10-Minute Yoga for Beginners

This 10-minute yoga practice is perfect for the absolute complete beginner or someone just wanting to go back and add subtle body connection and alignment for a sustainable practice that supports harmonious whole health. Set at just ten minutes, this is a must-do yoga session for all.

Bring a blanket or a towel if you have one. (Not required.)

20 comments on “10-Minute Yoga for Beginners”

  1. Thank you Adriene. I very much enjoyed your session and look forward to trying again tomorrow.

  2. Does anyone have any recommendations for practices that are similar in difficulty to this? I am getting back into yoga with Adriene after a long illness and this is about my level right now 🙂

  3. Hello - I think there are other beginner practices and also I have found practices for "seniors" useful and those marked as "gentle" or simple. I realise you may not be a senior but suspect that these would also be good after a long illness. Good luck.

  4. Wow, thank you just completed my first 10 minutes with you, it felt awesome. As a surfer of over 40 years, I have tried a couple of different yoga starts but all seemed to go to fast. This is perfect for me as I have previously busted a shoulder and have shocking soccer knees. I am looking forward to continuing this journey with you.
    Thank you Adriene.

  5. I'm a beginner wanting to get into yoga, i have neuropathy in my lower legs & feet so I'm hoping I can still do this.

  6. Good morning, Adriene— I love your chair yoga program. I am 77 and feel wonderful after it. I did read it’s not good to repeat the same program daily so I was wondering if you had any different workouts that I could rotate to work other areas. Thank you so much. Wish I could attend your sessions in person!

  7. I haven't done yoga practice in a few years. Instead, I have been fighting cancer. Now that I am in remission, my body, mind, and soul need to restart my practice. This brief beginning video was perfect! Thank you so much.

  8. Thank you for a session that was truly for a beginner. 10 minutes was non threatening way to take the leap into yoga.

  9. Thanks, this small first session was all what I wanted. And the dog is amazing! I loved it, thanks again.

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