November Wellness is OURS

What follows is a repost of this weeks Letter. If you'd like to receive messages like this directly to your inbox every week (more or less) please sign up in the sidebar on the right.

Hello my friends,

A new month is here and after a lot of travel this year, I am setting out to reconnect to my wellness rituals and attempt to gain balance in all things.

November Wellness is ours.

As the season changes I find myself ready to check in and reconnect to what “wellness” feels like for me - now.

Mind and body.

Plus, let’s face it, it’s not a bad time to boost the immunity.

Eat with the season, if possible.

Cook more.

With my travel done for the year I have no excuse not to commit to a regular morning regime of yoga and mindfulness.

Thus - I am taking on 21 Days of Rise and rocking my November Whole Living Wellness.

I want to hear Ru Paul say that last line. I hear myself saying it in her voice.

Who want’s to rock some wellness rituals with me this month?

21 Days Of Rise begins November 5th and runs through the 25th. Our mission ends just before the Thanksgiving holiday for a few of us, but we can all celebrate with gratitude, whether we are doing a Thanksgiving holiday or not.

If you don’t have the RISE program (yet) - I got you.

Here are some options:

  • Do 21 Days of any yoga video or freestyle yoga.
  • Set another intention centered around November Wellness for 21 consecutive days.
  • Try the amazing Foundations Of Yoga calendar made by kula member Sarah B! Another kula member Jennifer H. who started a little YWA monthly challenge last month said it best, “Beginners will learn proper alignment as the basis for finding what feels good and intermediate/advanced practitioners know that one always benefits from going back to the basics. The challenge is short enough to include on top of the RISE challenge, 30 days of yoga challenge, or your own personal practice.”

I include her words, not my own, to remind you that we are a community full of teachers!

All of us.

And so you can see how hard the online group rocks.

I will be posting each day in the Find What Feels Good Kula in an effort to keep us connected and communicating. This has turned out to be the best way to hold ourselves accountable to our goal - and a very healthy way to get inspired and stay motivated.

The conversation is open to all in the group - not just those doing 21 Days Of Rise.

The goal - to rock November Wellness and motivate each other to connect, find what feels good & plug in to what our needs are this month.

Use your downloadable calendar to mark your progress.

Say yes to November Whole Living Wellness.

Say yes to 21 Days Of RISE.

Let’s do this!



PS- You guys have no idea how many irons are in the YWA fire. Stay connected! Good things to come!!!

13 comments on “November Wellness is OURS”

  1. Hi Adriene!

    Just wanted to drop by say hello and thank you, thank you, thank you for showing up with your 30DaysOfYoga. Doing your 30DaysofYoga inspired me to do a video series centered on relationship consciousness. What Do People In Happy Relationships Do Different? 21 Quick Tips in 21 Days.

    Gratitude to you Adriene!

    Love, light and blessings,

  2. Dear Adriene,

    I'm following you for a about 3 months and i'm enjoying your way of explaining the postures en sequences. But i have a question. With the longer (and more intense) sequences my hands get sweaty and i feel my hands slip away in the down ward facing dog. Do you have tips or tricks for this problem?

    Best wishes,
    Suzan Thijssen

  3. Hey Adrienne:
    Just wanted to let you know, I have been an avid yogini years ago. I have been away since 2007... With work, very long commute, kids and everything else I couldn't find any time for myself and my practice.
    I started your 30day yoga program last week... and my body/mind/soul is coming back to itself... Just wanted to let you know the change you are creating in another person's soul.. Thank you for sharing my practice with me everything even though it's through a video. Namaste!

  4. I just wanted to say thank you guys soo much. I don't know if I could truly explain what your video series have done for me. A little back story. I am a loving wife and mother of 4 wonderfully wild rugrats. I am a "survivor", left with the nasty scar, PTSD. A beast with a mind of its own.

    After the birth of our fourth and final world changer, what I believed to be a tamed beast reared its ugly head again. Between circumstance and hormonal chaos, anziety and all the yuck that comes with it started to plague my everyday. You do your coping techniques, you talk to the people you need to talk to, you wash the dishes with fear-induced adrenaline pumping through your veins. You wait for a calm, that thankfully I've learned will come..eventually.

