Your Day 16 Yoga Practice is a sweet practice for the entire body with a focus on cultivating stability in the joints and promoting healthy digestion. Tap into the power of your breath and continue to explore action and alignment. Become absorbed with the sound of your breath and let sensation take over shape as you continue to build strength.

This practice should feel like a big HUG. You are supported. Create space and feel the sweet power mindfulness and of love. Keep showing up.


113 comments on “REVOLUTION: Day 16”

  1. Hi Adrienne and all you fellow revolutionaries,

    The message today about how we talk to ourselves and possibly define who we are based on past experiences resonated with me.
    A year ago I changed my picture of myself from someone who had been in a car accident 2 years previously to someone who could do much more. I changed my mindset, job, moving closer to home, found a nearby yoga studio and found myself on a journey to inner peace and self love.
    I bless all those who have helped me along my journey and those sharing this Revolution.


      1. Thank you Anna,

        I feel so much more positive and the effects seem to grow with each new experience such as this 31 day kick start to the year โค๏ธ

    1. Martin,
      I too am coming into Yoga Revolution to help me left go of past experiences. All of 2015 was consumed with undergoing 6 months of chemo and then surgery. I'm fine now and will be fine for a long time but I was having issues letting go of the follow up checkups that confirmed this. With the help of my local yoga instructor and Adriene, I am getting better at scanning my body during yoga for the things that feel good, right and strong, not for what may be wrong. My anxiety between checkups is gone and I'm able to stay present.........

      To everyone who struggles with certain poses, let it go....a yoga instructor once told me, yoga is not a competition, it's a lifestyle. There are poses you may be able to do with ease and some only some of the time and some you may never be able to do but we are all unique and that's awesome.

      Embrace you!

      1. Well said Michelle,

        Love the message about yoga as a lifestyle, it soooo is.

        Before I truly found yoga I thought it was all about being a human pretzel ๐Ÿ™‚ I am so glad it's not.

        May your health continue to be strong.


      2. Hey Martin,
        It feels so good to see you posting here, usually first of all!. This commentary field is not so interactive, it seems we are more like posting here for ourselves- and for Adriene of course.

        Your story is a great encouragement to all of us. Wishing you all the best for your continued journey!

        As for myself, I was in a retreat for the weekend and didn't sleep too much, had so much to think of that I couldn't "afford" going to sleep... Whether that was smart or not, the bill arrived when this morning I was very tired and only wanted to get more rest and went back to bed after having gotten my son away to school.
        I fell asleep and just wanted to sink deeper...I have a practice room booked Mon am, and I really need to use it. So not good.
        Still in bed, I started watching the start of this day, knowing I wouldn't have the time now for doing it, but just to inspire me to do it later today.
        The thing that got me out of bed and going was doing the first, lying down part. In bed. Worked fine- of course!. I was energised and felt loved. Something to take to my other challenging mornings too!
        Yoga for getting out of bed:)
        And Adriene- you know this so well, but you are a lifesaver and inspirator for MILLIONS now. Now - just wow. Eternal love and light to you!

      3. Michelle, your words were like a salve to me. "scanning my body for the things that feel good, right, and strong." Also the idea of letting go of anxiety between check ups. Thank you for sharing those thoughts.
        And Adriene, thank you again for motivating me to keep coming to the mat.

    2. I like Jelly red fish as my favorite sweet. Thank you for this revolution. I agree with you that pain does not need to define you. I come to the mat everyday to help find my breath, my strength and to make my life better.

    3. Thank you for sharing your experience, Martin. Wishing you continued success and healing.

  2. Hey Martin,
    It feels so good to see you posting here, usually first of all!. This commentary field is not so interactive, it seems we are more like posting here for ourselves- and for Adriene of course.

    Your story is a great encouragement to all of us. Wishing you all the best for your continued journey!

    As for myself, I was in a retreat for the weekend and didn't sleep too much, had so much to think of that I couldn't "afford" going to sleep... Whether that was smart or not, the bill arrived when this morning I was very tired and only wanted to get more rest and went back to bed after having gotten my son away to school.
    I fell asleep and just wanted to sink deeper...I have a practice room booked Mon am, and I really need to use it. So not good.
    Still in bed, I started watching the start of this day, knowing I wouldn't have the time now for doing it, but just to inspire me to do it later today.
    The thing that got me out of bed and going was doing the first, lying down part. In bed. Worked fine- of course!. I was energised and felt loved. Something to take to my other challenging mornings too!
    Yoga for getting out of bed:)
    And Adriene- you know this so well, but you are a lifesaver and inspirator for MILLIONS now. Now - just wow. Eternal love and light to you!

