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15 min Freedom Flow!

Everyone is different. Beautiful. Uniquely built. Everyone has their own way of doing things, their own rhythm, their own breath. Independent. Here is a practice that not only reminds us of that - but celebrates it.

For me, as a teacher, libra, perfectionist, artist - there are two aspects of this notion that when considered together invite and allow freedom. Two sides of the coin baby. On one side I encourage you (practically demand you!) to BE YOURSELF. Be your true authentic awesome self! Seriously, what can be better that being you? Rock it and wave it proud!

(Cue star spangled banner by Aerosmith now. Or your favorite band. Wait, Aerosmith is not my favorite band, just good and seemed suitable.)

On this side I invite you to find what feels good as a way to really explore your body- not the body of the person next to you- but your dang body - your vessel, your sensations, your titillations, your struggles. Through yoga practice I believe we can strip away at the blocks, the burdens and toxic thoughts and begin to really get to know how we feel, who we are and how we can live as the best versions of ourselves.

Flip! (the coin)

On the other side I feel it is important for us to take those same principles of self discovery and apply that to learning the form and educating yourself. Vowing to always be a student of life- an avid learner- and starting with (not completely forgetting!) the self. Work from the inside out.  I often find that in order to be free we also must educate ourself and learn the form. In order to break the rules- we must learn the rules, right? This allows us to trust ourselves, our intuition and to feel confident. Also, in Yoga it keeps us safe. The good kind of safe. Only by learning and digesting the form can we be free. I feel like this applies to almost everything that I do. Only by doing all of my research and learning my way can I relax, listen and enjoy my craft or my practice.

Also, the keyword is, and will always be, practice.

For me these two things move together. Like the sun and moon. Yin and yang. Two peas in a pod? When I take the time to plant my feet strong, mindfully and allow my body to stack up in my alignment then I am able to feel supportive and comfortable enough to EXPLORE and find that unique self expression. Yes, permission to be yourself! (Goodbye depression!) Only through that exploration will I ever find what I am looking for... that sweet sweet freedom.

Here we have an opportunity to look away from the screen and just let it flow. Break the rules, fall behind, speed up, get your groove on Stella. Get it.

Use this practice or pick one pose from this practice to learn and practice a strong foundation. Once you have your foundation- take a deep breath and surprise yourself- even micro movements of self expression can be milestones.

Practice. Apply. Repeat. Let it Ring!

Be Safe. Have Fun. Be Free.

Happy Independence Day,



Ps- Here is me pulling the ol switcharoo and finding the FORM in the FREEDOM at the Trapiche winery in Mendoza, Argentina! See, I break all the rules! 😉

photo (78)

In the beautiful lawn of the beautiful Trapiche Winery in Mendoza, Argentina.

47 comments on “15 min Freedom Flow!”

  1. Your videos are helping me keep my sanity during the bar exam. Thanks!!! Are there any sun salutation videos?? If not I would love one!

  2. Love the music, who is the artist? I am addicted to your videos, thanks, hope to see more soon. Namaste!!!

  3. Adriene, your videos are fantastic and your yoga philosophy has made me enjoy yoga again! Sending love from Brisbane, Australia, where it is luckily, not that hot today! x

  4. These videos are perfection. It gives me a chance to relax and take some time for myself during the busy week. It's really helped with my piece of mind as well as my flexibility and over all well-being. Thank you so much. Namaste!

  5. I love your videos! I teach Yoga in Buenos Aires, Argentina; your practice inspire me and always makes me very happy. Thank you so much!

  6. Thank you so much for making your videos. They're really fantastic. I've been ill with various things like anaemia over the last couple of years and am just getting my strength back and starting to exercise. I always found other work outs and yoga videos too full on and pushy and I love doing your yoga and feeling like a can just go at my own pace and connect with my inner self and what my body needs. Thank you from England! Storm x

  7. My 5 year old joined me while I was doing this video today. She declared it to be awesome and I have to say I agree.

  8. Adriene!

    i love your humor and You, present on your mat! Thanks for the free videos....i decided to go"free" on my journey on yoga and I was bound to meet you- via the Internet! thanks for being such a real person and i love this freedom Flow!

    You Rock lady!

  9. Hi Adriene!! So, I'm fifteen and I've just recently gotten back into yoga in hopes of improving myself and finding my "inner me". I've come to notice that I may possibly have narcissistic personality disorder, maybe not the actual thing because I'm not a doctor and I can't diagnose myself with it, but I show signs. So instead of consulting a doctor (since it may not be that serious) I figured I could give yoga a try. I wasn't sure if this would help much but I'm on here hoping to notice a positive change in myself and my life. And I also have trouble dealing with a lot of stress, so yoga has been a great refuge for me.

