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Yoga For a Broken Heart

Yoga For a Broken Heart (or Yoga for a Heavy Heart). This yoga practice will help aide in healing a broken heart or help to lift your spirits and find peace.

We will support and nourish the physical and emotional body and tend to your heart space. Lean into it, open up to it - your yoga practice has your back. Yoga can bring an insane amount of peace.

It can empower, it can nurture, it can help you to heal.

Yoga for inner PEACE.

Enjoy your practice!

53 comments on “Yoga For a Broken Heart”

    1. Today my heart is heavy and you, Adriene, helped make it lighter. I am grateful for your guidance and gentleness. I am more at peace and am ready to teach today. Namaste'

    2. This particular practice is doing so much to help me with the pain involved when my boyfriend of seven years decided to betray me and cast me aside. I couldn't get through it the first time because of the many tears, but I am healing with your help and I thank you so much Adrienne!

  1. Adriene, you are a blessing. I've spent this week healing my heart. It's like you can read my spirit. Thank you for your generosity, your energy, and what you bring to the mat each day. Namaste.

  2. Thank you so much, Adriene!
    I am deeply moved and my heart feels at peace right now.
    Love from Vienna**

  3. Though I don't have a broken heart, this truly helped get some emotions out and open my heart! You're a true inspiration. I follow you on social media and Im an absolute fan. Keep it up, girl! You're making waves!! Thank you... Namaste. <3

  4. Million, Trillion Thanks , Adriene.

    Once again - just what I needed.

    I adore your page.

    Every time I enter, I find peace.



  5. Just wanted to thank you for this one. I haven't practiced in quite some time and some serious heartache has been weighing heavy on my soul. For whatever reason, I decided to stretch tonight and found this video. I haven't felt this much like myself in months. Cannot thank you enough for your kind words and gentle guidance.

  6. Incredible that you should put this video up right when I need it. I feel like it's some sort of a sign. Hope you're okay, and thank you so much!

  7. Hi Adriene, Thank you so much, really enjoyed this gentle loving yoga experience!! Namaste. xx

  8. ...don't know if this was based on a request, but it just came in at the right time! made my day today (plus will make it tomorrow)

  9. As always, this was exactly what I needed today. I have been out of my yoga practice for a while now and this was the perfect reminder to be GENTLE with myself as I welcome it back. Xo

  10. Thank you, Adriene. This was just what I needed. Intention today - gentle.Through this practice, I became a bit more aware of how thoughts of being lonely feed the loneliness! Life can be such a joyful adventure if I just let it be so. Much appreciated. xoxb

  11. Adrienne, are you okay? U sound sad...but again ur video came at a good time. It's our soul connections!

    1. Hi Adriene,

      I'am surprised to see you this week a litle sad.Are you oké Adriene?
      Thanks for all this intresting video's.
      You are a lovely person and a great yoga teacher;
      Thank you so much to breng happines in peoples live.
      Take care of you,and I hope to see you next week back with your sense of humor and a big smile 🙂 .
      Warmly, Jacques

  12. We all have bad times.. The difference is how we deal with them. We act or we just wait? This video is a great response.
    Thank you Adrienne for the motivation!


  13. Perfect practice on the day I celrbrate 42 years of marriage. My heart is joyous. Thank uou

  14. A thousand 'Likes', a million 'Likes' for you..............exactly what I needed. xoxoxox

  15. Thank you this is just what I've been wanting and needing Adriene,it's good to have someone guide you through sad times with such peaceful practice! Om Shanti x

  16. Hi Adriene!

    I finished the 30 day challenge recently and now I'm doing your weight loss yoga. Just wanted to tell you I had such a breakthrough today. Suddenly I mastered crow pose, which before seemed nearly impossible to me! Love the feeling!
    I want to thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to experience my body in a new way, that gives me confidence and self love.

    Greetings from Sweden -you're the best!


  17. Hi Adriene,
    I am surprised to see you this week a litle sad.Are you oké Adriene ?
    Thnks for all this beautiful and intresting video's.
    You are a lovely person and a great yoga teacher.
    Thank you so much to bring happines in people live .
    Take care of you,and I hope to see you back next week with your sense of humor and a big smile 🙂 .
    Warmly, Jacques

  18. I made it all the way to the end before I cried. I count that as a win.

    Thank you for this video, and all your good work.

  19. Hi Adriene,
    Are you oké Adriene? I have the impression that you are a litle sad this week.
    Take care of you and I hope to see you back next week with your sense of humor and your big smile:-) .
    Thanks for the intresting video's.

  20. Hello Adriene,

    Many thanks for your videos which always have something special to them-- appeasing and uplifting at the same time. They remind us that "a thing of beauty is a joy for ever : its loveliness increases; it will never pass into nothingness". (Keats)

    Take good care,

  21. Very tender and healing. Just right for this bright sunny morning here in England. Thank you Adriene. Hope all well with you.

  22. Adriene - I was always a bit suspicious of all the fuss that was made about the benefits of yoga. Until I tried it myself and learned better. Nevertheless, I was not prepared for the effects this video had on me - even though the poses are not so different from your other videos. I had my heart broken two and a half years ago, and it's still affecting me. For some reason I have never addressed this issue when I set my intentions, and this video invited me to do so. And just because of setting this intention, I felt so incredibly vulnerable when opening my heart, it was almost physically painful to do so. It set loose a storm of emotions and it opened the floodgates. I had no idea yoga could have this effect, and while it was very overwhelming, it felt very liberating. Thank you for this - keep up the good work. To me, yoga is the chocolate of exercise - both mental and physical.

