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TRUE - Day 13 - Strength & Harmony

Pray, and we pray and we pray, and we pray, and we pray
Everyday, everyday, everyday, everyday.

Lucky Day 13!

If you didn't feel it yesterday, we are officially at the crossroads today.

The good kind.

I’m going to break today and tomorrow down for you…

Today is a strengthening practice that builds on yesterday’s center practice so you can put the practice back into your yoga. (Or if you are new to the practice, you are ahead of most yogis. I got you.)

Commit, lean in and give it your best go!

Tomorrow, we rest, we stretch and roll around on the ground.


So, trust and get her done today!

Today’s session packs a lot of punch. Listen to the teaching this session has to offer and do not judge a book by it’s cover.

The class is called Strength & Harmony.

If you are seeking transformation, remember we don’t always have to be in pain to gain.

(In fact, let’s not and say we did.)

The idea is that we are coming into harmony with our true self. Not muscling our way to try to look like someone else!

Harmonizing with your true self is a practice.

How you deal with the things that push you, challenge you, and throw you off balance - is the yoga.

How you handle “things” is a great reflection of your true self.

How do you want to be?

How do you want to exist in this world?

The world needs us strong and in harmony with our true self.

Okay, the rest of this lesson and pep talk is on the mat today. I will see you there. Let’s get swole and keep spiraling in - not out.

This global party is just getting started. Tomorrow is another restful day so do your best today and commit!

With Love,

PS: I made you a shirt. I’ll post it at the half way mark celebration on 1/16!

PPS: Won’t you check to make sure you are subscribed to my YouTube channel? Let’s celebrate 3 million TRUE together.

38 comments on “TRUE - Day 13 - Strength & Harmony”

  1. What a great way to begin the day!!!
    Love it when the practice is challenging!!!
    And....It always, is!!! lovyah Adriene!!!
    "Rock the Casbah"

  2. Can you provide more variations for the hip dips? 2 herniated discs and weak abs prevent me from jumping in, but with careful, gradual movements, i believe I can do it.

  3. Good morning from Scottsdale! I am here spending a few lovely days with my mom. As i finish this practice, I hear her in her small kitchen, fixing me a cup of coffee. I am 62 years old, my mom is 88; and she still does small things for me. I am blessed. Namaste to all of you!

  4. Loved the heal,lifts and hip dips!

    I heard silence. : ) There isn’t much activity when it’s 9°!

    Thanks for doing this series!

  5. Quiet here except for the occasional snap of the radiator. So happy for heat on this -4 degree day. Enjoyed the core strengthening today. Thank you ‍♂️

  6. This may have been my favorite session so far! Thank you! I also appreciate your Bone Thugs N Harmony references it made me laugh 🙂

    Also, My dogs name is Kenji and every time you say Benji he looks at the TV like you are talking to him hehehe

  7. I heard my daughter screeching from shower ...had to pause to check it was happy screaching !,it was ...thank you adrreine this builds brilliantly with each day x

  8. Adrienne, you are a golden star! I really look up to you. I started Yoga last fall, looked it up on YouTube, and as soon as I found your videos, I was relieved. Yours was what I was looking for; we can be ourselves without focusing on how great the stretches are. There were times where I just didn't have even the motivation to be on the carpet, but I decided to, and now I can't live a day without doing yoga. I hope you read this. I have had anxiety for a while, and have always struggled to be at peace with myself due to certain experiences from my childhood. Anyways, though I am still very far from who I ought to be, this strives me to be better than yesterday! Sometimes, I go outside, and just start doing yoga in my backyard. It inspires me to seek the light everyday, and I am blessed to be a part of the Yoga journey with you. Through it, I learn to count my blessings, spread love, and always aspire to be good. I have a very supportive and loving family, I hope that I can be like them.You remind me that we are aligned with the universe and it all happens for us. Thank you.

  9. I heard my dog sniffing at my feet and face, wanting me to play with her. And Bone Thugs in my head 🙂

  10. The whoosh of the furnace...the peace in my heart. Perfect peaceful silence.. Thank you, Adrienne!!

  11. 13 days strong! I hear silence - my son is sleeping. Thank you for helping me reconnect with my body after giving birth. Nameste!

