Your Day 15 Yoga practice asks you to check in with body and breath as a way of cultivating more and more awareness. Regular practice is more effective than an intense hot yoga every once in awhile. Integrate. Take your time. Check in. The journey continues! The vocabulary grows. Move fearlessly through this practice by simply listening to your body.

Check your habits and move with intention as a way of moving forward with grace. You got this.


111 comments on “REVOLUTION: Day 15”

  1. Great practice - minus carrying Simba and bearing the weight of my heavy crow's feet! Maybe that will come in time... Thank you Adriene x

    1. Oh boy, I was celebrating my heels touching the floor in the high lunge today! Bakasana is still a bit much for me, I am not sure what I need to work on. I'll definitely check out Adriene's crow practice / pose videos as my legs start to loosen up properly throughout this series. Like you say, Liz, maybe it will come with time ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Hi Adrienne,

    You are my heroine and your super power is Speaking Whilst Practicing Yoga Whilst Conducting A Global Revolution (and breath)
    I felt fear this morning but went ahead and did it anyway. By the end of the practice the fear was a tiny ball rather than an overwhelming blanket. So a little way to go yet but as they say ' practice makes perfect ' well as near as any hooh.

    Bless your fierce spirit and for sharing it with us all โค๏ธ

  3. Hello to all,
    Today I was really fearless doing my yoga practice - until I literally fell on my face and broke my glasses!
    But you know what is funny? I didn't react in a way I would have some time ago: being mad about the broken glasses, me being "so stupid", my boyfriend who didn't catch me as we agreed on.
    Instead I thought: wow I was really able to do this crow pose for 2sec - and thanks it was just my glasses that broke :)))
    Have a great day!

      1. ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚
        that's what I am going to do now as well - an buy new glasses ๐Ÿ˜›

  4. Ran 3 miles yesterday and then some spirits. Definitely feeling it in todays practice but I stuck to it. Going back to breath really helps me in my every day life. A concept I first learnt from The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle.

    May I add I love it when you address me by name in the email.

    Keep doing you and Thank you ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Won't you take me to...YOGA town? Not only is my practice getting better each day - I am busting out with song whenever I hear lyrics. I thought for sure you were going to do likewise! Thanks for the crow challenge - maybe in February?! Happy Sunday everyone!

  6. Good morning Martin and Liz from a fellow Revolutionary! Your names are becoming familiar to me now as I look at the comments each day - it's lovely to know there are actual other people doing this at the same time. Especially on days like today, which I found really difficult. Loads of anger for me. Woah. Sharing this for anyone else who might have completed today and thought, well I don't bloody well feel amazing, I feel pretty damn angry!!! Or sad, or triumphant, or happy, or blissed out or scared or inadequate. You are not alone :0). I bet there's someone else feeling whatever you're feeling.

    Imagining that one day I might actually be able to do Crow is fun though.

    Namaste to you all, and to all of it!!


    1. Namaste Joy,

      Venting anger and frustration in the right way is certainly a good thing for the soul. It gets rid of all that bad energy we carry around with us.

      It is wonderful to share this journey with all the beautiful spirits around the world and I hope your inner calm can be restored with some positive experiences going forward,

      Bless you and catch you on the comments boards soon.


      1. Thank you Martin!! I'm really enjoying your comments and hearing more about your journey.
        Here's to the second half of the revolution! XX

    2. Hi Joy,

      I am doing the revolution 4 days late. Today's practice brought up anger for me too, especially in the chair pose. Good to know I'm not alone!
      On to another experience tomorrow ๐Ÿ™‚

      Namaste from Belgium,


  7. I loved this practice! At the beginning, I thought I had no energy, but at the end of the practice, really felt alive. And I managed to lift my feet about 10 cm higher in Bakasana than usually - I really notice how my core is strengthening. Thank you, Adriene!

  8. Love the practice today. Lots of challenges. I've been doing yoga regularly for 4 months and today was the first time I manage to completely lift my feet properly and hold for a few seconds in crow. Didn't feel as much strain on my arms as usual. Great feeling. Probably won't be able to do it next time as well so relishing in the feel good factor today.

