As we begin to reflect on the year thus far, balance the energy of the holidays and prepare for the potential of the new year I cannot think of a better practice to make time for than one that is all about your energetic state. Get to know your relationship to your energetic body, get the physical body in impeccable shape and learn to let both guide you.
With ease.
This series invites you to go on a ride up the energetic super highway of the spine. It is a way for you to take stock and assess where you are at as well as provide you a practice to return to when you feel out of balance.
It’s designed to wake you up in both mind and body.
It’s physical, it’s heart felt, it's... energy... man.
Learn to harness and guide it. These practices are deep and not designed for you to nail or master. They are designed to help you cultivate to the subtle body energy, to open, to balance, to explore some unknown territory.
They are built for you to return to.
So, who is in? ✨
Learn about the chakras in a fun and inviting way.
Learn intermediate poses and pranyama.
Most importantly, learn about yourself.
Guide your energy so it is working with you and not against you.
Each practice is 30 min and features music by the amazing Sol Rising. Magic. ✨
Perfect for this time of year, if I do say so myself!
Get your energy right.
Start today or start tomorrow.
Try it for free for 7-Days and leave after.
Or stay with us, forever and support free yoga for others all around the world. 🌎
1. What is this membership thing? (I subacribe to your you tube channel)
2. After 7 days, what is the cost? Is this in addition to your std membership or part of it?
Hi Kathi,
The FWFG Yoga membership is a a streaming video subscription. It includes all the videos that are on YouTube (ad free) plus members only contents and series, like this 7 Day Chakra Ride series. It is $9.99/month or $99/year for the membership, no additional costs. You can sign up for the 7 day free trial and if you decide that it isn't for you right now, just cancel before the 7 days end and you won't be charged. There is a lot of great content on it, such as this new Chakra series, the EMPOWER series, RISE series, Ritual series, plus others. The best way is to see it for yourself. Check out the membership home page here to see some of the videos that are part of the membership: The membership site is a way to keeping the free videos coming to everyone on YouTube. Not everyone can afford the membership but those that can are a part of helping the mission of YWA - to get free, high quality yoga to as many people as possible.
Thank you for this great explanation about subscription
How much is it in English money?
Hi guys,
Has the link been deactivated on purpose? I am not a member but bought the course specifically some time ago and have been enjoying it ever since. I world be happy if it would find its way back 🙂
Cheers, Kathi
Sorry about that, Kathi! The links have been fixed now. You can access your course through the Library link at the top of the page at If you need any help with it, please use us a message at Support and we'll be happy to help. 🙂
clicked on link to try for free for 7 days and it takes me to an option for 12.99 a month (not 9.99.) as you mention.
How do I get the free trial and what is the real cost if I choose to opt in after 7 days
Thank you
Hi Sharon, we are so glad you want to try the FWFG membership! It is indeed $12.99/month after the free trial ends and you can explore your options here:
Can you still purchase just this series?