Your Day 5 yoga practice magnifies the fact that - you are alive! This yoga session asks you have some fun, get into a groove and cultivate a listening that is in the moment. Don’t decide where it ends. Don’t sell yourself short. Practice getting in tune with your natural rhythm! Move with strength and grace on the mat to build muscles and memory to live with strength and grace off the mat.

Feel the rhythm…


305 comments on “REVOLUTION: Day 5”

  1. Groovy rhythm!!
    I'm in the shy camp her but today's practice let me ' groove [dance] like no one was watching '.

    Bless your spirit for reminding me to play. 🙂


  2. Great practice. Did this first thing in the morning and feel so alive now. Can't believe I was dancing on my yoga mat at 7 in the morning! Thanks Adrienne for Yoga Revolution, what a good way to start the year.
    Rhythm is Dancer by Snap. Great song. Xx

  3. The Noisettes - Don't upset the rhythm.

    Thank you for all your amazing videos. I feel like I have the worlds best personal trainer right here in my living room. Love doing yoga with you!

  4. Oh it's so hard for a fat woman :-(. I'm trying, I'm really trying, but things like not even being close to reach my feet in the lizard like pose make me cry...more tears every time we do supposedly simple and restful things like child's pose :-(! Is it more important to keep my bum on my feet and not be even close to the floor with my shoulders or head, or to get shoulders and head on the floor and have my bottom sticking right up in the air, virtually? I fear I'm too fat and unfit for an online closures and I need physical guidance....? Feeling very very sad.

    1. I know what you mean. I have trouble with a lot of things, too (for example, I have no idea how to get my leg forward from a plank to a low lunge. Just not possible). I do the best I can and try to enjoy the process. I figure I'm getting better and that's all I can ask for!

      1. I'm not a big girl and have to pick up and move my leg fir this. I've been doing yoga for 8 years. The point is to love who you are in the moment, with all your beautiful curves and perfections. Use props to rest your head in child's pose: a block, a blanket, pillow, seat cushion, chair, whatever.

        1. Hey, I'm the same. Been doing yoga for 10 years, I'm average-sized or little bit heavier, I'm quite flexible - but my tummy and hip rolls get n the way! Lunging is awkward,child's pose has my bum floating up in the air away from my feet as there's a solid mass of myself in the way.
          It is getting better the more I practice, and I'm tending to believe Adriene's promise of feeling better if I do 31 consistent days of practice. I'm there with you all!

          1. Child's pose was transformed for me when my amazing yoga therapist guided me to do it with my knees wider apart NOW it feels cosy and relaxing, it never did before x

    2. Please don't feel sad. You are doing your best. Do what you can, it will all benefit you. The breathing is calming and energizing. I'm fairly new to yoga and take it as it comes. I have limitations due to operations I've had but feel so much better for 'turning up on the mat'. Be kind to yourself, you're giving it a go!

    3. Hey there,

      my problem isn't excess fat but a complete lack of flexibility and muscle mass ("more stiff than any 70-year-old" was a comment from a doctor once), and I have trouble with these same poses - I tried to reach my foot stubbornly in the lizard pose after the first attempt failed and pulled something in the leg. Ouch! Had to take the rest of the practice rather slow after that and skip a few poses.
      Good lesson in "honoring where I'm at."

      Since the child's pose supposed to be about relaxation, I decided to sit back on my legs and let the head and shoulder hang through and relax as much as possible, just a gut feeling, but I certainly won't mind if one of the more experienced people here can tell us which part is actually more important 😉

      You're not alone!

        1. Meg, I would encourage you to dance like no ones watching and find what feels good for you!!! If it's hurting take it easy and find what your body needs. Every body is different and that's a good thing!

          1. Hope that didn't sound harsh Meg, I just finished and it was tough for me to listen to my own rhythm too!! My struggles are with balance! So I got all stuck in my head there. Anyway don't give up on your awesome self!! Listen to your own heart!!

          2. Oh goodness not harsh at all! The rhythm and dance bit is fine, is good. My legs are strong (I'm a dog owner and nurse so they are well used) but the bending and folding...not so much :-/. I guess it's partly a pity party based in the guilt of having a 44 year old neglected body. Onwards and upwards, I know I know. Thanks for your thoughts, it helps knowing others are out there, stretching away x

      1. Hey Meg. Have you considered yoga props? I use yoga blocks when my hands can't quite find the floor. You can even stack them. Yoga bands can help you grab your feet when your arms are just too darn short ; ). Adrienne has mentioned using them to "Find what feels good". Hang in there. Glad you're on this journey with us!

        1. Agreed! I didn't have a band available today, so I just grabbed a sweater and wrapped it around my foot and grabbed the arms of the sweater to do the pose. It made it easier to find stability at least. I am no where near being able to grab my foot in lizard pose without props..
          I missed having a block today, so for the next practices I'll bring a really thick book to the mat as well.

          Hugs from the Arctic <3

      2. I was close to despair as well. I am tall, super stiff and have shortened muscles – seriously, I have not done any sports in my life so what was I expecting. I really tried to pull through it all and vowed to just do my best, but there were at least four times during today's practice, when I started cursing and swearing (oh the perks of doing yoga at home). But then I took a deep breath and reminded myself that this isn't about reaching perfection, but about "finding what feels good". So I skipped some parts of today's practice, and while I felt like a cheat afterwards, looking back I know I did the right thing and my body tells me that it did still get a pretty good workout.

        So I'd say: Give it time, enjoy yourself and do as much as your body is capable of! Even if that means skipping some parts of the practices!

    4. I'm not Adriene, just another yoga fan who read your comment. I've been practising yoga for six months and I was nowhere near reaching my feet in the lizard like pose today! No. Where. Near. Don't be sad about it. I just do as much as I can, and try not to force anything, just enjoy what I'm able to do. The feeling of enjoyment kind of builds up if you keep going day after day. Give it a try and know that you are part of an invisible community all striving and breathing and keeping going. xxxx

    5. Meg this makes me sad that you feel this way. I love yoga with Adriene as she focuses on doing what makes you feel good! Don't focus so much on what you can't do, instead focus on where you are at this moment. Stay positive - you can do this!

    6. Dear Meg, honour the way you are now. You are on your mat and that is what is nourishing for your body. Use props such as a small folding chair or stool in front of you when you are in lizard and maybe in child pose use the chair to lean forward when you are letting your bottom rest back or maybe a folded blanket or two on your calves when you are reaching arms forward to the ground. Go steady and gently putting your body first. Remember that good space in the body and play around with the poses to get as cosy and comfortable as you can even if that means slowing right down. Trust the yoga is for everyone no matter how old we are, how flexible or are body shape. You will find your way. Take good care and maybe those tears needed to come out

    7. I hear you! Low Lunges developed from Downward Dog are the banes of my existence. I'm practicing since the beginning of November and I can see improvements, but I have to put the knee "outside" my body or I'm not capable of reaching the floor with my hands. Not everyone has long arms like Adriene!

      I also mostly do extended Child's Pose or my forehead and neck hurt too much to "enjoy" the pose or relax in it.

      I try to remind myself what the aim of a pose is - is it balance? Strength development? Relaxation? Stretch and Twist? Then I adjust the pose so I can reach that goal within my abilities.

      Not easy to manage for an overachiever like me! I figure it's part of the program to find a way to deal with not being able to do everything perfectly from the get go.

    8. Hi meg
      I think you should be proud of yourself for having a go. As far as bum on your feet I have been doing yoga for a while now and my bum never touches my feet in child's pose, I believe the answer is to do what feels the most comfortable for you. The fact that you are doing it means you will improve, when you feel like crying remember you were the one who turned up so you deserve the pat on the back. Good luck for tomorrow and be proud for today.

    9. I have done the yoga challenge and the yoga camp in the past and find this one more intense i had muscles aching after day three before i would feel that like after at least a full week. The yoga challenge might be a better introduction for you to find what feels good, and thats what Adriene wants you to find. There was more explaining the poses and she gave different options on a pose depending on your flexibility.
      Its feels great to finish a month of yoga you will really feel a difference in your body and your mind.
      And i prefer my head on the floor the stretchy yet soothing feeling in my back feels good to me.

    10. I'm not sure this helps, but I am pretty skinny and can't bend into most of those positions either. I have cried on the mat as well. I hope you keep going. Yoga isn't about your flexibility at all. I recommend using lots of props and blankets and whatever else you can find around the house.
      Stop comparing yourself to Adriene. Think of the thousands of people on their mats at home, most of who do not look like Adriene during yoga at all. 😀

      Lots of love and positivity to you!

