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Meditation for Inner Peace

Dive into meditation this Spring, go inward to focus on what feels good in mind and body. Want to have a good body? Tend to the mind. This 10 min practice is a simple meditation that will create the foundation for transformational practice. Compliment your yoga asana practice with this 10 Min Meditation For Inner Peace.

Let me know how it goes down below and share with your people!

Breathe. Namaste.

57 comments on “Meditation for Inner Peace”

  1. I'm a 50yr old women who has been struggling with high blood pressure for 8yrs. I've been able to stay off of medication with diet and exercise. I just had my physical last week and my blood pressure was the lowest it's ever been (116/62)!!! The Dr asked me what was going on and I told her I've been doing yoga everyday since Jan 1st. My doctor said I was her hero but Adriene you are my hero!! thank you!!

    I have a fun tip...I put eucalyptus spearmint lotion on my hands and arms before practice. What a treat when I take in those deep breaths!!

    1. Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you. Thanks for the lotion tip, it sounds fabulous and I can't wait to try it.

    2. Really good to hear this, Patty - my BP was up last week - for the first time ever, and it gave me a shock (I am pretty fit and do lots of sports) and I am determined to halt it in its tracks. I'm delighted to hear that yoga has helped with that. I've been a bit stressed recently and hadn't been doing the yoga as much as I was at the beginning of the year, so you have inspired me to get going again. I really love it but madly busy working and let it slip....I love the tip of putting on delicious smelling lotion , too !

      And thanks Adriene for your email today - lovely practice - I needed it to reconnect !


    3. I am trying to deal with my high blood pressure with yoga also. I feel so good when doing it, my problem is getting my diet in line.

      1. I follow the dash diet...low sodium..real whole foods.,not processed...luckly I like to cook which helps

  2. Hi Adrienne. I am 71 years old and my husband of 43 years left me for another woman.. I bought I would die. Long story short the property settlement goes on,three years later. Each day, week, month , year has been progressive,despite ongoing nonsense. What does that have to do with you! I looked all over the internet looking for a site that appealed to me. I'm fit healthy and have always taken care but I don't want to be bullied anymore. I love your manner of teaching along with your quirkiness and gentle manner. Thanks you are delightful. I live in Australia,soo far away.xx

  3. Thank you so much! You are the reason I am able to stick to a yoga routine every morning. Thank you.

  4. Adriene you emails are always such a joy! I'm meeting up with my ex tomorrow and my head is going crazy. Some inner peace is JUST what I needed. Thank you thank you thank you!

  5. Thanks Adriene. I chose to let go.... if only for a few moments! I traveled all day yesterday and am staying with a friend in CA who is also a yoga teacher. We both ended the day with your 20 min bedtime yoga. I started my day with this meditation practice. Much gratitude.

  6. Hello Adriene. I was wondering if you teach in yoga. I'm keen to become a yoga instructor in the UK and there are lots of different course available which is great, but I love your work and I've been following your yoga for beginners for about a year now.

    I appreciate your a 1000 miles away but I wanted to ask if you do residential course etc.

  7. Thank you for reminding us that if the mind is on board, everything will fall into place.
    With much love and gratitude,

  8. Adriene, I cannot thank you enough for giving so many of us the opportunity to do yoga and meditate with you. You mentioned, in the intro video for Revolution - 31 Days of Yoga, the importance of having a relationship with ourselves, and that really resonates with me. As a Marriage and Family Therapist, my main goal with my clients is the relationship they have with themselves, because the way we feel about ourselves will show up in the relationships we have with others.
    Thank you so much! Namaste

  9. Hey Adriene,

    I love your videos. I hurt my ankles a few months ago. I've had to take time off from doing any yoga. I've finally recovered enough that I think I can finally try again. I still need to be careful, there are some moves I can't do, like childs pose. Are there any moves or sequences you can suggest?


  10. Adriene! I look forward to the new video, but I wanted to comment on how truly wonderful my first experience was at Practice Yoga yesterday (3/25/17)! It was such a great practice and I look forward to stopping by more.

  11. Adriene, you are the answer to so many of my prayers. The work you put out into this world is so needed/necessary - beautifully healing. From every little bit of me - thank you.

  12. Thank you, Adriene. This was exactly what I needed today. This past Monday, I had a sudden health crisis that has left me paralyzed from the waist down. The prognosis for regaining movement is uncertain, and will certainly be a long road of adjustments. Ten minutes of calm goes so far in restoring a more positive perspective. Thank you!

    1. Dear T,
      That must have been a terrible shock! I wish you all the recovery that is even remotely possible. And just in case: I remember Adriene also has a video for yoga at the airport, which is mainly breath and neck movements. All the best!

      1. Thank you, Doris. Yes, it is a shock. Thank you for the well-wishes and the video tip. I know I will keep coming back to this one, too.

  13. Hello, Adrienne!
    I love all of your practices and messages as well! But this one I think is special as it is a complement for all of the asanas. Meditation is one of the practices I do in daily basis.
    If it's in your plan for this year, please do more of Meditation videos!
    Full of Gratitude!

