Your Day 7 Yoga practice is hands free! We cultivate good space with Sukha in week one, this week we establish Sthira, or stability. Use this practice to reset, stretch and ground. Re-connect, restore tired muscles and improve your posture.

Stability practice lays the foundation for an amazing week. Stay present. Smile. YOU ARE DOING GREAT!


213 comments on “REVOLUTION: Day 7”

  1. Merci beaucoup pour se programme. Il m'inspire pour mettre de l'amour et de la sagesse dans mes journées.

  2. Was up late and got the message day seven was out and couldn't go to sleep without doing it! This is such an awesome experience!! Thank you so much Adriene!

    1. Hi Marc!

      I'll have to do Yoga for when I'm sick today, but so nice to see you are still pushing full steam ahead =)

    2. This was an amazing one Adriene!
      I did your drawing of the calendar, and every day I fill the number of the day in!
      I'm not alone, thank you!

  3. I love every day but this was particularly great...i loved the minute meditaion at the end...have thought for a long time that I wished you would build a few minutes into the end of each session because I am in the mode and would love to share that as well.....rather than turn off video and set myself up for meditation which breaks the mood.....idea?

    1. I felt the same! I absolutely loved Day 7 but also the feeling that I'm building on what's gone before. Finally understood how to properly do a tree pose!
      The meditation was a wonderful minute even with my son's rock guitar practice in the background 🙂

  4. Fantastic practice. I really enjoyed this one. Very calming and lots of time to focus on my body and what was going on in the various postures. Thank you from my hands and wrists too - they needed a break!

  5. Woke up early today - 7 am (CET) - and desperately waited for the release of day seven. Thanks for giving me a great start, each and every day!

    1. Boy I agree with you Nicole! When Adriene said we were on to the last part I couldn't believe 30 minutes had gone by!

      1. Same here! I was sad it was over! I cannot believe how much I am enjoying this! I can finally get all my thoughts to leave for this one 1/2 hour. It's a miracle in itself!!

  6. Great theme for week 2, thank you fabulous woman. And after 2 years of yoga, today I did tree pose on both sides without falling YAY!!!

    And then noticed how much I wanted to ACHIEVE that, not practice it. Still, I'm going to celebrate getting there!!

    Which is great, because it's my neck that's really killing me today, must have been holding bags of tension there yesterday without even realising ...

    Thank you everyone. So great to do this together. Happy day 7!!

    1. Wow, Congrats on your treepose achievement! I'll stick to "Yoga for when you're sick" today, as I anticipated yesterday, so I'm officially falling behind *sad*

      1. Good for you! I've been working on that pose for a long time too and I am not there yet. You give me hope!

      2. @ Svenja: I think Adriene would say you're not falling behind and to listen and honor where your body is today! She says all the time, "NO TOXIC THOUGHTS!" That's become a mantra for me. Hope this helps and you feel better soon!

      3. Svenja, I think Adriene would applaud you for this--what's the rule? Know your body, and practice what it needs! Don't get down on yourself for making a wise decision. Hope you feel better soon!

        1. You are right, and so is cbbooks, but it makes me a bit sad that I won't be able to follow the same videos as all of you guys, because the community aspect is a big part of what makes this so appealing to me. So yeah, a bit melancholical about the bad timing of that particular cold.
          Thanks, both of you =)

          1. I missed one day too and did both sessions the next day. Back on track with everyone and feeling fabulous. Hopefully you're feeling better

          2. I'm 2 days behind, I did different videos for various reasons those days so don't worry, we are still all in this together and I'm sure many people are in the same situation! Namaste x

      4. I'm way behind. I started day 1 on the first and then got very sick for over a week. I am completely new to Yoga so I waited til I was better to start over. I'm on day 7 on Jan. 18th. Thank God for you tube!

  7. Checking in from the UK and want to say thank you for the music... no sorry that's thank you for the great stability tips.

    I felt rooted today and my trees were mighty oaks.

    Day eight sounds cool, blanket and pillow. Is this a practice I could do in bed 😀
    Just kidding there I will find my way to my mat.

    Namaste kind spirits

  8. I look forward to this every morning! I wake up and practice before even having breakfast or my morning coffee! Thank you so much!

  9. Thank you for sharing your love for yoga.....I'm with you! You are inspirational

  10. From a snowwhite and foggy 'Dutchland'/The Netherlands I say YAY to y'all from my yogamat in my little lavender and arnica-scented massageheaven at a former monastery just outside the city, where I am working at a silence retreat. Such a lovely thing to do your YogaRevolution-sessions right before lunchbreak

    1. Lucky you Pixi that sounds perfect. I am down in New Zealand where we are having the first cloudy days in weeks. Loved this practice today, just what I needed.

      1. Hey Yogi's....... im also in New Zealand...... Tree is one of my absolute fave poses( loved feeling so strong in it)...... tnx Adrienneu ROCK.....

      2. And a gidday from me - an Aussie living in NZ. Isn't this practice great ? I learnt so much about tree pose in this sesh.

