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Morning Yoga Fresh

Yoga Morning Fresh is the perfect way to start the day! This full yoga practice offers an opportunity for you to ease in and then builds on breath and asana for a well rounded practice. Show up to pranayama (or breath practice) and a moving meditation that lovingly wakes up mind and body, providing you the energy you need to conquer your day. Hips, heart, shoulders to feet. Create space in the lower back and cultivate healthy flow of energy through the spine. Use your breath to build strength, to move with intention and to Find What Feels Good.

Bookmark this one to repeat! Share with someone you dig. Let me know how it goes down below!


If you like this video, check out our 7-Video Series: RISE: Morning Yoga.

54 comments on “Morning Yoga Fresh”

  1. Hello Adriene!
    I can not thank you enough for your weekly videos. You always seem to have exactly what I am needing in my practice for the day. I hope you realize how much the work you are doing means to so many people. Thank you!
    With that, I was having dinner with a friend who also is a huge fan of yours and we laughed that it you should do a video for the day after thanksgiving, or any time around the holidays, when you eat way to much. Is there any yoga that can help that so stuffed and full feeling? Lol! Just an idea we thought to pass along. Have a beautiful week 🙂

  2. Just finished this video, what a great way to start the day!
    I was hoping you would but out a minimum 30 minute restorative practice to help people mellow out after a long day/week.
    Also, a yoga video to help awaken a tired seat/butt from sitting all day.
    It was my good fortune to stumble upon you channel I tell everyone i know to subscribe. Keep up the amazing work can't wait for your next 30 day program!

  3. Commitment accepted Adriene! Me too, I am also going to do the morning yoga all week long, no matter what! High five and see you on the mat!
    N a m a s t e:*

  4. Can't wait to start my morning tomorrow with this Video.

    Always feel so much better when I start my day with Yoga.

    Thank you Adriene for bringing Yoga in my life. You are amazing.


  5. Adriene!
    I moved to Austin as a traveling nurse a few months ago and I will be leaving in December. I havr done your videos for years and would LOVE to do a class with you. Will you be doing any in Austin before Dec 20th?
    Thank you for all you do

  6. Even if it’s not officially a ‘morning’ yoga video, I always try and do yoga in the morning. It’s a schedule that helps me put a little self-love first, giving it the priority that I have come to realize it deserves, and it always makes for a better day. Yesterday, I missed out (we are fostering a rescue dog with a broken leg and had to get him to the vet for special treatment... but that’s another story). Even though it was a busy day and I was tired in every way, I still made time in the evening to unwind with a little FWFG practice after all. But as I finished I made a quiet promise to myself that I would get back on track with a morning routine, no matter how tired I was. I woke up still tired... but there it was: Morning Yoga Fresh! Yay! I can’t wait to get on the mat! P.S. Speaking of committing to a daily practice... here’s my story so far: I found your channel right after my 55th birthday, when I had decided I would give myself a gift and dedicate an hour to intentional wellness every day for 55 days. It was hard at first, because I always feel so busy, and I usually put other things and other people first. But I stuck with it, and started to realize how much it mattered and made a positive difference (to me, and to those other things and people!). Not only did I make it through my 55 days... I kept going. Today is Day 131! Thank you Adriene!!! It wouldn’t have happened without you and your channel. Your 30 and 31 day series were a great way to get in the groove, and the other videos enrich and enhance so nicely. It’s like a yoga buffet, food for the body, mind, and soul, and no matter how I’m feeling (from just needing a little morsel on the mat, or famished for a full course of feel good!) I can always find something yummy! Namaste

    1. Yay! Good for you! Today is day 62 for me, and like you, I have come to love that time in the morning that is for myself and my wellness. Namaste

  7. I love this so much that I joined the community and subscription! Thank you, Adrienne. I am struggling for many years with a rounding of the shoulders (kyphosis.) It is genetic and also postural. Can you please do a specific yoga video for Kyphosis? Or recommend which ones would be best for me? Thanks!

  8. Hola from the beautiful volcanic island of Lanzarote!
    The only way to get my brain to shut down and rest from my north, south, east & west way if thinking, is to connect to one of Adriene's classes whenever I can.
    I tell everyone that these classes help me so much to cope with whatever the day brings as caring for a poorly father is emotionally, mentally and physically tough. Her voice is soothing, nurturing and caring. Her movements are flowing, peaceful and healing. Her videos are varied, accessible and so doable.
    But I have to confess, that this one was exceptional today. I loved it (ok I am biased, I love them all!)
    I have stored this and will come back to it again (and again!)
    From the bottom of my heart...thank you xoxo

  9. I've been practicing your videos for two months now, and this morning's was amazing!! It is one I will be returning to regularly....such a great start to the day! I finally decided to give yoga a try this summer, found a wonderful flow class, and then the instructor moved, but she highly recommended continuing my practice with Yoga With Adriene. I committed to 30 days of Yoga to begin with, and have not looked back since! You inspire me every single morning, and I can't believe it took me 49 years to Find What Feels Good!! Thank you, Adriene! Namaste.