  14. Thank you for changing my life, Adriene. I'm a massage therapist who studied Shiatsu and never really "got into" yoga. Now I work for Aveda and am learning more Ayurvedic philosophies and self-care practices. Since January 1st, I haven't missed a day of yoga with your videos. I choose one that I feel serves me for that specific day (raging from depressed to lacking confidence to feeling inattentive to my heart). And on top of that, I get the benefit of gaining flexibility and stability when massaging my clients. You're teaching me something I'm going to use for the rest of my life and I can't thank you enough. Thank you for being so doofy and down-to-earth. Your silliness is absolutely what has drawn me to the art of "playing" again. I haven't felt this playful since I was a kid swinging on monkey bars.
    I know one of these days I'll make it to a yoga retreat and I look forward to that. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  15. I'm not exactly sure what, but I know I let go of something!!! That was awesome!!! Thank you so much!

  16. I feel so fortunate to have found you, Adriene, and this program. It has been just what I have needed to bring health and vitality back into this aging 62 y.o. body. I look forward to every day on the mat with you. Thank you.

  17. I enjoy meditation, however when I get in a seated position for either yoga or meditation, I get a severe pain where my shoulder blades meet, sometimes closer to one side or the other. Very intense and I do try to breath through it, but I am not sure if it's muscular or emotional. How do I decipher?

  18. Than you Adrienne,

    the yoga revolution felt really good,

    I started it one month ago and I sticked to it, every day!!!

    It felt as a real vacation for body and mind

    last Friday was my last day of yoga revolution and I meditate on Sat, Sun and this morning.

    I will try this meditation tomorrow.

    i'm struggling with forgiveness, I'm not sure what it means

    I have uggly inner wounds and I'm working to move on, but i'm still angry and I want justice for me (which will never come) and this desire holds me nack from forgivness, I think, because if I forgive, I have tio let go
    (there is a piece in me that does not understand that forgivness if not for the other but for me)
    so, I will try this meditation tomorrow

  19. Well, I hadn't planned to do a meditation at that precise moment of the day but then I thought,'why not?'
    Very glad that I did, it was lovely! Really liked the breaking wave analogy for breathing. Thank you X

  20. Loved this video, Adriene. Thank you! !I plan to start my mornings with this to set my mind up for the day. This couldn't have been better timing! I choose to let go today! ๐Ÿ™‚

  21. Hi Adrienne, do you do a yoga practice for when you are feeling poorly. I have a cold and I did this meditation practice this morning. I managed to breath (not deeply) for the whole practice without sneezing or coughing. this is the first cold I have had for 4 years! because I had to visiit the hospital, I picked it up there ๐Ÿ™

  22. to my delight there you were yesterday with a meditation video! thank you universe, thank-you Adriene!

  23. This is a beautiful meditation practice. It was exactly what I needed today. Thank you, Adriene.

  24. Lovely, thanks Adriene! Perfect timing as I prepare for major retina and eye surgery three weeks from today! I have done your 2017 Revolution twice now and each 31 day rotation has proven to calm my mind and release angst. As an incest survivor and artist my creativity has blossomed as Your Yoga heals these old patterns of pain thanks to your Gifts of Kindness, dear Adriene. I am an almost 59 year old woman, wife, mother and now grandmother of nearly ten! Hope in the Joy!So grateful!

  25. I've been doing your bedtime quickie every night for maybe two weeks and I love it. I have done mindfulness in the past so I wanted to try this video. I loved it even though I started to cry. I lost my mom at Christmas from a battle with cancer and month 3 is a normal time for it to be more difficult. I know that's where the emotions came from. I've been having a hard time these past few days. I need inner peace with so many things going on in my head. Thank you! Your videos have helped me greatly the past few months.

  26. Oh Sweet Adriene,

    My friends and family will sing your praises forever.

    That was sooooo just what I needed.

    Bless your spirit for bringing me back to mine. โค

  27. Can you post more meditations? I'm trying to learn, and this 10 minute lovely was amazing.

  28. I work from home and this is a great practice to reset and re-focus during the day. When I feel unproductive it's usually because I went too far from myself, if that makes sense. This quick meditation helps a lot. Another great addition to my daily practce, thank you Adriene! Namaste

  29. Hi,

    First of all, your yoga classes are amazing and have helped me through a difficult few years of depression so THANK YOU <3

    Also, can you recommend a good yoga mat? The ones I've had have been fairly cheap Amazon jobs and never last (despite me looking after them) and they're also never long enough! (I'm 6ft) - any recommendations (that ship to the UK) would be great! ๐Ÿ˜€

    Thank you, Adriene ๐Ÿ™‚

  30. Adrienne, you are THE BEST!. My cat, Jacob, and I really enjoy your videos. We have downloaded (and made a small contribution) your 30 day yoga challenge.

    As soon as any of your videos begins, Jacob comes running and is ready to practice our daily yoga.

    You are an excellent teacher and motivator. (Those two pretty much go together.) I love the fact you are strong on technique, but never take yourself too seriously.

    Thank you!! If you are ever near Palm City, FL., Jacob would love to meet you.

  31. This was truly amazing and beautiful and arrived at a very divine time with just the message I needed! Thank you for being a vision of health to me, taking the deepest softest most loving care of yourself
    and teaching us to do the sam. you are such an inspiration. These classes are always such a gift. thank you from all of my heart!

  32. request for a longer guided meditation. I'm finding your meditations really helpful (and have done a LOT of guided meditations over the years). It would be awesome to have a longer one, like 20 min?? I also use your meditation for anxiety, but would love to have more. And thank you.

  33. Adrienne, thank you for being a guide on my yoga journey to more inner peace and strength. Bein learning from you for over a year has helped me greatly in many ways. I am inspired to spread the knowledge and practice. Where does one begin? Instructor courses?

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