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Dedicate - Day 26 - Drop

Welcome to Dedicate Day 26! The journey continues! In today's practice we drop IN, drop the struggle, drop expectation and take all of the tools you have learned thus far to build strength, increase mobility and go deeper.

You are in the home stretch.


18 comments on “Dedicate - Day 26 - Drop”

  1. Good Morning, I need to thank you for taking the time to write to me, that was very sweet of you.I am 66 this April. I do enjoy the stretching , your yoga helps me alot especially on the days my body hurts from a car accident , thank you Adriene , you make it possible for me to move and breath with alot less pain ❤️

  2. Hi Adriene
    Thank you, thank you, thank you, from the bottom of my heart! I have been a YWA follower for over a year now and I love it. You have an uncanny ability to deliver exactly what I need at exactly the right time. I'm Irish but I live in France, my sister is back in Ireland and my sister-in-law in is the States and we all joyfully follow you and are amazed at how attuned you are to your audience. I experienced this yet again yesterday and today with the Dedicate videos and the love letter:
    Two months ago I went into a hospital for a fairly routine surgery on my heart. Things did not go to plan and I had a massive heart attack and was put on life support where I remained in a coma for 10 days. I have two gorgeous children and was delighted to have survived the trauma and come home to them. My family and friends were and continue to be amazing and while I could clearly see the gift in the experience as time has passed I have wondered again about what it all means and what my role is. To be honest, I have at times begun to feel quite depressed about it. On Friday night i confided to a close friend that I felt a bit bereft having had to come back after my near death experience (Yes! i saw beautiful light!). I awoke on Saturday morning and turned to you for help. You offered up 'Alive' filled with gorgeous wisdom. Thank you! Today in the love letter you mentioned squats-- after weeks in bed I had to relearn how to walk etc and my brother has been telling me to do squats. I meant to get round to them all week but never did and now your Sunday gift has arrived!
    Sorry for prattling on and on but I had to say a huge thank you. You have a beautiful spirit and in a world that often seems divided and full of fearful people it is a delight to find you. I wish you all the very best and lots of love, Mandy
    I'm off to do 'Drop' xxx

    1. You courageous wonderful person So happy you are practicing 'Dedicate' I am a few days behind so now I drop !!

  3. Dearest Adriene, thank you, thank you so much for this program!

    I just completed day 26 and am loving it. You are such an inspiration!

    xoxo, Donna Z from FL

  4. Loving the practise ❤️and that your words as well as actions and guided practice resonate different things at different times on and off my mat. Benji is an inspiration too his downward dog today saw me laugh out loud . Dedicate is part of my transition journey to the next me after 40 years of working . I am grateful for every breath and learn new things about me each practice. Much love to all on your journeys and thanks for so many things including Snoop Dog ! Namaste
    Sue in Tingley Yorkshire UK

  5. Thank you Adriene. I just turned 60, spent the last 8 months with my two brothers relocating (to one brother’s home) and caregiving my parents in a “better” health network. Sadly, my dad died. We’re doing our best to help my mom. I also co-raised my grandson, and my husband has cancer and just retired at 72. So...

    I started yoga as a kid with Lilias Yoga and You (TV program). I’ve practiced off and on. Yoga saved me through tumultuous years, even when I skipped months. This past year rocked my boat, and my own health was slipping.

    You, dear woman, were a lighthouse in my darkening storm. I’m on day 3 of Dedicate, yet have enough yoga experience to do two practices a day (3 & 26), joining in the live flow.

    I love your style, I love Benji, I love you. It’s funny. I found a mature Lilias when I was young. I am so lucky to live my remaining life as a mature woman with a young teacher who embodies so much lived wisdom. And (freely!) shares it.

    My Benji T-shirt is on its way.

    Once I regain some health to travel again, I have a feeling it might just be #ywaCARE that serves as a lighthouse for my mom and the brother who sacrificed his job to care for her 24/7.

    I join the multitudes around our planet who are so very grateful to you.

    Much love,

    Sue in California USA

  6. Just wanted to say I am sooooooooooooooo far behind... Hoping the videos stay posted. I am enjoying them as I am able to practice!

  7. Dear Adriene,

    I have done a few of your month long programs, and love them so. Just finished this "little ditty", and am feeling nice and chill. Though that might also be due to the wintry storm that I can see out my window? 😉
    Thank you for posting so much beautiful yoga for us all to learn from and enjoy!

  8. Day 26 was AMAZING! Adriene, this series is my favorite so far. I have seen so much improvement in my flexibility and core strength. It’s also provided a much needed mental boost during this record cold week in MN. Thanks to Cindi for telling me to give this series a second chance. I bailed in week one and she got me back into it. I’m thankful for her encouragement!

  9. Thank you for this day. It was perfect timing for me - Ides of March and all the world events. It was great to drop my expectations of the day and open myself up to the world of possibility. Have a blessed day.

  10. Surrendering to that which we cannot control - so apt for me today on day 40-something of our lock down in South Africa (hello from Cape Town). My daily yoga practice with you over the last 30 days or so have been the best thing that has come out of these strange times we are currently living in. As many have said, your narrative so often hits the nail on the head and is perfect for whichever day we are in and whatever we are feeling. Thank you for the amazing work you are doing and for spreading the love when we are in a time of so much uncertainty. Namaste xx

  11. Hello Adriene! Its uncanny how today's theme, "Drop" was Exactly what I needed. I woke up with a heavy heart and came to this practice feeling emotionally very heavy and then I saw today's theme.

    This synchronicity strengthened my belief that Universe has my back and today it proved that through this practice. While I still feel a bit emotionally low but the practice has given me strength to control my actions and reactions.

    Thankyou so much Adriene! You have become like a friend to me! 🙂

  12. Thanks to today's lesson, I finally dropped the struggle to want to figure sth out.
    I surrender to the Universe.

  13. Thank you for this Adriene.

    Today's practice definitely allowed me to drop some of those pre-conceived notions, regarding my own range of motion, that I may have had ingrained prior to today's practice, thank you much !

  14. It is interesting that you mentioned some of the postures might have made you mad... because one did. The dropping the hip one, because I have never seen that one before (this is my 3rd 30 day practice with you), and you went through it so fast I couldn't keep up, which made me angry. I want so much to do each posture correctly and need time. I found this whole series a lot faster than the last two I did and I can't keep up. Please don't forget some of us are still beginners.

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