  11. I'm having a party inside!!! My upper body is unbend and covered in boobs and a belly but my oh my my legs are strong and my balance is amazing! Finally, a day that was a breeze! Thank you for the gift to keep me going! Woohoo! Thanks so much, seriously, for what you're offering here xxx

    1. Wow, looks like you had an awesome practice, Meg!
      I get to stay at "Yoga for when I'm sick" today, so much for us staying workout buddies *sad*

      1. Hi Svenja,, hope you will feel better soon. Maybe you can skip day 7 for now (do them at the end or when you have time to do 2 on one day), and join again with day 8, as that is apparently one with lots of rest and meditation etc. Sending healing vibes!

  12. Love this entire practice. Today flew by.

    Question: when rooting the legs down in tree, does the concept of putting your weight below your feet, a.k.a tai-chi-like help in establishing the "root"?

    Though I was not as stable as I would have wished, today was AMAZING!

    Thank you!

  13. Loving this - Adrienne you're making a huge and positive difference - to mind and body. And you make me laugh and smile 🙂 thank you so much x

  14. Hi All
    from cornwall U.K. I am loving this 31 days knowing other people are doIng it too. I have recently completed 30 days of yoga and yoga camp and the effects on my body and mind are fantastic, so glad I found you on the net.

    1. Hi Vanessa! This is my first month long practice that I've ever done, but I'm hoping to continue through the next 2 months with other month long practices on YWA. So it's kinda like what you've done, but I'm at the beginning and you've been rockin' the practice for 2 months already. That is amazing. Thanks for the inspiration. It's great that you've entered the New Year feeling this way and showing up for yourself 🙂

  15. All the way from Berlin I say Thank You too! Started watching you're videos over two years ago in New Zealand. They are my stability in an always changing life.
    Greetings to everybody!

  16. Today really worked my weaknesses but it felt amazing. This journey is the exact right one for me and helping me find my way - thank you so very much x

  17. I too am so enormously thankful for being part of this community.
    I have practised daily (I did 30 days of yoga before the Revolution started:)) but for these past three days I've had such a cold and still had to work -ah, the life of a freelancer- that I haven't been able to do the whole sequences in a row. Instead I've been doing them in two halves. Not ideal, but still I feel that's better than not doing anything, of course.

    I don't quite understand the requests for posting videos earlier, in order to be able to do them in "real" time. I find you can still be very much part of and present in this community doing them a little, or a lot, after.
    I am currently one day behind, I just did the amazing day 6. I am feeling loved, loving and lovely !!
    And will do my best to spread that love also off the mat. <3 and Namaste to you all, from currently very frosty Finland.

    1. I agree, Nina, I am also one day behind as I practice early morning when the current day is not up (I am in the Netherlands). I can understand however, that getting further behind would make you feel less part of the community, as people won't be commenting real-time anymore.
      Love and light to everybody, from a icy the Netherlands.

  18. Decided I was going to skip today and do two tomorrow. Was getting into bed at 9pm and just couldn't go to bed without doing this. Showing up everyday because I made a commitment to MYSELF to do 31 days of yoga. I'm so glad that I showed up as the connection to the earth was much needed after a long day. Thank you Adriene, you never fail to make me laugh in these sessions. 🙂

  19. GOSH. I've just been loving these yoga practices every day - they are helping me so much with my anxiety. I had to tell myself to sit down and have breakfast this morning before hopping on the yoga mat, so I started feeling kind of disappointed when my practice today wasn't going as planned. All my practices have been going amazing so far despite never working out in any way, I've truly been surprising myself. So I wasn't expecting a practice focused on balance to, well, bring me off balance. My mind started wandering as I was trying to go with whatever felt good and I realised a while back when I was visiting my GP with some back and hip issues, he told me that when I stand, I tend to lean forward a bit. Hence the back and hip issues. I felt kindness as I realised that logically, with my balance basically being slightly off, today was going to be difficult and this is simply a great opportunity to keep practicing and keep going. Yoga is changing my life. Thank you, Adrienne, for making this all possible.
    Lots of love.

  20. Kicking those "January Blues" into touch! The weather is cold and murky in England, but inside I feel like Spring has sprung already. Feeling fresh and energised, despite the excesses of Christmas! Thank you so so much Adrienne. This Yoga Revolution is a real gift, and I am very grateful. 8 months ago I had a prescription in my hand for the happy pills, and then a friend told me about you. Haven't looked back since, and pills never taken or needed. Namaste.

  21. Really enjoying this practice. YWA has taught me so much about myself. Thank you so much from Cornwall, UK 🙂 x

  22. I seem to have more stability on one side than the other with both the warrior and tree poses. I couldn't get my right toes off the floor without falling in tree, but I could get my left foot almost to my right knee without falling. I am loving this yoga program and look forward to it every morning! I can feel my body limbering up! Thanks so much!!!!!!

  23. I am loving this practice. I wake up excited to learn about each day's practice. And best of all - I haven't missed. A. Day!!! That's unheard of for me. I've found my thing. Which has got me worried...whatever will I do when the revolution comes to an end. Any suggestions to keep my daily practice up and interesting? An at home practice is necessary. I invite any and all feedback. Namaste beautiful people.