  9. Hi, Adriene! Warmest greetings from Belarus!
    Starting this year with your videos and having not missed one so far was one of the best decisions i've ever made. I watched your videos before but only with Yoga Revolution did you manage to make me see yoga in a completely different way, not only as a quirky way to exercise but actually a tool to keep your mind in a state of strength, peace and balance as well. I am still amazed at how good your daily topics combine with the physical part of the practice, turning these 30 minutes on the mat into an exercise for my mind and soul. Your yoga (and i can't stress your enough) helped and helps me go through my daily life with ease, actually changing the way I think and act for the better. And apart from being very proud of myself for sticking with the daily practice, I also started to feel more proud of myself for becoming a better person. And this is a great feeling which I have you to thank ๐Ÿ™‚
    The part that mesmerizes me the most is this: every day small and big challenges arise in my life concerning everything from work to personal life. And somehow the topic of our daily practice always covers exactly the same problem I've been dealing with the whole day: when my thoughts were very distracted, yoga helped me bring more attention and awareness to life, when I was hard on myself you helped me honor myself in the present state, or like today, when I almost succumbed to fear, you helped me cope with it with the means of yoga. Now every time I open your letters (which are awesooome by the way!) I can be sure that i'll find something very good to learn and help me, and knowing that makes me even stronger.
    I can't thank you enough for everything you've done for people all over the world. Sincerely wishing you a lifetime of bliss and happiness,

  10. This was a great start to a chilly winter Sunday.

    Your voice and guidance is exactly what I needed to get me started on a daily practice.

    I will be checking out your Crow video as well; I maybe pushing 60 but I'm going to be fearless!


  11. Hoping for some advice-I fell off the 31 day yoga wagon at day 7 as I was unwell and working ridiculous hours. I want to get back into it but am unsure if I should start again from the beginning or continue from day 7. Does anyone have any advice?

    1. I say continue from day 7! The videos are meant to be a progression. It doesn't matter when you start or stop them. What's important is that you are trying to find the space to step back on to your mat even with a difficult schedule! Trust me, it may be a little challenging to get back into it at first but you'll be so glad you did!


        1. I agree. I'm a day behind (was 2 days behind at one point.) but it really doesn't matter other than that my comments are always at the END of the list. haha.

          1. I'm behind too, for similar reasons. I started to beat myself up for not sticking to the schedule but then I thought, you know what? It doesn't matter if I don't do them in any particular order, what matters is that I don't give up! So I gave myself permission to rest for a few days then I started up again. I'm five days behind but it's okay ๐Ÿ™‚ I've got a day off today so I might do two in a row, we'll see how I feel after this one. Namaste

  12. I, too am pushing 60 and working at doing it fearlessly. I have a long way to go, but I can feel my body loosening up and stretching a little further each day. I am so loving being a part of this revolution. Thank you!!

    1. I'm happy to hear that there are others pushing 60. Think how flexible we'll be when we are 70! Keep going.

  13. Adriene,
    Boy, day 15 was the toughest one for me yet, however, I showed up and did it. When I was feeling a bit anxious or frustrated about a pose (crow!) I just tried it and even though I couldn't do it fully, I did what I could for today and remember what you always say, "find what feels good". Thank you for challenging me and reminding me that even when we are faced with things we may not be able to do today, when can still try and not allow our fear to stop us from trying.

    Thanks again!


  14. I got to my mat early today! What a great start to my Sunday! I almost fell on my noggin during crow's pose... yikes! But I am making progress and I know I'll be able to do it soon! Enjoy your day everyone!

    1. If you tend to fall forward, remember to keep the gaze forward and heart lifted. Gazing down will cause you to tip. I can't do it myself yet, but watched her crow video for pointers. ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. Ah wait! Just remembered a very apt Flying Song!

