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TRUE - Day 30 - Be You

The sun shines down, and its image reflects in a thousand different pots filled with water. The reflections are many, but they are each reflecting the same sun. Similarly, when we come to know who we truly are, we will see ourselves in all people.



To you.

To me.

To us.

Day 30.

It’s about listening.



It’s about responding.



A genuine practice with a truthful process.

That is what it’s about for me.

And that is why I made this…

My offering to you.

To me.

To us.

To the world.

The time is now.

Never give up on finding your true light for the betterment of all.

This isn't the end of anything. Trust me, it is a very potent beginning.

It’s time to live with full vigor and authenticity. No hiding! The world is asking that of us and we are craving to align with it ourselves. We have an opportunity.

Take it.

Run with it.

We will practice on the mat today.

I take the mic off… and together we jam on what it’s all about.

Listening and responding. 

Shining your light for the betterment of all. 


Find What Feels Good.

I am honored to know you, feel you, guide you, laugh with you, pray with you, play with you.

The true you.



I love ya. See you on the mat.

Jai Namaste,

PS: Subscribe to the channel if you haven’t already. This is the best way to support Yoga With Adriene and all the free content. Thank you for being apart of this community and for spreading the love.

PPS: I’ll write you one more tomorrow. Enjoy your practice!

60 comments on “TRUE - Day 30 - Be You”

  1. I did it!! Thank you so, so much, Adriene!
    I loved this journey. It helped me to reconnect with yoga an with me. I have done yoga (almost) every day last year, but sometimes, it felt more like checking off a task on my to do list. With true, I reconnected with me, I got more present in the moment while doing yoga (and sometimes of the mat). I'm going to stick with your videos and I try to conserve this presence and mindfulness.
    Thank you, you are awsome!

    1. Adriene thank you for your gift. Beautiful practice connecting with the earth and taking time to look up at the blue sky x

  2. This was such an incredible journey. Just finished and I’m flush with emotions. Thank you for guiding us and teaching us kindness and patience with ourselves and our practice. Namaste!

  3. I did it! 30 days of yoga and working on my body and mind. It was really a remarkable journey. When I started I had no idea that it will help me to open up my mind like it did and I feel great in my body the way it is. Thank you for guiding me through this journey. You're awsome!

    Lots of love from the Netherlands!

  4. Thank you Adriene, for all the yoga and for helping me to have a better understanding of what self love is. Your helping me to be a better person,
    And its made our world a better place.

  5. In tears, here
    As this eventful journey through the month of January, has been one hellava trip!!! I hate to see it end...
    Thank you Adriene and Sarah for adding new meanings to my life
    I will continue my mornings with this wonderful practice
    Much love

  6. Thank you so much Adriene for these 30 days!
    It is the first time I manage to complete a yoga series and got a bit emotional as I finished Day 30...

    Take good care of yourself!


  7. Time with you is so precious
    Allowing all muscles to relax and giving the busy thinking mind a rest
    I'm drifting away..releasing all tension.
    Breathing slow and deep
    Breath out tension and stress

    "Letting go what does no longer serve you"

    Thank you so much for sharing your time and energy
    and thank you for my easy and comfortable birth.

    Ehh..?? was you! 🙂
    When the day of birth arrived it was so easy to slip back and find what feels good
    To connect to my inner strength, my true self and to my baby
    To find courage and confidence and wisdom
    Trusting my intuition and natural instincts
    That my mind, my body and my baby will work effectively together.
    Two years yoga with Adriene..Im very grateful!

    Love you,

    Lisa and baby Adama 🙂

  8. Adriene, thank you so much for such a beautiful yoga experience. Day 30 was a very special, emotional and connecting experience. We are all truely blessed to have connected with you.
    Thank you so very much , I have loved every minute!
    Lisa x

  9. Thank you Adriene this has been the perfect start to my year and has inspired me to yoga every day, a new healthier happier me, you are truly inspiring I will be listening to my body through my RELAX year of Rest, Water, Minimalisum, Faith and Excercise. From England, many thanks x

  10. This journey has been amazing and the perfect start to my year. Thank you so much Adriene for guiding us through it. I've learned the importance of showing up for myself everyday no matter how I am feeling and the true power of being your authentic self. With love from an American in England xx

  11. This has been great! Thank you very much! I managed to do it on my own (day 30 :))(I just checked several times what you were doing and 2 times we were doing one and the same :))) Thank you again for the opportunity! Last year I didn't succeed in everyday yoga after January, but thisntime I feel I will continue. You and your videos make the world better! Jai Namaste! Love you!

