Yoga Camp - Day 4

Yoga Camp - Day 4 is here with the mantra I AWAKEN. This yoga practice is a tune in, a check in - a wake up call. Notice your breath and shake it up. What do you want to awaken? Move with intention and you trim and tone. Wake up the body, find support, build strength and soothe your soul. Time to stir the pot, move the furniture. Trust it and enjoy!

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51 comments on “Yoga Camp - Day 4”

  1. Love this Day 4 practice ❤ Thank you Adriene . I can't wait for Day 5. Greeting from Slovakia.

  2. Adriene, Thank you for all your hard work, effort, spirit, and these videos. I was so calm yesterday after doing the session. Thank you! Thank you!!

  3. I'm a very big guy and it's hard to do some of these moves but I thank you Adriene for everything you are doing to help me and people lime me.

    I actually love the peace I feel .

  4. Another awesome day at yoga camp! I wanted to comment in regards to awakening. I am currently doing a study of The Teachings of the Buddha by Jack Kornfield and by coincidence (or universal intervention) my reading today was The Awakened originally from The Dhammapada. It reads:

    How joyful to look upon the awakened and to keep company with the wise. Follow then the shining ones, the wise, the awakened,the loving, for they know how to work and forbear. But if you cannot find friend or master to go with you, travel alone- like a king who has given away his kingdom, like an elephant in the forest. If the traveler can find a virtuous and wise companion let him go with him joyfully and overcome the dangers of the way. Follow them as the moon follows the path of the stars.

    Thank you Adriene for being a wise virtuous companion for myself and my fellow FWFG yogis in our journey to awakening. You really do rock!!

  5. Oh, the joy of fourth day yoga training pains! My inner thighs, Adriene - holy moly! 🙂 But I'm so enjoying it. THANK YOU so much for doing this program.

  6. Adriene thank you so very much for everything! Your lessons do me really good! I feel so healthy and in such good spirits! Best wishes from sunny Greece!

  7. I have only just started doing this, over in uk! I love your spirit and vibe! My body feels strong and I feel so chilled afterwards! Thank you! Ha, cheesy I know! ✌️

  8. I'm feeling sooooo good after 4 days of yoga camp! I have my weekly yoga class tomorrow, so don't know whether to be a day late from now on or do a double bill one day... what would you recommend?

    Inma x

  9. Hi Adriene! I'm LOVING this yoga camp! I Embrace definitely spoke to me on my first day back to work after the holiday break. Quick question... somehow I did not receive today's I Awake email... is it possible to get it resent or is it on your website somewhere?

    Thanks for all you do!

  10. Hi Adriene! Thank you so much for posting your yoga camp videos. I have been looking forward to this for a while. I loved this practice today; it was gentle enough to ease into my yoga routine again, but fiery enough that it gave me strength and a burst of energy. Thank you for adding the affirmations; I love that you're helping our mind, body, and soul! You always remind us to smile and breathe when I need it most! Thanks!
    Holly from CT 🙂

  11. Thank you so much for doing this yoga camp and all of your other positive and generous offerings! My sister and I are doing cross country yoga together through your camp. <3

  12. I thank you from my heart <3 for your time Adriene and the sharing of your videos and time with us around the world. Just awakened my body with yoga over here in Norway - preparing for -10C - yoho.... 🙂

  13. Adriene,

    I enjoyed day 5! I really look forward to your videos each day. The sun salutations were a challenge but lots of fun. I feel so accomplished. See you tomorrow.

  14. Hi Abriene,

    First of all, let me thank you so much for all that you are, for all that you do.

    Today, I have a question for you: after day 4 video, I was a little shaky. Is it normal? What´s you´re advice on it?

    Thank you so much for all, once again <3

  15. Each day this year surprises me. Your mixing things up great and keeping us from getting too sore. Each time I think you are going one way you go another. Pleasantly I may say. So much different from last year I might add but just as compelling and enjoyable.

  16. These lovely classes are a great gift! I'm finding my way back to my yoga practice following two hip replacements, on Oct. 30 and Dec. 22. Am just beginning to learn what my new joints are capable of. The first downward dog made me cry with gratitude -- and with each class I'm making slow progress. (Blocks for everything, and lots of modifications, but I'm here. Thank you for the compassionate, wise teaching.

  17. I never get tired of joining you on the mat, Adriene. Thank you for being a beaming light, for not taking yourself or the practice too seriously, and for being incredibly inviting and forgiving. I have shared your videos with my friends all over the world and I am so happy to be a part of the community you have created.

    Wishing all of you good vibrations,
    Jane from Germany!

  18. After the first round of sun salutation I brought my hands to heart centre and could not stop beaming. I smiled through the rest of the practice. I felt like I'd lost my way with yoga and maybe a little overwhelmed with the vinyasa flow classes I'd been going to. Yoga camp has brought enjoyment back in to my practice and intention and little bit of self love:) . Thank you.

  19. Oh holy wow that was great. I chose to awaken my hip flexors in the beginning and viola! Thank you!

  20. Hey Adriene!

    I'm Ioana, a musician (a violinist) currently based in Melbourne, Australia.
    I have done yoga in the past (never very seriously though and never at home via the internet(!)) so I'm not a complete beginner. I just finished my long day of violin practise with Day 4 of Yoga Camp, with you. Days 1-3 were great and I really enjoyed the slightly quicker pace of today's practice. I'm really looking forward to going through to Day 30... and beyond!