  24. Dear Andriene. I Love this Challenge!!!! Day five was so good, Day 6 even better, Today the 7th maked me cry at the ending.. you are beautyfull too!!

    Smile and kisses from Denmark

  25. Hi from Worcester UK. I'm so loving Revolution and can't wait to get on my mat for today's session. My belly was nice and flat this morning after yesterday's abs 🙂 Thank you so much Adriene xx

  26. I finished the 30 days of yoga from your youtube channel and started the Revolution straight away. You made me love yoga and begin to understand it.

  27. Thank you Adriene!! I am eating clean for 30 days and stumbled onto this 31 day Yoga Revolution. I decided to combine the two. I need to center myself emotionally and I could afford to lose a few pounds. Well so far so good. I've stuck to both and I feel and look great. I acknowlege the changes already which gives me the motivation to go on. Thanks again for giving us your time and talent. (i love the song references)

  28. I never thought I would commit do doing yoga consistently at all, and certainly not for 31 days! I feel so much more at peace in my own body and around others, even just after this one week. I woke up this morning to the first snow in North Carolina and immediately pulled up Day 7. Love & warmth to everyone, I am grateful you are taking this journey too. xxx

  29. It's such an inspiration to read everyone's comments each motivates me to get up and get at it! Many thanks from Canada!

  30. great timing for the stability practice, it was just what my body and self were needing!! very nourishing!! it did fly by, just like you said!! loved! thank you, adriene!!

  31. Oh so nice to have today's more relaxed practice after that ab workout yesterday! Can't wait to see what's in store for tomorrow with that pillow and blanket!

  32. Love the deep focus of this practice, Adriene. A great way to begin the year. And one of my most important tools to soften the craziness of the world. Thank you!!!

  33. Adriene,
    I am really enjoying your yoga videos! I am new to yoga and had not found a yoga program that seemed to work for myself. I grew up with scoliosis, wore braces, eventually had back surgery in 1981. I had two herring rods placed to correct the "S" shape curviture of my spine. So I have a solid spine and only three vertebrae that actually move at the bottom of my spine. I have learned to adapt exercises to my body and in this case yoga. I used to run for the past four years. In the last year i have had pain from my sciatica on the left side. I teach elementary art, so from standing much of the day, my body is very tired by the end. I have Been to therapy and it hepled some. But i know if my core is strengthened it will make a huge difference in how im feeling. If you have any pointers or anyone else does, for a 48 yr old with scoliosis, i would welcome things that have or could possibly assist on my revolution journey. Thank you so much for doing these videos, your personality is priceless! I love yoga because of you!!

    1. I too have a double S curvature though I am surgery free.I suffer with muscle spasms and contractions. Yoga, especially with Adriene,has helped me more than I can describe. I have done physical therapy in the past and once thought Yoga was impossible because of my curves. Now I know better and love the practice. I modify when I need to, but more and more that is unnecessary as my core becomes stronger. ~ ScoliosisWarrior

  34. Tree pose has always been the easiest for me -- balance shmalance. Until today, when I was (lovingly) forced to focus on my base. Not as strong and solid as I had thought. I had to come out of the posture early because my feet were aching so bad!! Practicing experiencing this as an *opportunity for growth*, and not a *frustrating setback*. Thank you as always, Adriene, for bringing us back to basics!!

  35. Fastest half hour of. My. Life!

    When you said something about finishing today Adriene, I actually said out loud 'is that it!?' and tapped my screen to find, to my amazement, that I'd been on the mat for over 27 minutes. How did that happen?

    Loved it, so much 🙂

  36. Checking in from the High County or Blue Ridge Mountains. Of NC! I'm really enjoying this yoga practice. I look forward to it every day. I very much hope I don't miss a day with this practice. I have been struggling with my balance poses lately & not sure why. I hope to improve.

    Thanks for doing these videos!

  37. Yay for tremblimg energy prana tree pose! But I didnt fall! And if i did my first thought was "Ill get right back up!" Thamk you for helping me find my inner strength.

  38. I wish you offered a modified version or even showed modified poses for those of us with fatter bodies and joint issues. My rotator cuff repairs are preventing me from fully participating as I just cannot support my weight in some of the poses. Luckily, I found a modified yoga program. Thanks for getting me interested! Good luck, everyone!

  39. Hi Adriene- I've been with you since January 1 and signed up in late December, but I haven't been receiving emails. However, I know I went through the process because I printed out the calendar. Is there a way to get me caught up with emails? I didn't even realize I was missing out until in Day 6 you stressed reading the email 🙂 I signed up again this morning, but assume like with yoga camp, it will start me with day 1.


  40. Weirdest thing: when at the end you said "lots of love in. And lots of love out" I began to weep. Blinded by tears but it was a release of "good job Kim!" I am loving this. Also thanks for breaking down the poses to make them "dummy proof". It makes them so much easier to know if I am doing them right.