      1. Agreeeeeeeee with this wholeheartedly! I am incredibly inflexible and when doing her Yoga camp, I just let it all go. That emotion rush is cleansing! What better time to experience that freeing feeling than on the mat?!

        Light and Love!

    11. Stick with it Meg! I can't do all the things either but I bet you'll notice a difference if you keep going. I will never be able to sit comfortably on my feet (I broke my ankle years ago and don't have flexibility there) so Child's Pose is rubbish for me, but I just try to adjust where I can and keep going.Doing something is still better than doing nothing! I'm better at other things that some people find really tough, I bet you will be too. You're showing up and your body and soul are going to benefit so much. I bet if you manage to stick with it you'll be able to reach further on day 15 than you can on day 5. Imagine where you'll be by day 31!

    12. Hi Meg
      For child's pose what I sometimes do is use cushions or block to rest my head on, so I bring the ground to me and that way it can be more relaxing.
      Remember coming to the mat is an achievement, if you try and relax during the sessions it will feel better. You may be big but if you find what feels good to you and except what you can do (that doesn't mean not pushing yourself to do the best you can) then you are focusing on the positive aspects of your practice that is better mentally and will then improve your physical aspect. No one is too big to do yoga. Keep at it and accept you limitations. Bring the ground to you (buy a block, use books, cushion, blanket anything) this will help you feel more relax while doing some poses as you will not be over straining. Keep smile x

    13. In relaxation we often hug a pillow or bolster during child's pose while keeping our feet on the floor with bottom rested on top. Could be worth a try. X

    14. Hang in there sister! The important thing is that you showed up!!! No one cares if you can't reach your toes, do what feels right... touch your knees instead 🙂 25 days from now you'll be astounded at how far your practice has taken you, both physically and spiritually, namaste

    15. Meg! what I have learned from Adrienne is that the mat is a safe place to feel how you feel and do what is right for you. I hate that the practice is bringing you more frustration than peace right now, but I do urge you to keep with it. Those of us doing this yoga thing with you will catch you! Your mat will catch you! What I love about these videos is there is less focus on what IS right (and rigid and robotic) and more emphasis on what FEELS right. So if getting your bum down and having your shoulders and chest up feels better, do that. If the opposite is more relaxing, go for it. Switch it up. Play with it. I think the most important thing is that you are showing up. You got this. Much love to you! ❤

    16. Remember that we all start from a different place and by the end of this journey you will be so far from where you are now! Let those tears be tears saying goodbye to where you are now and happy tears in expectation of where you will be. Yes, the unknown is scary. "Will I make it through the 31 days?" "Will I make it through TODAY?" "Will I see any change?" But please know that a whole community is behind you and supporting you wherever you are. We are all on this journey together. We are celebrating you and the fact that you have made it this far and are continuing. You've got this!!! One step at a time. You are right where you need to be. Sending lots of virtual hugs!

    17. Meg, don't feel sad... this is a journey and you will get there... in your own time. There are poses I cannot do either, trying to reach my feet in that twist seemed like they were miles away. Keep with it. It is not about being perfect in the pose, it is about doing something good for your body. Whether you ever get the pose exactly does not matter, what matters is that you are trying. Don't be hard on yourself. Cry happy tears that you showed up and did it!

        1. You got it! This is not about a perfect pose. This is about your relationship with your body. Listen to your body and really embrace "find what feels good". That phrase and Adriene's "permission" to go at my own pace is why I love her videos so much. This is about loving and honoring yourself. Great job on showing up for yourself!!

    18. Hi Meg!

      Everyone has their struggles, but you are here and you are starting the practice and that is HUGE. Some people don't even begin. like Svenja said....honor where you are at 🙂 I have been doing yoga on a weekly basis for almost 6 months now and 2-3 times a week for about 2 months (and have practiced yoga for about 8 years now on and off)....and I still can't touch my toes without bending my knees, sometimes downdog is too much and i have to go to my knees, etc if i feel like i have had zero progress and i get frustrated....i tell myself...i am here, i am moving and i am doing something....something is always better than nothing.

      You are doing great!

    19. I have always been in great shape until recently. I have had a few injuries leave me unable to do all of the poses very well. Don't forget: Adriene is in peak form. How can we match her today? Today I smile when I lose my balance or if I can't reach, because I know I will one day. Then I will think back to my beginner days and feel proud of my progress. Today I will try, because I can.

    20. Don't get discouraged. I am a big girl too and when I started my yoga practice 4 years ago there was no way I was twisting and touching my toes but I did what I can and it felt oh so good. Just enjoy it. Put whatever image you have out of your mind and just let go to yourself. In time those twists will come together. Find what feels good to YOU. You got this sista!!!

    21. Don't ever feel bad about your body! All of us have limitations that we must work within and around. But, if you're feeling really concerned, there is an established movement out there called " fat yoga", and it shows that people with girth can be successful yogis.

    22. Hi Meg! Have you tried using props? I always have yoga blocks nearby during the practices in case I need a bit of help, and when I was starting out with yoga years ago, I would put one on the floor to rest my forehead against in child's pose. You could put a stack of books or a pile of firm pillows--whatever you have on hand. This way, you will feel supported without having to force yourself into difficult positions. I'm a fat woman too, but yoga has made me flexible and much, much stronger! You can do this, just remember it takes time.

      I saw a video online recently of a man who tried to touch his toes in a forward standing bend every day, and took a short video clip each day. It took him 41 days, but he got there! Stick with it, and just do what works for you--don't worry about perfection or comparison. Remember to honour YOUR body--it's amazing in what it can do.

      Namaste! xo

    23. Meg,

      I hope you recognize that just by getting on your mat, you're taking a wonderfully positive step! I find child's pose can be difficult for me personally as well. My shoulders feel tight, and my breathing feels constricted. I try to remind myself to just move into a position that allows me to breath openly and feel a bit rested. Adriene is wonderful at reminding me that the shape isn't everything. I'm going to send you some love this evening when I work on day 5. Keep it up!

    24. For Meg, I am in the same boat. My tummy doesn't let me fold to rest my bum or my head at the same time. But I found that if I rest my head on a folded blanket, I get the effect of resting both. I get the feel of the total relaxation that I think is the point. I'll teeter totter until I don't anymore, I guess. 🙂

    25. One thing that resonated with me was when Adrienne said be happy with where you are today(or something along those lines) I can't do lizard either because of my tummy but I bought some blocks and so I bring the ground to my level. I have noticed that I'm getting stronger and lower but don't feel bad if you can't get into a position. You are beautiful and you doing the challenge is a sign of strength! Keep it up!

      1. Blocks? So much terminology, it's like a whole new language!! Thanks, it really helps hearing of others differences and challenges - and positivity! X

    26. Meg, I know it's hard and you feel frustrated. There was one part where she said for your belly to meet your thighs and I was like, "Well, I'm already problem!" Use humor where you can and focus on being consistent. Showing up is half the battle. Connecting to your body in this way will make you more in touch with what it really wants and needs--making you more mindful of what you are feeding your body and your mind. As someone who has struggled with weight since I was a child, I did everything I could to disconnect from the body that I hated. Now, at 43, I'm finally reconnecting to it and I'm so grateful that I have a chance to heal my connection and feed it well and move! Keep showing up and connecting!

    27. Meg,
      You are not alone sister! I am in the same boat, and found myself lamenting how different I am today compared to practicing years ago. Adriene's message of HONOR WHERE YOU ARE is helping me. Let's keep honoring ourselves and showing up! We will grow more with love and acceptance- on and off the mat.

    28. Dear Meg, I too could not touch my feet in the lizard pose. I too am a larger woman with some hip issues. It's so amazing you are showing up and I'll be thinking of you tomorrow on Day 6...know I'm on the mat trying to find my rhythm too. Big Hug:)

    29. I feel ya! I have been doing yoga daily for over a year, but have several health issues and struggle with most of the poses. I too find myself getting frustrated and crying. I try to remember that in time, some of the poses do get easier even if not a lot, they are helping me stretch my body.
      for child's pose, I let my butt hover over my heels a bit, I actually can't get my butt to touch my heels at all unless I stay sitting straight up. I just make sure my back is comfortable and my upper back, shoulders and neck are relaxed.