    1. Hi Nina,

      Thank you for your kind words. The revolution process is at work in you today.

      Give yourself a hug and your son a big hug when you see him next.

      Not everyone is an early bird and I found myself floundering in my boat poses this morning but took the life raft of pausing the video and starting it again after a few deep breaths.

      Be kind to yourself today and always.

      Namaste fellow yogi. x

      1. I fell over backwards in by boat Martin but instead of getting mad for failure, I laughed out loud and just rocked back up!

  3. Yoga with Adriene is changing my life! For years I have battled with anxiety and depression which has hurt myself and those around me. I have tried counselling, sport, personal development courses which has helped, but not long term. However, in November last year I started 30 days of Yoga and now I am taking part in the Yoga Revolution I can for the first time, feel the healing come from within as both my body and mind are finally starting to fall in love. Each day the love grows stronger helping me connect more honestly with myself and those around me, so each days practice takes me closer finding that peace and calm within myself that I have been trying to find for so long. Thank you Adriene

  4. Cricket yesterday's crow was waaaay out of my abilities, and today followed through with more than half being simply impossible. For instance the sitting wide legged, well I have NO forward fold, not an inch, just still with a few millimetres of forward, maybe, though that's probably only achieved through beck curling! Boat thing, not a chance, I can't extend my legs holding or not, I can just about do a second or two holding my legs with shins parallel. It's feeling hard and frustrating and making me feel rubbish, not at all empowered. I think this programme really isn't for totally novices...most everyone else seems to have experience already? Should I stop here...? Is it only going to get more upsetting and unachievable? I am a working mum with four children so I really find it hard to get half an hour a day in, I have no extra time to practice at all ๐Ÿ™

    1. Meg, my advice to you about whether or not you should continue is you should absolutely continue. I can't do crow pose and I've been plugging away at yoga on and off for 15 or 16 years! I will probably never do that pose, but I can do others, so I do what I can. Maybe instead of thinking about being able to do the poses, think about giving yourself 25 or 30 minutes of breathing and relaxation for yourself away from you four children! In my experience, I try not to beat myself up about what I can't do and just focus on what is working. Did I mention I will be 60 years old soon? If you stick with it now, imagine what you will be doing when you're my age!

      1. Meg, I cannot do some of the poses either. What matter is that you are present and taking this time for yourself. I sometimes beat myself up saying why bother, I cannot do that, but I keep trying. Finish the program. That alone will be a huge accomplishment committing to something for 31 days. I think what I plan on doing after this is doing Adriene's foundations of yoga for poses.

        1. i had problems last year with poses. but after each practice i also so did the foundation on what was bothering me crow or cat cow e.t.c . i still have problems with tadasana its so much more than just standing up straight. As i walk down the street i am aware of how my feet land and hips move and everything.. its great . i think i will always keep going back to the foundation videos .

    2. Meg...way to show up on the mat for whatever length of time you can manage. You tried the poses....AWESOME. I have been with Adriene for 2 years....that forward fold in cow legs (cross legged thing)...was not in my practice either. But I had a wonderful stretch in the legs and sat straight up. In boat....hold the legs. It sounds like you're beating yourself up if you aren't hitting the hardest form of each pose, be kind. So you know....I felt like you to, I still do at times. You're here, you're trying, great job. I'm a mother of 2, full time job as well, you can do this. I have a small reward system for the kids as they help me out around the house so I can find time on the mat (If i can't do it before they are up). I thank them for time for me and over time they see what it does for me and help me get on the mat, and sometimes join me. It's not always quiet or perfect and it's ok. Good luck and keep working on it.

