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Yoga Camp - Day 30

You are coming up with the mantra today! You are guiding this practice. This journey has been so rewarding. Thank you for your willingness to explore and your commitment to self study through YOGA. Thank you for sharing your time, your breath, your stories, your humor and your humanity with myself and this community. Day 30! This yoga practice is special. I'm taking off the mic and handing it over to you. Practice what we have been practicing for 29 Days - listening. Use me as a guide as I will be doing vocabulary that we have learned in Yoga Camp. Jam to the music of the video, or mute it and play your own tunes. Move mindfully, don't push. Create a mantra for yourself today that resonates. Celebrate. Be present. Accept. Enjoy. Surrender. Love. Share your mantra and experience below.

This practice is yours to Find What Feels Good.

From my heart to yours, namaste.

Share your experience down below and with #YOGACAMP

79 comments on “Yoga Camp - Day 30”

  1. My mantra today was I am worthy. Worthy of a balanced life, worthy to receive and give true love. I looked at myself in the mirror after practice today and hugged myself and cried a little. I accept where I am in my journey and accept that even more greatness is to come.
    Thank you for your light, Adriene. Thank you, Chris, for sharing your gift behind the lens, and for always capturing those sweet genuine moments. You both have helped shape change in my life and for that I am truly, truly grateful and so appreciative. The love for what you do radiates in every video that you share. Adriene, although I barely looked at the video and you had no mic, I could hear your voice as if you were right beside me, helping me to meet my edge and then to go a little further, reminding me of my mantra. When you were in forearm plank-a pose i deeply struggle with-I joined in and was about to give up when i heard you say "you got this!"and i held it a bit longer before collapsing. A lot of the times when I did look at you, we were flowing through the same asanas although the timing was just slightly different. You're an amazing teacher! I will continue to do your videos along with my own practice without a video because I am worthy of writing my own story. Again, thank you for helping me find courage to change my life, to look at myself with true acceptance and love. Jai namaste, my friend!!

  2. Thank You so much for your giving and sharing of your talent! I have enjoyed growing and learning "with" you. You have instilled a love of yoga in me and inspired me to continue with the journey. My body, mind, and stress is much improved. I like the way you make transitions so natural and the practice not just mechanical exercise, but part of an awakening of the mind and the body. P.S. I believe I figured out that your flowers are peonies on the window. I love plants and animals and am always curious about what I see! Thanks again from your Florida follower...

  3. Thank you. Day 30 always emotional for everyone. I will be looking forward to a day off but by Tuesday I think about 6:00am I will be waiting for a video.

  4. Adriene, thank you for Yoga Camp and thank you for leading me to my yoga practice. I have also begun a meditation practice. You have many gifts and one of them is that you are an incredible teacher. All the mantras were intriguing, but the one that sparked my epiphany was, "I am grateful." It's so odd that something that began so randomly is now the connection and the bigness of everything--not to get too metaphysical, ew. My mantra today and going forward until the whenever is, "I am yes." Thanks again, and to Chris-behind-the-camera. I really look forward. You know, to the whatever. Namaste, my friend.

  5. did anyone else sob after completing yoga camp?! i've had fibromyalgia for 34 years. i'm active, but have to be careful not to overdo. i'm a professional violinist and have very protective of my wrists also. the first few days of camp made my pain worse, but it didn't logically make sense to me, and i continued. i'm so happy with my progress, that i just (even tho it was free style) followed you, and DID IT! so grateful for you and your team of peeps, adriene. looking forward to more...
    much love.

  6. This was awesome. Because of you, I'm back practising now!!! Thank you Adriene for the humor, great instruction and all that food for thought.
    One question: where can I find the day 30 music list?

  7. As the second song started I got emotional and shed some happy tears. I thought, wow what a journey, I did 30 days of Yoga Camp - 30 days of showing up for myself on the yoga mat and working on a mantra. Today I AM PROUD. I can do stuff. Before Yoga Camp, I had not done yoga for a long time even if I love it and wanted to get started again. Yoga Camp was perfect for that. Thank you so much, Adriene! You made me realize that it is so important to find what feels good. From now I´m looking forward to joining more of your videos and picking a mantra for my day once in a while.