  12. Thank you Adriene! What a wonderful way to start the new year. You are a treasure....thank you for this gift.

  13. I only started yoga a bit last year and decided to try this series. I'm amazed at how much of a difference I found in my practice and myself by doing it!

    I didn't really grasp what you were doing in this last one until it was over, when I realised it was (I think) meant as an opportunity for me to, well, find what feels good, right, and true for me in the moment rather than merely following your lead. I have more to think about, and will definitely be trying it again in the future, as well as going back through your other series.

    Thanks to you and your team, including Benji!

  14. What is in this journey that seems so much more than meets the eye? How is it that 30 days of self love, which I thought I have done before, can present anew this time? As always, Adriene, you have helped me create myself again, in new and unexpected ways. I thank you.

  15. This was TRUE-LY(see what I did there) a great journey for me and it's clear that others feel the same way. Thank you for guiding us towards finding what feels good and to not always look for results. Following along has paid off for me in many ways.

  16. Hello you gorgeous soul,
    I have completed all 30 days and found a part of myself that I love every day thank you! You are in my voice everyday, I have not only challenged my mind and body my heart is incredibly grateful. Day 30 has a written text out of context with your movement?

  17. An infinity of love and thanks. This whole process was therapy for the soul.
    I really struggled with this day last year (well, panicked!) too, but this year it felt mindblowingly beautiful to feel like I was dancing/flowing (my own version of ) whilst held by/alongside you and others around the world. Tears of amazement, release and gratitude along the ‘True’ way. We are one ❤️

  18. I am in tears. What a journey! Thank you, Adrien, you are a magical person. Throughout this practice I got emotionally carried away, the world needs more people like you, like us, this community has an immense poer of positive energy. I am practising with you for nearly a year now, and I never wanted to continue as much as I do now. Namaste. Lots of love. Thank you!

  19. Thank you Adriene! This 30 days was a blessing! I am so glad I stuck with it. You and Benji are wonderful teachers. Thank you so much! Half way through you had me wanting another 30 days...I'm grateful for the February calendar. I'm in! I so appreciate you sharing yourself and your practice with all of us. Looking forward to the next 30 days 🙂

  20. HI Adriene,
    I just discovered your videos over Christmas, 2017 and did some of them with my daughter during the holidays. When I saw there was a January 30 day challenge I decided to try it. And I did it! I have been doing yoga classes 2-3 times a week for about 5 years, but have had a very limited home practice. I really appreciated this opportunity and did it every day even if I couldn't til late at night. Thank you for your humor and warmth, your sass and spunk, your inviting and inclusive tone. I found great pleasure in making this commitment to myself. And I had a powerful experience last night (1/31/18) doing the last one without words and with music. I felt like I was dancing (and you seemed to be too) and I felt the body knowledge that had been created through the cumulative preceding days, which gave me a sense of an inner knowing I wouldn't have realized if you hadn't done the last day in that unique beautiful way. Thank you very much for your presence and your yoga work. I tell everyone about you. And I am excited for February!

  21. I did not expect to feel choked up after day 30's Namaste, but I did (I am). I've been practicing yoga since 2011 and the True yoga journey has been the first challenge I've taken on and just wow. Even though I skipped some days and my schedule became crazy, I still managed to get all 30 done by February 1. Adriene, I feel proud, grateful, thankful, emotional, and true. You did that for me. Thank you for this wonderful journey. I vow to myself to continue following your journey as I follow my own. I've never learned so much in just one month by simply taking 20-30 minutes to come to the mat. Yoga saves me and I'm so happy I get to join you and this community in cultivating the ancient practice of love and light, strength and peace, body and mind. Namaste, Namaste, Namaste <3

  22. I did it! All 30 days. Now to continue exploring this site and finding 'what feels good'. Thank you so much!!!

  23. Tears of gratitude and LOVE, first for you Adrienne, then for me and for us. I've been practicing Yoga thanks to you since 2 years ago now. I've started with the 2016 30days yoga camp, it was the discovery, then last year with Revolution which kind of saved my life in this really intense last year I had, and then this True which just put the light on my strength, the real one... The one when you had first let yourslef being vulnerable, open, in acceptance of your emotions, in acceptance of LIFE. Your teaching is just so profound and fun at the same time! Full of Love and humility. I like to say that I take life preciously not seriously, and this is exactly what your are doing here. So again THANK YOU. One Love. Namasté.