    3. Meg, please don't give up. I am a beginner too and i understand the struggle. It is really not about doing all the poses right, it's about being with yourself for half an hour and get to know you and your body better. Try small steps, it doesn't have to look perfect, you should always keep in mind that one day (if you practice) you WILL get better and do the poses more correctly.
      Just like Adriene said, it's about how you react to something: i could'nt do the crow yesterday neither and i honestly tried many many times. i just laughed and thought: one day i will do this and remember this day.
      When it gets too heavy or too fast, you can always stop the video and try it for yourself until it feels right (not until it looks perfect)!
      Try to ban those negative thoughts that naturally come up while practicing. It's ALWAYS okay to fall, just remember to stand up again ๐Ÿ™‚

      Lots of love & positive energy from Germany and stay strong!

    4. Hi Meg - wow, fair play to you for practising at ALL with 4 children!! That's such a strong commitment to yourself. I would definitely have been in the same boat hah hah if this had been the first series I started with. I'd recommend starting with yoga camp or 30 days of yoga - there is a lot more reminding of going at your own pace, variations, and encouragement to go slowly. I am very far away from Crow too, and that's after a couple of years' regular practice! But other poses I find more natural for me. What Michelle says near the top today really applies, I think - some poses you'll find easier, others you'll grow into, maybe others will never be for us - it's how we approach ourselves in all of those experiences that matters. Yeah, much easier to type that to put into practice. But it IS a practice, not an exhibition!!

      Love to you on your journey. If you can have 4 kids, you can deal with anything!!

    5. Ah, now, go easy on yourself. Just do the bits you can and over time, you may be able to do more. If you're strapped for time, YWA has tons of shorter practices on You Tube. Some of the gentler practices, like the ones for bedtime and anxiety are about 10-15 minutes and might be just the thing to fit into your day and help you ease in.

    6. Don't give up Meg! Im a single Mum of 2. I feel I never have time either. But I explain to my girls I need this time, and so usually fit in this practice while they are having tea after school, or down time after their bath. I'm still within talking distance if they need me. Sometimes they join me (that's a polite way of saying interrupt me), sometimes there's a little face peering up at me when I'm in down dog, but after 16 days of this they are beginning to realise this is my time, and they are beginning to respect it. As long as they aren't coming in with a bleeding cut they are fine to be left playing and left to their own devices (because that's good for their own development as well). As for CROW It's taken me a full year to achieve 3 seconds in this pose. So don't give up because you will get there. And if you don't you will achieve poses that others can't do. We are all made different. I can't see me getting a straight leg in boat. Ever. But I will keep trying. Give yourself this time. You deserve and need it. X

    7. Meg,
      I am a single mother of four, so I can really relate to what you are saying. For a while I was trying to get up before work and complete my yoga practices. But I have found that the most beneficial time for me is in the evenings after my two little ones have gone to bed. I have really tried to make this time a priority because a healthier me is healthy for my children as well. Can I do all the poses? Nope. But the more I practice the better I get. I'm looking for progress, not perfection. Good luck to you, sweetie.

    8. Meg, I am so glad to see you on the comments again. Even though you may feel frustrated you may very well be inspiring others to keep on going. You can do this! And you will have a story to tell others that will help them do the same. Much love and hugs to you! (Apparently there is another Pam on here so I'll start adding "L." to my name.)

    9. Meg, you have made it to your mat thus far. That is the hardest part. As many have said, we are not sailing through all of these poses either. I've been practicing yoga on and off for 14 years and I still can't hold crow, (every once and a while if I have been practicing consistently I can hold it for a few seconds, but it's fleeting) and I struggle with boat. What I have learned about yoga, is that it is a practice about learning to be with ourselves wherever we are at in the moment. Find the variation that feels good for you. You do not have to push yourself into something that your body isn't ready for. Hold your legs and keep your toes on the floor during the boat variation, if that's what works for you. Notice the sensations you feel in your body. If that doesn't feel good, you can always do child's pose (or corpse pose) the entire time. That counts. Sometimes we just need a little peace, and to let ourselves be still, that's okay. Yoga is about showing up for yourself, listening, and tuning into our mind-body. You are already doing that. There is no right or wrong. Observing the thoughts that come up are part of the yoga practice too. If you could be your own loving, kind best friend, what would your thoughts say? Perhaps, "Yes, this is challenging, and, yes, this doesn't look like the video, but you are here and you are doing the best you can." "Every little bit that you tune into yourself like this you gently create more space, and liberation from your tightness, and unkind thoughts. You are doing a great job." You are not alone, and it will get easier, and your thoughts just might ease up on yourself a bit too. You are doing a great job, and you are more than these self-defeating thoughts. You've got this.