  10. done the 'thing' this morning after not doing any yoga for awhile. Feel great. many thanks.

  11. I absolutely love your videos.The knee one is my favorite, because I struggle with my knees. I am trying to get my daughter to do one of your videos after cheer practice but she just won't. Could you recommend one or possible create one. Thank you for everything you do. It's greatly appreciated.

  12. Hey adriene! I am really expecting one yoga video for when you are afraid.. because i have been, AND some times i am craving a rutine that can remind me that There Is nothing to beat afraid of...

  13. Hi Adrienne
    I am so happy I found your YouTube channel & I have just completed your 31day yoga revolution- it has helped me immensely as I am going through a challenging time after ending a 33 year relationship- you have been a lifeline & your sense of humour makes my day - I soooo look forward to my yoga sessions with you & can't wait to follow this morning yoga video tomorrow. I tell all my friends about you here inNew Zealand 🙂 again thank you

  14. Can't wait to try this practice, have been doing at least 1 of your videos each week for two years and they just get better, love having Benji involved too, he is very cute.

    Thanks for posting your videos, they help me feel balanced from the start of the day.

  15. Hi Adriene. I am missing doing your weekly practices now that I am in my third trimester of pregnancy. I save them every week so I can get back to them next year after baby. In the meantime, I really enjoy your prenatal series. I love that you have a class specific for each trimester. In that vein, can you recommend or put together a couple for postpartum? I would love to have a little something short to do during the first forty days that I expect to be mostly in bed and at home, which can make my back achy from all the stillness. Then a second postpartum video for later, more for toning and getting in shape, maybe with baby? Thanks for taking the time to read this. I hope you have a chance to put this together or at least suggest an existing video that would work for these two circumstances. I love your approach to yoga and it would be so much easier to practice at home than trying to get to a public class more than once in a while once I am taking care of a wee new addition to the family!

  16. Hi there! I just re-joined the FWFG membership again, and I was wondering what the members only goodies were that were highlighted at the bottom of the email? Thanks!

  17. Just finished this practice and have to say this was amazing! I feel ready and energized to great the day. Thank you for continuing to support me and add to my yoga practice.

  18. So I'm having trouble staying motivated with working 60 hours a week also causing me to stay around the same weight for 2 weeks now. Any advice how to get motivated or anything you could say I'm losing my happiness and not smiling enough lately.

  19. I have truly enjoyed this Video. Thank You Adriene.

    I have a question.

    About a week ago I was doing Yoga and I felt dizzy, like I was falling. The dizziness comes and goes.

    Just wondering if this is a symptom when working on our cellular body?

    Namaste everybody.

  20. Thank you Adrienne for this super session! I just didn't want to start this day at all, face what I have to face but you made it! You made my day! Your videos are so powerful because you made it possible to practice yoga according to our physical AND emotional state, that makes the big difference! Thank you for being so authentic, making jokes and making yoga funny! Now when I hop on the mat every morning, I already smile! Please don´t change! Lots of love!

  21. I can't believe no one has commented about adriene's little burst of song, ya know, MEMORY from the musical CATS! Thank you adriene for one of your best practices yet, and for peppering it with brilliant musical references

  22. YWA... I found Adriene on utube 3 years ago.
    I completed the 30days of yoga and have been hooked ever since.

    I found grace and peacefulness. Gratefull for my time on and off the mat.
    My intention to find the mat Everyday i have is easy now...

    Adriene's passion and love for what she does shows in every video. The modification are offered with kindness, i have changed the way i speak to myself and others because of this.

    Improvement is noticeable when you have compassion for yourself. My balance and core strength increased, which allows me to put my body into shapes i never thought i could..... So proud of myself and grateful for YWA. I bow to the Awesomeness in me to the Awesomeness in you all, NAMISTA.

    MORNING YOGA FRESH. Well i need that one, longer than i thought. But i completed it with modification. Due to my treatment. Do what you can, and do it well. It Is better than not doing anything at all.

    The strength that YWA has given me has allowed me the inner strenght I need for a difficult journey ahead. The Doctors say my fitness will help me get through this.
    October 9th I was told I have Anal cancer stage one... So grateful it is only stage one.
    The universe will guide me and with the help of YWA. I will kick this in the butt (ass).
    So your end words on this video was poetic for me... THANK YOU.