      1. A year. Wow! How have you stayed motivated...? I feel like I can't wait for the 31st to be done to be honest :-/! Maybe I'll relax into it more...I think I'm quite a results driven perfectionist type, which is t helping. Lots to learn, inside and out :-/!

        1. Meg and Tracy, I have found that extended child's pose (toes together, knees as wide as the mat) gives me more space for my body 🙂 also, play with using a folded or rolled blanket behind the knees, under the knees, or under the arms/chest/head to give your body extra space in that pose. Last, there is a "foundations of extended child's pose" video that's 6mins on Adriene's youtube channel that might be helpful.

          1. Michelle, I do usually do the extended childs pose as the regular one causes my low back to hurt (I have 2 herniated discs) I will check out the foundations video, thanks for the suggestion.

        2. I think doing it everyday is what motivates me. I feel like if I miss a day, I have to start the count over and I won't do it as often, until I just never do it, so I have to do it daily. Strange motivation, but that is what works for me. I don't want to stop all together because I feel it does help with some of my chronic pain.

    30. Hugs and more hugs, Meg. And I strongly suggest looking up Jessamyn Stanley. She reminds me every day that yoga is a state of mind and a constant practice more than a type of body or amount of flexibility/strength. Fat girls can do yoga! Keep moving and remember to honor where you are and who you are right now. <3

    31. I'm so proud of you for just being here and doing yoga, Meg! It isn't easy to get to the mat each and every day and the simple fact that you're trying is really something to smile about. There's many poses I can't do because I'm not flexible enough (and I'm only 21 years old! haha) but there are several modifications you can make. You don't even need "blocks" but grab a book or something sturdy and bring the ground closer to you. Yoga isn't about the shape. It's about the motions, trying, and inner being for me! I promise that with continued practice all the moves with get easier. Celebrate the fact that you got on the mat today. Here's that virtual high 5 for day 5 from Colorado!! You rock!

    32. Meg, child's pose is about resting and restoration and a little bit about opposing forces, so whichever of those options feels better for you is what you should be doing! And just be a little bit conscious of the opposing forces of "reaching" your bum TOWARDS your feet and the floor (they don't have to touch or even come close) and reaching your hands towards the front. Don't be discouraged! Do what feels good for your body and believe in yourself because I believe in you!

    33. Much love to you, Meg. I wish I would have done one of those "before and after" photo sets to show you how, even as someone who is a little overweight, couldn't do much yoga, but after 3 years of practice I finally can. When I started, my forward fold made me feel horrible. My hands not only couldn't read my feet, but could barely get to my knees. I was convinced I was a horrible student. I eventually started going to classes with a close friend and doing more challenges like this one at home. The day I could touch my toes was so amazing.

      It's hard for me, as I'm a perfectionist. And even now I don't feel adequate. But there's always something I won't be able to do. I try to define the small goals for myself, and even if I don't meet them, celebrate the ones that surprise me.

      I found doing some walking 3-4 times a week helped, too, just to get some of the strength and stamina for warrior poses, and others that required balance and leg strength.

      I've come to realize that it's hard to get into fitness, yoga, and exercise in general because those teaching have done this for so long. I've stuck with Adriene because she's the only one I feel like gets it. Let me know if you need some good motivational techniques to stick with it.

    34. Don't worry about what you can't do. Focus on what you can do! I'm not overweight but have a really stuff back due to car accident so I'm really not flexible when it comes to the hips and thighs - I just go with a variation or try to do the pose but maybe my leg isn't that high or my hand can't reach my foot. But hey - we all made it to the mat and we all did our best and that's the best you can do. Stick with it. You're awesome x

    35. Hi Meg

      As a woman with a substantial frontage (you know what I mean 😉 ), I open my legs in child's pose so there is space for me to hang comfortably.
      Anyway, find what works for you. Well done for doing 5 days. Keep going!
      I'll look out for you here tomorrow.
      Alison x

    36. Hello Meg,

      Thank you for opening about your struggles xxx love that this is a place where we can all encourage each other. I spent a lot a lot of time feeling frustration on the mat when I couldn't hit that pose exactly right or struggled from injury and had to skip some. BUT listen to what your body is telling you and try to practice ignoring that voice in your head that puts you down (I think we all have the same voice). I promise you will continue to grow stronger both physically and mentally if you continue to honor where you are now. xxx Best of luck.

    37. Meg, I'm an overweight--oh, hell, fat--lady too, who can't get into all the poses (touch your knee to your nose? Ha! There is all the way!). I have a wonderful yoga teacher locally who always says--honor your body, and honor that you are doing this. She emphasized last night that yoga really isn't a one-way-fits-all approach, but in the West, we tend to do yoga in groups, rather than one on one, so it can seem that way. Adjustments can be made so that you get the benefits, but what matters is YOU. You are doing this, and you are a badass woman. And you are not alone!

    38. Oh Meg, you're definitely not alone with that Lizard pose - keep at it though, we'll all get to the place that we want eventually 😀

    39. Hey Meg just want to say it takes a lot of courage to be so honest and facing your fear. You've picked a good place for support here. Tich Nhat Hahn talks about having tea with our cloud. There's a cloud in the sky, a cloud in the rain, a cloud in my tea cup there's a cloud in me. Clouds come and go. I like to think of our thoughts as a little clouds - sometimes white and puffy and pretty and sometimes dark and thundering and gloomy. I am inspired and encouraged by what you shared - and am discovering that it's really just about doing what feels good to my body today. Even if it's a little uncomfortable, when I drop into the breath my body tells me this feels good. And my ego is quieted into listening.

    40. I'm super skinny, and my yoga journey is slow Meg.

      My yoga teacher taught me to never 'practice with ambition or ego'

      Yoga is not supposed to be about the poses.

      So don't panic if you can't do one. You're already a queen. Your'e already doing it, you've already made it, just by showing up to your mat and giving time and love to your body (and your mind and your soul!).

      I had never done yoga before I discovered Adrienne, she was my first brick in my yellow brick road.

      I do go to class now, and yes, they tweak you and teach you, and it can be helpful, but before I ventured to class I spent about 6 months doing Adrienne's beginner class, her very first one, and a couple of her other ones and then moved on to her first 30 day series.

      So to jump right to the evolution meg, you're brave and bold and spirited. Go easy and be kind to yourself. Because more than poses, yoga is kindness.


    41. Hi Meg! I've been doing yoga for a few years, but just committed to doing it regularly a few months ago. I still am not comfortable in traditional child's pose. Every pose can be modified to fit your needs. I still separate my knees in child's pose even when Adriene doesn't. I have a tummy and thighs that make it hard to breathe if I don't. Like Adriene says, do what feels good. I know it's hard to remember, but it will get easier and you will notice progress if you stick with it!!! Please reach out if you need any more encouragement!!!! I am 43 and also trying to undo years of putting everyone else before me

    42. You showed up to your mat. That's what matters. I feel you though. There are hindrances. But you keep working at them. And they get easier. We're with you.

    43. Hi Meg!

      I'm far from an expert, just a fellow yogi but I think the fact that you are a making an effort is amazing!! You inspire me!

    44. I'm right there with you. Plus some added disc issues in my lower back. I keep getting upset because fat rolls get in my way. I'm trying to focus on getting rid of the fat rolls and working towards less pain.

      I can't even begin to do child's pose. I've been substituting extended child's pose.

      Thank you for posting this. I just struggled my way through day 5 wondering what the heck I was thinking and picturing all these thin and fit women moving with grace while I felt like a walrus. It helps to know I'm not the only one struggling.

    45. The great thing about a home practice is that you can play with different props and modifications. If you google "plus size yoga modifications" (or modifications for any challenge you encounter), there are lots of resources out there.

      Yoga is challenging for perfectionists because we tend to assume that doing it right or well means making our bodies look and move exactly like the instructor's. When I'm discouraged, it helps me to think about what I really want to get from my practice - in my case, that's strength, flexibility, lower blood pressure, and comfort in my body. Making perfect yoga shapes might be gratifying in the moment, but it's not critical to accomplishing my goals.

    46. I am 59 with an arthritic knee that will not bend. I had tears on day three till I realised that I could modify some things and go to a degree of stretch that was bearable. I do child's pos with bum in air and head resting on my fists stacked one on top of the other. Don't give up, be proud of trying. Even your tears show that it matters to you. Today I couldn't catch my feet either but I got closer than I expected. Little steps every day and you surely will be better than you started. You may still not be able to create the exact poses as Adrienne demonstrates but you should continue to proud of your progress.

