Yoga For Relaxation

This Yoga For Relaxation with Adriene sequence is perfect for those seeking to relax and relieve anxiety. Perfect for a recovery day and perfect for those needing a little time for yourself. This yoga practice is fun, slow and stretchy and great for all levels and those seeking to deepen their practice with a connection to the breath. Repeat this practice weekly to promote overall health and become more flexible - both in mind and body!

5 comments on “Yoga For Relaxation”

  1. Hi, Adriene,

    Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I found it amazing, today was my first day in training for a new job and I found it very stressful, but I can honestly say that by the end of the practise I felt that feeling of ease and I was able to let go of all the negative emotions and just focus on the positive.

    Thank you for doing this - helping without even knowing it.


    Love and warm hugs,
    - S 🙂

  2. This is my favourite.
    No matter what I've done be it cycling, digging, lifting things that are too heavy, moving heavy heart objects or crunched from computer work this gets me free and in to the zone again.


  3. Thabks Adrienne for all you do and share. This looks lovely but am struggling with it due to inflexibility. Can someone direct me to an easier version? Thanks!

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