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Foundations of Salad

We are taking it off the yoga mat and into the kitchen! But not my kitchen. Join me as I learn how to make two simple salad dressings in the actual Hilah Cooking Kitchen!!!

Hilah is a good (and by good I mean great) friend of mine but I still get so giddy and grateful when she invites me over and into her kitchen for a collaboration. Hilah knows her stuff and is all about making cooking fun, providing us with the tools to do awesome things in the kitchen in a way that feels good. (Like, she won't shame you if you do not know how to make an omelet.) She is one of my favorite people and she teaches me a lot. I hope you enjoy this video and learn how to make your own salad dressing. It has already inspired me to make many more salads with my meals since we shot this. If you have been makin' your dressing at home already- show off your stuff down below and tell us your favorite recipes! May this be inspiration for healthy eating or a compliment to your pizza. Enjoy!!!

11 comments on “Foundations of Salad”

  1. I really enjoyed the video and the poem in this week's newsletter. Totally came at the right time!

  2. Love you both!!! This is great and I love how you incorporated the foundation-building from the ground up! So awesome and I look forward to trying these recipes.

  3. Thanks Hilah.
    Love how you make the dressing on the bottom of the bowl.
    My French Mom taught me that years ago and people are always surprised.

  4. Hi Adriene and Hilah!

    Thanks for this video! My current favorite salad dressing recipe is super simple and really great for spring and summer: I simply take two tablespoons of lemon juice, 1 tablespoon of raw apple cider vinegar, and one tablespoon of honey. Mix and enjoy! It is light and refreshing and really tasty!

  5. Thanks for the sharing Adrienne.

    Have you tried a banana pancake? No, not the flour heavy pancake, but a great tasting andt healthy one where a banana supplies all the carbs. Various versions have been online and on TV.

    Just beat together a couple of eggs with a ripe banana (you may add flavoring -- I like a sprinkle of cinnamon -- say a touch of vanilla, or perhaps a small number of blueberries), pour the mixture into a skillet (just a quick spray of Pam), heat on medium heat or lower, and you will soon see a "pancake" -- when you see it forming, you can lift the edges so that the egg runs under. When you can see it has shape, you may turn it over so both sides evenly brown. My husband brags about how good they are.

  6. Living 800km from my best friend watching you two giggle and share jokes makes me miss her even more. Friendship and food - two of life's essentials xx

  7. That was so fun! Watching two friends who are genuine and fun and FUNNY is such a pleasure... More of these, please Adriene and Hilah!

  8. For some reason, I'm always nervous to try new salad dressing recipes. I think it's because I'm afraid to be disappointed, but after this, I vow to approach it with a greater sense of adventure! Thanks so much for sharing. The orange juice vinaigrette looks fantastic, and the salad-making tips are amazing!

  9. I'm a professionally trained chef (no longer working in the industry) and love sharing my knowledge with others. Getting in shape and away from stress as well as a healthy, well balanced diet are key to overall health. Great website Adriene. Keep up the good work and we will keep following you. Hugs

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