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Root Chakra Practice

This yoga practice guides you through a series of poses to balance the root chakra and cultivate grounding with gratitude. When the root chakra, or Muladhara, is out of balance a person can feel anxious, uneasy, fearful, worried and stressed. This can lead to low energy and low immunity and an overall sense of instability. Use the tools of yoga to strengthen and balance to the root chakra, the foundation of all the other chakras. Cultivate self love, stability, and sense of security. You are worthy and deserving. Remind yourself, you are awesome and you are supported!

Take good care of yourself so you can take good care of others. Let me know how it goes down below. Namaste.

15 comments on “Root Chakra Practice”

  1. Hi Adriene,

    Thanks very much for all your videos and messages of encouragement. Your yoga instruction has really helped me both physically and emotionally.

    Quick question..which video would inprove pelvic floor muscle tone best?

    With gratitude

  2. Just great for this busy time of year, thank you. Any chance of something for strengthening niggly knees?

  3. I practice yoga while my little 4 month old is napping. Im from Québec, Canada. I've been practicing yoga with your videos since my friend/yogateacher had an accident last year. Like my friend, you have the same kindness, sharing and sense of humour. I'm grateful for this website!

    Merci/Thank you for sharing your practice with us.

  4. Hi Adrian, my name is Christine. I recently found our out. For so.e reason I have hi cholesterol an pressure. So I found your videos on you tube, an they are the only thing that keeps me going . I do t hem twice a day an started Waikiki g at home at well. Can you give me any other advice. Like the best poses or foods , smoothies for me. Thank so much

  5. Adriene!
    Hello from Vancouver BC! Like so many on here I want to thank you for what you do, truly. I found your videos and website almost a year ago; I was looking for online trauma sensitive yoga practices as my participation in a trauma informed workshop hadn't gone well. At all. As someone with complex PTSD, it's much more realistic for me to practice at home where I feel safe, have the ability to stop or modify and don't have to publicly manage my symptoms.
    It didn't take long until I was looking for more of a challenge...enter YOU!
    Thank you for making such high quality videos so accessible! (even though we have stellar healthcare up here, disability leave keeps the budget tight).
    This root chakra practice I find particularly therapeutic. I first noticed the calming effects of being in a yogic squat when I was practising the total body workout, I assumed it was because I often sat like that as a child. It wasn't until I did this video that I actually understood what my body was trying to do, so when you say fight/flight (freeze or faint) that is exactly what my body is trying to prevent from happening. My sympathetic nervous system is easily activated and perceives something as simple as an elevated breathing rate as a direct threat and physiologically responds accordingly. As a result I'm extra mindful when I practice, pausing before said stress response is fully activated (ideally).
    You have made my reintegration to yoga an easier journey with your gentle encouragement, positive vibe and knowledgeable discourse. I am so fully grateful for you and what you share with so many. I bring your practice into my home every day, I turn to my mat now more often than not when working through whatever difficulty, a much preferred response to previous coping mechanisms 😉
    Thank you so much Adriene.

    ps - I do have a question with regards to the forehead/third eye - I can't have anything near my face/neck (nose to knee, forehead to the mat, t-shirt over face in downward dog...) but feel that I am missing something, particularly in child's pose - do you have any suggestions for modifications in order to still receive the full benefits of the pose without having my face directly in the mat?

    1. Hi Amber! I am wondering if you have found a solution for child's pose? You could try it with your hands on blocks while in the pose which raises your upper body off the ground a bit and you could then have your forehead off of the ground too. It may not allow your upper body to relax as much, but may be a good thing to try? Or embryo pose but with your head to the side. So in child's pose instead of extending your arms long, bring them down to your sides or almost in cactus and turn your face to one side or the other. You can then use your power of visualization for your third eye instead of having it pressed to the mat. I hope you find these suggestions helpful.

  6. Hi! My name is Vivian and I'm from San Juan, Puerto Rico. I have been doing your yoga videos 2-3 times a week. They have helped me manage my stress and see life in a different, more positive way. I have 3 kids 10,8 and 10 month old and a full time mom. With all the work that I always have, I manage to to take at least 15 minutes a day to dedicate to your videos. Thanks for everything! 😉

  7. Hi,
    l am Burcin, l follow your yoga videos for a year now. l lve in lstanbul, Turkey, l have two kids and l work. l seem to find no time going to a gym, but your videos are great. Thank you.

  8. Practicing from North Bay, Ontario Canada. Thank you for sharing your amazing and entertaining videos.

  9. Sending Love and Gratitude Power from my yoga space within my Julie Maas Fine Art studio in Salida Colorado! Thank you so much for this Root Chakra video 🙂

  10. Wow, that was superb! Thank u so much Adriene for another helpful practice.
    Best regards from Israel.

  11. Hi! I am practicing from NW Indiana. I am a Nurse Practitioner in a Family Practice office. Needless to say, I am VERY stressed! This was a great practice to calm the nervous system. I also realized how tight my feet and calves are!
    Thanks for all you do! Stay safe!

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