Your Day 17 Practice honors the fact that you have been working hard! A slow and low to the ground practice to ground you and make you smile. Allow the power of the breath to move you in this solid home yoga practice.

Each time you come to your mat you have an opportunity to be present. Today, we pay tribute to the roots and philosophy of traditional Yoga.

Enjoy! Namaste!

118 comments on “REVOLUTION: Day 17”

  1. Wow!!!! I feel unbelievably emotional right now.
    Today's practice is so much what I needed on this 31 day journey but also in my life. Ok it might only be the 5 hours sleep I got last night but I was feeling so achy and tight in the lower back this morning that I was almost reluctant to get on the mat, but I did.
    Being able to find stillness and breath into those nagging pains they soon disappeared leaving me free to 'clear the cache'.
    During shavasana today I felt connected, not only to the global revolutionaries, but to my family in the house and around the world and to all those souls who have moved on.
    I give thanks to all those who have brought me to this place and share in this universal space.
    If you have read this far, I did warn you I was feeling emotional. Bless you for bearing with me


    1. Beautiful words and feelings expressed - its all mutual, I feel you and this powerful revolution of peace and oneness with ourselves and each other. Thank you Adrienne for making this yoga revolution. Namaste, light and love.

      1. Namaste Heather,

        I liked the idea of using a location as part of your name and hope you don't mind me copying.

        If it catches on with other Revolutionaries we will be able to see the global connection.

        I now have visions of Adriene sitting in a yoga control centre, stroking her dog, with a map of the world plotting her Yoga takeover. LoL

    2. I too was groggy this morning after a less-than-ideal night's sleep, but I wholeheartedly agree that this practice transformed me. I found myself wanting to stay on the mat a little longer to ease into some postures that I really needed that weren't in this particular practice. Knowing it was only 30 minutes and Adriene's email gave me a push to put one foot in front of the other, get out of bed and roll out my mat. Namaste to everyone 🙂

    3. Oh we do bear... You have so beautifully described a beautiful feeling.We are in this together.
      That is huge. Namaste <3

    4. Read the book?? First book in the book club? I would like to know please what the book is called. Adrien mentions it at the beginning of t=todays practice.

  2. Me too! Really wasn't feeling it this morning - had not really enjoyed yesterday's practice ( hot, stiff and very distracted!) thought I'd just have extra half an hour in bed which I did but then the guilt crept in so got up and did it and am sooooo glad I did! What a difference a day makes - abseloutely loved it! Plough and fish simply delightful - feel much more awake and centred - t h a n k Y O U for getting today off to a great start!

  3. Appreciating this wholistic approach - it's not just an exercise class, so much more. Thank you Adriene x

  4. Today's practice brought about an inner peace within me which has made me feel wonderful. I am sure I will regularly return to day 17 in the future.
    As always, thank you Adriene

  5. Thank you Adriene for being the "voice in my head" that draws me to my mat each morning so that I can start my day centered and strong.


  6. Incredible. I am surprised at my tendency to fidget - thank you for bringing SO much awareness. I am so grateful to be on this journey with you Adriene!

  7. I am so looking forward to today's practice as you are right, the last days has been really hard; on the mat, in my body, in my head. But yesterday in the Shavasana I said to my self: Now I am done with everything! So today's practice will be most welcome, to restore and start all over!

    Thank you Adriene for you wisdom, your intuition and your guidance.
    For ever grateful!

  8. Adriene.
    Is there a way to write you a personal email? I know you have lots to do and a busy life, but I wanted to tell/ask you something so maybe I feel a little better.

  9. Hello,

    I would like to say THANKS!
    I started this Revolution yoga course during revision times. I've been doing every practice every day and I feel so good! It has helped me during my revisions for exams and now I feel like I can seize and control my stress level!

    I am looking forward to each practice every day!
    Thank you for your guidance Adriene!

    A fan from England

  10. Crazy I think I just did my first shoulder stand without even knowing it! This spine is amazing! So much to write about I get lost every time I start, so I'm trying to summarize. Every present moment, is seeming sweeter and more instructive than ever before, maybe that's not true. But I'm seeing the divine in so much around me, so many bright lights shining showing me my own light to be brighter too. Is this the revolution? Gosh, it would be amazing if everyone saw that too.

  11. My lower back gets really grumpy whenever I go into corpse pose lately. I have a lot of back problems in general so I'm sure that's the reason. Anyone have any suggestions for this?