  24. At first I was apprehensive and then I told myself “I can” and I started to move my body freely, I connected with my breath and I flowed. Thank you for this journey.

    Shilo xo

  25. Did anyone else cry as they began their day 30 practice? I was overwhelmed with happy grateful tears that i had completed something I stuck with for 30 sessions, had seen my body getting stronger, my mind connecting to breath, and the best part- showing love to myself. My beautiful "Self Love" red sweatshirt and FWFG t-shirt arrived right before i started my yoga session as if by devine providence. They are lovely and fit perfectly, I feel wrapped in love. Quite a blessed and beautiful morning. Thank you Adriene for helping me uncover what's true. I'm so excited to keep going with this journey. Yay 2018, Love yo' self!

  26. Thank you so much Adriene. Those 30 days was full of magic. You allow me to TRUST! In the first day, you allow me to trust in the video, then to the yoga, then to you and finaly : to me! I feel so much more confident, Featless, Strong, Balance, Kind, Gentle, Brave, Free and Me!
    It sounds like a revelation to me.
    So THANK YOU so so much for your sharings, your kind words and you incredible flow of energy.
    Lots of Love!
    NAMASTE <3

  27. I'm behind the curve due to health problems and am just wrapping up my 30 days today, but...

    Thank you Adriene! I had abdominal surgery in november 2017 to remove endometriosis, and recovery was rough. This course allowed me to ease my poor battered, unfit body into yoga without any extra pain. I have told myself this year is all about radical self love, and you have lead the way into that intent with such beauty and grace. I am beyond grateful to you, and look forward to inviting you into my home every day for as long as I can.

    Xo, and namaste

  28. This was truly amazing, i feel like moving with myself, with this world, being totally conected. Thank you so much for this yummie 30 days...!

  29. Thank you for sharing your beautiful, open heart! This journey has helped me through challenges and given me resilience and perspective. You are a TRUe and luminous soul my Adrienne. Many blessings ❤️

  30. thank you, Adriene. I have just done Day 30. I beat you would have liked to peak into our living rooms to see how we were doing - eh?

  31. Yoga has never made me tear up but today it did. I d no idea what to expect from my body and mind with this challenge, but you opened doors I thought were permenantly locked. Thank you so much for sharing your gift. Namaste. <3

  32. Just finished this and just had to say how wonderful this is. Fantastic yoga practice with a truly relatable teacher. Thank you.

  33. Thank you Adriene, for the whole TRUE series and especially this last video! Actually I have practiced this video already multiple times, since I feel that I have learned to listen what my body needs and practicing according to those needs. On the other hand I love the feeling of support - watching the video with side eye and getting inspiration from you. I have done your yoga videos already few years and will definitely continue! You're the best. Namaste and <3 from Finland, Anu

  34. Began this journey on February 6th and finished today March 17th. So glad I took the time to do this and gosh I swear I was hearing you in my head during this last practice! It proves that you provided us all the tools we need to continue the practice of yoga, it's up to us to show up and take care of our mind and body. So interesting that you choose to close this chapter like this. I'm doing yoga on and off since.... at least 10 years and I gotta say: I love you so much, I'm so glad I found you!!! You truly have a gift to teach and make us feel like we can do this and that the real meaning of yoga is not to master the poses, but master ourselves.... anyway it's how I NOW see it!

    Thank you soooòo much for being you! :))))))

  35. Thanks my friend, you have allowed me to trust that I can start and finish something that makes me feel good. Yoga has been on the periphery of my life for about 20 years, no solid class times or regular practice, but now I have a HOME practice thanks to you. I finished this morning, and like others, was moved to tears by the sincerity and love that exuded through the flow sequences without words. Beautiful.

    I am proud of myself, and for you - you have been true to yourself and followed your heart and your dreams, and we all benefit. Many many blessings.

  36. You are so lovely Adriene and I enjoyed my journey with you! I LOVE and appreciate your free videos!


  37. What a journey... what an amazing journey with you Adriene. 30 days ago I made a commitment to myself to get better and looking at where I am right now thanks to you and this amazing yoga practice... woooow. You are my hero. Thank you for having my back and thank you for sharing so much love with us all. May all beings be TRUE.