    1. Hi Kim,

      Yoga will do that to you at the most unexpected moments when you really connect and notice the intense feeling of love and the overwhelming fact that you are so worthy and capable of love, your own self and others.

      I had a similar hit on a yoga retreat in October last year which had me weeping at random moments for the rest of the day. Better off out than in, eh?


  41. Ahh what a nice practice today was. I did not feel like overworking myself or doing something rough and this video fit what I needed exactly. Thanks for always helping us find what feels good, Adriene!

  42. Fab practice today. Really connected to my inner strength. Hoping to take this off the mat and into every day life. Loving the revolution.

  43. Thank you again 🙂 What we built yesterday, give support for today 🙂 So it is on the mat and in life .) Lokking forward to day 8 🙂

  44. I have been sick for the past two days and have not been able to do this. What the best way to catch up?

    1. Just starting from where you are and what you're up to is probably enough (at least it would be in my book). If you're feeling well enough to get on the mat, then we'll cheer you on, whichever class you're up to. 🙂

  45. Hello Adriene,
    I'm following you frIm Switzerland (Lausanne) since July... did the 2 yoga camp and now this one.
    i love the way you teach (and as a therapist and teacher myself, I'm quite demanding!!:-))
    So every day now since 7 months I'm practicing in the morning and I thank you very much for these videos and the quality of what you're passing in your teaching.

    God bless you

  46. Checked out the t-shirt sale. Could you offer a #yogarevolution shirt? I'd love to buy one when I've completed this 31 day challenge!

    1. I think that's a great idea! A tshirt that says #yoga revolution on the front and 31 day challenge on the back

  47. I would LOVE to buy a Yoga Revolution shirt, if they were available. I just love the Yoga Revolution earth logo at the beginning and end of each video, and would proudly wear that t-shirt everywhere to share about this program and my healing from it! Off the mat and into the world! 🙂

  48. Just in time - I needed a day off my wrists! You know how you remind us to smile sometimes? I was smiling and you didn't remind us. Great day, thank you.

  49. Does anyone else find tree pose incredibly difficult with long yoga pants? My foot is always slipping down so when I try to press in harder, it hurts my other thigh. If I have shorter pants on (above the knee) or tighter pants I can maintain this pose better, but maybe it's not about the pants, its about my legs not being strong enough yet?

    1. Hi Jenn that used to be a problem of mine also. It felt as though the soles of my feet were slippery. I'm not sure what the answer is but I do know that practice for me is working. My feel don't slip anymore but I'm still working on holding the pose. I think it might have to do with placement of foot as well as core awareness more than type of fabric or slippery feet. Also helps me to press standing leg into foot as well as foot to leg - but subtle not huge pressure. 🙂

    2. I had the same issue with that pose at the beginning, with or without long pants my feet were slipping down but after some practice I realised I was pushing the foot into the other thigh hoping it will stay there and so my body was bended as I was trying to keep the balance. Now I think I am doing it better as my leg is stronger and I can keep it there without applying to much pressure on the other thigh, so the body is balanced and both legs are equaly pressing on each other. I hope this is helpful. Enjoy your practice!

    3. I sometimes get that too. I try to put my heel over my knee for a bit of an anchor or just keep it low when I'm really struggling. It's definitely easier on bare skin - but it's far too cold where I am for that at the moment!

    4. That happened to me today because I am wearing just regular cotton tights and not my usual good-quality yoga / workout tights. I'm sure stronger legs and better form would help, but there's no denying that the type of fabric plays a part ; ) If you are flexi enough, I have done a version of tree pose where you rest the top of your foot in your hip crease.

    5. Hi Jen, I had the same problem but I concentrate on my core and also press in more with my leg to hold it there. Once you have a good spot it stays there.

    6. Hi Jenn! Slippage used to be my biggest gripe with tree pose. I highly recommend Adreien's "foundations of Tree Pose" video on youtube. its short and the best best best breakdown of tree I've ever heard. She says, if you're foot is pressing into your leg and it hurts, press back into your foot with your leg- it really helps! Also, she says you can try placing your foot anywhere along your leg, from ankle to upper thigh, just as long as it isn't right on your knee. Last, for me, really pressing up and out of my rooted foot and drawing up tall through the crown of the head helps me not put so much weight/balance in my foot-to-leg connection, which helped it not slip so much. Hope that's helpful!

  50. OMGoddess I feel the muscles in my belly/rib cage! It feels good to feel them. Thank you again Adriene for a great core and tree pose practice. I'm going to continue tree pose practice this week along with daily #yogarevolution.

  51. Thank you... I had lost my yoga mojo by the end of last year, thank you for tugging me back into a yoga practice with your querky awesomeness. x

  52. Something strange is happening, I'm still following the programme! Plus, I did an extra morning practice today because i couldn't wait for session 7 Looking forward to the moment that my heels eventually reach the mat in downward dog

    1. I feel a similar way, Jo. I don't think I've ever done a month of yoga every day before, and I almost convinced myself to skip yesterday, but I got down on the mat at like, 10:30pm (not ideal, but not ideal is ok!). Congrats on getting through the first week and enjoy your flow 🙂

  53. I am so committed to doing this 31 days that I actually had angst about missing a day when I went to my regular class! Day 7 was very interesting and different for me than all the others so far. I really loved imagining my midline and drawing in from the ribs. Fascinating....