    I want to fly like an eagle (or crow)
    To the sea
    Fly like an eagle
    Let my spirit carry me
    I want to fly like an eagle
    Till I'm free
    Fly on through the revolution

    - Steve Miller Band

  16. Hi everyone,
    For the first time since beginning Yoga Revolution, it was a struggle to bring myself to the mat today. Life hasn't been easy recently but I knew that if I skipped this, it wouldn't change anything going wrong in my life and would likely make me feel sad for missing a day. I powered through and finished. Tears were shed, alignment and breathing weren't 100%, but I finished and I feel damn good about that. Crow happened and even though other poses might not have felt fully aligned, I know I strengthened my body at least in some small way. Namaste to you all <3

  17. Wow, shaky body today..Shaky.. Love..Shaky...Love..shook lovingly through it! Struggled at times but tried to feel fearless in those moments too! I also need to check out the crow video and feel like Day 15 is one to keep returning to for me!!!!!
    Big Love Adriene and ALL xxx

  18. My first time commenting here! It was hard for me to mentally get started today but I managed to push thru. After eating restaurant food for two nights in a row, my body is feeling so blah. Challenging moves to make me work hard was probably exactly what I needed. I am shocked and pleased with myself that I am still doing this. Normally, I fall off the wagon before I even make it to the two week mark. Looking forward to finishing out this month with you and hoping there is something new for the month of February!

  19. I was so sad this morning I was going to put today off, so glad I fought it. You can't hang on to sadness with all that oxygen exchange going on.
    CROW! So close, the revolution was that my core is stronger and I'm feeling my breath helping lift me.

    Thanks Adriene, having a blast in Yoga Town.

  20. I am amazed. When the invitation email arrived, i was feeling bored and signed up not knowing what to expect from a measly 30' of yoga and thinking i would not stick with it anyway past the first days. i am quite fit and have been practising yoga for 8 years so i was definitely not expecting the awesome changes in mind and body - my running and posture have both improved spectacularly, and i feel more patient and more conscious in every day life. and every morning i look forward to seeing your friendly face, Adriene - your positive energy is awesome and thinking of all the people all over the world on their mats makes me smile during each practice. thank you!

  21. Won't you take me to.... Yoga Toooowwnnn!! Loving how each day gradually builds on the last. Onward! ๐Ÿ™‚

  22. Thank you so much Adriene, you make me feel that yoga is fun again. Used to feel that I wasn't as capable or as strong as everyone else. The yogaclasses I've been to before have had to much focus on nailing the movements and haven't been so forgiving.
    You make yoga fun and makes me feel like I am the best I can be everyday. Thank you!

  23. Loved, loved, loved today! I feel amazing and even managed to get both feet off the mat for a second in crow! โ™ฅ

  24. I did 14 & 15 back to back this morning. What a great combination. A medical treatment put me one day behind, but happy to be back on track. Thank you Adriene and thank you to my dear friend Jolene for finding you. There are 3 of us going through this revolution together, in different locations, but it's fun to check in with each other and share experiences! Feeling younger every day!

  25. Holy Quads woman! I proudly did it all but you almost killed this Northerner! LMBO!

    I love the Revolution! I have done Yoga Camp twice last year and 30 Days of Yoga once.

    I like going in thru my VHX membership instead because when I look at the video the time is not in my face and I can focus on you and our yoga not how much time I have left.

    Keep bringing us great yoga!


  26. Thank you for teaching in such a beautiful way that speaks to the journey we are all on....Sincerely .
    (deep appreciation from an elementary teacher).

  27. Doubled up on Day 14 & 15. It's like you knew!!! It was the best hour-long YWA evah! Thanks for leading me through such amazingness for my body, mind and soul. Namaste. ๐Ÿ™‚

  28. Half way through the revolution, and I can sure feel my body ๐Ÿ˜€ I enjoy every second, but the crow ,,,,, :O
    Thank you again, Adriene and fellow yogis <3

  29. Je n'ai pas rรฉussi de faire la fameuse pose, les jambes sur les bras... Ce n'est pas grave. Je m'aime. J'accepte ce qui je suis, ici et maintenant. Merci!

  30. Putting my knees on my upper arms is wicked uncomfortable for me in bakasana. Any suggestions?

  31. Hi all,

    I am fully loving all of this as well! Found today's practice to be somewhat tougher than the rest-- I too had a lot of trouble keeping my head-heart-pelvis "aligned" in the high lunge. I've been practicing on and off for a couple of years now, and this still seems almost impossible without bending that back knee. Carrying Simba was hard for me, too ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Any advice?

