Welcome 2014, Welcome It All!

In light of welcoming in the new year and opening ourselves up to a new experience- I thought I would post one of my favorite poems from Rumi. Don't make fun! This one is a classic. I read it each month and still bring it to public classes when the lightning strikes.

This one goes out to all of you! But especially my REBOOTERS! As you hit the mat, embrace the challenge, embrace the experience,  be grateful for what comes and embrace it all!


This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice.
meet them at the door laughing and invite them in.

Be grateful for whatever comes.
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.

-- Jelaluddin Rumi,
translation by Coleman Barks

photo by, Stacey Leece Vukelj

photo by, Stacey Leece Vukelj

12 comments on “Welcome 2014, Welcome It All!”

  1. hi! i'm signed up to REBOOT -- and i'm ready. how, oh how, do I find the facebook group? I want in:)
    to newness! jessica

    1. Hi Jessica! Welcome aboard! You should receive an email with a link to the "Start here" page which has a link to the Facebook Page- in both the email and on the page. If you still have trouble let us know and we will send you a direct link! xoox

  2. Hi Adriene, I just discovered your Youtube videos which of course lead me here to your website and I was extremely touched, to tears actually, to find your blog too (kind of embarrassing and ridiculous to admit, I'm so mooshy. I'll share more about this another day). I will start first with the requests: emotions and yoga who what when were why is there a connection? And GAS, yes gas, as in toots, as in good ol' farts. Apparently after the digestive surgery I'm going to have there is going to be a ton of gas to get rid of and MY job is to get rid of it LOL any yoga moves you suggest for that, with stitches/healing in mind? I have had digestion problems since I was 15 years old, and it has only gotten worse since I turned 18 (I'm 29 now) and finally it's going to get fixed. 2014 I would like to work on getting healthy and in better shape internally and externally. I can't do vigorous workouts so I've always wanted to start yoga, your videos are the beezneez! I can't wait to get started. I am so grateful that you just genuinely want to share the gift of yoga with people, you're awesome thank you soo soo much. Hearts to you, from one fellow theatre nerd to the other too!

  3. Hi All. I can not say how much I have enjoyed doing yoga each day with Adriene. I found her website just before Christmas, and started with the yoga for beginners and a few of the yoga for weight loss videos. I love Adriene's light heart and kindness that comes through in all her classes. I joined the Reboot, and boy, was I sore this morning! Second day felt great once I got down on the mat. Can't wait to create daily joy with the Reboot...many many thanks for sharing with us!

  4. Hi Adriene!

    I'm very excited for the new year ahead, and for the Reboot challenge. 🙂 Quick question -- I signed up for the challenge sometime in late December, but I haven't gotten anything through my email yet except for a subscription confirmation. Should I have received something else by now, or not yet?

  5. Hi there Adriene, I'm from the UK and signed up (and paid!) for reboot about two weeks ago (to take away on my holiday!) but I can't access anything and have never received any emails from you. I would be most grateful if you could help please. Many thanks, Rebekah

  6. Hello Adriene, first and foremost I want to say that I love your videos and really appreciate them! They have sparked my intrigue immensely for the practice of yoga and I have discovered quite a passion for it. I want to know if you have any tips regarding lower back pain. It seems that even poses like cat-cow only feel good when my back is arched as opposed to dipped (not sure which part is the cat and which part is the cow haha.) Thanks for the videos, and I hope you keep them coming for many years to come 🙂

  7. Hello Adriene.
    I found your videos on youtube. And it got my attention. Let metell you a little about myself. I am a 47 year old man that is disable. I became sick in 2008 with Sarcoidosis. While figuriong out what I had i was put on a steroid that made me gain a lot of weight and jump started or medical problems; such as diabetes, fibromyalgia, degenrative joint disease, arthritis and sleep apena. I have no cartilage in my neck and right knee. I deal with pain on a daily bases.

    Well recently I have told I am in need of a knee replacement . They have tried everything and nothing worked. But before I have this done I need to lose 30 - 40 pounds. to get my BMi under 50%. I ask my doctor what can I do to lose weight if i can not stand on my right knee. SHe said try low impact. A friend suggest some light yoga and so here I am. I am looking for to some great to exercise and to feel good about myself.
    Do you have any suggesting for me.

  8. Hi Adriene,

    I love this Rumi poem. So beautiful and wise. Thanks for putting it out there.

    I was lucky enough to visit his shrine in Konya, Turkey a couple of years ago and that was where I was introduced to him by our tour guide Sema who had a connection with him via her name (the Sufi's whirling Dervish dance) and Konya being her home town.

    More generally, I'm so glad to have a part of you in my life in 2014. Absolutely loving the Reboot 29 and have been loving all the other videos you have out there..

    Much love to you

  9. Just discovered this blog post when I was selecting today's delicious yoga vid.... I think we must be soul sisters wonderful Adrienne, as this poem by Rumi really resonated with me last year. I actually sent it to a fella who had just shattered my heart but he didn't get what the line meant by "He may be clearing you out for some new delight". Heehee

    Much love

  10. Hi Adriene,

    I just stumbled upon this blog entry after reading your email about staying adaptable. After reading that email I almost felt worthless, because I am in a spot in my life where I'm feeling completely lost. I've finished my studies (in acting, so there's no clear path to go), and have no idea where to go from here. I'm also in a foreign city, and I have lots of family trouble going on. So when you asked me to be adaptable, I couldn't help but feel like I was failing again.
    But this poem somehow made me feel like it's okay, and that I'll be able to work through it all and eventually end up where I should be. So thank you! Thank you for being there on my yoga mat with me every morning, and energetically next to me all day. Thank you for showing me different ways! Namaste.

  11. Thank you for the poem <3 Brought tears to my eyes. I wish you would blog/vlog more and my biggest wish is that you would do guided meditations on Youtube. Love you and am so grateful of you.

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