    47. Please don't be sad. You're trying and that is the wonderful thing about home practice. I'm sure not many of us LOOK like Adriene doing the poses but as she says we do the best we can and just keep showing up! You must be benefitting from the process...I know I am and I know I certainly don't look like Adriene!

    48. Please don't cry, yoga is about being the best you can be, not trying to be perfect, just plugging away and doing what you can manage. If you can improve on only one pose during this journey then you have achieved greatness. Don't give up. It was 37 degrees here in Austraia (that is about 100 in Fahrenheit) so it was a struggle for me today as well and my sweaty boobs were not allowing me to breathe in child's pose, so you are not alone.

    49. Oh Meg this made me so sad to read! One of the reasons I love yoga with Adriene is because she's always telling us to go only as far as we can go, and often saying we might not be able to get into the same positions she can. I think with everything you always get better with time and practice, it always amazes me how quickly our bodies can adjust. Reading your post reminded me that on instagram I follow a lot of yogis, and a lot of them are curvy. If you don't have it already I suggest getting it as there's so many inspirational pages out there. Below are a few links to some. Keep trying, be happy and proud that you make it to the mat every day, and feel content doing the poses in YOUR own way. I think you'll be amazed at how your body changes each day and your love for yoga grows 🙂

    50. Girl, I couldn't reach my foot either. Just continue to be reminded that it is about where you are at and showing up for yourself rather than getting the moves all right. I'm hoping that comes with time for me!

    51. My teacher always says to think more about hips to floor, but it's hard. put hands or a block under your head so you can relax your neck muscles. You're doing a good job!

    52. Hang in there. I started doing yoga with Adriene a year ago and there were things I never thought I'd be able to do that I can actually do now (sometimes with ease). Just remember, don't compare yourself / your shape to anyone else and give yourself kudos for showing up and not giving up. Yoga is never about comparison or competition,

    53. Meg, when you show up to the practice, you are loving yourself in a very good way. I also cannot do child's pose like Adriene, so I just try to find where I can feel most relaxed (as child's pose is a resting pose). And the lizard pose, well I didn't even try to catch my back foot, but just tried to loop my shoulder back - maybe someday I will attempt to reach back for my foot, but I'm not there yet.

      Even someone as good as Adriene likely has spots she wishes she could be better at. It's natural for us to see our short-comings. Accept where you are, and continue to come to the mat. We will all improve as we go along. Namaste.

    54. Meg, I hear you! I'm also a fat woman. I've done yoga on and off for years, and I rarely find child's pose comfortable. The best way for me to make it comfortable is to spread my knees wide (I have turned-out hips, and this makes room for my belly). Then I put a bolster longways under my torso and rest on it. Alternately, you can make fists and stack them and rest your head on them, or use blocks to rest your head on (I've never found that comfortable, but maybe you will!).

      If you can't touch something (the floor, your foot), then bring it to you with props -- bring the floor up with blocks, reach your foot by using a belt, etc.


    55. Adriene's motto is "Find what feels good". Don't push yourself, go as far as you can and with time you'll see improvements. You should be proud of getting on the mat and giving it your best. I suggest opening your legs as wide as your mat and resting your head on something if it can't reach the floor. These are tips I've heard from Adriene in other videos and they work. Don't give up. Nothing is easy at first. But with time the rewards are awesome! You'll see and feel it in your mind, body, and soul! I promise! Namaste

    56. Hey! I know what you mean.
      I'm flexible and my balance is fine but in some poses I simply can't bend enough becouse of my belly and big tits 🙁 child pose is a total shame, so is anything with bending in.. and even lunges, uh, I have to move my hand outsid of feet because of my tits.
      But hey, head up! At least we are doing anything and trying!
      Lots of love to YOU Xxx

    57. I'm not overweight and have trouble doing some of the poses. I just keep telling myself that I showed up for me, I deserve to be there, and with Adriene's loving, compassionate, teaching, I know I will get better as time goes on. Also, when I'm having trouble with a pose, I go to where I can, and focus on my breathing and being present. You've got this! Don't give up❤️

    58. Guys guys... You are not supposed to do it all at once and in perfect alignment e you will all reach the same level but first of all you gotta practice Noone can manage it all at once and from the first time.. Relax please don't be sad and trust yourself.. Love yourself! You are beautiful and are doing great showing up here everyday I'm happy for you ^_^ spread the love xx ntina

  5. Thanks again - my partner is supporting me :-
    "Yoga before shower"
    "Shall I pass you a cushion?"

    I will try to proceed through the day with grace.

  6. Love the reference to 5 rhythms...a friend once told me i was stuck in has helped me find my flow....."The Rhythm of Life" Gratitude Adriene xx

    1. yes rhythm is a dancer!!! 🙂 i became so happy after rhis session. Forgot all about sawasana 🙂 just wanted to read the other yogis choice of songs. So inspired by this journey!!! Thanks adriene

    2. LOL I thought of that song too when she asked if you could name a rhythm song.

  7. It _gets_ hard on Day 5? It's been kicking my butt so far! Hope I can stick with it! O.O

  8. Hello Adriene
    I started my yoga journey with you last year. I've completed 30 days of yoga and your yoga camp and I continued to do this for the rest of the year. I'd like to thank you for being a wonderful friend to say "you got this". I never like when the 30 days are over. But the journey continues;;;; Finding what feels good is something we all need now especially after all the things happening in the world today. We need to share the love and compassion and warmth. Many thanks Adriene you are a star
    Lots of love
    Anneliese xxxxxx

  9. The Rhythm got me....thanks Adriene for your Energy your Soul, your Humor,
    I'm following you since 3 years, and your yoga Style got me....
    ...greets from's all Snow here wonderful, send you some....


  10. I noticed yesterday evening that my posture is already improving!
    I'm a bit freaked out, because well, it's only been four (now five) days, but elated - before I've had that typical "office hunch", the telltale sign of too much time at the desk hunched over a computer, and now I'm finding space in my shoulders!

    As for the song, I tend to like my rhythms to come with heavy base, so Rihanna - S&M or Don't stop the music.

    1. Svenja,

      I have noticed the same thing! My shoulders are back, with more space and my stance is straighter. I agree it is amazing, almost weird after only four days. It definitely keeps me motivated to keep going on this journey to see what is next.

      For a song, I think there was a reference to Keep on Rockin in the Free World. Not sure if that goes with the theme of Rhythm or just Adriene having fun, which I enjoy.


  11. Loved Day 5! I only have one song floating around my head - I've got rhythm... who could ask for anything more. Old song and need to check on the singer. Thank you Adriene x

  12. This was my favorite day thus far. It was a delicious yummy happy practice and I found myself smiling throughout it! Thank you Adriene!

  13. Good Morning World,

    Day 5 was great; I too am a little more reserved but I did feel a bit of my past "Dancing Queen" surfacing (my 3 son-in-laws find it hard to believe that I am a retired disco queen) !

    I sense it's going to be an ear buds and Pandora day at work.


  14. Day 4 was really hard for me. Not sure if I'm just week in the arms but my wrists gave out a few time. Any Suggestions? Really struggling to Not collapse into my wrists. Glad to be a part of the revolution. Adrienne Your Awesome!!!

  15. Day 5 and still here. Feeling muscles or the pain of muscles working but all good. Really loving going deeper than just the movement/poses. Made me go and look for books to tell me more about yoga, the spiritual side to understand it more to hopefully improve to get more from it.
    Song that kept going through my head today - Rhythm is a dancer- everytime you talked about rhythm which you can't help but move to.

  16. Adriene,
    thank you soo much! Today was amazing.
    Right now I'm rockig out to Express Yourself ( the version by Labrinth and the one by Charles Wright & The Watts) 😀

  17. Rhythm
    You have it or you don't, that's a fallacy
    I'm in them
    Every sprouting tree
    Every child of peace
    Every cloud and sea

    Gorillaz, Clint Eastwood

  18. Special practice today --- thank you. I enjoyed the private dancing upstairs alone, with my own rhythms. I've been combining yoga with poetry for this revolutionary series. I write a poem each day after I've completed the session, raw, no revision, no editing. I thought you might like today's poem:

    Body as Metaphor

    The body is a metaphor
    for complexities of spirit,
    for daring, for clanging bells
    and electrical impulses.