    I just wanted to say, thank you for being a great yoga instructor.
    You honestly are very inspiring and helpful to me and I hope I get to meet you one day!

  10. i loved this video. I'm feeling the freedom after that . Thanks so much! Keep them coming I feel amazing!!

  11. I love this video and also the lower back one. I'd like to do them both - one after the other. Does it matter which one I do first?

  12. this is still my favorite routine!! its my go to when I'm feeling sluggish- it gets me energized and feeling good!

  13. I'm so happy I found your videos! Especially this one. I'm recovering from injuring my shoulder at a vinyasa class and the freedom flow is perfect for loosening up my tight shoulders. Also, at 15 minutes, I can fit it into my crazy working mom schedule. THANK YOU! Can't wait to try FF2.

  14. Hi Adriene,

    i am really enjoying your Yoga videos. Trying them all out is so much fun, and I do return to the ones I know. Freedom flow is especially good, as i have been looking for a video to help me with arm movements following,my breast cancer treatment last year. So this one I can now practice over and over, Whenever I want to practice my Yoga you win every time #yogawithadriene. Keep being awesome... Namaste.

  15. I must say I am loving your videos and found you by chance, so grateful! Thank you for sharing your practice and style!

  16. I am just getting back in to yoga. I love this routine. It moves my whole body, and it is easy to follow. I also love that it is only 15 min, so I can always find time to if it in to my day.

  17. I enjoyed this video and appreciated the shoulder stretches combined with the warrior pose, sooooo good!

  18. The reboot newsletter said to try this video today instead of day 4, and then the video is gone :/

  19. Love your videos , disappointed that the Vinyasa sequences are no longer available either here or on u tube?

  20. Hi Adrien
    What are all your yoga pants called? They look so supportive. Can you give me some ideas of where I can find them Love the leggings with all the seams on them.

  21. Did this today to prepare for a massage to work on my stiff upper back and shoulder. Post some videos of you doing yoga with three little kids "helping" you! I would relate more 😉 No, this was awesome. It *all* felt good!

  22. Adrienne you are like a breath of fresh air always.
    Thanks so much for the freedom I have found within the
    Liberty of your your brand of yoga.

  23. I had a VERY off day yesterday, and I've honestly been struggling a lot this week in my weight loss journey, my school, my work.... this practice was just what I needed to connect with myself. ❤

  24. Another amazing video. I have been doing your videos daily while on a leave from work. They have been a huge part of my healing process. Thanks so much.

  25. great way to end the week and start the weekend - big hugs and lots of love to all my yoga peeps - namaste. ~beth ps. just LOVE the way you live and love life Adriene.

  26. This is a beautiful morning practice, Adrienne, thank you! It is all very uplifting and energising and the shoulder loops are the ideal antidote to hunching over a computer (which is what I am now doing to write this mesage - duh!)

  27. I discovered your videos a couple months ago, and when my friend challenged a group of us to commit to a 28-day challenge, I chose to do a daily yoga practice, no matter how little time I have. So, I found your videos were exactly what I needed. The challenge is over, but I am hooked on your wonderful videos. I did the "Freedom" one today (loved the popsicle at the end!!), and I think it may be my favorite so far. Thank you for making yoga fun and giving me the confidence to be myself in the process! I'm sending you a big hug and namaste from Carolina Beach, North Carolina! xoxo

  28. Thank you! My yoga studio closed Monday and I am so grateful to have found your freedom flow this morning. I will be back! May we all stay well. Namaste.

  29. Wow! After a couple years I still love this practice. Thank you Adriene! Love from Holland

  30. Hi Adriene,
    I've been doing lots of your videos, trying out different ones, mainly the shorter ones and they've all been great, but this is definitely my favourite one so far! I think this might be my go to for mornings. Thankyou, Lucy

  31. Really didn't enjoy this practice as I found the commentary did match the movement. It was out of time and I had to constantly watch the video and found I then needed to rush to the next position. Didn't flow.

  32. I know this is an older video, but I love this one!
    I love that it moves quickly and every body part is working. This is one of my favorites!

  33. I did a Qi Gong video right before this and the two paired together perfectly! Great flow sequencing in this video, and I always enjoy your sense of humor and your genuine personality! THANK YOU!

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