    10. Meg, sitting wide legged... I've been doing yoga for about five years on and off and if you saw me in this pose, you'd think I've maybe seen yoga from a fast moving train. ๐Ÿ™‚ It's just not for my body, but I'm fine with that and I just do what I can. And if you just can't, take a child's pose. Just getting on the mat and taking the time for yourself is good for you! I think today felt harder because the email sounded like it was going to be easier (or maybe it's just me). But don't give up! You're awesome for getting in the mat for 16 days in a row. Hugs!

    11. Hi Meg, I am back (just did Day 8 because that cold completely knocked me out) bu thought I'd stop by to say:
      I don't have any forward fold in wide legged position either. We'll be plugging along together, even if I'm ridiculously far behind.

      If you do decide to go for 30 days of Yoga instead, wait a bit with that, give this another few days, because according to the support the written stuff to go with it is in editing and is gonna be done near the end or after yoga revolution. (I asked whether one could still get the e-mail)

  5. Dear Adrienne,

    I've been really enjoying the 31 days Revolution practices, looking forward to it jointly with my boyfriend who recently started practicing with me at home.
    I've been practicing yoga for a few years now, on and off, but what really got me hooked on this series is the self improvement part built around it - I find these lessons of self acceptance,-kindness, patience to be very helpful.
    Yesterdays practice evolving around fearlessness really struck a cord - as someone who in general has a hard time not worrying about the past and/or the future, yesterday we had to take our cat to the vet as he might have developed epilepsy.
    We're still in the discovering phase, trying to figure out what is causing it - hopefully not something very serious, trying to figure out how he can live with this (or the underlying) condition. Trying to focus on the present, as he is now here and well (not in pain, no other visible symptoms), and trying not to stress too much about the results that may be around the corner, accepting what is, and what we can not change. Thank you!

  6. This is an area of weakness for myself. Negative self talk. I am not sure why but this was such a gentle and loving way to present it. Thank you. I am feeling how much and where I am holding tightness in my body. I am thankful that I am now able to begin to recognize this off the mat and work on being kind to myself. This as been a process for the past 2 years...and will be for many more and I am more comfortably with understanding that as well. Have a wonderful day.

  7. Hi Meg,

    Firstly positive no 1 well done you for finding some time to get on the mat. Positive thought 2 focus on what you can do. For example I too have little or no forward fold in the wide legged pose but I focused on having a straight sitting posture, at 53 I'm not expecting miracles just a sense of well being.
    My boats? rocky at best and not too far from shore having only started this pose with this Revolution.
    Practice is the keyword here. Things will get easier with practice. For me maybe only a canoe rather than a fully rigged yacht but if it floats I'll be happy.

    Most off all don't put judgement on yourself. Easier said than done I know but love yourself and honour where you're at and as Michelle said yoga is not a competition.

    I hope you stick with it as yoga has brought me so much in such a relatively short space of time.


  8. Totally agree with everybody. I confess, today was hard but every morning after my practise is over, I feel amazing. My heart is open and I feel 10 feet tall. It's an amazing feeling and to me this is the most important. As for all those amazing poses, I know that if I show up on the mat every day, eventually I will get stronger and better at it and a lot of poses I couldn't do when I started, are now much easier. It just takes time.

    Love you ALL and thank you Adriene for being such an amazing person.

    Namaste everybody.

    1. Emerise I agree. Some days it's an effort to get out of bed super early (the only time I can truly practice in quiet is when my family is still asleep), get dressed, roll out my mat and get to it but every day I do and every day I feel better and better about where I'm at right now. I never thought I'd love yoga but I do. Good for you for showing up for yourself every day!

  9. Adriene mentioned adding your favorite sweet treat. Mine is oatmeal cookies fresh from the oven... yum!!!!

  10. I've been working on being more compassionate/kind/caring to myself. I feel like every day of this program thus far has been perfectly attuned to things I need to work on or be mindful of. I have not been practicing yoga long but I love it. It's a huge change from the constant beating up of and stress I was causing to my body not so long ago by pushing myself in the gym day after day. My body said NO MORE (adrenal fatigue big time) and for my health, I had to make a change. Yoga has really helped me make that mind body connection and deal with things in a very different way! I finally held crow pose yesterday for a few seconds! I am so excited. Thanks for a wonderful program!