  54. I felt as though there was non-stop talking and no flow. But I also feel that I may have woken up a little agitated today. I completed this video, skipped the last minute, and instead completed a guided relaxing mediation. By the end I was smiling and grateful. I sometime struggle when there is too much talking and explaining, I'll feel that I have been stuck in the same pose for far too long and feel distracted from the talking. But, usually when I reflect my frustration is coming from another place. I appreciate your comedic side notes and silliness, it reminds me that I'm not a robot and that I should go with the flow!

  55. I did my tree pose looking out my back window at beautiful trees covered with snow. I loved the comment at the beginning about seeing through feeling. So many thoughts related to that. Teaching my kids to look for things with their hands not just their eyes. Teaching my piano students to trust their hands and keep their eyes on the music. Every day I say "Thank you". Looking forward to receiving my YWA tshirt!

  56. Thank you Adriene for such a deeply intuitive program, building each element one after another. I had forgotten what it is like to show up on my mat day after day to check in with myself. Thank you for reminding me

  57. Loved today! Never ever felt that stable in warrior 2 before! My legs were cramp central in tree pose though. Might try that one again a bit later!

  58. Adriene,

    I signed up for Revolution, but haven't been getting the emails. I just signed up again just now, but now I'm worried that the emails I get will be out of order? I'm on Day 7 -- would it be possible to get the emails from the previous 6 days and going forward have the days sync up correctly?

    Thanks so much (for this and spreading such awesomeness!)


  59. Great practice today! Snow is gently falling outside. Abs are sore from yesterday and legs are tired from a long run in the snow this morning. BUT I was able to hold my tree. First time ever!!

    Thanks Adriene! And Thanks to the Adriene Nation for all of they lovely comments!!

  60. I just loved the balance routine today, I even noticed that I had much better and easier posture today after seven days of yoga x

  61. LOVING this daily yoga practice! I am also loving the encouragement received here in the comments. What an awesome bunch of people! I feel so good this week. What a difference from a week ago!

  62. hallo from Treviso (Italy)
    I just finished this video and I agree with all of you saying it runs very fast
    and make you feel really cool
    thanks adriene
    I would love to meet you one day

  63. Another great practice. I had to miss yesterday unfortunately due to being out of town but I did double up today!! That hour went by fast!

  64. Great practice today! I'm loving the revolution! Do you have a schedule when you will be teaching a class in Austin? I will be there in April and would love to go to one of your classes.

  65. Adriene's youTube videos encouraged me to do yoga a year ago, now I love it!
    The yoga revolution is something I needed to start the year and I enjoy it with all my heart and muscles 😉
    Thank you Adriene!
    Hugs from Poland 🙂

  66. Loving the community comments - so positive and supportive and loving the yoga. Namaste everyone! Can't wait for yummyness tomorrow! Xx

  67. This has been such a wonderful week! Every practice has been invigorating, joyful, and thoughtful! I love knowing that I am doing this with such a committed group around the world!! Thank you, Adriene, for all that you pour into us each and every day. Namaste to all!

  68. Starting the practice with that kundalini swaying really jived with what I needed - been feeling cooped up and emotionally heavy today. Doing that active twisting kundalini practice along with your guided words really helped me to release some of that weight. Thank you, Adriene!

  69. Hi

    Todays practice really flew by! 🙂 Lots of chances to practice being a powerful mountain (with arms) 😉

    My shoulders really appreciated the rest today, but so good to practice balance - always worth while.

    Love to read all the comments here - congratulations to everyone who has stuck with it. We are all workout buddies!

  70. I think this was my favourite practice so far! Finishing in meditation pose was a really lovely way to finish it up. Tree poses went a bit awry - but I stuck with it, and being reminded that it is a practice was so comforting. Thank you for your humour and grace.

  71. Thank you Adriene for taking the time to offer this fabulous yogarevolution!
    Loved day 7!
    Thank you also for checking into my problems with the emails from you.
    All fixed now and hopefully I won't have to bug you again....namaste ~Diane

  72. Feeling those abs and happiness at the same time is great 🙂 lots of love from a snowy night in Istanbul 🙂

  73. I love doing this with you every day. Not only can I feel myself getting stronger but I learn something new about myself. I routinely have "aha" moments doing yoga with you. Thank you for doing this!

  74. I'm a bit sick, got my period and had little to no sleep + a day with my nieces at the beach, I was afraid I wouldn't like doing yoga today but I was as usual wrong. The video was wonderful and I'll come back to it for my scoliosis. I feel fantastic! Thank you Adriene!

  75. Thanks Adrienne from the hot wet season in Darwin Australia! Loving my daily kickstarts. Felt a bit disconnected today but I'm sure I'll be back en pointe tomorrow! Thank you. xxx

  76. Love today's practice. The poses I usually do felt so different for me with learning how to find stability.

  77. I feel so….stable! I could really feel pulling up and drawing down, I also truly felt like I wasn't slouching, huge accomplishment!