    Totally appreciate the time and effort you all go too, to bring your wellbeing, educational and inspirational videos.

    Love them...

    1. Sending you love and peace for the journey ahead of you, Debbra. Thank you for sharing your journey with us all. Wishing you a speedy and complete healing.


  23. Hello Adriene
    My name is Jess and I live in South Africa (I’m from the UK originally) I have been an avid follower of your videos and practice every day now for well over a year. It has truly transformed my life in so many ways.
    I broke my ankle and foot very recently and have been restricted to doing the chair based yoga sequences. I don’t know if any orhe followers or members have requested or enquiried about alternative practices to do, whilst recovering and healing some similar injuries. However I would be extremely grateful for any recommendations or guidance whilst convalescing.
    Kindest Regards

    1. Sorry to hear about your injury, Jess. Have you seen Adriene's Chair Yoga and Wheelchair Yoga? Yoga for Couch Potatoes, Yoga on a Plane, and Yoga at Your Desk might be helpful too.

      Wishing you a speedy and full recovery!

  24. Love this practice!! Thanks Adriene 🙂 On this newsletter I read that she sent out a members only email but I never received it...was it indeed sent out and how do I get my hands on those goodies?

  25. Hi Adriene,
    I just wanted to say a huge thank you for being such a bright, loving and inspirational Human Being! I am a newcomer Yoga Teacher and besides starting to teach I love being your YouTube Yogi student every single day ! I hope you always stay the person you are and your work and love means a lot to me and I think many more people !!

    All the best, love and light

    Sydney xx

  26. A fantastic morning sequence Adriene. I have just been recently introduced to you and LOVE your approach! A huge thanks from Ireland, I only wish you lived over here !

    Excellent, you have helped me feel so much better this morning x

  27. Morning. Thanks for all you do. I have subscribed to your app. But can’t get it to work. I gone through all your consultants suggestions with no luck. Thought you should know. It worked great until last few months

    1. I'm sorry to hear about the problems you have been having with the app lately, Jeff. How frustrating for you. Can you send us an email at [email protected] so that we can dig into this deeper and try to get it fixed for you? Thanks!

  28. LOVE!!!! yes yes yes thank you!! are you coming to oregon soon?? would love to take an in person class and high five if you do!!!
    merci adrienne!! bisous, raphaelle

  29. Another of my favourite 'go to' yoga practices. I love every sequence, but particularly the 'knocking at heaven's door' piece. What a great way to wake up! And it's fantastic for my minor [right] shoulder pain... it really releases the pain. And then the stillness... bliss.

  30. Delicious! I loved the extra emphasis on head over heart over pelvis. More videos to help with posture, please?

  31. Namaste!

    Feeling so grateful for you on line Adrienne.

    Have been practicing your sessions now for 8months. Love your thorough focus approach to detail movement & your breath technique helps me be calm.

    Thank you so much! You keep this Aussie girl healthy, happy & in tune ♡♡♡♡

  32. I just love your gentle individual approach - getting the 36 minutes to warm up on every level and set intentions for the day is a great way to start the day. Thank you Adriene - I have been spreading the word.

  33. Thank you so much for sharing your yoga with everyone! Getting ready for my husband's femoral artery surgery & after doing the morning-yoga-fresh practice I feel renewed & ready to face this day. God bless you! Namaste!

  34. Thank you for your awesome videos. I am new to yoga. I have found that after any practice for morning or whatever, I want to go back to sleep. 🙂 Is that common?

  35. Adrienne, when I started a daily practice, I could barely do your 2 practices for seniors (I am almost 75) I decided to challnege myself with other practices and just forgive myself for the poses I could not manage. This morning practice revealed strength I did not believe I could recover. I was not perfect but good. and stronger. Very encouraging. Thank you

  36. Happy new year sweet Adriane. You always help me start the day and the new year right! Namaste!

  37. I’ve been doing yoga with you every morning for the past 5 months! What a beautiful way to get through this COVID days! I Look forward to it every day. Namaste ‍♀️

  38. Wonderful practice to do outside on my patio in front of our vegetable garden! Beautiful way to start the day! Thank you for this video and all of your amazing videos! You are the best!

  39. have a kick but day! Namaste . Thanks Adriene, after a week sick in bed I choose this to be a good day.

  40. Hi Adriene,

    This was so good. Just what I needed. So glad I found you
    I love the way you teach!

    Thank you so much,
    Love from Belgium.

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