    The body is a metaphor
    for fire and glory,
    for hope and joy,
    for latent skills, latent

    The body is a metaphor
    for the instinct toward
    for query,
    for random action, restlessness.

    The superior vena cava
    is a canal for blood-rivers
    flowing constant
    toward the innermost
    the heart, with its mighty,
    insurgent rhythms.

  19. Thank you for the #Yogarevolution series.. May I request you to kindly send them out a little earlier in the day... here in Kenya I get the emails at about 10-11 am... I would truly love to start my days with Yoga much earlier, but with the timings it is becoming tricky to fit it in... All the same-You rock!

    1. Hi Marion! Same issue here (I'm in the UAE), but I've accepted that I will always be a day behind, and it's okay! I started my 31 days on the 2nd. So far so good! About to start day 5! :o)

  20. So glad to be in the Groove with y'all Rhythym is a dancer,
    It´s a soul´s companion,
    You can feel it everywhere
    Lift your hands and voices
    Free your mind and join us
    You can feel it in the air
    Ooh, it´s a passion
    Ooh, you can feel it in the air
    Ooh, it´s a passion
    Ooh, ooh, ooh, oh -SNAP!

  21. Rhythm Is a Dancer was my first thought too. Though I absolutely second the Johnny Cash comment: C'mon get rhythm when you get the blues.

    Thanks, Adriene, for the great practice today. The length and challenge levels are great.

  22. Adrienne asked for my favorite song with rhythm in it and it's definitely "Rhythm Nation!" Janet Jackson baby! Thanks for another great day. Can't wait for abs tomorrow!

  23. Ah - rhythm is definitely gonna get you! I will have that in my head all day as a reminder of today's practice. Some tougher poses but I made it through ...with a little wobbling on some of the balance poses. But the balance differs each day so I am OK with that and ready to start my day!

  24. Thanks for this practice - it felt great and I laughed and smiled a lot 🙂 Usually, I am rather hard on myself and I want to do things (like yoga, too) as good as possible. But with your inspiration, I'm moving to a point, where I can be kind to myself and laugh about my imperfection. I have a long journey ahead of me, but i've started it! I'am so greatfull that I discoverd your videos!!

  25. Loved this! Favorite song with rhythm in the title is hands down Johnny Cash's "Get Rhythm!" Insta-blues fix. Gotta love the man in black. However, I found that this practice went really well with A$AP Rocky's L$D - which is not about drugs.

  26. this was such a difficult (in a good way) practice - i'm totally the person who prefers to be told WHAT to do in a yoga class. any "free time" starts to stress me out. it was really freeing to be doing day five at home in private so i could just do whatever i wanted - lesson to myself: take this same sense of freedom to the studio!

    the song that popped into my head didn't have the word rhythm in it but has MAD rhythm: africa by toto. those drums! cant wait for abs tomorrow!

  27. The rhythm totally got me! Thanks Adrienne. This was such a fun practice, and let me tap into my inner brassy Ethel Merman singing "I Got Rhythm."

  28. A couple things -
    1) Coolest thing for me was hearing the rhythm of Adriene's heartbeat in the background. (I first noticed it when we did the first leg lift to balance and stretch the quads.) An unintentional rhythmic inspiration and reminder. 🙂
    2) "We are a part of a Rhythm Nation!" -Janet Jackson

  29. Thank you, Adriene, for helping me understand that I can do this! You are a life saver.

  30. Rhythm Nation - Janet Jackson!

    And some lyrics:
    People of the world today
    Are we looking for a better way of life
    We are a part of the rhythm nation
    People of the world unite
    Strength in numbers we can get it right
    One time
    We are a part of the rhythm nation

  31. Thank you very much! That was if not grace but fun definitely.And that's a deep journey to Me, perfect and wonderful..Thank you Adrienne

  32. I just have to say I hooted when Adriene and I started singing "the rythm is gonna get you" at the same time. Love when things connect!

    U2 Moment of Surrender:

    I've been in every black hole
    At the altar of the dark star
    My body's now a begging bowl
    That's begging to get back
    Begging to get back to my heart
    To the rhythm of my soul
    To the rhythm of my unconsciousness
    To the rhythm that yearns
    To be released from control

    Happy Day People!

  33. Day 5, aren't we alive? As you mentioned pushing a pet or kid away, I was actually nudging my 3 year old back as he brought me a TV remote. He got a mat and joined us all. I love this journey, it's a nice add on after 30 days of yoga and yoga camp. <3 thank you for helping inspire a new part of my health and fitness journey and encouraging constant self love.

  34. Thanks for sharing-- I've loved/followed your videos for over 3 years now. Never commented though:) Your practice has so much joy, which is missing from a lot of commercialized yoga. I love finding what feels good... makes so much sense.

    This Rob Bell video, entitled Rhythm, below has been on my mind since I first saw it in college when I was attempting to make meaning out of my past that aligned with my present and where I hoped my future would go (aka growing up). The concept of Rhythm has since been very important to me, so I was thrilled with today's theme. Rhythm is a great followup to the concept of prana connecting us with our mind and body but also with our fellow humans.

    Here's the link:

    namaste & sincere thanks!

  35. My cat was intrigued, and climbed up to sit on my back during child's pose. I'm a relative novice at yoga, and I'm loving this series (and loving having sore muscles 24/7). Peter Gabriel's "The Rhythm of the Heat".

  36. I didn't want to show up for myself but I did, no excuses just waking up sleepy. I made it through the video and loved the lizard variations, although they were a bit hard on my knees. I lost balance twice but got back up. Thank you Adriene for making yoga something I can do every day and leave the mat in a better place mentally!

    Love you kula!

  37. Very new to yoga.... anyone have ideas to help strengthen my rist???? All the downward dog moves makes my rists ache.

    1. Hi, Jo! When you are in downward dog, try envisioning shifting more weight towards your fingertips rather than your wrists. Position your hands so the pointers are pointing to the front of your mat, stretch those hands out w-i-d-e, and then try to give those fingers the energy rather than forcing the wrists to do it all. Learned that from a yoga instructor and it took some practice for me, but now I can do d-dog without my wrists screaming at me.

  38. Rhythm Nation - Janet Jackson

    People of the world unite
    Are we looking for a better way of life
    We are a part of the rhythm nation
    People of the world unite
    Strength in numbers we can get it right
    One time
    We are a part of the rhythm nation

    Today's practice challenged my balance and hip flexors. It was tough but I just tried to find my own rhythm and appreciate where I am, even though a lot of the time it was wobbly and stiff. 🙂

  39. Thanks for helping me to find my rhythm today. I'm also learning to play the drums so this is very timely. I don't see DeBarge's "Feel the beat of the Rhythm of the until the morning light...forget about the worries on your can leave them all behind!" I heard that in the grocery store recently and was about to break out into a dance while choosing my bananas. 🙂

  40. Fascinating Rhythm! sung by Ella Fitzgerald, hands down.
    I've been 'following' YWA for a long time, and it has been so helpful for me... becoming more active and flexible from my own home. Thank you so much Adriene, for making these available!!
    It means so much to have a way to start the year off right with people all over the world. Keep it up everyone! High Five!

  41. I got a fever and fallen a few days behind. Feeling a bit stressed about it. Should I do double workouts to catch up or just accept that my journey is different from the rest?

    1. I've had to drop a few days due to life stuff, so I'm like 3 days behind. I figure the experience is the point and I'll honor myself for continuing to show up. I couldn't do doubles now even if I wanted to, because my 11-year-old daughter has joined me and doesn't want me to do it without her!

      1. I was wondering the same about my falling behind. I thought about skipping a few and about catching up by doing 2 a day. But why? We are all here together. Even if were doing different practices. And Im with you in the "fallen behind club", nice to meet you both! 😀

        I decided to find my own rhythm also within this. Maybe I will do 2 in a day, maybe not, maybe non.
        All our journeys are so so different indeed! I hope you find what feels good. For You. <3

  42. I am wondering if anyone else is having low back pain as a result of practicing daily. I am trying to bend my knees, and not force anything, as well as doing extra gentle stretching in the mornings. I love Adriene and her yoga and want to continue, but am not sure how to modify more than I already do. Thoughts or suggestions? Thanks!

    1. I have had this in the past. I'm not a teacher or an expert, but I'd recommend first really listening to your body and trying to tell if it's muscle pain from using muscles you're not accustomed to, or pain from over extending or doing something to harm your body. I know that even a simple back bend can really make me ache if I do it every day because that's an area I just don't have much flexibility. I almost never do a deeper back bend then bridge unless I'm feeling really into it because I know it will make my lower back ache the next morning. Sometimes certain positions just aren't for your body every day.

