Standing Splits - Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana

Learn how to grow standing splits or Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana! Increase flexibility and strength with mindful movement and breath! Tap into your grounding energy and engage your muscles! This pose can be challenging at first but is a fun one to grow. This yoga pose is a great stress buster too when you focus on your breath. Calm your brain and rejuvenate your body with some yoga play. Grow your poses with Foundations of Yoga series - follow this pose up with Cobra pose! Make it your own. Cultivate a home practice. Find What Feels Good.

9 comments on “Standing Splits - Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana”

  1. Hi Adrienne. I really miss you so much,you are the best and funniest yoga teacher in the world! I hope you do more 30 days of yoga challenge. Can't wait to se more from you ❤ With all my Love. Melinda.

  2. I am so thankful for these! I would love to take them with me on my iPad while traveling to places where internet is not always available....I followed the donate tabs....and made a donation....but I did not receive any links to downloadable versions....or at least I couldn't find them...I have sent 2 e-mails, and a facebook message for help....with nothing in return....I need some very simple instructions....OR A LINK WOULD BE AWESOME! I am a health coach and would love to refer my clientele to you as they lose weight and begin to add exercise to their health regime....Please someone help me!

  3. Hi Adriene,

    I just started off with 30 day program,just done with my 21st day practise.
    Your videos are really helpful , your just the best at it. Really inspired and just got addicted to them,can't even miss a single day without my day practice.
    Keep going adriene!! You are just the best !!!! looking forward for more videos.
    keep rocking.

  4. Hello Adriene!
    First, thank you for taking the time to prepare those free videos.
    I practice standing spilts and Tree pose etc. and everytime my ankles are hurting like crazy. Hum, I kinda get the feeling something is not as it should be. Could you help me and tell me what you think? (maybe it is normal if it hurts at first?)
    Love from Paris

  5. Hey Adriene...
    I'hv jst started my 30 day challenge.. And its really exciting
    Bt the problem is that i m not able to do some of the poses.. Is that okk or should i try smtng else?????

  6. I am very grateful with all you do for us, I follow you and devote at least 4 hours a week to do my yoga for weight loss, I am not losing much weight but my body is responding soon positevelly I am building muscles, at least that's what I'm being told lol,,, thanks and bet we, all your followers,,,, love you

  7. Hi Adriene! My yoga buddy and I are on day 6 of the challenge (we do two days of each challenge day). We are having a blast! we are new to yoga and I have a question. I have glaucoma and can't do any pose where my head is below my heart. Are there ways to keep a graceful flow between poses, for instance, going from downward dog (which I can't do, so I'm standing with my hands on a chair) to plank (which I can do)? Do you know what I mean?

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