    Your site is really great. I think you are really great too; you are clearly very experienced in yoga and your knowledge of it is extensive. So, when you say in your videos to "trust the video, trust you and trust ourselves" I really feel I can do that, 100%. And that's a credit to you! So, please keep doing what you're doing here.. I'm sure you will!

    p.s you have made me laugh our loud during yoga practise every single day so far... I think that's pretty awesome considering we've never met, it's highly likely we never will (but please, if you ever teach a yoga class or few in Melbourne, let us know!!) and we're across the world from each other...
    p.p.s today was the first ever time I did yoga in the evening as opposed to first thing in the AM.. I find that I like one just as much as the other and I can see myself starting to do yoga twice a day, sometimes.

    Woah, this "comment" is more like an actual letter.... oops.

    Thanks Adriene, I look forward to continuing yoga with you, in the comfort of my own home. So awesome!

  21. Having so much fun! Got to love your sense of humor and it's doing my flexibility so mch good. Thank you for this wonderful camp!

  22. Today's practice is just what my tired and sore body needed. I balance cardio and weight trying with the gentle , loving practice of yoga.



  23. Hi Adrien e,

    Loving the yoga camp videos-I am a bit behind but trying to fit them in when I can. A question about the hip circles-my hips were both really clunky and a bit sore doing this-any tips for building up the strength/losing the clunking?

    Keep doing what you're doing!


  24. I have loved all your classes so far, especially this one! Feeling so lucky to have stumbled across you Adriene!!
    Thanks from Canberra, Australia x

  25. Thank you Adriene! I am new to Yoga. I am 60 and still pretty limber. Could do all of moves. But I am surprised that I get a small sweat on and slight elevation in heart rate. Didn't expect that.

  26. Obviously I'm doing Day 4 way late in the game, but I'm so thankful to have found this series of 30 days of yoga. I'm slowly coming back to my yoga routine, and I can't thank you enough for the encouragement to help me return to my mat.

  27. love the 30-40' yoga classes. I can do that. When they start to get to 45-60', I lose focus.

  28. Thanks for this! Yes you are a little crazy as you said in the video but in the best way ! I feel so good after, and you hit just the right note with the spiritual/inner side without getting too esoteric/new age--just what I need, makes it accessible. I hope you realize the good vibes and love that spill out from you and your practice like ripples on the oceans all over the world.
    thank you.

  29. Another fantastic day of yoga with you, Adrienne! I'm waking up excited to get to my yoga class now... I love the deliberateness of the poses and movements - feels amazing and my body feels like I'm doing something really good for it, instead of pushing it through MY paces. 🙂

  30. I know I am very late but I only just discovered this camp. I thank you from my heart as I am recovering from a ruptured ACL- I am planning to rehab on my doctors recommendation- avoiding surgery . ( I feel skiing mid February) and this is the first time I have had the courage to attempt a sun salutations. Thank you and God bless you. I am a children's yoga teacher so big achievement. Thank you so much namaste.

  31. Day 4 - awesome.... and even managed a few laugh out loud moments... I really enjoy your sense of humour Adriene - thank you.

  32. When i was getting my youngest toddler down for nap today, I kept thinking to myself, maybe I will take today off from Yoga Camp. PMS...the struggle is real kids! I then opened the Day 4 email and bam.....Adriene is talking about how day 4 can lose its sexy inspiration and I was did she know???? Its May 10th did she know back in January that I was gonna need that email today???? Sun Salutations was perfect. I am pretty much a beginner but I felt like I accomplished so much today! I feel stronger everyday! Thank you!

  33. Hey Adriene !

    I am Sara all the way from Belgium. I really like your Yoga Videos.
    It is really nice I can do yoga at home with such a great teacher 😉
    In the mail for today's yoga practise I saw the Cue: Harry Nilsson...
    So i started my day with 'Put the lime in the Coconut'.
    Really great to begin the day with !

    Thaaaaank You!

  34. Thank you Adriene 🙂 I awaken my inner light, my braveness and my strength!
    Thank you for doing all your youtube videos-practice, it takes a lot of time dedication and loving care, I enjoy your company and love your style. Thank you again.

  35. Hi Adriene - I have been struggling with pain for nearly a year and had bulging discs in the L4 & L5 with a cyst as well pressing on the nerve. Had surgery about 8 weeks ago and it stopped the nerve pain but my body has been taking longer to heal than they anticipated. I have been in pain every single day and beginning to think this is going to be my life from now on. I decided a few days ago that NO, I am not giving in to that and going to take charge and do something to change it! I have always wanted to learn yoga and no one around the small town I live in teaches it. I came across your 30 day challenge and knew this was it. I am only on Day 4, which has been the hardest for me, but I held out til the end and did all that I could and feel so much better. I needed this challenge not only for my physical needs but mental as well. I appreciate your hard work, enjoy your attitude and everything about going thru this process with you! Praying this will bring the healing I so desperately need to my body and mind! Thanks again for everything! P.S. I'm a Texan 🙂

    1. Hi Sharon from Texas - I hope 6 weeks or so down the line that you are still going strong.
      Greetings from an English woman in France 🙂

  36. Hi Adriene... I love your all yoga work out. I'm done with your 30 days dedicate yoga and. I love it so much, now I am starting in yoga camp and now I am in day 5. It is very nice yoga work out for me coz my arms, neck and hands are on pain right now and this help me. Have a great day. God bless you always.

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