    This one really did fly by, Adriene was not kidding. Looking forward to tomorrow!

    Namaste 🙂

  78. I'll be honest - I am so sore from yesterday's workout that I have been putting off today's practice all day! Then I realized how stressed I was feeling, and how important yoga has become to my mental and emotional health in just one week. Anyone else feel like this?

    Instead of thinking about how sore my muscles are, I will go into this practice with gratitude. <3

  79. Thank you for giving my poor shoulders a break! This was super yummy, and a lovely way to start off my Sunday. I can't wait for tomorrow! x

  80. I am loving the yoga each day! I want to learn everything yoga, do you have a favorite book suggestion? 🙂 thank you for all your hard work with the videos!

  81. Namaste from snowy and chilly Calgary, Alberta! It's warm in my yoga room though 🙂 love reading all the comments from around the world. This is my third challenge with Adriene and it's such a great way to start the year. In fact I had another yoga practice this morning but made sure to come back to my mat at home to get Day 7 in. I agree with many of the other commenters: this one flew by! Thank you as always for what you do, and for this community, Adriene. So great to think of so many others flowing together around the world!

  82. Sorry I was not able to do this in the morning BUT found 30 minutes to complete just now! Your changing my outlook every day! For the better of course!✌

  83. Wow, I didn't realize my shoulders were so tense until we did the warrior pose. I am seasoned in yoga, but not consistent and committing to these seven days feels like such an accomplishment. It has also been interesting to see how I have been integrating it and feeling a sense of being more present in my day-to-day life. Lately there has been more of a focus on posture and how I stand, walk, and overall carry myself. Focusing on these elements of my daily life helps me stay grounded in the moment, but also more positive as I feel like I am really taking care of my mind, body, and soul by doing so. 'Looking forward to the rest of the Revolution! 7 days down!

  84. What a grand practise. Missed yesterday so I ran #6 & #7 together. WOWOWOW. Do I feel great. #7 just flew by. Thank you Adriene for everything you do for this community.

  85. Sometimes it's the subtle movements that engage, build, and strengthen our muscles. This practice today did just that. I was really able to focus on engaging my muscles. And the journey continues....

  86. Thank you Adriene for this wonderful program!! Namaste everyone. Keep up the good work!

  87. Thankful for today's practice after yesterday's abs 😮 I was able to be intentional and focus on grounding down through my feet, engaging my thigh muscles and maintaining stability even when I felt wobbly. Great practice.(I'm sore 🙂 )

  88. Week one down already! I can't wait to start week 2; I like the sound of bringing the pillow and blanket!

  89. Today was tough for me. I do my practice at night. Unfortunately I also played a 2 hour gig this evening. But I came home, soaked in Epsom salt and made myself get out the mat. I don't want to fall behind at the first challenge. I'm sore, but very proud of myself. And thankful for the arm break. They were already sore and tired.

  90. What an amazing class, thank you Adriene. It's lovely, rainy and cool in Johannesburg and this class allowed me to gaze at my beautiful green garden, feel grateful and be strong and balanced! You are a star ⭐️

  91. I'm loving the practice! Already starting to feel my posture and strength improving. Unfortunately I don't seem to receive the daily emails anymore (also not in junk mail folder), could you put me on the list again? Thank you!

  92. Thank you Adriene ,for another awesome practice!

    I have been trying to establish a regular practice for a while with mixed success but my lovely sister-in-law shared Hal Elrod's book "The Miracle Morning" with me, and I have found the morning routines so helpful. Now I have a meditation and yoga practice every morning and I can really feel the benefits - this is the 10th consecutive day for me.

    My challenge is to bring the mindfulness I am practicing on the mat into my daily life, and to find stillness, calm - and balance - amid the chaos!

    Sending warm thoughts to all on this yoga journey, from Orkney, Scotland.

  93. Lovely lovely rooting down. Exactly what I needed after gettting up and feeling a little depressed because of cold grow weather outside, loads of work to do for uni and my boyfriend leaving today, just seeing him again in 3 weeks. Also a little sick, coughing and sniffing, maaah.
    Still - life is great, just breathin and a little smile in between makes everything better.
    Thanks for that moment of tranquility. Namaste everyone!

  94. Hey all and greetings from snowy Finland. I've done all so far and they have been amazing, really love how this is starting to be my morning routine.

    Today I noticed that I became a little it grumpy from all the babble in the video, since I felt I'm just standing there for minutes and waiting for the next step to come. I felt it kind of distracted me from the flow and being connected, exploring the practice. Babble meaning too much goofing. Don't get me wrong, I do like the goofiness in moderation and I feel that makes Adriene different from all the rest yogivideos. Her little tips are so good as well.

    Oh well, maybe it's one of these days. I'm happy though I finished and honoured my grumpiness with exploring it instead of denying it. Though it puzzled me. And doing it however I felt; good days and bad days! How about you guys - do ever get restless when on the mat? What has been your greatest challenge so far?