      But it could also be that your body is sore from asking it to move every day, and it will fade as it gets used to it.

    2. I also had this when I first started. To me it helped to take it slow so I didnt "crank" but to learn to "move with connect".
      In this I learned that I have musscles in my belly too. :X Ive found out that I tend to only use my back musscles and that connecting to my "core" helps to prevent backpain. Also the foundation of yoga vids helped a lot to find more center within the poses & practice.
      Good luck!

  43. When I saw that today's topic was rhythm, I decided to play music with the video. I put on Odesza instrumentals so the lyrics wouldn't distract me. It was perfect, found myself moving my hips in between and while doing poses. It made it more fun and playful. Been loving these videos, hope everyone else is enjoying themselves. Keep it up!! *High 5's* 😉

  44. I started doing Yoga for the first time this past July 1st and began with your yoga for beginners, I did all the videos and then joined 30 days of yoga followed by yoga camp, I am now going along with your yoga revolution and have been practicing daily since July. This is the only work out I have stuck to and the best by far, I LOVE this! My little kids ( 10, 8 and 5 ) do it with me sometimes!! I found out I had anemia really bad a few months ago and that answered a lot of questions about my health, I am so grateful for these videos and for you Adriene! May the Lord Jesus bless and keep you! Keep on rockin on and teaching us all on the way!!!!! 🙂

  45. As a swing dancer taking a little break from dancing, this practice really reminded me of how I love to plaaay with the rhythm! Thanks! 🙂 Made me dance on the mat 😉

    song: Duke Ellington's Rockin ' in Rhythm!

  46. Awesome as always and JAIII, my heels touched the floor for the first time in downward dog after 7 weeks of doing yoga with Adriene. I´m so proud of myself. I´m doing 2 -3 videos a day if I´m able and I love it. My problem is my weak left leg, an old injury, but I believe I can heal it with yoga. Thanx.

  47. Wonderful morning with extra rhythm here in Australia after doing your session. I use to do the same routine in the mornings. Now I have found some rhythm and and variations in my yoga practice and it feels all new again. THANK YOU Adriene.

  48. hard today bache ached like never before after yesterday and i really worked hard yesterday to not over push myself - that worked lol.... did my best today #alwayskeep on rockininthefreeworld #justbreathe

  49. Loving the yoga so far.just about to do day a call today that my spinal cord implant trail will be next wk so I now kinda bummed I can't do next wks!not allowed to raise my hands or bend ! But promising now after the trail is done il get back on the wagon !but il use the breathing to get me through the op, il be awake. Big thank u for all the videos. Ur amazing

  50. MY OH MY! This practice was incredible! Move with rhythm hepled me to do all the postures!!! I LOVED IT! Thank you Adirene!
    Favorite song with rhythm: Hold on we're going home by Drake.

  51. C'était plus difficile aujourd'hui... Je n'ai pas été capable d'attraper mon pied droit... Je ne lâche pas! Je continue! Merci!

  52. Hey Adriene

    Can you tell us how to find that outro song of your revolution video? I really love it and Siri couldnt find out. Would love to download. Makes me so peaceful that track.

  53. AWESOME practice! I am super shy but today I enjoyed SO MUCH to by a crazy person that lives inside me. :)))) I am happy that you woke up my fun part, thank you so much for that. <3 And the first song that came to my mind was Dotan - Home. <3

  54. "I've got rhythm, I've got music, I've got my man - who could ask for anything more.
    I've got daisies in green pastures, I've got my man - who could ask for anything more.
    Old man trouble, I don't mind him, you won't find him 'round my door...'cause
    I've got rhythm, I've got music, I've got my man - who could ask for anything more."

    Very old song I learned as a kid and it was old then. Love your classes!

  55. Loved Day 5. Thank you, Adriene. I also love all of the people showing up and doing this and sharing their feelings - happy and sad. Thanks to this Revolution community.

  56. Rhythm is a Dancer by Snap (a bit of 90s dance rhythm!):

    Lovely practice today thanks - I enjoyed the freestyling but hubby (yoga newbie) really didn't! Although I think he was very glad of the absence of easy pose which he finds anything but easy (he has long limbs and tight hips) - as it's used so much do you have any alternative suggestions he could use? Thank you & namaste

  57. Rhythm of my heart! by Rod Stewart!!! Day 5 was great! You made me laugh! I have been loving it & my abs are sore! Thank you for doing this Adriiene!


  58. I didn't enjoy today - coming down with a cold and could not get into the groove.
    Normally love your workouts but hoping to build up a bit more heat as we go along, but today
    Nothing feels good - so I honoured myself and went to bed!

  59. I had a terrible day today and was so ready to not come to the mat and sit and eat the ben and jerry's instead but I'm so glad I stuck at it - thank you Adriene, you have no idea how much this series is helping me

  60. Hello all,

    I've been really struggling with these the past two days. Im a beginner (and new to the YWA community), so I have very little balance and I feel extremely unfit. I'm trying to stay positive and I have every intention of sticking with it till the end, but it is difficult not to let it make you feel down. Reading all of the encouraging comments and other peoples experiences is definitely helping!


  61. Rhythm of Love by the Plain White Ts.

    Love that one, and loved this practice today. I'm so grateful for everything you share with us, Adriene!

  62. The Rhythm of the Saints, Paul Simon

    "If I have weaknesses, don't let them blind me..."

    And on the same album: "I can't run, but I can walk much faster than this!" Could be adapted for yoga, something along the lines of "I can't grab my foot, but I can twist much deeper than this!" 🙂

  63. Loved day 5.
    Love doing yoga again every day.
    Love reading these comments and pep talks.
    Every day is a new adventure with the same body in a different mood and with different obstacles.
    Accepting this, is my big challenge but gentle is the way to go.
    My rhythm today: "Sitting on the dock of the bay".
    I could just hear it during one of the downward facing dog's 😉
    Thank you Adriene.

  64. I am LOVING this yoga revolution so far, and loving Adriene! I've actually gotten up early and done this before work two days now and it's the BEST way to start my day, and is quickly becoming the best part of my day. 🙂 I do yoga here and there but never a daily practice like this. This gives me accountability, a sense of commitment, and I'm truly starting to feel a shift deep inside of me. Can't tell you how grateful I am to have found this and to be a part of it. Thanks so much and keep it up! Love your energy

  65. "This is the rhythm of the night....OH YEAH"

    If I'm really honest, every mountain pose I ever do reminds of a favourite song of mine "Smiling with the mouth of the ocean And I'll wave to you with the arms of the mountain" ALWAYS makes me smile 🙂

    More songs in yoga! ha ha

  66. Hi Adriene, thankyou for this wonderful 31 days gift, of Yoga and you, keeps me motivated to keep showing up and it gets a little tougher each day so I appreciated you mentioning that,blessings Donna (Australia)

  67. Hi, Adriene. I'm going back to your Foundations of Yoga - (love the bangs) - more my speed. Thanks and Happy New Year!

  68. "All I need is a rhythm divine."
    "Can you feel the rhythm?"
    -Rhythm Divine, Enrique Iglesias

    But I was totally singing Gloria Estefan to start and with you during Day 5!! 🙂

    I am loving REVOLUTION!! Thanks for helping me kick off my "year of action" in such an amazing way!

  69. Thanks so much Adriene!
    Rhythm is what makes me who I am...
    Love the song, "lift your spirit" by Aloe Blacc

  70. Today was the kind of day that made me want to hide under my bed sheets and cry. I'm glad I decided to go to the mat. I got a lot out of todays practice.
    I'm still sore from day 4, but I'm still trying.
    Thank you Adriene for the video and having such a playful spirit. You make working out fun.

    PS: I can't touch my toes most of the time so please don't feel bad lol one day we'll get there 🙂

  71. I came home dead tired and had no idea if I could do this today. The second I came to the mat I felt the energy to release and move. My song...I've Got Rhythm, who could ask for anything more! Thank you.

  72. Rhythm is my thing!! Rhythm is in everything. What a great way to end the day being able to tap into rhythm. I actually danced before doing this.

