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Power Yoga Break

Yoga For Weight Loss in under 20 minutes! This Power Yoga break builds strength in the core, glutes, arms and legs.

Per your request, a stress free power yoga in 20 minutes that is centered around the breath and mindful movement. Practice regularly to tone muscles and improve posture with integrity. Let me know how it goes down below!

45 comments on “Power Yoga Break”

  1. Thank you for this! I am doing Yoga Camp and wanted to sub in a practice with more movement, and this was perfect. Fun to see how the plants have grown and changed since the Yoga Camp videos were filmed, and I love the dog. You are a blessing.

  2. I have enjoyed this video. I too have a Cattle dog. I see that he is perfecting his downward dog. Lol

    1. He's an Australian blue heeler I believe, he looks like a very peaceful hound when he's not chasing cows! Thanks for the workout Adriene!

  3. Adriene, how do we get a schedule of your live classes? I get your emails, but they usually just tell me where you are right now or where you have already been. Thanks!

  4. It is with a heavy heart that I request a yoga sequence when mourning the loss of a loved one. A friend of mine was in a fatal motorcycle accident and I'm finding it hard to wrap my head and heart around the matter. Thank you for building such a wonderful online community, it's the first place I have come in search of peace. Love and light.

    1. I am so sorry, Kala. My heart is sad for you as you mourn the loss of your dear friend. May I offer the suggestion of Adriene's Yoga for a Broken Heart? This practice as been meaningful and brought peace to others dealing with heartache as well.

      Lots of love and wishes for healing and peace for you <3

    2. I’m so sorry. I lost my son and husband in a vehicle accident. I understand your pain. You feel so helpless. He would want you to be strong and live life..My deepest condolences

  5. i have a desk job and i suffer from extreme back pain. Simultaneously i have gained a lot of weight over the last few years. So i'm looking for asanas which are suitable for weight loss as well as curing back pain. Can such a routine be developed ?

  6. Greetings and Namaste πŸ˜€

    Hey Adriene, is a pleasure just emailing you πŸ™‚

    I've been following your videos now for a couple of years and love the feeling that you give to us all in mind, body and soul. I love the way you sneak in a few deeper spiritual trainings as well to not put off skeptics but am wondering, do you have a Chakra Series flow. I completed your "Show your Gold" video yesterday and continued this with an hour of Shakti Meditation for cleansing and activation but I'd love to be able to continue these routines with your soul there to guide me and all of us.

    I can only imagine how extremely busy you must be but where there's power and connect there is power in the soul

    Would love to see a Chakra series

    Much love to you and all the YWA family because that is definitely what you are, my family πŸ™‚

    Love to you

    Karl πŸ™‚

    1. Hi Karl!

      Thank you for your thoughtful comment. I'm happy to tell you that Adriene has already filmed a Chakra series and it is getting the finishing touches put on it now. It will be available on the FWFG membership site this winter! πŸ™‚

      Thanks for being a part of the YWA family!


  7. I absolutely love your videos. You always make everything fun. I walk away from the mat more peaceful , stronger , and happier. You are awesome. We are so lucky to have you. Lisa

  8. As I await my 10th grandchild I'm so thankful for your videos which keep me flexible while contributing to wisdom for the next Gen. Compassionate care to and for the FWFG family of joy! Thank you, dear woman, for healing and giving hope to the world in yet another time of need
    ! All Good Things with Gratitude and Love, gently June

  9. Awesome video! I used to practice regularly and stopped for a few years since I had my daughter. Finding your videos has given me the desire and the drive to come back to the mat. Although I’m starting back at square one, I don’t find myself being discouraged like I have with other videos. I cannot thank you enough for such a fun and encouraging take on yoga.

  10. Thank you for your kind in sharing your knowledge and calmness with the world. ❀️ I’ve done two videos and am hooked.

  11. hi Adrienne!!

    I recently discovered you through a friend of mine who works at Adidas. I love your vibe thank you so much for doing this! I'm excited! yesterday I wrote on my blog that the best things are free so you fit perfectly into this mindset! love when technology fuels human empowerment πŸ™‚
    I am thinking about getting a new yoga mat for xmas any reco please? thank you!!

    thanks Adrienne!
    Raphaelle @mamaninportland

  12. Thank you, always.
    It seems like whatever is going on in my life, whatever noise I need to quiet or whatever little sound I need to listen closer to, there is a yoga video that helps me do that. Its so intuitive.