    1. I have a warm/hot cup of water with about 1/2 tsp-1 tsp. of turmeric everyday with just a dash of black pepper and some raw honey. This has REALLY helped my lower back pain. Good luck!

    2. Hi Athnie,
      This is happening with me too. I've been raising my knees and making sure my back is flush against the mat. I'm going with the Find What Feels Good mantra rather than trying to ignore a grumpy lower back in what is usually the most meditative pose of the practice. I don't know if that will help you. I might also suggest a counter pose, like a twist on either side, or a seated forward fold, before going into savasana. Good luck!

    3. I have the same problem, so before going into corpse pose (or any other pose that upsets my lower back), I pause the video and I raise my knees to my chest and make sure my lover back is flush against the mat for a few seconds, maybe even a whole minute, depending on how I feel. When the pain goes away, I restart the video and go back to corpse pose.
      I hope this works for you! Find what feels good 🙂

    4. I would suggest putting pillows/cushions under your knees in Savasana. Or you could raise your lower legs on to a chair. I'm a Yoga teacher in the UK, & also have chronic back pain - this works for me.

  12. Due to a previous injury to my right arm and the pain I am feeling, I haven't been able to do the sessions since day 6th. I've just opened my inbox and read your e-mail, it brought me such a feeling of calm, it was like a balm to all the hurt that I've been experiencing. Thank you. There are two sides to my understanding of the world, one is that you are what you make of your self, and the other is that there is some kind of force that influences our way in the world. May the force be with you.

  13. Seeing the plough pose makes me anxious... I cannot do it but I need to listen to Adriene and appreciate where I am today... Will be doing this later today after work... just wanted to check in and see what is in store for the day...

  14. So good to be starting my day with these practices. Thank you!
    Question, you mentioned a book in this practice, I couldn't catch the name of it. Could you please provide the title and author?

  15. Today's practice was specially tough on me, I've some anger and frustration moving through and I feel the stillness really made me go deeper into both. Usually I'd think a fast paced practice would be better for moving this energy, but it was perfect! Thank you

  16. Do you recommend any particular books to support the practice?

    I am currently reading The Book of Joy (Dalai Lama & Desmond Tutu) it is enriching my practice with you and the kula.
    Thank you

  17. A rough night caused a late start to my day so I skipped my usual meditation time and went straight to this morning's yoga practice. I am so grateful to you Adriene for sharing your practice with the world! I feel so much better in my body and mind! I have the downloaded version through Gumroad but it still requires the Internet. Would it be possible for you to create Apps that we can purchase/download so that the program can be used without the Internet? That would be so great because I would like to practice everyday with you no matter where I am or whether I have an Internet connection or not. Thank you!!

    1. You can download and purchase the episodes so you can watch without internet, can't you? There is a link in the video when it plays..I thought this was for without internet..

  18. Can't wait for my deviated septum surgery so I can actually do alternate nose breathing haha. I've never been able to do this, or neti pot successfully! For the first time in plow I can't straighten my legs, my hamstrings have been so tight and shaky lately, so this is another thing to work on. But I can still shoulder stand, so that was heartening. I love reading about everyone's experience and our acceptance to just "show up" how we are. If we can't do it all, who cares, but we show up together.

    1. Yes! This, so much--both about the breathing (I swear, I always have at least a little congestion in winter!) and about the acceptance. Look for the good, be proud of the good--I found some stillness!--and know that the things you can't do today a) aren't out of reach forever, and b) aren't gonna ruin your day, because we're not gonna let 'em!

  19. Adriene. You're changing my life. Going through a 3rd round of IVF and feel more positive and able to cope then ever thanks to your teachings and words. Thank you. A

    1. I am experiencing some fertility issues myself, waiting on my cycle to have a minor surgery then we can finally devise a plan. My practice with Adriene has helped me cope as well. Lots of love and baby dust to you, Alice. <3

  20. 17 days of wonderful yoga so far. Thanks so much Adriene! It's like doing yoga with a friend. Knowing that there are so many people out there doing the same thing really helps. It has also taught me to appreciate where I'm at now. Will you give u some guidance about where to go when this 31 days are up, because I think there will be a lot of us missing you otherwise!!

  21. The last days were so hard, especially this one. I want to quit so bad, my body will never be able to do the positions, and I see no point in contuining. In the last few minutes you something about your true self. Then I must be a worthless, non functioning person who cannot succeed in anything. Maybe this is not for me anymore. I just needed to say this out loud, and here I can be unknown.