  23. When I saw the video come up I was like "Nope, I'm good, my heart is high and drunk on love!"
    Little did I know that I would need this practise today...

    Thank you Adriene.

  24. It does indeed seem like you're psychic...or an empath. I've never felt like such a complete fangirl over yoga, but your generosity, creativity, wisdom and kooky sense of humor combine to make your practice and videos uniquely effective and enjoyable. . I'm not sure how you do it, but I'm so glad you do.

    I've been telling all my friends about you. If you're ever in the northwest, there's a beverage of your choice waiting for you. Cheers!

  25. Thank you Adriene. That was one of the most beautiful practices I've ever done. I know I'll come back to it again and again. Namaste x

  26. Adriene,
    Doing your yogavideos is one of the few things I really really feel is for myself and my own mental health.
    Yoga really has helped me through tough times these last years.

    Much love, thank you for your amazing peaceful words, humour and the best yogavideos there is.

  27. Thank you Adriene! I have tried many other yoga videos by other yogis but I still love yours the most. You move at the right pace (for me) and your videos can really help me relax and center myself. I'm really grateful for your videos and I hope you will continue making more! Thank you so so much!

  28. Thank you Adriene. My husband and I had to put our beloved dog down this weekend and this practice helped me relax, open, release, and heal. Thank you.

  29. Thank you for this practice, Adriene. My heart feels rather heavy due to a family member being in hospital. I've been bottling up a lot to keep it together in front of the family, but didn't make it out of the first pose before I started crying. It's strangely relieving to just be able to actually focus on the emotions and let it all out.

  30. After a week of bad feelings, I've remembered a friend of mine recommanded me this video a few months ago.
    My heart feels so much lighter, thank you very much Adriene

  31. Thank you Adriene for sharing this practice with me. Though I'm a YWA regular, I've not found an occasion to use this practice until today...the day of my Dad's visitation. Until now, I've never had tears on the mat.


  32. We just had to put down our spoiled, pampered cat of 15 years and I'm by far taking it harder than the rest of the family. I was so distraught that I was desperate to try anything to help alleviate some of the heartbreak. I remembered seeing this video when I first found your channel and figured I had nothing to lose by trying. The next morning, I felt considerably better. The hurt is still there, but it's more bearable than it had been. Thank you.

  33. Dear Adriene,
    I found your website when looking tools to address heart chakra. Going through a demanding time, I do this session several times a week. In between times I hear in my heart your words of warmth and encouragement, like "Your practice has your back." 🙂 Thank you for ministering to many of us in such a genuine way. Bless you!

  34. I wanted to thank you for helping our family to say goodbye our beloved pup, Jovie. Jovie passed away last week after a courageous battle with thyroid cancer. Jovie was a beautiful. mutt. She was loyal, affectionate and very silly. We were beyond fortunate to have her in our family for nearly 8 years. The weekend before she passed it became apparent that our time with her was coming town end and ultimately we knew that Monday would be our last day with her. While we would have loved to spend that time doing the things she loved; tossing her popcorn, or going for long walks on campus. But unfortunately, over the weekend, she became to weak for that. So as I tried to think of ways to be with her and comfort her, I was reminded of what my daughter had said to me a few months ago. My daughter Noelle and I practice yoga with you. And Jovie was always by our side. She’d slide under Noelle’s bed and and lay there for the duration of her practice.
    I often began my proactive with Jovie sitting at the front of my mat, staring at me until my cat cow or downward dog pushed her out of the way. Then she would take her place alongside my mat.
    What Noelle brought to my attention was that while Jovie wasn’t necessarily interested in being in Noelle’s room when she was reading or doing schoolwork, when she was practicing yoga, Jovie would scratch on the door to come in. She would do the same when I was practicing in my room. Noelle determined that it was your voice, Adriene, that Jovie was drawn to. And so on that last morning, Jovie and I practiced together. And when I was done I let the videos continue and I am certain that your voice soothed and comforted her.
    Our family is without a pet for the first time in 18 years and we miss Jovie terribly, but we have countless wonderful memories. Thank you for being a part of that.

  35. My mom passed away almost 4 years ago.And when she did,I really felt what a broken heart is..I think of her everyday,these past few weeks have been so hard..Crying,missing my mom and a great friend as well.She loved seeing my yoga poses,and even tried a session herself.I had a dream about her awhile back.She was in a studio and going through a yoga flow.I told her in m y dream..Mom,that was good!Then I woke up.I felt she was with me and did not feel sad.But grief creeps up on you.I did this session,and your voice made me feel strong.And teary eyed at the end.I know my mom is an angel,and so are you Adrienne.Thank you for touching all points of our lives with your practices.And to everyone one out there with a heavy heart,May you all find peace and breathe...Namaste to all.

  36. Thank you. I do not normally use yoga videos since I have began teaching, but this has made it possible of me to breathe in the midst of so much heart break.

  37. This is simply great. I never thought that yoga can help to heal from a broken heart. Thanks for sharing this amazing guidance. Great work.

  38. Kia Ora! Wahine Tao! Thanks for the variety of breaths I wasn’t aware there are so many. The sequence with a voiceover that talks about tender , thank you. I will keep practicing this week. It will help my heart mind spirit body. Thanks a mill.

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