  32. Hello Adriene, Hello dear fellow Revolutioners! Loved this practice today. Very challenging but as so many others before me said, I can actually feel the progress and my body becoming more strengthened. I even managed crow for a split second. I was usually scared of this, scared of falling, scared of hurting myself. But today I was fearless and you can accomplish so much more without fear. Also I had to laugh out loud when Adriene said "Oh no Chair pose" because that was exactly what I was thinking at that moment - felt caught ๐Ÿ˜€ Anyway this is my very first comment to a video of Adriene. I always read the top most comments but never dared to share my thoughts. Have a wonderful day everyone. Love from Vienna (Austria), Namaste...

  33. I thought I had a good yoga practice before but now I see what it means to consistently show up and be committed to a series like this. I really did feel fearless today- the first time I've even attempted lifting my toes to crow. I can feel the new strength in my body, not only on the mat but in the way I walk and sit the rest of the time. Thank you Adriene.

  34. At first I was like aw c'mon it's Sunday! Then I was like oooh this is exactly what I need. Thank you! One day at a time. It's cool to say I've done 15 days of yoga in a row! And I have more energy in the yoga classes I attend during the week. It's happening and it feels reallyyyy gooood - even on grumpy glumpy days like today.

  35. Thank you for this amazing fearless practice to start off my 21st year of life! I can't wait to take this day and all of the lessons I've learned from revolution thus far into my life off the mat!


  36. Thank you, Adriene for another great practice! Not sure I will ever get my 72 year old body to do the crow pose, but I can squat and the lunges weren't too tough for me today. Legs are strong, wrists are weak and flexibility isn't great. Maybe if I were 20 pounds lighter I could do the crow. ๐Ÿ™‚

  37. i lovelovelove yoga revolution! i want 365 days of yoga now <3 thank you so much, adriene!

  38. I wonder if you can feel all the little namastes and thank yous as people finish their practice in different time zones all over the world. Thank you so much, Adriene. My shoulder injury is slowly but surely improving (I'm not pushing it) and I'm stronger and more open every day. I'm really feeling like I might be starting my day with yoga for the rest of the year. This rocks!! <3

    1. PS I was fearless enough to commit to crow - sufficiently so that I landed on my head! But I've been aware of the fear holding me back from that pose. (Your guidance and reminders have helped me not feel too frustrated by that though) ๐Ÿ™‚

  39. Thank you, Adriene, and the rest of the Revolution community! I'm loving this entire series but have especially appreciated the last few days. I have been crashing into a cranky mood late afternoon or early evening but always feel more energy, more grateful, and more ease after finishing our practice. Thank you so much! Namaste.

  40. Oh man, this Yoga revolution, it makes me laugh, it makes me cry, it makes me... speechless.
    I really feel empowered and that I almost held the crow pose today, that made me really giddy.
    Thank you for this amazing experience!

  41. Today was really hard for me. I just felt like I'm not good enough for this. I know I'm thinking about things all the wrong way, but today was just rough for me. I couldn't do everything, and some of the things I could do I quit before A was done because it was hurting so much. I know you're supposed to be gentle with your body, allow it its limits, but I found myself angry with my body today and feeling like a failure. ๐Ÿ™ Maybe tomorrow will be better. The journey has been wonderful until today.

  42. Good gravy - I am loving every minute of this yoga revolution!
    Big ups from Whitby, Ontario!
    Stay gold Adriene!

  43. What a great invitation to today's practice - "...the plot thickens"! It brought smile on my face and I was ready to go.
    Brilliant, delicious practice again even though I held the crow pose for a split second only. Frustrated? Absolutely not! Just something to work on.
    So happy to be a part of Revolution sharing it with my best friend. I am doing it in the UK while Irina is following it in Canada.
    Thank you Adriene!

    1. Hey, don't be sad. I've been trying for a long time. And I am bit sad, but I'm trying to see it more as something to come (trying being the key word there :P) We'll get there ๐Ÿ™‚

  44. Attended my first yoga class in over a decade this morning and it was work! I;m still worn out from it but I love Adriene and her practice so much I couldn't miss this one. My body will be angry in the morning!!