  12. hello from Maryland! (Home of the TERPS, the Blue Crab and Old Bay seasoning)

    I do yoga in a room that has an aquaponics fish / plant set up. So when you ask what I heard today. It's always a RUSH of water and a soft bubbling. Namaste

  13. So good. 🙂 Thanks for the butt kicking!

    Noticing how i react....I need to observe this more!!

    Heard some hammering from the apartment above.

    1. Hello from Stockholm, Sweden!

      There's a lot of snow outside my window, and from time to time the sun peaks out. I heard a snow plow go back and forth my street to showel some new fallen snow to the sidewalks. It's freezing but today's practice made me feel warm! thank you for that, and for all of this!!!!

  14. Overcoming the dreadful stomach bug. SO happy to be able to catch back up today. Bring on the work! My kids were asking for dessert during the workout, so I'm glad they are feeling better too!

  15. I can't believe how much I feel our personality is alike. I've been known to bust out with the song "Crossroad". When you did that I was like " oh my gosh, the sister I never had!!" Waaaay cool. You rock and I'm enjoying the true series. Thanks, Ash

  16. ...the sounds of my 13 year old playing around on his trumpet: Camila Cabello's Havana. Thanks!

  17. Our cockatiels - Sammy Davis Jr and Frank Sinatra - sang through this session. Good times! Thanks, Adriene.

  18. I hear my loving husband play with our kids upstairs, happy laughters and Lego-sounds. I feel so much love from this and I wish to thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  19. I committed to doing some small things to help heal my body and spirit in 2018.

    1. Eat healthy (nourish the body)
    2. Walk the dog (sunshine)
    3. Yoga (nourish the soul)

    I don't do all three things every day, but if I do one (or two) of them, I will be a better person by the end of the year. Thank you for giving these videos and assisting me on my journey to a better me.

    PS I heard my daughter singing as she's doing homework 🙂

  20. During my practice, I heard the wind pulling its fingers through the trees outside, I heard the wind call forlornly. I heard the contented purring of my cat Maree, who constantly tries to clamber atop my shaking body as I forgo this adventure. I heard my own breath become my stability, my anchor and listened to it deepen, and truly caress my inner spirit. Thank you for the opportunity to take this journey, and experience a part of myself that I had thought lost.

  21. I heard an airplane flying over head...a metaphor for a soul taking flight ~ thank you for all the videos! Your offerings have greatly enriched my life. Namaste ~

  22. Heard my body saying”thank you for the challenge”. I am person living with metastatic breast cancer. 2017 was the most physically debilitating year of my life. 2018 has been so much better as I am currently stable in my treatment. Yoga with you each day has made me stronger. I am so happy I found you! Xo

  23. i'm doing this challenge way; late in the year, but i wanted to tell you i love it. AND, my dog is always right next to me, or staring at me 🙂
    no marching bands for me today, instead it was the lovely sound of the grounds crew - lawn mowers and trimmers.

  24. Dear Adriene,
    I absolutely love your yoga practice! You are spirited, humble and funny! I dig your sense of humor and oftentimes find myself laughing on the mat; I never experienced that in any of the real life classes. I started YouTubing videos last year because I had some tension in my shoulders that was really uncomfortable and pain in lower back. I went to see a chiropractor but found it beneficial only for an hour after the adjustments. I knew yoga was the answer! I did your 30 day challenge in Fall/Winter and all that discomfort was gone by the first 2 weeks!!! I am so grateful for you 🙂 Thank you for being you!



  25. I finished up you’re 30 days of yoga and now I just finished day 13 of the true series~ just wanted to say thank you for making me realize that everything that makes me happy and healthy on the outside comes from all the love that’s already on the inside~ you’re great!

  26. this journey has been so much harder for me that the 30 days for beginners. Someone else feels like that?

  27. I laughed out loud today Adrianne, you’re such a brilliant teacher - generous, kind, knowledgeable, supportive, you look after each of us whichever the level we’re at, you emphasise the importance of finding softness, and listening... and all with a great sense of humour! And the singing....! 🙂
    Sending love and appreciation your way each morning from London, it’s thanks to you I’ve started a regular yoga practice x x x

  28. Today in downward facing dog my feet for the first time touched the floor... last few days my body craved downward dog and brought me this beautiful surprise- thank you Adriene!

  29. Dear Adriene
    thank you so much for doing this . with your practice and your beautiful smile you add to peace and harmony in the world in such difficult times. I have been following your classes since last March and very rarely miss a day. Greetings from Cyprus and may you be well and happy .

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