Yoga Transitions - From Down Dog to Lunge

In this Yoga Tips video we talk about how to activate the muscles and connect to the energetic body to find a supportive transition from Down Dog to Lunge. Cultivate awareness in your center to shift the weight of the body in a way that feels supportive and grounded. Use this video to deepen your practice and to find more ease in transitions as the flexibility of the body evolves and your practice grows!

13 comments on “Yoga Transitions - From Down Dog to Lunge”

  1. This was great! Very helpful. Can you do one about how to roll over the toes in transitions and talk about how long it takes your feet to get strong enough to do it. I'm thinking about when you transition from
    chaturanga to up dog.

  2. I have just discovered Yoga at 56 years of age, I'm on day 3. You are a wonderful question is where did you get the yoga pants with the stripes on bottom, so cute, thx! Karen

  3. Thank you for this lovely letter on "What matters most" and thank you for your authenticity, I enjoy it so much. I love you too Adrienne, you are a wonderfully generous, positive and inspiring person.

  4. Excellent tips. Thank you so much. A couple of cues that seems to help my students are "come up onto the fingertips and you lift your center up and forward," while "looking slightly ahead of your hands." I was taught this long ago by a teacher who recognized that many of us have long legs and short torsos. It made DD to Lunge much, much easier.

    You are a blessing to yoga!

    1. Long limbs, short torso here!!! It's so difficult for me to be in classes with shorter people. My body parts have farther to travel, so I'm working harder to go as fast and get in the same positions!

  5. Hi Adriene,
    Thanks a lot for such wonderful tips. It have helped me a lot. I love it

    Namaste ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  6. Thanks for answering one of my questions, Adriene. To move as one... To become wholesome... I hear what you are saying, and I find it very helpful. I now understand better what you mean whenever you say: "full body experience"!

  7. I loved the detail of your demonstration ! I now see what I have to do to make the smooth transition from Down dog to lunge. , and it's really good to know that even if I can't take my leg right to the front that's ok!!
    I'm working towards it!

  8. I'm practising this sequence every day, 4 days now, and it still seems to me I can't get my foot to land any further than under the hip point... Any clue, Adriene? Just how my body is? Just a matter of time? I'll keep practising...

  9. Thank you so much for this. I do find it difficult to get my foot to land where it should be. Then I hear you say that it can be different for everyone. Everyone is different. Thank you.
    I will keep practising. Is every day too much for a woman of 64 with High cholesterol? On bad days I tend to do the yin yoga. On days that I need a boost I do a quick yoga. Not sure how much is too much.
    Thank you again. Namaste.

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