    1. Hi H,

      I understand your frustration, the last few days have been very hard for me too, as I have one of the least flexible bodies on earth! I tend to go full child pose mode when the position is too challenging. You are not worthless!
      What did bring you to the mat in the first place? Try to reconnect to that feeling?

      Hope you're OK,


    2. Hi H! I can relate to how you feel and think, because I've experienced it all myself - frustration, disappointment with myself and a sense of being worthless. It isn't easy to stop thinking that way, but please believe me you are worthy of love and kindness and it has nothing to do with not being able to do this or that pose. I used to burst into tears when I struggled on the mat. Now I say to myself: I tried to do my best today, tomorrow I'll practise more - you see, it's practice! We are all doing it in our own way having different abilities, different approaches, different attitudes.
      Just try to stick to your daily practice, you will see the difference I assure you.
      Best wishes!

  22. Thank you for sharing your practice with us! It feels really good and each day is gets better. The breathing and the stillness today deffinitley helped me tune fine.

  23. Greetings again from Romania!
    It's been only two weeks since we started this journey and I have already lost a little bit of the holiday weight, I regained my flexibility, my belly doesn't feel uncomfortable anymore, if that makes any sense, and I'm starting to love downward dog. I feel like I owe much of this transformation to this pose alone.
    Thank you so much!!!

  24. I am stressed.
    I am married to a man who is completely disconnected, unkind, disrespectful and calls me hurtful names. I am a mother of a toddler and feel trapped between a rock and a hard place. I am fighting to get out of the marriage but it’s tough because I am broke. I am working on being able to support myself so I can leave.
    I am stressed.
    My body, mind and heart hurt. My mother was just diagnosed with a chronic, degenerative disease. She is sad and hurting and doesn’t feel well. She was also my only baby sitter-
    I am stressed.
    My head and heart hurt. But yoga- yoga changes how I feel that stress in my body. It changes how I treat myself. It makes me focus. It makes me more brave. And I am starting to feel stronger.
    Thank you.

    1. I'm so sorry, Jenn. I'm glad you have this, I'm glad we are all here. I'm glad you are here. I'm sorry about your mother and I'm sorry you are being disrespected and called names. I hope you find peace here everyday.

    2. Dear Jenn,
      You are in a very tough and awful position that nobody should have to endure.
      I do hope from my heart that you can feel love and loved, to and from your little one - and indeed from the universe. cultivate love.
      Hopefully you can find another babysitter to give your mom a rest.

    3. Dear Jenn,
      Whoever and wherever you are, I am sending you love and strenght (probably from the other side of the globe), and I hope it helps you stay focused and brave as much as you can. I wish health and peace to your whole family. Just keep swimmin*

    4. Wow so many heartfelt entries today. And it seems like so many of us tossed and turned more then slept last night. I too didn't get enough sleep and was feeling draggy butty all day. This practice realy helped me realize... hey, I'm tired. Let's take a nap in shavasana. And that i snoring woke me up.

      1. Ps I wanted to say to Jenn, may you find peace in your heart and strength to move into a solution that is right for you. Send it out into the uninverse and listen. Love and light to you.

    5. Your situation sounds tough, but I sense a lot of strength coming from your post. So glad you have found this 31 day revolution. Stay strong!

  25. This was a wonderful practice today. Thanks Adriene.
    PS just how many yoga outfits do you have? You wear them all so well!

    1. I was just thinking that at the beginning of todays practice, too! Here I am wearin my same sweats four days in a row hee hee.

  26. Thank you, Adriene and everyone! My legs were shaking when we did the shoulder stand, it was amazing to watch! Like crazy trembling! But not painful at all.
    I have a lot to learn from listening to and observing my body... its a wonderful journey!
    This was the last thing to possibly do on my list today of major procrastinating- now I have NO CHOICE but to do the task (write a 20 minute college lecture to deliver to faculty tomorrow to get a job teaching, eeeeek) I've been avoiding.
    But I feel really really good now, and I will try to stop looking for distractions and get my lecture written. I'm really scared though.