  8. Thank you Adrienne for sharing the journey. During the journey I recreated my yoga space making it more inviting to hop onto the mat. Now I look forward to the time I spend on the mat. Despite a ski injury to my knee, I still did a very gentle yoga session each day honouring the limitations of my knee.
    Embarking on this journey has left me with a clear vision of what I want to achieve and it truly begins with loving oneself.


  9. Thank you so much for this camp Adriene! I have a new baby and did yoga camp each night after putting her to bed. To say that you/the camp have saved my sanity would be an understatement. Prior to camp, I kind of had the mindset that muscling through a 90 minute vinyasa practice was the only way to get a good workout through yoga. As you can imagine finding 90 minutes to do anything by yourself with an infant is near impossible. I was struggling to find time for myself. This camp really challenged me, forcing me to slow down and focus on one thing at a time, to carve out a few minutes of each day for me. I found myself coming back to the breath work on day 17 a lot and know I will continue to do so. On day 30, my mantra was I am here, present. Thank you so much and I look forward to more videos and a growing home practice.

  10. I loved the 30 days of yoga camp because of you Adriene and your approach to yoga.
    I had just found your 30 days of yoga last month so I have been doing yoga with you for 60 days. I will miss doing yoga with you but I am looking forward to my new daily practice! Thank you for what you have given to me and my yoga practice 🙂

  11. My mantra was I am grateful because that is all I could be and it is always a good place to start. I have enjoyed these 30 days and was sad to see it end. So that being what it is, i put my practice off until today so I could have one more day. This was scary..Me having to do my own thing. What!!??? I do not feel like I know anything. I took a deep breathe and just played and listen to my body. Thank you for this experience. I bow my head to you in deep gratitude. Nameste

  12. I found day 30 tough - I am at a point where I feel unable to make my own decisions or have the confidence to do so and was very comfortable being completely guided by Adriene.

    I committed to the practice, however, and really tried to overcome this feeling and "go with the flow" - throwing myself in.

    I never thought I would be a "yoga person" but somehow about 6 months on - I can't imagine not having "yoga with adriene" in the mornings. When I travel to see mum, or go on holiday I download the videos and make sure I have them with me as a kind of security blanket but Adriene keeps talking about cultivating our own practices and today I understood what she meant.

    I am learning to trust myself and more amazingly say I love myself and actually mean it - something I really never thought would be possible. This gives me such hope that my two little girls will grow up to be happy and confident in themselves and just be grateful for who they are.

    Thank you Adriene! You're one in a million
    Christine, Brighton

  13. Only at day 17, but enjoying myself. I got up with a terrible headache but it's gone now! My cat, asleep on the couch, is practicing his ujjayi breath with me, haha.

  14. I enjoy (as I continue to use the videos) your videos and it has been such a nice change in my routine. I telecommute from home and yoga has been such a great change to my life and helps prevent my back pain from a weakened muscles due to an accident years ago! I look forward to yoga every day and feel so much more energized and strong now! Thank you so much for your positive and chill energy! Love!

  15. Thank you so much for these wonderful 30 days of yoga. I was wondering if you'd be willing to create some mini videos to use "on the go", especially in the workplace on a lunch or break. I've been trying to incorporate this new, mindful practice into the rest of my day, and it's incredible feeling the difference that it makes. Best wishes!

  16. Adriene,
    Just wanted to you let you know I am so glad that I committed to your Yoga Camp. Actually, this year I committed to doing 30 minutes of yoga each day. Maybe a little unrealistic, but totally enjoyable. I have overwhelmingly enjoyed every minute of your yoga videos and they have helped me relax, stretch and destress. Keep up they great work. You are precious and have such an adorable personality. Love that you keep it real. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Nameste

    Kennesaw, GA

  17. Thank you Adriene,
    The 30 days of yoga camp was perfect for me I have just started using affirmations in my daily life so the two fitted together perfectly. I was a few days late finishing due to a wrist injury requiring a few days rest, so my mantra today is I am whole, body mind and spirit.
    Thank you for putting this together for us all.

  18. My mantra was I am awesome. And I lived up to it. Today was so powerful. I felt strong and my balance was on point. I loved all 30 days but today was AWESOME!!!! The music was empowering and very soul satisfying. I needed this. I missed your quirkiness but nonetheless felt your guidance. Thank you for changing my life.

