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Yoga Camp - Day 14

Go With The Flow. Yoga Camp Vinyasa. Or - Yoga For Control Freaks. Or Yoga For Stubborn People. 30 min yoga workout for the mind and body. Welcome heat, move with your breath and get your heart rate going! This fierce practice welcomes transformation. Beginners (and everyone) take breaks and meet your boundaries - don't push beyond. Everyone, balance with a cool down and a connect to your mantra.

You have heard it before. Go With The Flow. You try with all your might. But, how does it go? Tools of yoga camp to the rescue! Develop full body awareness, practice being present and listening to the body in a way in which you can practice going with the flow. Take it off the mat and into your every day. Can you listen before you react? What does it feel like to release your grip and go with the flow. Meet your edge mindfully. Enjoy!

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15 comments on “Yoga Camp - Day 14”

  1. wonderful workout, it really shows how much better it sometimes is just to go with the flow!

  2. Today was go with the flow, so very apt! I usually practice my yoga in a nice peaceful relaxing environment with very little distractions. Oh no not today, for the first time EVER I was sharing my mat and practice with my 5 year old niece, interesting to say the least, we both loved it and she was smashing all the moves too. For me this was truly just going with the flow!
    Each day has been bang on with affirmations actually, clearly meant to be on this fab journey. Thanks Adriene (& team) for making this happen.
    BIG love

  3. A day behind and slightly hung-over, but I did my first proper, heels-to-the-floor, downward facing dog today! It felt amazing and it put a smile on my face that will probably last all day long. I can go with the flow! Thank you Adriene xoxo

  4. I feel the flow! The energy flow.. The love flow... The yoga flow... I am always so proud of being the one not going with the flow, but today it was nice to go with my inner flow. Thank you <3

  5. This mantra could not have come at a better day, a better hour, a better minute! I am currently faced with a hard decision and now I have a mantra to guide me...thank you...

  6. I LOVE the boot camp yoga videos, and this one, Go With the Flow, came at exactly the right time in my life. Perfect. (How did you know, Adriene? 🙂
    And as much as I LOVE the yoga videos, I really, really super appreciate your emails and writing for each video. I find a lot of value in what you say in your writing. Very helpful. And soulful. Thank you so much. xoxoooo

  7. This one was amazing! Damn I feel invigorated! Thanks so much Adriene, you honestly make yoga so fun & leave me feeling just awesome!

  8. I love it! This mantra could not have come at a better day. Yoga Camp is helping me to find myself in such a difficult time. Thanks so much Adriene!

  9. My father passed away recently and I have been clutching to these sessions and your lovely advice and guidance like a lifeline to sanity. Your 30 days of Yoga got me started and now I am doing the Yoga Camp and it is... Well, dare I say life changing? Because indeed it is for me. I also introduced this series to a friend who has been struggling with weight issues and she cottoned to it immediately.
    Thank you for your sense of humor (much like mine) your pace and timing of mantras which always seem to be perfect for me. Keep on keeping on!

  10. Dear Adriene,
    I love the way you are teaching this class!
    I am 63 yrs. Old--OK, will be 64 on Oct. 1st--and I really needed something that was under an hour long and not too stressing on my body. This is perfect for me! I have to admit that even with the ease of pace, I still do feel it more on some days than others, so I know it's working for me.
    Thank you so much! Keep rockin' it your way, I love your genuine-ness and sense of humor.
    Big Hugs!

  11. I started Yoga Camp on January 28 and I'm about to do this day 14 today Feb. 21. Obviously I haven't been able to maintain a daily practice but I have kept with it! I am proud of myself! I know I will finish this camp then continue on with you Adriene! Love your sense of humor and the way you teach! First time I have ever stuck with yoga! I like that this feels bit easier while still being hard for a beginner. I love the meditation/relaxation/connecting mind to body that this allows! The first day you made me belly laugh at the end and then cry. You also said downward dog will become the neutral pose I was like I hate down dog and that's crazy talk. Surprisingly enough it has become easier and feels good now!

    Thank you so much for sharing your practice! I love the affirmations too!

  12. I am 50 years old. My back and neck always hurt, I constantly went for massage. Now I am doing yoga, three months have passed and I feel great. I told my friend about you, now we do yoga together. Now it’s summer, we’re doing it in the yard, it's great.
    Thank you so much for sharing your practice!

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