    Lots of love!

  95. Loving your revolution Adriene. I had a few sessions to catch up, so today did 6 in the morning, 7 in the afternoon and probably 8 in the evening to catch up ! Train strikes, busy saturdays, 3 kids and their homework and my other sports will not stop me from following your revolution ! Love every bit !

    Moushette from France

  96. HI Adriene
    Having never found my way into Yoga until now, I enjoyed your last January series, have continued to use your online sessions regularly ever since, and am loving Revolution!! Thank you so much - your teaching is warm, personal, professional, thorough, and integrates body/mind/spirit. Fabulous.
    Quick query - why does my front knee hurt in triangle pose, and then feels difficult to bend when we move back into warrior?? Trying to listen to my body and aware something doesn't feel right here.
    Please let me know if you ever release DVDs, or even better, come to the UK 🙂
    Much love to you and all who are sharing this journey - Namaste, Anna

  97. Loved the feel of being grounded and found balance much better than of late - however difficult to stay in posture due to very achey feet 🙁 Any solutions?

  98. Always looking forward to the next workout day, though it really doesn't seem like anything but a pleasure. I look forward each day to your positive spirit and continued work on mind and body uniting. Thank you for this Revolution.

  99. Wow this practice is amazing! I truly love finding that stability in my body, I daydream of the traditional yogis that can hold an asana for a loooong time by juts breathing and finding their center <3 thank you

  100. Im watching you from college Station Adrienne! Love your videos and recommend you to my friends!
    Thank you for all that you do!

  101. Thank you Adriene and team for this wonderful Revolution (and all the other awesome vids) - I'm enjoying the challenge and the variety each day. Doing it in on holiday at Ocean Grove, Victoria, Australia, and back home in Melbourne. Have mat, will travel! xx

  102. I loved hearing you breaking "corset" into core-set. Supposedly the word comes from French/ Latin for corps-- the (small) body. But isn't it fascinating how words seem to hold so many little mysteries?

  103. Very helpful to reign in my focus and posture. You are an amazing teacher! Namaste

  104. Started this revolution 2 days late so Day 7 was a wonderful way to start my Monday - thank you Adriene! The sessions so far have been a really awesome flow from one to the next - yoga every single morning is fabulous. Namaste!!

  105. this has been my favourite so far!!! Really helped me switch my thoughts off, thanks Adriene

  106. Fashionably late to the party but going strong. Loved todays practice, my fav one so far - went so fast!

  107. Was quite shocked that it went so fast.... never feel stuck with these routines. Still behind about 6 days but not given up on the commitment of achieving. Just takes me a bit longer...

  108. I know I started a few days late on the challenge but I really needed this. I have to wait until late at night to get my Yoga on but this today made my hear feel so good.
    I'm having trouble not having pain in my feet but I love the tree pose. It feels so free and open.
    Thank you so much for this challenge and for giving me a chance to help myself and build my body and soul. I love this. Im always nervous I won't be able to do it but I love it.
    Thank you, so so so much.

  109. Thank you for bringing me to the mat again. I feel lighter today. I feel peaceful. I feel what I do feel in relax way. I am on the journey of yoga. I am stick with it. Adriene, what you are doing is so important to me and for community as well as the world. Thank you. Have a wonderful sunday.
    Peace, Love, Happiness,
    Namaste <3

  110. Going slow to the party but I just love this. i have a neck injury and was so unsure whether this would be too much. It is perfect. Loving the pace and care I am giving my body. Thanks as always Adriene.

  111. Ouch. The funniest thing is I can do a lot of yoga poses that you say may be difficult, but for the life of me I can't do the tree pose. I get such bad foot cramps that I can't even stay up for 10 seconds. Hopefully one day...

  112. Hello Adriene,

    I am a little late in the month joining your 31 days of Yoga but in reaching day 7 I just wanted to say a huge thank you for taking the time to put this together for us all, it really is the tonic I needed and getting so much out of your practice. You are such a joy to listen to 🙂

    Said with love and blessings x

  113. Hello from Houston, TX!

    I've been loving Yoga Revolution with Adriene. Thank you, Adriene, for putting so much loving intention into your videos. It seems that every video is exactly what my body & mind need at that time. Every seemingly minor comment you make on how to adjust to go deeper into the pose takes me miles further in my connection with body. You are a blessing to so many of us!


  114. January 27, 2016.....and yes....just completed day seven. Your teaching style is wonderful and I have enjoyed all classes thus far. I am in my 50's (proudly), new to yoga, and have a schedule that is most often...not my own,,,,,so the flexibility to attend these sessions where they fit in has been a big stress reliever and enhancement to my overall well-being - thank you!.Looking forward to Day 8 tomorrow. LJP

  115. You mentioned foot cramps just after I'd come back after going off to massage out one in the outer of my right arch :'). I blame my lack of hydration today.

