20 Minute Yoga For Anxiety practice.
Use the tools of yoga to find peace and support from within. This simple practice is hands free and low to the ground. Good for when you are feeling anxiety or seeking more balance in your life. Especially in a time when we are so focused on the body - use this practice to tend to your mind, your thoughts. Accept where you are today and allow the simple yet powerful tools of yoga to guide to you ease and joy. You deserve it. I got your back! Let me know how it goes below!
Thank you for this and all of your other helpful videos!!
Hi Adriene
Im in India and cant stream this video...can I pay and download it so i can do it offline?
Cynthia from boot camp
So thankful for all your videos! This one helped me get a good nights sleep after a hard day! Thank you Adriene for making workouts a lot more fun and giving!
Your videos are amazing for every struggle i have, thank you!!
Thanks for the relaxing stretch and to help with morning anxiety. Have a blessed day!
I am feeling so discouraged. I cannot bear hug my knees or bend my torso to the mat. I have belly fat that will not budge. In fact I broke out in tears for no reason while trying to hold myself in a pose. Is frustration common for overweight yogis? Will my body ever conform to be able to do your poses fully?
I have the same problem but I just keep doing the best I can.
so - i did this practice yesterday and again today - definitely needing a little something, something to kickstart today and the week.
sending good thoughts, big hugs and lots of love out to the universe.
maybe a little bit will find it's way back to me . . .
Yes it will darling, just keep at it one day at a time
Thank you Adriene, you are miraculous. I am a 60-year-old woman with not much spare time and these videos that last half an hour or less are just perfect for me. Plus you are just an amazing yoga teacher. Thank you so very much.
Thank you for your videos. Don’t know what I would do without them right now.
You are amazing.
Thank you for all your amazing videos and for making a difference in people’s lives. Sending you peace.
Thank you. Learning to Breath, really breath has changed my life.