The Subject Tonight Is Love

The Subject Tonight Is Love

By Hafiz

The subject tonight is Love

And for tomorrow night as well,

As a matter of fact

I know of no better topic

For us to discuss

Until we all



19 comments on “The Subject Tonight Is Love”

  1. Dear lovely Adriene, thank you for your "LOVE" letter. It was just perfect for me this week, and just what I needed to read and it really resonates. On Tuesday I attended the funeral of my dear Grandad. I thought that I'd shed all my tears when I heard that he died. But I really hadn't. I spent Tuesday desparately trying to put on a brave face, for the sake of my Grandma and my Mum (because I love them and didn't want them to hurt) but I failed and tears flowed because of how much I love my Grandad. At the end of the day I was exhausted, utterly. It's many years since my other Grandparents died and I'd naively thought this would be easier "because I'm older now", which was stupid. Because I'm older I had more years to know my Grandad and more years to love him so I feel his loss even more. I hadn't realised that grief could physically hurt so much! Tuesday and yesterday I felt as though someone had punched me in the chest, hit me over the head and for good measure trampled up and down my entire body!
    All yesterday (Wednesday) the ache in my heart was a searing pain and I sat alone at my desk with tears flowing and the loss of my beloved Grandad tearing right through me. On Tuesday after the long day of the funeral I'd found it impossible to do any Yoga. All I could do was cry. Yesterday evening my tears had finally dried but all I could manage was child's pose on my bed. Today I will try to get back on the mat and practise some self-love. I know my Grandad would want me to look after myself and not to hurt. My brain says it's ok, but my heart will take a while to catch up. He was 98 years old! He lived a good and long life and one filled with love as our tears stand testimony to. Today I can think of my Grandad with love winning over pain and remember all the happy times we had together. I think it will take a lot of time for me to stop missing him. Perhaps I will always miss him. But gradually, and with the help of some Yoga, I think the love can beat the pain.
    So, after my long and rambling post, if I have a request for you Adriene, can you do a sequence for grief? It's something that sadly everyone will probably need from time to time. So if you can do a soothing and healing practice to ease that pain in heart and soul it would be really appreciated. I love doing Yoga with you so much - you cheer me and soothe me and stretch me and challenge me. Thank you! Much love to you from grey old England.

  2. Love it! Here is my favorite love poem by e.e. cummings:

    love is a place
    & through this place of
    love move
    (with brightness of peace)
    all places

    yes is a world
    & in this world of
    yes live
    (skilfully curled)
    all worlds

  3. Thank you for the lovely letter<3

    Here is a quote, I have on my computer. It's more about happiness, but what is love without happiness?

    “There was so much happiness in the world. It was everywhere. It was free. Eby never understood why some people, people like her family, simply refused to take it.” -Lost Lake by Sarah Addison

  4. Sweet Adriene,

    Thank you so much for the love(ly) note today! It was exactly what I needed. Self-love is something I struggle with every day, and the past few days it has been thrown at me from all sides - obviously a hint that I need to practice it more. I also want to thank you for introducing me to yoga. I had tried it before but it never clicked, and when I started using your videos last year I realized all that yoga could be for me and all that I could be through yoga. It has truly changed my life in so many amazing ways! Also, I use the word "juicy" a lot more. Coincidence? Anyway. Thank you for the mid-week reminder to share a little love with myself and my world. It was needed and it was appreciated. I love you as much as is socially acceptable in a non-creepy platonic way to love a lady I've never actually met.

    1. What a wonderful song and video! What a wonderful letter from Adriene! I love all the happiness and love flowing through the yoga videos, the newsletter, the blog, and these comments!! My personal mantra is "I choose to be happy" and all this love and giving me so much to be happy about!!

  5. Thank you for my love note!! I read it sneakily through my statistics class. Just what I needed <3 !! I feel so much better when I actively choose love over fear, anger, frustration and sadness. I want to cultivate that action all the time. Thank you for the push. Find what feels good!! YES!


  6. Thank you so much that was lovely!

    A few years ago I started to try and do just two things which are similar to what you said in your post. These were: 1) to take responsibility for my own happiness and 2) to care. Seems simple but it's amazing how easy it is to forget to do these things.

    I'm so happy to have found your site and love your yoga videos. Love your non-pretentious style and really enjoy all the yoga workouts. Still only on day 8 of the 30 days of yoga 🙂 but really enjoying going through them.

    Anyway, thanks for the wee reminder of what love is all about and Happy Valentines Day for tomorrow.