  19. #yogacamp Hey Adriene! I've just finished day 29! Looking forward to tomorrow's class already 🙂 my sister in law and I started yoga just this month and we've loved it! Will definitely start 30 days of yoga next. Thank you, from Wicklow, Ireland

  20. Hi Adriene,
    Thank you for the wonderful gift of yoga camp. I've reconnected to my practice after a number of years away, and so many people have been commenting on how good I look, wondering if I've lost weight --I haven't, I'm just carrying myself differently and am starting every day (I roll out of bed onto my mat) feeling confident, connected, and ready to go! After experimenting with some of your other videos, I found myself missing the message of camo, so I've decided to repeat it! LOVE IT! Thank you!

  21. Hi Adriene

    I started following your videos are I love them!! Thank you so much!! I was just wondering if you could have a sequence for yoga before sleep for about 10/15 minutes becase usually I don't have time to do your 30' sequences during the working day and I would love to able to do it every day!! Thanks again!!

  22. My mantra for Day 30 is I Continue. Thankful for the past 1 month of guided home practice. Totally love Yoga Camp!!

  23. OK - wow! It took Jen's comment to inspire me to try this and once I started I realized that my mantra was I AM CAPABLE - it was hard to let go of the guidance and write my own story and do what my body needed even if it wasn't the "right practice". This is what it is all about. I am so grateful - thank you!

  24. Hi Adriene,
    I want to say how much I appreciate what you do here, especially for beginners in the world of yoga. I've been trying to sign up for your weekly letter, but haven't been successful. How can I contact someone to figure out what might be the problem? Thanks!

  25. Dear Adriene,

    Today is my last day of yoga camp. I've had the flu, 2 times, hurt my neck while skiing, but day 30 is here.
    I'll carry every mantra to my Vinyasa classes, and at home too. I'm sure you'll continue raising my awareness and making me laugh in the most challenging asana.

    Looking forward to yogiing with you soon,


  26. Dear Adriene,

    I had an amazing experience throughout 30 days of yoga camp. Thank you for learning me cultivate self-love and to love everything around me. It makes me feel so good. Thank you! You're amazing!

  27. Hello Adriene,
    I feel like you are a true friend,although we've never met. I just had to write to tell you how incredibly grateful I am for you, and the many gifts you bring to the world. My daughter told me about you and your yoga website, and I am so thankful she did. Doing Yoga Camp has been a life-changing experience. I have been battling depression on and off for five years. For the past year and a half, I have been away from my job on sick leave. Taking the time for myself, to learn and laugh with your videos, has made so much of a difference in my mood and my attitude on a day-to-day basis. You have been enlightening, inspiring and reassuring, with a good measure of hilarious thrown in. You made it so easy to commit to self-care on a daily basis. I looked forward to the daily videos with growing anticipation as the days and weeks went by. I felt my confidence and courage grow as my practice and awareness deepened. The breathing brought quiet and freed me of my "monkey mind", not just during class, but throughout the day. I feel rather bereft today, having completed Yoga Camp but, thanks to you, I plan to sign up for 30 Days of Yoga next. Your guidance and encouragement have impacted on all aspects of my daily life and...again, thanks to you, I am feeling well enough to return to work. My psychiatrist now believes one and all should practice yoga, and I would tend to agree! Thank you so much, Adriene, for bringing light and hope to me, up here in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada. I will be forever grateful.

    1. Cynthia! Thank you for sharing this beautiful and inspiring note with me and with everyone. YES. This is the good stuff. Thank you. I am so honored to be on the journey with you and truly inspired to read this. I truly believe regular yoga practice is healing in motion. I also think that a cure to most unhappiness is awareness and that the way I approach my yoga mat is the way I tend to approach things off the mat. Thank you again and lets keep going! Namaste. <3

  28. today was my day 30. thank you for this amazing feeling that I'm experiencing.
    I can't imagine not to practice everyday now, not just for my body but for my mind. and you're right, that's what it's all about.
    I'll share with you and this beautiful community one of my favourite songs hoping that your hearts are happy as mine

    "We stood
    Steady as the stars in the woods
    So happy-hearted
    And the warmth rang true inside these bones.."

    Thank you Adriene!

