days and beyond. Thank you for offering these recordings during these crazy, crazy times in our world.

  150. Hi Adriene, I just started my 30 day challenge yoga with you. I really enjoyed doing it. Love your sense of humor and your easy and relaxing talking. Looking forward for the next 29 sessions to get me in a better physical and mental position during these Covid times. Thank you

  151. Adriene, Thank you for this series. I have done it before and doing it again. Your energy is so light, so fun, so easy going and relaxed. Your authenticity and groundedness is refreshing in a world of "professional" yoga teachers. thank you!

  152. This will be my 2nd round doing this series. My first try was on my birth month last May 2021 and I am absolutely hooked with your wonderful channel.

  153. Hi Adriene, Thank you for creating this series. I am attempting to go through these routines to get reacquainted with my body and muscles after giving birth to my beautiful baby boy. I look forward to rebuilding my strength with you 🙂 Cheers!

  154. Thanks so much for this. I've been ill with COVID and can't do my usual cardio, so this will keep me focussed as the breathlessness disappears. Great videos, and love being goofyn

  155. Hi Adriene,
    I have been following you for the last 5 years .I was doing yoga every day last year following your 30day classes .Then in Feb this year I fractured my shoulder. So I have just started back with your beginner classes to get my strength back so I can go back and finish the MOVE 30 Days classes. Thankyou you are awesome, and love every session of yoga I have done with you. Robyn from Australia

  156. Last post here was over a year ago, so thought I’d leave one. I have been practicing yoga for nearly 25 years, mostly at an in-person studio downtown, here in Pleasanton, California. With the pandemic, the studio closed and moved to “online”/real time. My sister-in-law recommended Yoga With Adriene, and I started watching. It’s become a ‘family thing’ - even my grand-daughter, age 7, has done the practice with me. Hats off to you, Adriene, for continuing to create the 30-day challenge each year. I have begun a year of back-to-back 30 day challenges and am enjoying it - so far have done: Breath, Flow, Center, Home. Thanks Adriene for bringing your free-loving personality to this and impacting millions in the process!

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