    Oh, and my favorite sweet treat is a piece of GOOD dark chocolate with sea salt and almonds. ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. I am really loving 31 days of Yoga Revolution, but woke up today with sore knees! Is it because of my form? Some of the poses were hard yesterday but my knees were not hurting while doing yoga. Any thoughts?

  12. Hi Adrien! Thank you for creating #yogarevolution, I absolutely love everything about it โ™ฅ I also very enjoyed receiving a daily email from you but for some strange and unknown reasons I stopped receiving is after day 12. Is there any chance someone else know what could have happened and how to fix it?

  13. <3 Sweet 16! Gotta love it! One question, I was feeling and listening to an unhappy tail bone during the boat variation. Does anyone have suggestions to help that feel more sweet for me?

    1. Lisa, I have a rather protuberant spine and tailbone, so I find that I need extra padding (a yoga mat on carpet, with padding underneath!) to feel comfortable in those postures. If it's injury-related or joint pain, though, that may not help. Good luck!

      Also, during the side angle pose (I think?), my cat kept running underneath me, tickling me with his tail. Unexpected sweetness on a hard day!

  14. Day 16: Epic! I couldn't do the two rounds of the side angle pose, my wrists were not going to hold me up. But I did the first round! Thanks Adriene, another great practice.

  15. Thank you Adriene for making our lives better, It's day 16 and I felt happy to join you on the mat, I still have a long way to go in alignment and plugging things back in but I am really working on improving my self talk. I love you and the kula. Thanks for giving us something to look forward to every day!

  16. Adriene, today's practice was especially fabulous. Thank you so much for creating the Revolution. Every single day, I am inspired!

  17. Thank you Adriene, I tried to keep doing yoga ages ago, but it always ended up with boring... till I found you. Finding you and your way to explain yoga exactly one year ago changed the way I was looking at myself, the world around myself and yoga... I went through a lot of bad times (in my head), was stuck somewhere in the middle of nowhere, ... you and your yoga help to realize and enjoy the small things. Not only my mindset changed, but also the physical body is thankful of what your yoga brings.. my back and bad knees are happier... one still does not like the yoga squat and wants t escape the pose ๐Ÿ™‚ but its getting better. And the REVOLUTION, it really is a revolution, at least for me, I'm in sync with my breath, mind and body YAY! and it only day 16, looking forward to next days... you rule girl!

  18. My favorite sweet treat is dark chocolate!

    Thank you Adriene for this practice! I really need to practice being kind to myself. I have been struggling with panic disorder and PTSD for a year and a half now, and your yoga videos are one of the highlights of my day. I have been practicing with you since the summer of 2015, and your style of yoga, combining the mental with the physical, has helped me heal so much. I totally agree with you that how you talk to yourself is everything. Self-love is everything, and you have helped me in my journey to love the person I am. I can't thank you enough for everything that you do; I feel so grateful to have found you on YouTube!

  19. Hi Adriene,

    Thank you so much for this practice.
    It was exactly what I needed on this day.


  20. Hi everyone!

    I could not believe how I can not fold forward even a little bit during the wide legged thing. not even a little bit! How do I even function? Ha!
    And the poses we were doing- the cat from down dog and then going onto the outside of a foot and reaching up? Way too fast for me and I felt embarrassed. Even just by myself.
    But... I did everything I could and I feel great now. I'm thankful to be here everyday. And I can't get worse at this.

    1. No need to be embarrassed! If you could do it all where would the challenge be? Do what you can, keep turning up. You're doing way better than the people that aren't doing it at all so be proud of yourself!

  21. Well I keep turning up and some bits I can do and some, not a chance! That cross leg thing, I looked nothing like Adriene!

    For me #yogarevolution is about finding 30 minutes every day for me. I took it up as part of a number of things to try and shift a horrible depression & anxiety phase I'm in and it's genuinely helping.