  29. Adriene,

    you have inspired all of us very deeply, i love all the comments and yes a had to share a tear or two...
    it touches you and it is a happy tear, i have now my own moment during the day where nothing and no one can effect me i feel protected on the mat and look forward to any new sensations that i discover my body has and i never thought it did. ha ha ha

    Many thanks

  30. I love love loved the yogacamp!! Thanks a lot for your amazing gift. I have to admid that I sometimes got annoyed because of your small jokes or human talking in the beginning, but now I can only say: I just love it! I would love to buy the yoga camp t-shirt but can't find it in the shop anymore. Is there any opportunity to buy it anyway? Thank you!!!

  31. Thank you so much Adriene for these wonderful 30 days of yoga!
    Had a hard time picking just one of so many inspiring mantras for today, so I kind of combined I enjoy and I accept. But then again, "I am grateful" also really has inspired me since "grateful day", and I have to say it: I am so grateful for your videos, for your joy and energy and peace!
    I will definitely be coming back to my mat all year long, and that's all thanks to you!
    All the best from Brussels, Belgium

  32. You are fantastic Adriene! I loved the yoga camp! IT was really great! Made me feel awesome! Thanks a lot to you!

  33. What a fantastic journey! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for leading this one. Namaste.

    Love from Portland, Oregon.

  34. I am an only child. My father passed away six months ago, and if one could say it was a beautiful death, this was it. My mother and I took care of him for a long time and held his hand to his final breath. He had a completely sharp mind, but his body was bound to his bed. He was so bummed out about not being able to move or do the things he use to do. I feel blessed we were able to share so many sweet memories and feelings before his final moment. Nevertheless, I have struggled with his absence, and I haven't been able to really move on. A friend told me about Yoga by Adriene and said perhaps I should check out the website. So, Adriene entered my life. For thirty days, at 6:30 am, I have gone to camp and have honored my father's memory by lighting a candle I received from someone that has his name on it. In doing so, I have found a way to honor 'movement' - something my dad missed so much and something I suppose I took for granted. I never realized when I showed up for him, I'd be showing up for myself. Emotionally and physically, I feel so much better. I have found a way to be with my dad each day, to feel inspired by every mantra and to value the thought that he is at peace and free. Thirty days of yoga - the gift of movement and freedom-one of the best gifts I have ever received. Thank you, Adriene. Life is good.

    1. Bonnie, how beautiful.This is the good stuff. Thank you. The ritual of yoga and the ceremony of showing up for yourself is what I love about yoga. Through that we can connect to the big picture, process, heal and surrender to what is in the stars and in the process. The dedication to your father is healing in yoga I'm sure. A beautiful way to connect, celebrate and yes, allow for grief or emotion. I'm honored to practice with you and thank you for sharing. Life is good. Namaste. To you Bonnine! And to your DAD! xoo

  35. Thank you, Adriene. Today is technically Day 32.Caught colds last weekend and was dead tired yesterday. 🙂 But I just want to drop by and say how much I thank you for your generosity on this camp. I started in a state of pain with recurring herniated disc in my lower back, my chiro and I were almost to a point counting vertebrae in my spine to dislocate. And then my friend reintroduce me to yoga and to you! 🙂 That's when I decided, I will take the upper hand in this pain conundrum. And here I am reaping all the fruits of the restorative breathing. There were really days when it was hard to just hop on the mat, but with utmost mental control and trust, the clouds of doubt did dissipate. I wish you well in your journey. Keep the humor on. And if there's any pay forward act I can do I have became a yoga bully to my friends encouraging them to hop on the mat, ladies! With so much love and gratitude - Aiza from Canada but a Filipina 🙂

  36. Thank you so much, Adriene!
    After your introduction to today's exercise I thought "But I don't know how to do it without guidance!", but the last 30 days found their way into my ahtletic memory and I was able to perform all the figures I wanted even in a flow-ish manner. I even found myself in one d. dog with my heels down! And for a few seconds I hovered on my arms only.
    So, Adriene, thank you so so much for providing Yoga Camp and for showing me how to go with the flow and for helping me find my athletic ambition again that I had lost.
    My mantra today was "I stay" ... with yoga, with you and with happiness.
    A pile of LOVE to you!