  116. Adriene, Thank you for your wonderful teachings. This is exactly the type of mindful practice I've been seeking. A million times, THANK YOU. I have been discouraged from yoga before, for what I now realize- you define as, "doing yoga". Your method of being mindful, connected and finding inner balance is what I've been longing for. This will help me in any physical ambition as well as just feeling strong maintaining balance and posture- on and off the mat, as you say. Your are Amazing. Thank you for taking this time to genuinely show people how to focus, feel and what to do- not for "best results", but for inner consciousness. I am so honoured and grateful for finding you 🙂 Deepest respects and gratitude

  117. Hi! I just wanted to say how much I appreciate your videos. I know I'm a bit late to the yoga revolution challenge. I actually started doing it at the start of January but I was in a really bad place mentally so I couldn't keep up. I decided to start again and am so glad I got to day seven because I feel so much better and I literally feel like I've got my back just like you always remind us and that is invaluable to me. Just wanted to say thank you:)

  118. Thank you for so many wonderful yoga experiences. You always seem to know what I need and have the right words! I am sure so many people feel that way as well. What a gift you've given us!

  119. I'm a little late to this party and just finished day 7, but I think that's okay! Better late than never 🙂 already in these 7 days I can feel the difference in my body, and see the difference in my posture. I wanted to say thank you so much for being such an amazing instructor! I hope to meet you someday! Namaste

  120. Than you, thank you, thank you so much. This channel is awesome. I love it! The daily sessions with you have really made a difference in my life. Namaste!

  121. You really are an angel Adrienne, I love what you are teaching on the mat, and the fact that its free. Greetings to you all from Norway.

  122. Hi,
    I would like to have a question,
    After these 31 days of yoga revolution (tomorrow is my 7th day), what would you suggest us to continue doing yoga each day? Because I feel really really good and I can say that during this first week I understood every single person in my life who advised me to start doing yoga insistingly -that's how I became for those who hasn't started yet :). It is good to spread the seeds..!
    Anyway, I want to continue it and I am sure I will need a series of videos to follow rather than trying to find one each day.
    Thank you, for everything!

  123. Hi, I am just now getting to this and have to say thank you so much for making the practices so accessible and in such a fun, caring, informative manner. It makes bringing more of the sacred into the everday consciousness even more of a joy! Gald we can meet.My website is under contruction at the moment, yet the name when I republish it is . ( My background= an artist and rev. currently getting a masters in couseling, a mom to a now 26 year lovely daughter, 33 years of depth meditation and spiritual practice, my ordination is thru Universal Sufism. Good to meet you and your group.
    All Honor and Blessings on your work!

  124. Amazing experience, it's really bringing a huge change in my life - the simple fact of taking time for myself, finding a better posture in my daily life, breathing, stretching, discovering the many capacities of my body ...

    You're helping me transform quite a difficult time in my life to a strong and positive one, thanks a lot! I couldn't believe that YouTube videos could have this impact. I feel so motivated to know that many people across the globe are joining in. Makes my practice in Paris a better one 🙂

    And please keep making us smile 🙂
    Loads of love

  125. LOVE LOVE LOVE your work and your energy!! Keep on doing this vibrating classes!!

    PS: Unfortunately I didnt get Day 7 per mail but I could easily find it online 🙂
    Just to let you know if there would be something to fix.

    Great job Adriene :)))

  126. Hello there 🙂
    Didn't get my day 8 email... Was planned for yesterday evening. Can you help me? Love and loads of gratitude _/\_

  127. Great class! Injured my SI joint (gardening) and had to take a couple of days off. This was a great class to restart with. Looking forward to Day 8.

  128. 7 Days, I'm still here. Thank you......
    Even though I fight frustration with myself when I cannot achieve balance ( hello Tree pose) the breathing helps

    I've tried yoga several times before, always dropped out. But not this time!

    <3 <3 <3

  129. Thanks so much for your videos. They are great. Just one thing is quite disturbing. I don't appreciate when you are making jokes and fun (citing song texts etc) in the middle of a meditation pose like at the end of this video. Regards

  130. Thank you Adriene! I am loving this and your sense of humour. You always bring a smile to my face.

  131. I appreciate your humor. You bring a chuckle to the practice.

    I also like the detail you give us in what to do with the body in the various poses; that you move slowly and not jump quickly from one pose to the next.

    I'm patting myself on the back for completing week One !!! Thanks to you for making it so enjoyable and doable

  132. I did 30 days of yoga over 2 to 3 months, yoga camp every day for 30 days (loved the Mantras) and am now enjoying this - all so very different. And yes, love the humour and encouragement. So thank you Adrienne for these yoga videos - it is a positive way to start the day.

  133. I am currently spending a lot of time inside due to Covid-19 and social distancing. This course has really allowed me to focus on a positive headspace and taking care of my body and mind during this time. Thank you 🙂

  134. Dear Adrienne,
    I am on my third 30-day-yoga journey with you and love it! Your personality and kindness make them so enjoyable. Thanks for making this COVID-adventure more pleasant!

  135. Really great Adrienne. Thanks for your great teaching and revolution is just what’s needed on wintry days to get started.

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