    For all of you that can't bend or do lunges all the way through, or can't do crow etc stick with it, I'm there too! In my mind if you keep turning up you will improve over time. Just try your best each day. In 16 days my strength has improved along with my flexibility. Not huge amounts but enough for me to see a difference from January 1st!

  22. Happy day 16 everyone!!
    Loved reading the comments here and it's good to know I'm not the only one who found this practice challenging and not the only one who rolled backwards while doing the boat - and not the only one who laughed when they rolled backwards!

  23. Like a lot of others here, I need to learn to be sweet to my body and to my mind. I do chastise myself if I cannot do a pose what I deem to be the correct way... However, with Adriene reminding us to be sweet, it helps me let go and enjoy where I am at today... someday I will get to wear I want to be but maybe not. Its not about the end destination is it, but more about the journey...
    Thank you Adriene for who you are, how you practice, how you teach us to practice and be kind to ourselves...
    Sweet treat, well there are lots but I will go with Swedish Fish today!

  24. I held crow for about 1.5 seconds yesterday. It's all good. We need to be gentle with ourselves. Adriene, keep it weird!

  25. Ease.Connect.Sweet.Honor. What you do on the mat is what you do off the mat. Be easy with yourself. I'm going to remind myself to not stress over stuff that doesn't need to be stressed over. Doing this practice has helped me to decide to commit to that.

  26. I knew there would come a practice which resonated so much I would cry, today was that practice. I'm a stellar negative self-talker so the reminders to be sweet kept me feeling a bit emotional but when Adriene spoke of her friend who she suggested could move away from the identity as someone with back pain, that's what hit me the most. My identity is completely tied up in my weight, I'm a fat girl first and foremost and I've never been able to be anything before that. Any other qualities are outshone by my fatness. I will start to be sweet and move away from the idea that I am a fat girl, there is so much more to me that I need to let out.

    Thank you, Adriene!! <3

    1. I completely understand what you mean-- I feel like "fat girl" is a permanent part of my identity. What helps me is gratitude. Rather than hating my body for not being what I want, I give thanks for everything my body CAN do and IS doing, like supporting me in my growing yoga practice! And I'm grateful that the "fat girl" part of my identity teaches me everyday empathy for all people who may be dealing with their own demons and ideas about themselves, whether or not we can see it.

      Nice job, showing up on the mat to listen to yourself and find what feels good!

    2. so its not FAT its voluptuous or curvaceous . just changing a word in your sentence can make all the difference. beauty is in the eye of the beholder. lots of love .

  27. This was really good! I still am no good at low lunge but can do more than I imagined otherwise. My legs couldn't do that last twisty pose but I tried to cross them a bit. Thanks for a great practice!

  28. I am so enjoying this revolution. Perfect name for this journey. I do feel like I am beginning to feel more aware, more connected, and a little kinder to myself of on and off the mat. The physical benefits are nice but it is so much more than that. Thanks Adriene.

  29. So, that was weird, just started bawling during Cow pose. But I controlled my breath despite the tears and finished with a self-loving Corpse Pose. We all need to be kinder to others, but it starts with being kinder to ourselves. No-one is perfect. I know I, for one, need to cut myself some slack. I'm a MA student, a mother of two beautiful children, a wife, these are insanely hard jobs and even though I feel I'm a yelling mess most of the time, it is okay. We are human. We aren't meant to be perfect, and we need to remind ourselves that we need love and patience, too. Anyway, Namaste.

  30. I have Fibromyalgia, which can make doing normal things like going to the store, cleaning the house, and sitting down to work really difficult. It can feel like my body has betrayed my intentions, and that it's not cooperating with how I want to live my life, but I've been coming to think about my body as a spouse. If my spouse hadn't slept well or wasn't feel 100% I would help him out. I would give him a massage, or encourage him to take a nap, or draw him a bath. I wouldn't resent him for feeling poorly, and I shouldn't resent my body for that either. I'm married to this body (until the singularity comes and we all get robot bodies for our consciousnesses ๐Ÿ˜‰ ), and I need to treat it with respect and care. And with love. I hope that thought helps anyone else with a chronic illness or body acceptance issues.

    Thanks for the practice. I've stuck with it every day so far, even when I'm tired and sore and want to just lay down.