  73. I loved how Adriene reminded me to change positions on my own breath, instead of trying to match hers! That's always something I struggle with and I am working to 'do what feels good' in my own, unique flow. <3

  74. Today's was an evening practice for me. Love when I feel vibrations and warmth after the practice. Thank you.

  75. I love Rhythm of the Night By Debarge! That was playing in my head during today's practice!

  76. You just hit me with your rhythmn stick! Hit me hit me - and I am free to do what I want any old time.. dancing with yoga my new favourite, namaste x

  77. "I Got Rhythm", the old jazz standard!

    Does anyone else hear hints of Hamilton in some of the things Adriene says?

  78. Thank you Adriene, you are awesome, this is definitely a challenge, my balance is bad but flexibility is good, getting stronger every day!

  79. I hesitated before jumping into this session, because I strained a muscle in which connects from my hip to my knee over my thigh in August. By the end of today's session, I felt all the tension release. My leg was all wobbly and relaxed right down to my calf. I think I had previously been overreaching in the runner's lunge with that knee in front. Thanks Adriene! My rhythm song would be Shakira - Wherever, Whenever.

  80. Hi everyone!

    I'm thoroughly enjoying the #YogaRevolution. I was practicing yoga regularly for a few years, but last year I lost the practice somehow, and could never find my way back into it. 5 days in a row is making me feel so much better and so excited to get back into a regular practice. Today after a full day of work, a weights workout at my gym, and dinner out with a friend, I was so excited to come home and do today's practice, rather than plopping down on the couch in front of the tv.

    Oh, and the first song I thought of when I saw Rhythm was Janet Jackson's Rhythm Nation. One of my favorites!

    1. Me too. I lost track of my daily practice last year and 5 days in a row, and I know I will get it back. We could it!! Nicole

  81. Today I can feel the tension between my shoulders has dramatically decreased from where it was on day 1. Forward fold feels better and better. This alone has me so happy, but that's not everything! I feel myself able to float up to down dog from up dog, the way my yoga teacher taught me years ago. It feels like coming home. This is my first yoga experience after having a baby and my creaky body is in heaven. Thank you.

  82. day five with a rambunctious dog nosing onto my mat and a toddler crawling up under my down dog like i pretzeld myself into her very own human fort. oh, that *friendly shove* comment made me laugh. thank you so much for this video series- i miss being able to go to a studio class, but your vids have really helped me in my practice. namaste, beautiful soul!

  83. Rhythm and Pain by The Toasters - it's a silly song by one of my favorite bands....had a mini moment of awareness with this practice when I realized pain is my body telling me what I need to adjust or where I need to focus. I'm embraced pain as a cue, not something to fight against, but something of a waypoint. Good stuff.

  84. Loved today's practice! Thank you for the fun - my body really needed permission to stretch and move in new ways.

  85. I loved this practice and it helped me so much today. Some unnecessary negativity came my way this morning leaving me a little upset and angry. This yoga practice helped me get that totally out of my head and feel so much better and happier. I have been doing yoga with Adriene since November and I love how it makes me feel so much better, both physically and mentally. Thank you so much Adriene for this channel - I loved the energy today and this video makes it to my most favourite list!

    Thank you,

  86. Adriene! Thank you so much for all the free online yoga, you've helped me out in so many ways you have no idea! I have been doing yoga at home and in a studio since Dec 24th with only a few days off here and there and I'm seeing definition in my curves as well as becoming more true to myself. I think that's the most important part of it, the outside body is a gift for the transformation that I'm feeling inside... Along with knowing others around the world are joining in together, I feel inspired to keep going and I can't wait to see the full results of a daily practice
    Keep up all the you do!
    Your Canadian neighbour

  87. Gershwin "I got Rhythm" (I got rhythm, I got music, I got *Adriene*, who could ask for anything more)- I'm a sucker for show tunes
    It's HOT here in Melbourne so I'm doing Yoga and dancing in my undies like a mad woman with a grateful and happy heart.

  88. Hello YWA community!

    Thank you so much for these wonderful videos!! My partner and I absolutely love them, I love Adriene's style of teaching and the yoga is of course life changing!

    I was also writing to ask a super huge favour..... My partner and I live in the UK and start our yoga at 7am every morning, but possibly because of the time difference, the videos aren't always uploaded in time before we have to get ready for work, is there any chance the videos can be uploaded a little earlier? Even just half an hour earlier would be amazing!

    Thank you so much!

  89. Hahaha Corona - Rhythm Of The Night was the soundtrack playing in my head throughout this practice! I loved it so much, gave my lower back so much love - woohoo!! Yay for playing! Thanks Adreine!

  90. This is such a FUN session! Finished it feeling super positive and with a happy bubble 🙂
    Your personality is part of what makes your sessions so popular. I fall over laughing. You make this fun! Thank you.
    Nicky x

  91. Adriene, THANK YOU for so many heartlifting words!
    After 10 year break in yoga practice I'm back and it feels wonderful. I'm so grateful ! Thank you for this challenge 🙂
    Love from Poland

  92. Today's practice was just what I needed. I don't know what it was but it made me so emotional right at the end. Unfortunately for me, today was filled with a lot of negative stuff and it seemed to just keep building and building. I almost didn't even get on the mat today but my one resolution was to start this challenge and stick to it no matter what. Once i got on my mat all my stress was gone and I felt like a weight had been lifted. This is my third challenge of yours that I've done and I have told every single person who has said they want to get in shape or start yoga or just says they need a stress relief to watch your videos. You are an inspiration and it is days like today where it seems like everything is trying to knock me down that I am so thankful for your videos and you ways or practice. Thank you


  93. Did anyone not receive day 6 email and video?
    I didn't receive it....
    Hope you see this Adriene and can send it off to me, thanks so much.
    I enjoy getting the emails from you so very much!

    1. Hi Diane:

      Some of my e-mails come through my primary e-mail and others through the promotional e-mail. Could this be what happened with yours?

  94. "Rhythm is a Dancer"
    What a healthy way to express my hypomania today. Channeling my rhythm. I can't believe I've been with YWA for over THREE YEARS now! You've gotten me through a lot, partner.

    Today I finally felt like I was doing Revolution for me and not just because "it's the thing that I should do because I'm trying to improve my mental health, right?" So thank you, as always, for helping me achieve some JAI today 😉

  95. Ok I figured out where my emails were going, woosh! I just want to say I loved day 4 & 5 the best so far! Just did day 6 and it was tough but still awesome. I feel I'm part of something cool doing it day by day with all of you. Missouri USA here... take care!

  96. You totally rock, Adriene! Thank you for your time, effort, encouragement and sheer loveliness always.

    Namaste xx

  97. It was such a beautiful flow!! Just learnt so much through it about my rhythm!! Today's highlight: performing the Dancer pose!!!, i felt so blessed!! Namaste Adrianne, great yogi

  98. This was great. Will be able to get my other foot to hand on that low lunge if I keep this up. Hats off to you, Namaste

  99. On day 3 my 11-year-old daughter joined me, and today I had all 3 girls (11, 9 and 8 years old) rolling out the mats to do some YWA. To make room I swept all the crap out of the way and laid out my mat in our galley kitchen with the pile o'junk behind me. I do it right before bed, and my oldest actually fell asleep during child's pose. Thanks for the laughs and great memories. Namaste.

  100. Thanks for your invitation to find my rhythm! It serves me so well! It is really just what I am exploring on my journey right now. To take time and space to again find my rhythm within my body, from connect, and not my mind, from disconnect. I can be so harsh on myself and especially when I'm not settled within, I turn to my head, judging 'good' and 'bad', taking away all my space to move. So my intention for this yogajourney of January is to give myself space and be soft with myself.

    Last week my dad got very sick and I do believe (and hope) he will be moving on soon. It has been a roller coaster, with late nights, early hospital-visits, staying over with mom or friends etc. And off course also an emotional roller coaster, with him getting worse and better and worse, etc, seeing him suffering, and offcourse learning to cope with this new coming reality of the world without my dad's physical presence. 🙁

    Also the painful patterns within my familysystem can stir up a lot, and reinforce my struggles to connect and be present and to turn to support, love, space and softness. I can feel myself shattering all over the place and picking myself up and learning to let it all settle down again. So within my rhythm and with softness, I can say with gratitude instead of shame that it is only today that I am at day 5, since I skipped 3 days and chose another practice once. 🙂

    I choose to let go of my robot-liked mindset with all these judgements like 'doing yoga is good, not doing yoga is badbadbad'. And to give myself so much more time and spaaace... To breeaathe... And to be shattered and to be nót a happy camper within my family etc. To grieve and to struggle. This is where I am at. And I learn to salute to that. So I can rest and take time to get settled again, which is the only way to connect and to move from connect. I'm so grateful to grow and live, and for your mindful and wise invitations.
    To move from connect.
    To find my own rhythm
    To find this space
    And to honor all that shows up.