  38. Dear Adriene, this morning I finished this month with day 30... what a beautiful journey and session! It made me stronger, in very different ways, it helped me through a very rough time at work also. I keep up with the videos, every morning, doing my practice, enjoying all your beautiful sessions, it is really amazing to have you in my own house through these videos 🙂 Thank you so much for your work, your passion, your words, your stimulation to not give up, and to everybody else: we are a beautiful community, with wonderful souls. Humbly thanking everyone to feel connected with <3 Namaste Kris

  39. I haven't done yoga for years and have just finished the 30 day yoga. Really enjoyed this and particulalry liked Day 30 which felt like an amazing culmination of the days before. I think I'll do the last day again a few times - balance was a bit off. What do you recommend after this?

    Much love

  40. Thank you Adriene for your beautiful gift to us all.

    The power and the peace I feel now.
    Truly a blessing.


  41. Emotions flowed during this last day, this day of being True of myself. I cried, sobbed, and I felt competent in knowing what was right for my shape. Thank you Adriene for teaching me that I can trust myself.

  42. Adriene, thank you for this 30 day yoga! Im a welder out in the bush. I managed to get these yoga sessions done in my tiny camp room! really helped a lot thank you.


  43. Hello, I purchased the True program tonight. I received a receipt but not the download email.

    Please advise Thank you kindly

  44. I did it! From second time.. I can feel a huge difference from beginning.. it's easier to accept all myself, to love myself and live my self, to feel alive.. To be true and discover what was hidden for a long time- wholeness! Thank you from a bottom of my heart! <3

  45. Thank you Adriene for this beautiful journey. It was a really emotional and powerful session today. Our last bow was so powerful and I felt connecting to everyone!
    I have learnt so much about myself for 29 days and today everything got revealed. The way I moved, I focused, even my mind setting was flowing and smooth. Having a rough time just now that was such a powerful revelation. Thank you so much for all the love and the support. Thanks to you, I brought yoga in my life and it has been a truly open eyes and a life saver experience. Thank you again

  46. I did it!!!!! ALL 30 Days! I loved the way you did the last one, this was incredible for me and I cannot wait to do another!!!!!!!!!!!
    Thank you Adriene xoxoxoxoxoxo

  47. Adriene,
    Just finished True 30 days. I did Revolution late summer.
    You are a bright, shining light. Thank you!
    I look forward to January 2020 and new 30 day Practice.
    Will continue with your other videos to get me through.
    I see it as an inspirational journey.
    Enjoy the holiday season.
    Namasté ❤️

  48. I did it! I know now that I can practice yoga on my living room, on my own, doing what it feels good now. Thank you, I am so happy that I completed this 30-day journey. It means that my gym closed 30 days ago and I’m in self isolation for 30 days (coronavirus). This TRUE practice is helping me so much. Thank you, dear Adriene

  49. This was great. It gave me a lot of inner peace and energy; and reminded me to always stay true to myself. I can’t wait to start the next 30 day challenge.

  50. An emotional way to end the 30th day. My tears flowed and I thanked all those past, present and the future for their guidance and love. I found myself questioning my depth of self as we went. Thank you’ll very much for the impact you have had in my life’s path.
    May your thoughts be kind, your speech be true and your heart filled with love. Namaste

  51. This has been absolutely amazing. I feel that I've learned so much and really found a sense of peace. Thank you!

  52. Namaste Adrienne,
    The first time I know what it means when you say "leave all things behind and focus on the moment"

  53. Thanks for an inspiring and beautiful journey - my first 30 days straight of yoga. It gave me focus, motivation and grounding during 30 days of covid lockdown in Melbourne, Australia. I paired it with 30 days of baking sourdough!
    Whats next? perhaps yoga camp!

  54. I am finishing day 30 of True and have loved it!!! I am 47 and would like to continue with yoga.. adding it to my normal exercise routine. Where should I go from here with your videos?

  55. Day 30 looked like an awesome practice. I wanted to follow what you were doing, but with no words or dings to transition with, I found it hard. So not really a fan of silent practices like this. Watching you was amazing, you grace and movement are mesmerising. Trying to follow you by watching the screen is counterproductive and not good for my neck.

    I do practice for myself with music at times, but also love your guided practices.

    I have enjoyed the journey and building that True 30 days has offered. I found that this is a good way to build upon each day, instead of just picking a random practice (or doing the same one over and over).

    Thank you for you generosity with these videos. Found them in March 2020 during the first COVID 19 lockdown in Australia. They have been a blessing and a wonderful way to start my days. I can definitely see the physical and mental benefits and changes within myself.

    Be at peace.

  56. Thank you Adriene, I keep on coming back to this 30 day journey as it seems to resonate deeply with me.
    My yoga practice has improved exponentially, following your journey with what seems so little effort.
    In gratitude!

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