  37. Hi, Adriene.

    My mantra for today is I am happy, and I can honestly say that for the first time in a long time I am. I started this camp crying through most of the times during the first week and going through some stuff, but now I feel so much stronger, happier and better, more grateful and more present in my own life - shedding all that doesn't serve me and focusing on purging those toxic thoughts. I couldn't have done it without you!

    I have never been much of a sports person nor a spiritual person, but this time with you has helped me connect both to my body and mind, breath and energy to an extent I thought impossible for me and up to a point of really looking forward to my time on the mat as my favorite part of the day. It's never too late to start practicing, to start enjoying your own company, to start taking care of yourself! You've taught me that.

    You have no idea how much this all means to me and how eternally grateful I am that I randomly stumbled across one of your videos and met the awesomeness that is you. Thank you and your team for all your effort, all your time and energy and thank you for everything you do.


    1. Oh yes, and I just wanted to add that I've been telling all my friends about you and the Yoga Camp and that now Bosnia loves Yoga With Adriene 🙂

  38. Thank you very much Adriene. My daughter who is 24 and taking a yoga course right now in India is the one that taught me about your videos. This is the second yoga challenge I've done with you and I'm so grateful for your teaching. You combine a sweet balance of speed, lightness, challenge, and love. Speaking of balance - today I was able to do a crow stand for a few seconds which I haven't been able to do in years. You've helped my wrists and confidence grow stronger.

    Thank you bunches.

  39. I am so grateful to you Adrienne, for sharing yourself and your MANY gifts with us these past 30 days (and beyond)... I have never felt this happy and excited to do any exercise before (including previous yoga classes), but these days, I wake up and can't wait to get to the 'Yoga with Adrienne' part of my day! It is truly a highlight, and I feel so wonderful physically, emotionally and mentally during and afterwards.
    The mantras have been amazingly accurate, and always seem to perfectly fit with what I need to focus on for that moment.
    You truly do have a gift for teaching yoga, and for helping inspire and motivate others in such a profound yet peaceful and accepting way. Your humility and humanity are so clearly evident, and wonderful to be 'around'!
    Looking forward to exploring some of your other videos and routines, and to more chatty and lovely emails from you!

  40. 1st it felt like I was spying on you because you weren't talking! Then it was hard for me to relax because I normally just close my eyes and follow your voice. Then I just realized how happy you were and I just let it go. I am so happy I found you. My body has been asking for yoga for along time but I was pushing it too hard in other directions. My goal is 2016 the year of yoga and see where my body and mind is at the end of the year. Thank you! You are a yoga goddess!

  41. Well, I just went through this series a second time. (I did 30 days of yoga in February and then Yoga Camp again in March.) This time my mantra was 'I am home'. At home on my mat, at home on downward facing dog, at home in my skin. Thanks for a wonderful series!

  42. Three months later, but I've finished Yoga Camp; thank you Adriene. I could feel today how you really care. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has been transformed by you. Thanks for being so passionate about what you do and transmitting it to us.


  43. Thank you for a wonderful course. My mantra for day 30 is. I am. It's simple and reflects what I need to work on to simplify my feelings. I have been practicing yoga for over 20 years but making time to do it every day has really opened my eyes to how it improves my day. I get up early to make sure I have time and it's really paid off. I will be checking out your other series next. You are a natural teacher. Namaste

  44. Dear Adriene,

    thank you for this wonderful journey. Today's mantra for me was "I am ready", and I really am. Life is waiting for me, and I am ready for it, all of it!

    Thank you.


  45. Thank you Adriene! I can't say I was always my best for the 30 days but that is one of the best things I've ever done. I loved having a reason to get my body moving every day. I am excited for more yoga! ❤️❤️❤️

  46. Thank you, thank you, thank you! For me, this journey has been about getting back to myself. Your gentle guidance, invitations to make the practice your own and listen to one's own body is a message that is unique to many other yoga classes I've had and is powerful. By listening to myself I've been able to rediscover the essence of me. Spending time on the mat has quietened the white noise of other people's opinions, and my own self-doubt. Doing this practice today cemented and reconfirmed all of that. My mantra today was "I am ready". Ready for whatever today brings. Ready to move forward. Ready to revel in my self-love. Ready to shine. At the end of it, as I was in Happy Baby, I couldn't help but grin, and it felt like I was smiling in every inch of my body - I was even smiling from my gut. I am so grateful for you and this Yoga Camp, and the community that has blossomed from it. Much love, Adelaide