  45. I've been on break since the Christmas and New Year holiday. The days will begin to get busier and longer in the next week or so as I resume school, and I will have to commit to showing up for myself on the mat. Am I not worth 30 minutes of self-care? Yes I am.

  46. Like others I was not feeling the energy today but rolled out the mat and just did it. So glad I did. Wasn't easy but made me feel better. Thanks Adriene

  47. Great practice today! Like always I am so glad I dragged my butt off the comfy couch and onto my mat today. It was so interesting too: before starting the video I was practicing a few challenging poses I am working towards, and in one of them I started telling myself: "trust yourself and don't let fear take over." Then I lifter my toes, looked forward, trusted myself and flew, if only for a few seconds! I fell over in the other one, but that's ok. Then imagine my surprise when you repeated exactly what I'd just been going through!

    Thank you, Adriene, as always for this practice and for giving us a space to breathe together, no matter where we are in the world. Namaste!

  48. What I have learned after 15 days straight of yoga:

    1. I benefit much more from a shorter daily practice that is consistent than going to a longer class once or twice a week.

    2. That it truly is ok to listen to my body. I run a lot and mid week my legs were super tired. So I said to myself, do a practice, it does not need to be "the" practice, I circled back to something gentle and still showed up to my mat.

    3. That real change is taking pace. We had company last night and I did not realize at one point that I was leaning against the kitchen counter with my right leg up pressed against my thigh in tree pose until my husband said said something. Huh, I just felt comfortable in that position.

    Change is taking place. real change. Go Yogis go!!!!

  49. What a great practice today! I fell on my face in crow's pose a few times, but instead of getting frustrated, I found myself laughing, enjoying the sensation of the practice.

    Thank you Adriene!

  50. Thank you Adriene for this yoga revolution! Today I noticed the rewards of all this work off the mat - I'm listening to my body and sitting a little more taller with the support from my core, listening more than talking, playing more than worrying. Today's practice was challenging but just what my mind needed to feel fearless for tomorrow. Namaste.

  51. "Surrender to what you can't control." It's like you could see right into my living room! When my 19th month old isn't riding my back, he's in the kitchen rearranging the cupboards. I don't know how often I paused the videos to remake a pillow for for my 3 year old and 5 year old. Thanks for helping me learn to roll with it.

  52. Started with this revolution practice today after finishing 30 days last week. Looking forward to another yoga journey. Im still quite new to the practice and feel somewhat awkward in some poses and movements. Still, its fun and deeply satisfying to workout with you, Adriene. Thank you for encouraging me and a whole lot of people to explore ourselves in this journey lotsa love from Norway โค

  53. Thank you Adriene, and for all the other yogis who are taking this journey with us!

    I certainly didn't feel fearless this morning, but I managed one foot off the floor in crow, and two legs for a second before I collapsed!

    I found it quite a challenging practice, but there's no point in not pushing ourselves! I did fall over a number of times, and wonder how bad that is. I have severe osteoporosis (although I'm only 25) but I've never broken anything, so I guess it's okay? Hmm, maybe I should ask a trained medical professional instead!

    Namaste, and blessed be.

  54. Sweet Adriene,

    You always end our incredible practices by thanking us for sharing our time and energy with you-THANK YOU for giving us the opportunity! And thank you for sharing your time and energy! You are a precious person and I am so very glad to be a part of this amazing community!

  55. Thank you Adriene, I look forward to my 30 mins on the mat before I head off to bed each evening. Thank you for being such a positive force in my life to start off the new year. Sending light and love x

  56. In love with each day... Really needed to carve out this time to heal. When so much is going on I'm even harder on myself. With practice I learn nothing is easy. I don't have to nail everything. And I'm only 23 I don't have to have my life figured out. I just have to enjoy today. Much love everyone, we got this !!

    We're in this together.

  57. I was so tired yesterday I neglected to do day 15.... after doing it today I totally needed this yesterday. When you don't feel like's when you need it the most. Omward to day 16...double dose of Adriene on this Monday. Woo woot.

  58. This one was challenging, I struggled with the chair poses but managed to do crow (!) before falling on my face and then my dog sat on my head in savasana.