    <3 Thank you all so much. Namasté.

  101. I Slipped and fell on some ice back on 1/3 and then came down with a nasty cold, so here I am trying to catch up. I'm hoping to double up on a few days so that I can be back on schedule with ya'll.

  102. Loved the singing today! =D This is the second year that I have done the 30 days / 31 days of yoga with you Adriene, and the others here, and it is like you are in the room with me. I can totally see us doing yoga together 20 years from now. You are truly wonderful and what you are doing here has changed my life ... sending love =')

  103. Currently 5 days behind due to travel to Deepest Darkest Bangladesh, and time zones, but Ian Drury did "hit me with your rhythm stick" and some of the lyrics are most apt:
    " In the wilds of Borneo and the vineyards of Bordeaux
    Eskimo, Arapaho, move their body to and fro"
    " In the dock of Tiger Bay, on the road to Mandalay
    From Bombay to Santa Fé, o'er the hills and far away"
    And finally
    "Das ist gut, c'est fantastique,"
    can certainly apply to the Revolution to date.

  104. slave to the rhythm - grace jones 🙂 listening to it now, just finished my day 5 practice today. I cannot do it everyday, but I try to. Yesterday I did 2 at once and it was so good 🙂
    Thank you Adriene for the fun and great yoga revolution. you have gotten me hooked !

  105. Lately I had issues seeing myself beautiful because of tiresome relationships. And this practice... I started dancing and laughing after day 5 as if I don't care what people think of me. I can't express my gratitude. I'm so thankful to you, Adriene!

  106. So far I do the 30 days revaluation yoga challenge on weekdays but still love getting on the mat early at 5 am to start our days. I do yoga with my husband and so far so good. We are still trying to get used to waking early and eating right and being active. Right now my husband went to sleep on the couch after yoga lol

  107. It took a lot for me to show up to my mat last night for Day 5 (I'm behind because I was still in the middle of 30 Days of Yoga at the beginning of January). I've had a lot of stress because of a major life/career change I have embarked upon that will significantly improve my life eventually. I left an ok career that was making me miserable, but I've struggled emotionally with being unemployed because I feel so useless and like I'm not contributing enough financially in my relationship. Despite being whole-heartedly excited to go back to school, I feel the deadlines of applications and the pressure of prerequisite classes looming over me like a dark, stormy cloud. Add to that the wonderful joys of pms: tired, grumpy, sad, and so, so very achy and uncomfortable in my abdomen.

    But I did it. I showed up for myself (albeit after a half-hour cry in bed). I don't know if you're still reading comments from this post, Adriene, but I really want to thank you for bringing yoga into my life. Not only am I feeling physically stronger every day, but the techniques are following me into the rest of my day and helping me to become the very best me that I can. Also, my downward dog is starting to look fly af. So again, thank you with all my heart.

    My rhythm song? Downtown by Macklemore gets me moving every time!

  108. You totally define the yoga teacher I aspire to be one day - fun, light hearted, and accessible. Namaste, Adriene.

  109. Rhythm Is a Dancer

    Rhythym is a dancer,
    It´s a soul´s companion,
    You can feel it everywhere
    Lift your hands and voices
    Free your mind and join us
    You can feel it in the air
    Ooh, it´s a passion
    Ooh, you can feel it in the air
    Ooh, it´s a passion
    Ooh, ooh, ooh, oh

    Thank you Adriene! Xxx

  110. I love trying Yoga but I'm not able to complete many of the poses because my wrist hurt so bad. I've tried all the suggestions but they still hurt. Getting discouraged.

  111. Just getting my voice in the circle. Started late - but loving this and am proud of myself. Thanks Adrienne and to everyone in this sweet community.

  112. I absolutely adored this video!!! It was just what I needed today and I'm just feeling "lighter" in my practice I love love love your videos keep up what you're doing it's helping shape the world. Namaste

  113. You are GOOD! Oh so Good. Thank you for such a fun practice. Movin and Groovin that's for sure!

  114. Hey!! I'm currently on Day 12 today, 13 tomorrow. And I signed up for the emails late. Is there any way to jump to getting all the emails up to were I am currently?

    1. Yes!! Me too! It feels so good to be able to do things that I could barely attempt to do the first time around!! So happy to have Adriene in my life!!


  115. hi friends any of u remember maybe in this lesson , or maybe in the previous 4, hearing Adriene mention or suggesting a Ted Talk? All i remember is that I wanted to see it, i don't remmeber what it's about and don't wanna go through 1 or up to 5 lessons to find it 🙂

  116. Hi Adriene! First off THANK you for being you and motivating me to be the best version of myself! You rock!!! Also, i started revolution a little late so tomorrow (February 7th) I will be at day 27! But because I was also late getting the emails .... im getting day 5! Is there anyway I can fix that?! If not its all good! Im reading them anyway! So full of love and inspiration! Merci!

    Montreal, Quebec

  117. I've been doing yoga for many and on....but this truly is the best I have done! I am sticking with the programme so far...although I have found some of the moves a bit tricky, since I am a bit stiff! I am a healthy...fairly fit 60 years young woman...and doing the best I can LOL! I have to say that the Sammy Davis Jr song ...'The Rhythm of Life' kept coming to mind! hehe! Love your programme so much Adriene!

  118. Hi Fellow "Yogi's in Training"! I just want to take a moment to thank everyone on this sight for coming together to support each other. In this world of negativity and divide it is refreshing to see total strangers support each other and encourage each other to be proud of our differences and who we are. I hope Adriene reads the comments and feels good about the community of love a support that she has created. I too will probably never reach my toes in lizard pose but instead of feeling badly about myself I take a moment to be proud of myself for trying. I also always appreciate that I can move my body and feel my toes. There are a lot of people out there in this world that can't get out of bed or do things for themselves. I find that I stretch a little further or try a little harder in their honor. Just a thought for when you feel discouraged. Keep up the good work and be thankful for the gifts that we have been given. "See" you tomorrow. Namaste. 😉

  119. Its 3/22 and I just finished Day 5. Uh oh, what terrible reputation does day 6 have?? By the way, that stuff yesterday disguised as a breathing exercise is really crunches - my abs thank you since my brain has always run away fast from crunches and it wasn't until the last part yesterday when the breathing thing was repeated as my toes were pointed at the ceiling that the brain caught on and called foul (like a parent hiding a vegetable in carrot cake!)

    Song for rhythm is Earth Wind and Fire's "September"

  120. Loved the Rhythm Day. Thanks for making it fun for us old geezers too. "hold on to your hat Mabel" Day 6 is coming next!

  121. Today was hard for me! I'm feeling old (55) and have a sciatica pain after compression injury in lower back--trying to find my way with what feels comfortable but am concerned that if I can't do most of day 5, I'll feel more and more discouraged as it get harder each day--any thoughts appreciated--should I switch to less difficult program?

  122. I'm late to the party so my Day 5 came in on a Monday morning. I wasn't really feeling the rhythm but as the day went on I felt it. I'm not great at all the moves but getting better. I'm feeling good

  123. Here is my high 5 for Day 5 :
    You are simply wonderfull, Adriene <3
    Love to you all, we are lucky to have found Adirene, do you agree? 🙂

  124. As a post menopausal woman ( 57) I'm horrified at my loss of flexibility and balance over the last 3 or 4 years.
    Is it helpful to repeat days? I feel that I couldn't keep up today, may be good for me to do 2 x days to get with it.
    Couldn't balance on my left leg ( very weal lower leg and wobbly ankle) , couldn't grasp my arch behind me ( cheated by holding on to the ankle hemline of my leggings) I felt clumsy and arhythmic today, happy to be doing this home and alone!

    1. Same status here (pm and 57)! You do you, girl. Do Day 5 over if you want to or maybe move on to Day 6 with grace--may be more amenable to you. You are not alone!

  125. Hi There.

    Love this explorative practice. This one's a bit housey, but I absolutely adore it - and fully relevant I feel.

    Blaze feat. Palmer Brown - My Beat (Derrick Carter disco circus mix)

    1. That is the song that I thought of! Rhythm is a Dancer!! I love how Adriene will just start singing a song out of the blue. That is what I do too! I love it!!

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