  47. Adriene,
    My day 30 mantra was "I am my best". The agreement to do your best was given to me by my lovely friend who read the book 'The Four Agreements' by Don Miguel Ruiz. Yoga has been in my life since 2012 and I've never looked back. Continuing to incorporate yoga into my life balance makes me feel that I am my best. I love myself. I value my uniqueness. I trust in my decisions and the opportunities the universe guides me to. I feel sane! I feel in control and focused on creating the life I want to live. As I get on my yoga mat, breathe, and feel the energy that allows me to do all the things that make me happy, then I am my best.

    I was introduced to Yoga with Adriene by another inspiring friend who encouraged me to try your 'Yoga Rinse' practice. I LOVED IT AND I LOVED YOU! What is awesome about you Adriene is that you are REAL. I loved Yoga Camp with you because you kept me smiling and I had fun. I loved how you welcomed us to be ourselves on the mat exploring what feels good to us. I am so grateful to have been introduced to your guidance and energy. Thank you! Thank you for sharing your gifts with everyone. I send you much love from Oregon! Keep up the amazing work you do. I wish you much success on your journey 🙂 Namaste

  48. I recently finished the 30-day yoga camp and I want to thank you for the incredible journey you took me to. Not only the practice did great things for my body, but also the everyday mantra moved me so much at my spiritual level that I can't just thank you enough.
    The journey was, as you intended it to be, very emotional, indeed.
    I really appreciate, well, not appreciate, but LOVE the way you impart your class in such a way that it is modern, dinamic and spiritual in a very fresh and natural way. It really feels you're speaking to me (I'm sure every one of your suscribers must feel the same way!). I thank you and trust you to be my guide in this!
    So, what's next? #RevolutionYoga! I'm starting and loving it too!
    Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!
    A friend from Argentina

  49. Hi Adriene, I'm just about to complete Yoga Camp. I'm wondering if you think the new series Revolution is more challenging and if I should start that from the beginning or continue on with some of the other videos that may be more challenging?

  50. Thank you Beautiful, gorgeous, witty , lovely Adriene, I have been privileged to complete your 31 days of yoga and 30 days of Yoga camp, I appreciate your kindness, love and genuine care, you nurtured me through and I look forward to more, blessings and lots of love to you Donna (Australia) xx

  51. Dear Adrien
    Morning yoga with you has been such an amazing ritual, I call it a ritual because my day does not start unless I say namaste too you at theendof the class.
    I am normally a very hyperactive person, although a pensioner, I have always been on the move,
    The only time I relax is with you, I am learning how to breath slowly and how to empty my mind of everything.
    My body feels and looks so much better
    Thank you so much for all this, I want some more !!,!

  52. Wow.... I actually got quite emotional today... had a little tear in my eye during track 2. I know I'm a little late to the Yoga Camp Party but this has been a life altering experience. I am finding time to hit the mat daily and am a better person because of it. Thanks for being you Adrienne, you make it fun and keep it real! Will definitely be continuing my yoga journey with ya'll. Big hugs from Australia x

  53. Thank you for this beautiful and profound journey <3 my mantra today is "It is possible" !
    this Yoga Camp got me to expand in so many ways and reconsider a lot of limitations i had put on myself, physically, emotionally and mentally. I love your mantras m your spirit and how you take this process wayyyy beyond asanas. Thank you for the daily reflection and practice. you rock lady!!! 😉

  54. My mantra today is I love. I'm really trying to love myself more (not that easy for me), and to put aside negative thinking. Revolution, and 30 days of yoga have been really helpful. Thank you Adriene for bringing me on this path, thank you for your positivity and your encouragement. Yoga time is becoming more and more a cherished moment everyday.