  31. The hardest part of this practice for me was the seated, legs-out forward fold. I have narrow hips and I can barely bend forward at all (let alone keep my legs out like that without sitting on something) and it is so frustrating! Trying to accept that's where I'm at, but it is definitely frustrating at times when I feel like I haven't made any progress.

    Anyone else have a similar issue?

  32. What a beautiful practice today. I really needed love. Hugging myself seems silly, but it's what did it for me. I actually laughed out loud. And not because it felt silly, but because I felt so much joy in one movement. The first of what I hope will be many days where I didn't just feel strong with my practice, but felt connected to it. Thank you.

  33. I always practice in the evening and even though I only managed to do one run of the lunge/side angle poses, I feel absolutely amazing this morning!

    I love that this 30-day-series incorporates some core and strength work in each practice. It's not so much that it's totally frustrating but I can still feel the benefits. I'm sitting and walking more upright, and I can breathe better (!). Plus, lying on my back or stomach, I can certainly feel a layer of muscle supporting me that wasn't there before!

    Thank you, Adriene, for creating a practice that is supportive, healing and challenging all at the same time! I may sometimes swear a blue streak during the more challenging or downright impossible (for me, at the moment) parts, but the benefits are amazing!

  34. Adriene, Thanks so much for doing this 31 days of yoga! For a practice all about being sweet to oneself, this one was really challenging for me. For example, I don't find downward dog or even child's pose comfortable, and can't transition smoothly into the lunges, etc. I know I am not the only one (one cool thing about this community!).

    When you start posting again in February, for the benefit of those of us who are so inflexible, it would be awesome if you could give more tips for modifications. Maybe you could even do a video to help give us better tools to use in other videos, and to work our way toward more flexibility without frustration.

    Thanks again for sharing your practice with us!

  35. I keep getting sick during the practice. About half way thru just nauseous and blah. Sometimes it happens at the end when I get back up. But WTH?

    1. Thanks for the input! In pretty sure the email said to direct questions here bc there were too many emails to respond to.

  36. Yoga Revolution is helping me relax and sleep. It's fun doing it with my mum. I am 9 years old and we live in Scotland.

  37. I missed it yesterday. I let myself get too caught up with too many things, but I got back to it today and this was exactly what I needed. I had a very crappy day. My kids were tough and I was caught in a downward spiral of reacting to their unpleasant behavior. Then I was beating myself up about being a bad mom. Thank you to remind me to be sweet with myself and rethink how I talk to myself. I am getting back on the yoga wagon; I am getting back on the mom wagon. Put it back together and see if I can do better tomorrow.

  38. Adriene, hi =) <3
    Day 16 was hard to me because I'm still trying build more flexibility, but I loved it!
    Thank you so much for all this Revolution and for all the other videos about pratice and tips (In this moment of my life I can't pay for yoga classes and your channel changed my life!). I also started read Pantajali and Yogananda... it's amazing!
    I'm in love with Yoga. I can't stay without this pratice in my routine, helped me with my memory, patience, health and focus. You're so kind and inspire me to be more kind with myself. I downloaded your app and hope start to use soon.
    Lots of love from Brazil.

  39. Feeling discouraged because I missed several days ( traveling). Not sure how to make it up: keep on the present day or go back to where I left off.

    1. Robyn, missing days and getting discourgaed has happened to me on this journey, too. I am only on day 16 right now (and I started on Jan 1)... I believe I've read Adriene say that if you miss a day (or 5 or 7!) just start back where you left off. What matters isn't that your practice fell off, it's that you get back on! And starting where you left off helps because each day is meant to build on the previous day.

      When I know I'm going to have trouble doing the day's practice (lack of time or sometimes energy) I just sub in another, shorter practice, usually either "travel yoga - morning sequence" (less than 10 min) or "yoga for bedtime - 20 min practice" at the end of a long day. That way I am still doing yoga that day, and I don't worry too much about if the numbers match up ๐Ÿ™‚

  40. This is my favorite one so far....I am 2 days behind but look forward to the days to come.

  41. So there are so many beautiful comments here i do not want to lower the tone BUT i was a bit sweaty and upon lowering my lower back to the floor i found i can make farting sounds . i was in fits of laughter . good job this is not a public class . keep up the fantastic work Adriene you make us smile cry laugh and appreciate who we are and ฤฐ thank you from the bottom of my heart . big smiley face inserted here

  42. Doubled up today to see if I can catch up. Have a busy weekend not to myself but hoping I can find some time to carve out for the practice.

