RISE - Now Available!

RISE morning YOGA is here!

Earlier this year, we sent out a survey asking what your mornings were like. We asked questions about the challenges of morning time and your thoughts on morning rituals. We asked what it is that you need, crave and desire in the morning. We took all of the information, complied it and created RISE.

RISE is a invitation to a fresh morning ritual. A loving motivation. It is a direct response to the community. It is a project of mindfulness and a labor of love.

It could be seen as 7 simple videos of yoga asana or postures. But baby, it can be so much more.

RISE is an invitation to wellbeing and a warm welcoming back to you.You are not expected to have wide open spaces and lazy free time mornings for your yoga practice. We don’t anticipate that there will be zero distractions.

However, you do have to show up. Show up for yourself.

Is there anything more beautiful?

Get RISE - Morning Yoga here.

Music in this video by the beautiful and talented Henna Chou. Check her out www.leisuretourniquet.com.


45 comments on “RISE - Now Available!”

  1. Hi Adriene!

    Ive started yoga thanks to you and have been practicing with your online videos for almost a year now. So happy you have released RISE cause all I want is MORE MORE MORE of your vids!

    Just bought it live from Sri Lanka where I am currently for some surf & YWA yoga 😀
    You have touched a heart.. a soul! in LEBANON where I am from and where I started practicing with you - just so you know your good vibes reached this part of the world 🙂 -

    Keep it up. Lots of love xx

  2. The universe is for me & so is everything else.....so lovely, can't wait to get started in the morning over here in Scotland. Thanks Adriene 🙂

      1. So the videos are just downloads that we receive via....email? Are they only available for a limited time or do we have unlimited access to them once we buy them?

      2. Yes it is a DVD? I would like to watch this on my smart TV and would like it in DVD (blue ray) format if possible?

  3. These are truly the best videos I've ever come across and I search and pin constantly. Thank you so much Adriene! Looking forward to watching more videos...

  4. Yay! I look forward to the RISE experience and hopefully this will make me SHINE through the day (sorry, lame humour). Seriously though, thank you for inspiring me daily in Essex, England

  5. Shows below "no longer available"?
    I was maybe going to sign up but could only do twice a week : ( Have fun everyone!!) Looks like a great group here.


  6. I sat down at my desk with my coffee and opened my email. There was your weekly email, The Power of Yes. As I do with all your emails, I read it hungrily. Due to my very limited income, I have purposely kept myself from even looking at the cost of The Rise series. But after reading your email, I thought to myself....'what the heck? Take a peek. Maybe I can say yes'. Lo and behold Rise was on sale. I CAN day YES!! Out came the debit card! Thank you Adriene for empowering us to say Yes. Namaste

  7. Hi Adriene! I'm super excited about it! 😀 Can't wait to start it... But unfortunately will have to wait, because I have a broken toe... So there goes my question: if I purchase it now, will I have access to the community only for 21 days? I think I will be able to go back fully to my mat only in two to three weeks, so may be too late to enjoy the good vibes for the community? 🙁 I guess it will have to wait! :sigh:

    Thank you again! I'm looking forward to enjoying your videos again! 🙂

  8. Hey Adriene! 🙂

    So, if I buy this RISE Package, I'll have the videos forever right? They aren't just available for a certain amount of time and then they disappear? Just checking!

    Thank you so much!
    Find what feels good!

  9. How long does it take for the Rise email to be sent? I have ordered it but have not received confirmation as yet. Thanks Adriene.

  10. Hi Adriene
    Is there a physical dvd for this? Also, i bought this and now cant figure out where to find it. Any help is appreciated!!!
    Thank you for everything!!!

    1. Hi Sheila
      Have you had any luck accessing RISE as yet? I haven't received anything as yet.
      Thank you.

  11. Hi Adrienne

    I left a post yesterday about not being able to access RISE. I paid by debit card yesterday and have not received a confirmation email. I have also tried to contact the hosts of this site but the email keeps bouncing back. I would very much appreciate it if you could contact me as soon as possible. Thank you.
    With kind regards

  12. What are the cello pieces used in the series? Wonderful choice of music! I want my son to find the sheet music so he can learn the pieces. It is always a pkeasyre ti start my morning accompanied by one of your videos.

  13. I purchased Rise and got the email with the link but somehow It is no longer in my in box so I am not sure how to access the videos. I could use some help.

  14. Hey Adriene,
    I purchased RISE a while ago and have not been able to do it yet, but I am going to start tomorrow and went to look for the videos and I do not know where to find them. I have the calendar and the pdf of the RISE guide that you made but I am just not sure where to find the videos. Do you know where or how I would be able to find them?
    Thank you 🙂

  15. How long I have been waiting for this!!! These videos are amazing. I have been starting my day with them for 10 days now and absolutely love how I feel during and after. Sometimes it is hard to start your morning with a serious vinyasa flow ; these precious nuggets allow me to ease into my mind, myself and my day without getting irritated (happens to me often). Also I love that they don't end with the corpse pose, because it used to put me back to sleep.
    Thank you very much Adriene for this wonderful gift, your time, your creativity and warm and fuzzy energy 🙂

  16. […] 29th time since Macey was born.  For real this time.  Seriously.  So I had completed two days of Yoga with Adriene’s RISE program, was focused on getting enough rest, and eating Sugar Free and Refined Grain Free.  I promised […]

  17. I purchased Rise when you had the special. I updated my computer and I have lost my downloaded videos and I accidentally deleted my confirmation e-mail. Is there any way to verify that I had purchased Rise so I can re-download the videos? Any help will be appreciated.

  18. Thank you Adrienne and your great support team for getting me up and running (or should I say yogaing) on RISE. So very excited!
    Paula x

  19. Adrienne,

    I want to take some time today to be grateful - to show gratitude - to you. Thank you for all you have provided and encouraged and showed us all. You have practiced what you preach and it radiates through my TV on the cold, Canadian winter mornings (like this morning). I have purchased RISE and have been doing it every morning since - I love it and I can't imagine spending my mornings any other way.

    Thank you for the community that you have cultivated, it grows because of the love, kindness, compassion and acceptance you share with us.

    I am grateful for you, because you have shown me that my practice can be about finding my inner peace, comfort and just what feels yummy.

    Thank you for all you do to help us find our inner yogis.

    Heather Hamilton

    1. Thats a really nice comment Heather. I also purchased RISE but cant figure out how to find it on my ipad. When i go to the link it wants me to purchase it again. Any suggestions?

  20. I paid for Rise and now I can't find it. This has happened once before. I think it was $49 which is significant. Can you please give it back?
    Thank you,

  21. Hello,
    I recently moved to a remote area where wi-fi is pretty much non existent. I have to use a mobile device to connect, which uses a lot if data and is not very convenient. Are you planning on making any dvd's soon? If so I'm your first customer!

  22. I love the rise program. But I have lost it. I have been trying for months to get it back. Gosh I just love Adrienne. She is amazing. Please help me to get it back, every time I try to subscribe and do the robot thing. I’m told there is already an email the same as mine. But it is mine.

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