    1. P.S I meant first Revolution and then Yoga camp that I have finished today. Sorry for the mix-up, here in Italy it's late 🙂

  55. Adriene, what a lovely, lovely, lovely idea this is/was to put your yoga classes on YouTube! Thank you so much for that!!! They say "when the pupil is ready, the teacher appears" and that is what you did. You appeared and answered my prayers. I am practicing yoga for more or less 17 years now, sometimes more sometimes less frequent. As I have moved quite a lot in these past 17 years Ihad to change teachers and classes quite often. I now live in Frankfurt, Germany. I practiced sometimes for 15 minutes in the morning and have been looking for the right teacher for 3,5 years ... and then, all of a sudden I found your classes by coincidence. And I love it. I started with the revolution, finished that and now I do the yoga camp and tomorrow is day 30. Sticking with it for 2 months and working with you every day gave "feeling good" a new meaning, Thank you for all your loving and positiv energy. Every morning it feels like a warm embrace. I love it!!!!! And I am sooooo greatful for it. Yoga and love can trielt change so much for the better! Thank you Adriene for starting it. Thank you for sticking with it. Thank you for believing in it! Lot's of love ❤️Sabine

  56. Thank you so much for this wonderful empowering experience. I loved all of it, the yoga, the breathing, the affirmations. And today - what a revelation! I started off moaning to myself how difficult it would be to follow you without hearing any instructions, straining to keep one eye on the video but it was easy, and the poses I had struggled with during camp came easily too! How did that happen!? Finished up the session today feeling full of love and gratitude and literally bouncing with happiness. Thanks so much for sharing with us. Please continue into infinity. PS I share my mat with my 11-year old dog, Py. Much love from us both xxx

  57. thank you for Yoga Camp - I have just completed my 30 days (over more than 30 days).
    I freaked out that you would be removing the mic as I listen, more than watch but I was pleasantly surprised that I could get through my yoga on my own.
    Stay well

  58. Thank you! This was a big help during quarantine. Forgot about a mantra today I was just flow'n in the zone

    Also, if you would please post a this music as a playlist on Spotify that would be rad. Thanks once again!

  59. Thank you for these last 30 days and thank you for your ongoing guidance as this wonderful journey continues, it is all so much appreciated! 🙂

  60. Thank you so much for these videos, Adrienne. I discovered 30 days of yoga back in July and have been doing yoga with you nearly every day for 6 months now! You are my first yoga instructor (never attended a class before), and I was so amazed at how you were able to guide me from afar. Your mantras have helped me to overcome challenges in my life, including some of the physical challenges of my job right now. I am a music teacher pushing my things around on a cart, and I hear your voice in my head at least 10 times a day, "Remember, your neck is an extension of your spine." My neck problems have nearly gone away! You have also helped me learn how to better support my students so they can find the courage to try. "If you fall, we'll catch you!"

  61. My mantra today: I choose. I choose joy. I choose hope. I choose love. I choose to be on time when I figure out how to do that!

  62. Jai Namaste, Adriene! My mantra today was, "I commit" making this peaceful practice part of my life for the long term. Today, you encouraged us to go 'free style', which always makes me a bit fearful. For a few minutes, I managed to find what felt good for my back without looking at you. Strangely, when I looked up, you were doing the same pose I had chosen! I watched you for most of the rest of the practice, but really delved into the balance poses. I still can't do crow, but someday!! Thank you, thank you for helping me slowly, bit by bit, grow my own home practice. Somedays it is about my new yoga pants, but more often, it's this desire to just breathe and be. I always come out of my room full of joy. Jai, jai namaste, dear Guide.

  63. Dear Adriane - I am very late to the party, but SO grateful to have found you and your wonderful videos. Following a daily routine during the latest COVID lockdown has been an absolute life-saver, with the wonderful secondary effects of becoming looser and more flexible as those days go by!
    I started with '30 Days' and then moved on to 'Yoga Camp' which has been a delight - I aim to continue with 'Revolution' intending to work my way through the rest and then start all over again!
    I just LOVE them so much, and adore you for your generosity of spirit.
    A very, very big 'Thank YOU' from Twickenham, West London, UK.

  64. Been following and doing the practices for a long time. Every month start a new 30 day practice. Very good for the start of the morning and rest of the day.

    2 minor comments. 1) would be good to have shorter sessions like 20min. I know some of the newer ones have them.

    And 2) the end message is “may all beings be free and happy” which I 100% agree with. But then Adrienne says she can’t give up eggs and fish. Don’t think those eggs and fish are free and/or happy being served as a meal?

    Not trolling…as mentioned I follow the yoga practices and will continue to do so.

    But the message vs the practice of not following the message seems to be a disconnect.


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