  13. You are an inspiration! Love your videos. Practice with you several times a week which keeps me a younger age 63

  14. Love it ! Thank you so much -
    I feel able to follow this and break when needed without feeling stressed or inadequate- breath of fresh air amongst many teachers who seem to make me feel it is all way out of reach . I’m going through a lot at the moment and what to make yoga more integral to my life - any suggestions?
    Thank you

  15. Kia Ora Adriereally enjoying this one as way to tone and build core strength . Just wondering if you have ant thoughts re another 15 to 20 minute routine to alternate it with.
    Thanks for all your wonderful videos. You’re a star!
    Gay (New Zealand)

  16. Is there list or calendar of all the classes for Yoga for Weightloss anywhere?

    Thank you in advance

  17. Andriene you never disappoint. i can ALWAYS find a practice to fit my time constraints, my physical needs and my mood in your extensive library! You rock and I hope you are enjoying your international tour! Namaste

  18. THANK YOU SO MUCH ADRIENE! I'm doing your yoga videos for nearly two years now (WOW how time flies) and every single video is special and really good!
    Love doing yoga with you!

  19. Hi
    I just wanted to say a massive thank you for giving us all these amazing yoga videos which have really changed my life - you're a true inspiration. My sister told me about you about 4 months ago and since then I've been working my way through all your videos which I love.

    I get up each morning before the kids wake to have 20-30 mins of me time which always includes a yoga practice or Hitt workout. I've been wanting to ask you whether yoga is the only exercise you do or whether you team it with other activities? I'm enjoying my yoga so much that I would love to just do that everyday but wondering whether that's enough to help keep my body in check. Any thoughts and advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Sending love and positivity
    Da x

  20. Your videos are beautiful and make me feel wonderful. I especially love towards the end of this video after the bicycle peddling when you say "laugh, smile, sigh, curse me.... I laughed and it made me feel even better than I had before!

    Thank you so much for these videos, I will do my best to do them regularly!


  21. Hi,

    Thanks for being so great, I really needed this practice today, and I can not only access it anywhere, but I love that you have made it "take what you need and leave what you don't" type of practice.


  22. I love your videos Adrienne, I practice multiple a day! This one was great Thank you

  23. Thanks Adriene! I found you a couple of years ago when I was looking to get back into yoga. Now you help me start my days while confined at home. Your sunny disposition always cheers me up. You are a ray of sunshine starting my morning.

  24. Simply thank you for these special loments that you're sharing with us! It feels sooo good for body and mind....Namaste Adriene

  25. I have really enjoy my Yoga with you Thank You for starting my day with a smile Even though these days during Corona Virus its not easy Namaste

  26. Thank you again, dear Adriene. As I get stronger each day, thanks to your helpful sessions, I can better deal with such intensive practices as this one (though I'm still afraid to do the side plank).
    As we're nearing a new Hebrew year here in Israel, I'm wishing you Shana Tova, a sweet new blessed happy new year.

  27. Hi Adriene
    Is there a suggested order to go through the yoga for weight loss (my spouse and I started in home, very sequential, and wonder if this series is similarly mapped out.

  28. Thanks for all of the great, free practices, Adriene! They're helping me on my journey to be more mindful and lose some weight.

  29. Covid is killing a once proud physique. Along with age and weight gain i am unable to play any of the sports i enjoy (Baseball, Tennis, soccer) 50 is around the corner and its getting so much harder. I love your videos and i think you may be saving me from becoming a depressed couch You have a fun manner about you and that makes it easy to come back...its kinda like hanging out with a friend. Thanks for all you have done here....its a great thing πŸ™‚
    Tell Benji that Luna is watching with me - Cheers

  30. Hello, Whenever I do the bicycle pedal move (I think that's what you called it) I feel like I'm straining in my neck. I try to reset my posture and be mindful of what I'm doing but still end up feeling strained. For some other postures or moves you've mentioned slight variations or points to be aware of that I have found very helpful. Is there anything you would recommend to keep from putting unwanted strain on the neck?
    Thank you!

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