    I truly thought that I was done fighting this battle. I had had a wonderful pregnancy. Life was glorious. So this "episode" which seemed to never want to go away completely was a very unwelcome surprise. A daily weight of fear with a dash of uncertainty. A dark tunnel that grows longer with each doubt of the light at the end. One late night call with my sister, who does the best job holding my hand though the nonsense, she was preaching yoga and I frankly wasn't listening. Find a funnel for my anziety, submerse myself in something even just for a few minutes. It took a few days before I was truly fed up with feeling out of control. I needed something I could follow, something I could do While being supermom, and more importantly something that we could afford. I found the videos on YouTube and they have become an everyday ritual for us. Sometimes it's the whole family streaming it in the livingroom. Sometimes it's the 2am-s.o.s-calmer-of-fears all alone. and sometimes it's just a "mamas thighs need some work." 🙂

    But whatever it's become now, I owe you 1000 thank you's for the peace and clarity that I've been able to find in it when I truly needed it. I understand free videos probably isn't the most profitable business to be in, but I wanted you to know that I was sincerely thankful that you made them available to us. It's been a corner stone in leading me and my family to a happier healthier future. Wellness November. Enough said. Hoping for a brighter stronger December for sure!

  5. Hi Adriene! I have recently had several aches and pains due to over use of my body at work, which has affected my right wrist (tendinitis) and my left shoulder (Supraspinatus impingement) that travels from my neck, shoulder, and all the way down my arm. Yoga certainly helps me through this, but I am not finding any videos from you that address these issues. Can you help? Thank you!

  6. I don't know if you will ever see this, but I wanted to tell you after a really hard year of every kind of trouble I decided a week ago to take this coming winter and make it about me. Somehow I ended up on your youtube channel and saw the 30 day challenge. 2 days in and I discovered I carry a TON of stress/tension in my neck/back that I never knew. I feel like I have something to look forward to and I can't wait for the next day to do the next video. I feel like I can stand and carry myself better already and taller and I am incredibly grateful for your free videos and the message you project in each video.

    Thank you, I feel like for the first time I CAN do my incredibly stressful job with a smile, and you are a huge part of that.

    1. I'm seeing this Jennifer - and thank you so much for writing in. It is inspiring to me and I am sure to others. Completely beautiful. Thank you. Let's keep going...


  7. Good morning! I just wanted to start off by giving you my utmost gratitude for the videos that I was able to find online. For the past year I have been having horrible issues in my life; spiritually, physically, and emotionally. I was so lost with myself that I had no idea where to turn. When I stumbled across your 30 Days of Yoga, I decided why not? And I have to say that it has been the most calming and life changing experience! I feel at peace with myself and I can finally get focus on the changes I need to make in my life to get back on track. I cannot thank you enough! I had tried yoga in the past, but never caught on. I think I finally got the push to start over a new life with new intentions, which includes yoga. I'm hoping that once I become knowledgeable enough, I would love to have my own class in my home town to share my new life with others. You are truly an inspiration <3

    1. oh I was trying to buy it through your vhx website...but the code doesn't work there. It only works at your fwfg shop.

  8. Hi Adriene,
    I'm writing in to convey my gratitude to you, for your heart, your passion and your dedication to spreading your message. YWA has lifted me up and out of a long deep slump, feeling run-down physically and spiritually. I yearned to find something constant, and soothing to turn to, and yoga has become just that for me. I attended a few weekly yoga classes in the past, but besides them being unaffordable to maintain, I also did not feel myself progressing, and didn't experience any growth to stay motivated. However, (mostly) daily YWA has become my go-to. My body has never felt this good! I honestly didn't know it was possible to have no back pain, and to feel this in-control, energetic and powerful. Thank you for what you do, and for who you are.
    You are changing the world.
    (Aneeka, Med Student, Cape Town)

  9. Adrienne,
    I really appreciate your yoga videos and your sense of humor. You are a ray of sunshine. Thanks again.
    <3 Kim

  10. Good morning! I just wanted to start off by giving you my utmost gratitude for the videos that I was able to find online. For the past year I have been having horrible issues in my life;

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