    1. Hi Jeannine,
      My legs were also trembling, it was an interesting sensation 🙂
      Some movement and breathing can really help with our motivation, I feel the same sometimes. I hope everything goes well with your lecture, if not you will find something better! Don't get too attached to the results 🙂

  27. Does anyone know what book Adriene is referring to at the beginning of the practice? I tried looking other places on the website for her book club that she referred to and can't find it. The book sounds really interesting 🙂

    Namaste everyone

    1. Hi Amanda. I don't know which book they read in the book club, but you can learn about the 8 limbs of yoga in the "Yoga Sūtras of Patañjali." -Peace

  28. I did todays practice very late and actually fell asleep in shavasana and woke up and it's almost one o'clock.But I feel so soft like a baby in my body.And mind...:)

    These amazing syncs again. Yesterday I was finally able to visit my amazing osteopath, my guru. How come he started to talk about trauma release practice. Aboutmemories stuck in the body. I had definitely not told him, at least not verbally, about our yoga practices the last days... he made me release some very old things mentally, and also of a lot of tension in the neck , shoulders and lower back. I did Day 13 again in the evening and it was like flying...:)

    I'm sure the release would not have happened without Revolution.
    I love ❤ it and i love that we are all in this together, in our own respective paces on the same path.

    Namaste to you fellow pathfinders ♥

    1. I also love knowing so many around the world are doing this revolution. It feels like a connection to something much larger. I love this 31 day revolution.

  29. I kind of had to bow out at Day 6 but I've been doing what I can, when I can. I was totally committed to this evening's practice hough after reading the email this morning. I knew this was going to be just for me, the peace I have been seeking was in this practice.

    thank you.

  30. Adriene, how did you know that a very gentle practice is exactly what I needed today?! I slept badly last night and was tempted to skip today's practice, but when I saw the email I was determined that I could get through it.

    Also, today I got further into Happy Baby than I think I ever have before!

  31. I had my hip replaced last year, and because of tendonitis of the hip flexer, I was no longer able to do The Tracey Anderson Method (I did it for 4 years). My doctor suggested yoga. I looked on Youtube and found Yoga with Adriene last May. I have not missed a day since. This Yoga Revolution is different. i am trying to really see how I am being the same on and off the mat. There are similarities. I get frustrated when it is not going fast enough for my taste. I still cannot do crow after 8 months (I feel the strain in my hip), but that's my goal. i am working through it. One day at a time. I will get there. Thank you!

  32. 'In the zone' was how I felt during and after todays practice. Wich was surprising (since I havent been feeling that for quite some time now) yet so friendly familiar, and I welcomed it with exitement like I almost said to that feeling: Wow, you're here, cool!...where have I been hiding you all this time? glad to feel you again 😀
    I also feel very blessed to be able to be aware of all that, and to be able to do the yogarevolution and share this with anyone who might be reading this. Thank you all for our sinergy and thank you Adriene for making it all possible and for being so cool that it keeps me eagre about this not-easy-for-me change in my (daily) life.

  33. How can you do the alternate nostril breathing if you have a deviated septum? It's very difficult for me to breath through the left side of my nose, so instead of being a calming technique, I find it very frustrating. The struggle is real.

  34. I have not missed a day yet! My knee and hip are feeling stronger. I loved the Dusty Springfield reference today. "Stay Awhile" is a number that frequently gets into my head and made me feel a bit of synchronicity w/ the Revolution.

    1. It occurred to me you were probably thinking of the She and Him version of the song. Anyway, just finished Day 18. Lost my balance a couple times but still going strong.

  35. Today was an awesome practice, I already felt sore but I really felt so clear after this practice and much more content

  36. Well cried again in practice today. Stuffs gettin deep! Paraphrasing: "know that when you are close to the edge you have your breath" resonates on a deep deep level. Thank you.

  37. This 31 day revolution has been amazing. Something about there being a fresh video each morning is bringing me back to the mat each day. I need to create a plan for when this 31 days is done because this daily practice has been amazing. I feel great.

  38. You have the most inspiring workouts ever. I love being on the mat every day! I would like to know if you have a video on when we are under the weather, like achy body and you don't feel even 5% of yourself. I would like to try it because every time I'm on the mat it makes me feel good. Thank you for this experience with you and everyone all over the world.

    Thank you.

  39. I've been putting little hearts on my calendar on the practices I want to come back to in the future. Day 17 got two hearts.

    1. Yes! I'm bookmarking this one and Day 8 for the future, when I need a little gentleness and to remind myself that stillness is okay.

  40. I was not in the mood to get my mat out today, but I did it... late in the evening, but that is OK. I feel so much better now. I even did about 10 min. extra after Adriene was done. Heading to bed soon. Love to all of you!

