TRUE - Day 10 - Detox

If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, Infinite. - William Blake

Day 10 invites you to meet your edge with a mindful cleansing practice.

Drop your expectations and breathe.

No one expects you to master or jive with every practice. This journey is about spending time with yourself.

Today we focus on building heat from the inside out. Burning away that which no longer serves in order to create powerful transformation.

Lean in, saddle up!

Today’s detox practice is a work out. Consider, “What are the things we have to work through?”

Sometimes it’s hard to identify them, so we hop on the mat, we move our body and then it’s revealed.

All those who choosing to work for themselves instead of against, say I!

This series is not a challenge, it is a journey.

Today's practice might be challenging…

Choose to remember the path you have paved thus far.

You have everything you need.

Continue to ride the wave.

Trust, observe, and enjoy!

Out with the old and in with the TRUE.



PS: Tomorrow is a short 17 minutes of softening - so go get 'em, tiger!

16 comments on “TRUE - Day 10 - Detox”

  1. This is so good. Every day is better since yoga is part of getting ready for the day. I'm referring as many people as I can to you because being over 40 a lot of them are coping with some problem or another relating to flexibility or strength. Your positive attitude is encouraging too, ( I guess you know ), and so many could appreciate that. love, Todd

  2. Hi, I am not recieving the daily emails? I have re-registered and still not recieving them. Otherwise, thank you so much for this, it has become a part of my morning routine. Bring on the next 20 days!

  3. Another fantastic day of TRUE. Thank you so much. You are like a dose of Texas sunshine in this cold Scottish winter. The videos are brilliant- I really look forward to getting onto the mat each day

  4. I am a curvy (almost 300 lb) new to yoga person. I usually do chair yoga, but I am bored with the selection of free video's, so I am trying this. Even though I cannot get into all of your poses, I meet my body where it is at. I have learned thru my limited experience in yoga to love and accept my body and that has made a huge difference in what I am willing and able to do. Thank you so much for providing these workouts!!!

  5. I am so happy I stumbled across your yoga videos! Has changed so much for me. I am gone from home for 16 hours a day and look forward to coming home and doing a yoga practice! I’ve done all 10 days so far and am looking forward to the rest. Will be doing your other 30 day yoga practices as well!

  6. Hi. I'd really like to do this 30 day programme but cannot seem to find how to sign up for the calendar. I've tried a few links.

  7. I wasn't feeling my best yesterday, and so I ended up skipping. After doing the practice tonight, I am so thankful I decided to wait until I was in a better place mentally to take this on. This Day 10 Detox was exactly what I needed. Thank you for everything you're doing!

  8. I'm slowly playing catch up with TRUE, and loving every day.
    Day 10 was a FAB workout, and I'm so proud of my body and mind when I keep pace with you. A few wobbly moments, but I can't believe how responsive my body is becoming, having followed your programmes for about 8 weeks.
    Pilates was fun, but Yoga is a revelation.
    Thank you from Cambridgeshire, England 😀

  9. Bit behind the rest of the days . Loved this Detox . So did my yoga doggie Darcydoo x

  10. you crack me up! its like doing yoga with a girlfriend! thank you for sharing you with me.

  11. This is the second series that I am working on. Thank you Adriene and Chris for creating this opportunity. I am almost 68; I believe that yoga helps me keep my joy and enthusiasm. I preview the next lesson and often think, no way am I going to be able to do that balance move. But I trust Adriene and the mat and myself and it works!

  12. Thank you Adriene, I'm aching...….. a lot, particularly if I walk up the stairs or lower myself to sit on the loo, but somehow I feel better for it, more alive!!

    Through the lockdown period I've been working from home and your True programme is helping to keep me sane. For that I am truly grateful (as are my family who have to put up with me confined to these 4 walls).

    My daughter Caitlyn recommended that I have a go at your yoga sessions, I'm very glad she did. I'm an averagely fit 44 year old women the who is new to yoga (hence the aches) I am feeling the benefits already and am excited about embedding yoga into my daily self care routine. If I don't do this for me, nobody else will right?

    We too have a dog, Whiskey who lounges around the room. Its definitely a dogs life.

  13. My body feels invigorated after every class with you and particularly today's class.

    Thanks guys!

  14. I am so grateful for these practices you offer up for free, Adriene. Thank you so very much. I'm 50 and returning to yoga after years prioritizing kids. The pace of your practice and the description of how to be in the pose are so very helpful. May you be blessed in your giving!

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