    I've stuck with the daily practice though, despite it being 35ยฐC (95ยฐF) for the last few days, so there's that to feel good about ๐Ÿ™‚

  59. I fell behind yesterday with a full day of travelling, so getting to Day 15 today. Feels great! I'm actually really looking forward to two trips to yoga town!

  60. Wow, thank you. Half split is getting more comfortable for me. Thank you for this wonderful practice. My cat was playing with my hair in savasana. Cats and yoga!!

    1. My cat plays with my hair when I get on the yoga mat too! When she sees me head to the mat, she joins me every day!

  61. Sorry Adriene. I sassed you today with an " on no we won't" after you said we would meet back in the squat! I am a few days behind but you are keeping me motivated to stick with it!

  62. I am a couple days behind as I found it hard to carve out time with kids and family visiting. I hope to be caught up before the crazy busy weekend gets here again. Thanks you. Day 15 was a great practice.

  63. Day 15! This was a tough one! I hade a pretty tiered morning today bur after I left of the kids at school I rolled out the matt. Now I need a shower!! Thank you so much for these 31 one days of yoga! I love it!! /Malin, Sweden

  64. Loving this practice. Practice fearlessness is so important and the comment about we are busy thinking about the future or worrying about the past instead of embracing the current moment is so true. Todays practice was de-lish! And I'm loving being a part of this strong community. Thank you Adriene for making this happen! X

  65. Loving this practice. Practice fearlessness is so important and the comment about we are busy thinking about the future or worrying about the past instead of embracing the current moment is so true. Todays practice was de-lish! And Iโ€™m loving being a part of this strong community. Thank you Adriene for making this happen! X

  66. Nice, and with some practice, maybe even I can stand on the hands....let you know about a year or so;)

  67. Adriene, you brought so much light to my life. You are such an amazing person. ^_^ You changed my way of perceiving yoga. I used to just do 4 easy poses from time to time and I thought that i is it, thats what yoga is.
    You made me realize what yoga really is. Im so thankful. After those 15 days I feel so different. Thank you. ๐Ÿ™‚

  68. So I am on Day 15 and it's Feb. 5! Obviously, I started late---should I complete the full 31 days or should I become a member and jump to the FWFG calendar? I am a beginner, but I was already fairly fit. Still learning poses and listening carefully to Adriene's guidance. Thoughts?

    1. Ha! I'm on Day 15 and it's Feb.9 ๐Ÿ˜‰
      I started on time but I had a hand injury so.... had to be patient.
      I think that in the end, 31 days is just a way to make you commit to a regular practice of yoga. When I could start again the program, I was sooooo unnecessarily frustrated not to be "on time". Now I take my time. And being a member doesn't mean you have to drop the 31 days program ^^

      Take good care! ๐Ÿ™‚

  69. Wow, this one was fierce indeed!!
    I feel my legs are kind of light/trembling/weak after the practice lol!
    But so good I admitt ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Thank you sooooo much for what you bring to me, to people, to the world!

  70. Thank you for today's practice. I can feel it in my legs a lot. But man that crow pose had me going sideways like building a structure from marshmellows and tooth picks. hahaha, but nonetheless, as soon as i fell I got right back up and tried again! so, day 15 completed we're at the halfway mark lets do this!

  71. Hi,
    thank you for this REVOLUTION! ๐Ÿ™‚ I feel tired but amazing.
    I just wonder in few poses if it is better to bend my knee and be grounded or keep my leg straight but not really bend towards my knee. It is all about the journey but is there a recomendation which way is better to one day nail it? haha
    thanks for all your videos!

  72. So happy with today's practice!
    I'm not used to leave comments but today was so nice that I had to make an exception!
    I had a tough practice yesterday (day 14) because I had a cold. I wasn't sure about today but now I feel great! My legs are really feeling it! I feel the revolution!

    Thank you so much, Adriene!

    Greetings from Argentina!

  73. I have no issues with being fearful, just frustrated. I'm older, and lack the strength and balance to do some of these moves, and end up getting cramped ankles , or falling right over.
    I enjoy the breathing and stretching, but unfortunately, I think I need more "beginner" instruction.....

  74. 'Electric' is how I believe I can best describe the observed feelings during this sequence. Thank you so much!

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