  41. WOW... This practice was just what I needed today. The reason I know is is because everything within me wanted to run away from it. I began to get extremely frustrated and even angry with the stillness of the poses and burst into tears half way through. I wanted to stop then and there, but I connected to my "sweet breath" and held on. So much has been going on in all areas of my life lately, and somehow I've been able to lose myself in the chaos and feel ok. This practice brought me face to face with myself and it was not comfortable. By the time we got to fish pose, with my heart open and exposed I began to feel a sense of ease and peace, and tears of relief and acceptance. Thank you, Adriene, from the bottom of my heart.

  42. Hello! This may be a silly question but I can never manage to do happy baby because my spine is bony and I can't lie flat on it with my legs up like that - any tips Adriene? It's such a good stretch for the brief second before I topple to one side!

  43. This is not the first of your yoga series I've done, nor will it be my last! I do love your approach and your positive attitude. I'm a shift worker so I appreciate the ability to work out when it fits into my schedule. I'm a healthcare worker so I value the need to take care of the body and mine! So thank you!!'

    I have one question for you. I'm not as flexible as I used to be and the cow pose is virtually impossible and doesn't feel good. Can you offer an alternative to that pose? A variation perhaps that might help me grow into that pose? Sincere thanks!



  44. I was so excited to read the email and find out that we had a gentle practice today! Just what I needed, and the opportunity to acknowledge that yes, I do run away from discomfort. I took it as a challenge to fight through my arms hurting when normally I would give up and I feel amazing. I loved shavasana at the end and almost wanted to stay there all night, I felt so relaxed. Love and light x

  45. THANK, YOU, ADRIENE. For teaching me how to take time to be kind, supportive and LOVING to myself; my physical, emotional and mental self. Brings tears to my eyes....Yoga with Adriene really means Find What Feels Good! and you Adriene, and your practice make me feel GREAT! 🙂 ♥ HUGS, Namaste

  46. This practice change my perspective on how I live my life.

    Thank you - From the bottom of my heart.

  47. Loving Yoga Revolution, Adrienne! Thank you, thank you, thank you for bringing yoga to the world in such a loving way! you rock!!! I've been meaning to make a request, and today's practice reminded me; Foundations of Yoga video for Plow pose? I can't seem to get into plow pose without rocking back into it from a sitting position, which is probably not the safest way! and not very graceful in a public class lol..
    Much love to everyone here! {{{cyber hugs}}}

  48. I've been doing the last few practices before I leave for work around 5.30am in the morning instead of when I return from work. It really gives me a spring in my step and a feeling of inner greatness that I managed this. When I arrived at work I was in a much better space so thank you.

    Todays practice I loved .... will keep doing this one over and over when I need stillness.

  49. Hi Adriene! I have been loving this revolution! My body, mind and soul have been feeling amazing. As a mom of 3 and a teacher, my life can be overwhelming, but I have begun to take what I am learning on that mat to my life everyday. In day 17's practice, you mentioned a book? Can you please share what it is, again? Thank so much!! <3

  50. I love this program so much, but I've always struggled with down dog because my arms are just short enough to make the pose painful and frustrating. I tried using a pillow with some success but it's still ends up causing too much stress on my traps! I'm able to keep up enough that I don't want to use a chair or anything.. Any other tips to try?

  51. Thank you again. I'm very behind but trying to catch up. One word from today on how I feel during the practice is whole. The yoga makes me feeling like a whole person as there are times when I feel I don't and wonder what is wrong with me. Thank you for bringing this practice.

  52. I loved this practice. Adriene referred to a book about yoga.. something about a tree? I'm looking to learn more about yoga, it's history and roots etc - does anyone know which book Adriene was referring too or can anyone else recommend a good book to start learning about yoga.

    Thanks in advance x

  53. I know I'm WAY behind, but this was much needed in the post-inauguration days. Thanks for helping me recenter Adrienne!

  54. I loved this session. I usually get up at around six and do a session before the day starts. Today my three year old daughter woke up early and thought it would be fun to spin round on my front thigh while I was in the half warrior pose! She then put a paper crown on my head and lay underneath me while I was in downward dog. All in all it was challenging to practice stillness - but I still loved the session nevertheless!!

  55. Kudos to you Adriene! You've done it again........connected with so many of us, whom are now connecting to each other and the universe, as a whole! I concur, today's practice brought such an opening, welcoming spirit for which I was so eager to oblige.

    I hope you can feel your bright light reflected back at you through all of us whose lives you've touched!