  7. For some reason self love is the hardest thing to do. I notice not just me but for so many. I'm just coming to the awareness that I am responsible for my own happiness. Its been a long and painful learning journey, but yoga has helped me connect with myself, and the prana/energy/life force/love is always there to bask in. But I definitely have to make the effort to stay present (be with myself), and allow myself to pass through what ever I need to pass through to get to peace, balance, and well being. I'm the person who always thought I needed someone else in my life to make me happy, but through trial and error I have learned, like you so eloquently said Adriene, I am all the love I am looking for (though taping into it takes minute 🙂

    I think self-love is the truest form of love, and yes, it is spiritual and powerfully personal...I've met my creator there a time or two, and boy is that life affirming!...and restoring.

    Adriene, I love your love note you shared with us today, AND I love you! You inspire me to keep growing, even in those places that are the hardest...I see God through you.

    Oh yeah, love song...hmm. Ok, while I was reading your love note a song in my music library was playing. I had the volume low, but the melody was so soothing so I turned the volume up, sat back and let the love in the song wash over me. The song is called "Rest" by beckah Shae.


  8. Dear Adriene,

    Thank you so much for your beautiful newsletter yesterday. I needed definitely needed to read that. I sprained my ankle in Jan and it meant I couldn't practice my yoga for a few weeks, which then resulted in a cold as well.

    I am looking forward to getting back to yoga and more importantly getting back to myself. Before I found yoga I was lost and had no self love. I still have a way to go but the word LOVE has been vibrating around me for several weeks now. I have some grounding work to do as my work has left me in my head and that is never good for too long, I need to connect back with my heart and soul and just breathe in love.

    Honestly thank you again for sharing, it helped put everything in perspective, we could spend our whole life searching for love when it is within is us all the time for the taking.

    You inspire me to believe in myself and just let go (I started yoga just under a year ago) and I want to carry on to do teacher training and teach and inspire and help others.

    Thank you.

    Lots of love

    Priya xxx

  9. Adriene!
    I just finished the 30 days of yoga and I'm definitely continuing.
    I just wanted you to know that your words of encouragement during your yoga videos has changed my life. They stay with me and when things get hard in life I feel like, it's okay, "I got this". Thank you. Namaste.

  10. Greetings of love from Ireland,just want to say thank you Adriene.I am absolutely loving your lessons and in turn starting to love me and love life,you are very special.Love and light Niamh

  11. You've done it Adriene! You've got me recommitted to my yoga practice and journey. And I'm thrilled. I have put your blog link on my site and will be a faithful follower whenever I am able. Your beautiful soul shines through this cold hard computer and I, for one, feel blessed to have found you.

    Namaste and love.


  12. Dear Yoga with Adriene,
    I know this is not the best place for this post, but I never use youtube and have never posted on a blog.
    In a nut shell, I am begging you to do a series of follow ups to the lower back session. I am a healthy, 37 year old teacher with 1 herniated disc and 1 degenerated disc. I have been in pain for 1 year and pursued almost all treatment protocols and have not responded. I never gave up walking, but other than that I have been forced to be less active. My pain has decreased some over the year, but it is still the most central part of my life.
    I quite PT (was not working) and found your video online. I have done the session 4 times and my back feels better than it has in a full year! Eventually I need to strengthen my core and would love to have a series that builds for people like me.

    Thanks for the great video!!!

    Best of luck,

  13. Dear Adriene From the bottom of my heart thank you for the generous gift of your presence.

    You bring sweetness into my life …….on demand ! Completley refreshing.
    Seriously, visiting with you is like hugging a baby, seeing a happy puppy or walking in a small town where people smile and say hello 🙂

    Our modern world seems full of folks putting on a tough exterior. You are a wonderful and welcome antidote to that…..and in my mind an example of how to live life with loving grace.

    Further on the subject of love….My dad used to have a quote on the the wall that read
    "Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all"
    Words I've tried to embrace in my life despite the fear that arises in me from time to time that I may look weak or silly. I hope for more people willing to take the risk, in order to spread the love around that is so needed

    Thanks for doing a great deal in sharing your glowing, sweet and spirit.

    To you and all those touched by you; Namaste

  14. I am really glad I found you as an instructor! My friend and daughter have been encouraging me to try yoga - I need a nudge sometimes 🙂 and I tried a couple of videos that I just didn't enjoy - until I found you. Thank you for the commentary, breathing instructions and helpful outlook on what it means to do yoga when you are doing it. Also allowing us newbies to find our space and ability to build into the practice not feeling as if we need to hit each pose on the spot. It feels right. This is my 8th day and I am hooked. I look forward to more. Thanks!
    Sending love from Washington State.

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