    Thank you

  43. I'm a little behind on the timing of Revolution because of a flu bug, but the timing PERSONALLY could not be better. Marching in the NY Women's March today and yesterday's "no fear" practice and today's "kindness" practice couldn't have been better timed! Thank you so much for doing this and putting such good out into the world. Namaste!

  44. Oh this was sweet, and my favorite sweet food is chocolate. Thank you for this practice. I feel like I am learning so much from you and my fellow yogis practicing with me. Thank you for creating this Revolution practice for us.

  45. Oh this was sweet, and my favorite sweet food is chocolate. Thank you for this practice. I feel like I am learning so much from you and my fellow yogis practicing with me. Thank you for creating this Revolution practice for us. I also love the reminders to be kind to ourselves and the hugs!!

  46. Loved it! Thanks Adriene ~ Shared it on LinkedIn and Google+ ~ Blessings ;->

  47. Wonderful practice. Sweet 16 was my favorite so far too. Thanks so mich Adriene! I started a week late, but loving this daily yoga.

  48. Hello all! I'm dealing with some chronic wrist pain here, any advice for modifying poses that put weight on the wrists?

  49. Dear Adriene, I love you and your lessons. They're so good, they're addictive!
    Today I had a terrible headache but I had the energy to follow your lesson, and guess what? My headache was almost gone after this sweet beautiful lesson. Thank you so much!

  50. Dear Adriene,
    I love doing this Yoga program. It's been so helpful for me. I'm 52 years old and I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease when I was about 11. Fortunately my disease has been in remission for many years. In the past though I've undergone multiple surgeries to remove inches as well as feet of my intestines. As a result of this it's left me with massive inner abdominal scar tissue that causes me chronic pain in my pelvis, hips and lower back.
    Today I was unable to finish practice 16 at about 22 mins into it. Trying to kick my legs back etc I ended up collapsing. I was in tears because I couldn't finish. This is the first time I haven't been able to complete one and I just am sad and frustrated ! Just wanted to share. Thank you again for being an inspiration and for helping me!

  51. Hi ๐Ÿ™‚
    I'm quite a way behind the curve on doing the 31 days "on time" (as moving house and other disruptive things happened!) but I really enjoyed today's practice and being encouraged not to be hard on myself. I'm still in there - I'm still going to do the 31 days - it just might take me a little bit longer xxx
    Thank you for the positivity ๐Ÿ˜‰

  52. sweet release... bawled my eyes out about 5 minutes before the end.. it's freaky how certain poses can be such a release. yewww!!

  53. Because life has been BANANAS I'm just getting to this day's practice. I loved it! I love it when you get to talking, Adriene, and when you make me laugh. This was a beautiful and soothing practice for me. Thank you!

  54. Hellou Adriene,

    I'm a french girl and I discovered your yoga classes two weeks ago, every morning, I practice with you by internet. This morning, I missed the alarm and I woke up thinking: "Oh non, I'm not going to have time to do my yoga with Adriene" but I took the time because I need it, and I need it every day now ! Thanks for all your advice, i don't understand everything because of the language and sometimes i'm focused on what i'm doing but you are perfect ! I don't know how I will manage it after this 31 days yoga.

  55. Adriene,
    This practice today was a like a gift from the universe. After anxiety ridden couple days of negative self talk, I sit here tears welling in my eyes, but at peace. There were so many knots and tension held in my body that are now released, THANK YOU. I also loved the moved and work we did with our core. You are incredible, a true Yogi in body and spirit. You challenge my body and help me heal my mind.

  56. Iโ€™m so happy I decided to do this at October!
    It has 31 days so is just perfect :3
    Besides, I was born is September so for me October is like a new beginning!
    26th year of life, here we go!
    This how I want to face you! With self love, strength and a sweet smile!
    Finding what feels good!
    Thank you Adriene!

  57. Yoga is such a gift, it makes me smile and love myself even more! I feel proud of myself when I find my body changing in the right direction! I am so thankful to Adriene for sharing her gift! I hope you all feel the love inside!


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