    (Palmerton, PA)

  56. I started Revolution at the end of January. I had been pretty good about getting on the mat everyday until recently. I traveled to visit my best friend in another state this past weekend, so I took a break from yoga. I have fibromyalgia and it can be challenging to recover from things like this. I have to say that doing Day 17 was the perfect way to get on horse. It made me realize how much better I feel for the rest of the day if I start out with the 30 minutes of yoga. I also wanted to say that I really like your style! Keep the love, light, and positivity going!

  57. I was really struggling this morning and had tried 2 other videos of yours till I came to this one. This one was perhaps the most challenging for me because of all the stillness moments but also the most rewarding. I not only feel more awake but accomplished because I stuck with it despite the challenges and I feel that I can bring that further into my day knowing I can get through the challenges of my day if I just breathe and stay strong. Thank you!

  58. Dear Adriene,

    Today I really got home very late, but I could not possibly dream of missing our practice. I just had to get on the mat and follow you through this marvellous Day 17!!!! I will only sleep 3 hours and a half but am just sooooo delighted and joyful that I made it through this day!!!! Thank you so much for pointing the way for us on this Yoga Revolution!!!

    Lots of light and Namaste from Buenos Aires!


  59. Facing an epic life change where nothing will ever be quite the same again. Struggling to find peace, to breathe, to be. Praying for the answer and I find you. States away and you offer me the peace I seek. The reminder to breathe, the reminder to smile. If only you knew the change you have brought to my life. 30 days in of doing yoga every day, here with you.....I can breathe. I can feel the chains loosen. Of course God is involved too... but thank you. Thank you for your part. Thank you for your time, your knowlege. I don't know you, but I love you. I pray God may send you the joy and peace you have brought to my life, that you may feel it. Thank you.

  60. I am 54 and started this yoga revolution about a month ago and am just now on day 17. I am plugging away and just wanted to say thank you! Adrienne, you are so good and instructing and helping and making me feel accepted even doing any modifications, I am in my own practice and it is ok. You are also so funny and I love that you have a passion for yoga but don't take yourself too seriously that you can't be silly or just have fun! love you dear! Don't stop please!!

  61. Friends at work have asked about the changes they've noticed in my body and energy. I've invited them to join in the 31 Day Yoga Revolution. They've picked up on how much calmer and more radiant I seem now. I'm so so happy with how Yoga is helping me. Thank you Adriene. Namaste from Malaysia. 🙂

  62. Thank you for this amazing, settling and comforting practice. It may be because I listen to your videos through headphones when I practice, but I swear I could hear your heartbeat throughout most of the video (creepy) but also incredibly touching and heartwarming (ALL pun intended). It was a deep connection I felt with you and also myself, so I must thank you for that!

    Cannot wait to continue my practice with you!


  63. Whassup party girl, it's an understatement to send you heartfelt thanks for this wonderful journey. I'm 57 and have dabbled in yoga on and off for about 20 years... but never for more than a few superficial weeks, because I got impatient with being unable to do party tricks straight away. (I have a book, "Learn Yoga in a Weekend," which probably tells you all you need to know about my previous approach, especially as it has hardly been touched!) 😉

    Doing your classes makes me realize that (a) I've never actually learned much about yoga in all the group sessions I've done before, and (b) that I was always pretending to enjoy it, instead of actually getting into it! No wonder I gave up! Now, I can't wait to do your daily session and it always seems to go too quickly. And I realize, thanks to your gentle encouragement, that I'm actually making good progress.

    I absolutely LOVE the way you have an uncanny knack for warning me against the very thing I'm unconsciously doing -- even just a subtle shift of toe pressure. By adjusting, I can feel the difference immediately. And after completing 18 days (OK, I started late!), I can already feel changes in my body and my relationship with it.

    Your 31-day revolution really IS a true revolution in so many ways -- not least because of how you keep emphasizing that how we do things on the mat is going to change how we do things off it ... which makes it all the more powerful that you insist we find our own "feel good" -- surely the most important (and sometimes difficult) thing to achieve in daily life (though it gets easier with practice). What an amazing person you are, truly inspirational. NAMASTE!

  64. Day 17 falls on American Thanksgiving day 2017 for me. Stillness in discomfort is exactly what I needed to practice. I can apply this to my running to hold on to the edge but, more importantly, I can remember this as I get together with family and friends today. My son generally becomes overwhelmed in these large gatherings and I often feel as though he misses out on the enjoyment that it can bring. Today, I will try to practice stillness in our discomfort, meeting our edge and finding new levels of enjoyment or at the very least calm in the storm of our overwhelm. Thank you!

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