Mantra message board

For this next week - it's mantra madness!

To inspire us all to write our own unique individual stories and set our intentions from the heart – we are going to have a little Mantra madness.

Sit up tall.

Take a deep breath in.

Long exhale out.

What do you feel like today?

What do you need?

What are you grateful for?

What do you choose?

What is a word that resonates with you today? Or perhaps you saw something or someone that inspired you to feel a certain way? A song? A smell? Trust that the perfect word or mantra can be served up today! It always seems to find you  - if you are open to it.



In our newsletter this week we talked about how important it is for your practice to be designed by you so it can really serve you. There are so many things on the internet to inspire! I am not knocking that but rather reminding all of us to listen- listen and keep going. Inward.

We practice listening this week and share our mantras below. If you want to 🙂

Share on Instagram with #ywamantramadness and #findwhatfeelsgood and feel free to share with me at @adrienelouise.

Stay positive. Keep listening. Keep practicing.

81 comments on “Mantra message board”

  1. Hi Adriene,

    Tonight, while struggling to teach a class of students who don't really want to learn (stressing, really), I found this fortune I had saved in my back pocket:

    "A peaceful mind generates power."


    I needed this tonight- maybe some of you do, too 🙂


    1. I really do think that if we are open - we are able to receive what we need when we need it. We can self nourish, heal and inspire. I noticed on my drive home this morning a car with the word "motivation" on the side of it. I smiled. My morning mantra had found me 🙂

  2. Morning from UK,dear Adriene!Thank you for sharing your wisdom with's so helpful!I don't have the privilege to go to yoga classes,so having your videos it's such a blessing!:-) I wanted to ask you if you could tell us more about meditation.I'd love to practice it,but I don't know how to start.I was thinking about buying a meditation cd,but there are so many out there,it's so confusing.I wanna pick something good,maybe you'd be kind and recommend me something..;-)
    Thank you so much,I hope you have a lovely week.
    Lots of love,Anca.

    1. Yes. I am working on a meditation opportunity for us all and we have plans to offer a free video on mediation on the channel next month. I will talk more about this soon! Stay tuned!
      In the meantime, you might try the Oprah and D. Chopra free meditation or Headspace - just a starting place. It is fun to explore. Love.

  3. The word for this week is 'connect' to people, to feelings, to experiences and to God. 🙂

  4. my go to mantra is a quote:
    be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. -plato (we think)

    i try to extend the kindness to myself, too.

  5. I can often find a true connection to the phrase: "Be here now." It manages to strike a chord within me to wake up and listen, even if just briefly.

    I do sometimes struggle to come up with a phrase that isn't superficial or that I truly, deeply believe and can connect with when I am putting pressure on myself to do it...

    I am going to intend this week to take those few moments in the morning to connect and breathe to see if I can find a mantra there. Do many of you do this already? If so, at what point in the day? Immediately upon waking? Before you hit the mat? After?

  6. Flow. This word has grown to mean so much to me as I continued to grow and learn in the world of flow arts and it is a simple reminder to "ride to waves of life." Ebb and flow. There are ups and there are downs and both are wonderful and fabulous and necessary (:

  7. Almost as Cathy, one of my favourite mantra comes from the fact that everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about, so, BE KIND. ALMAYS.

    And, in this sense, IF YOU CAN'T BE KIND, BE QUIET.

  8. for me : consciousness to myself and awakening. I kind of don't find myself from a while, kind of lost. Active practice yoga just put me in action 🙂

    1. Eszter , I could really relate to your comment.

      I feel the same for a few weeks.
      I had goals, did yoga and pilates - and felt great.

      But lately, I became more stressed at work, started taking driving lessons (I'm 22 but had to it now), and haven't seen my bf for a long while. oh, and had only 4 hours of sleep on an average day.
      Feels a bit like losing myself, and letting my self-judgemental come right out.

      So, my mantra is going to be - stay calm, let yourself do the things you want in your way.

      Thank you (and you Adriene) for letting me to realize that.
      Be confident about yourself, and shine on !

  9. hello all! a couple years ago a teacher made us all read the following poem. it resonated with me so deeply that i still turn to it 10+ years later to bring me back and realign my thoughts. there are little bits and phrases for everyone to connect with no matter what your situation. Enjoy!

    Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons.

    Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story.

    Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.

    Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

    Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals; and everywhere life is full of heroism.

    Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass.

    Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.

    Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

    Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

    Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be, and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul. With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

    Max Ehrmann, "Desiderata

  10. My mantra for this week is "healing". I'm healing from a concussion and YWA is really helping me! The kids are also in school now and it's quieter around the house so I can heal faster. I'm looking forward to your information on meditation! That should also help me in this healing process as I am learning to be more concious of my present self 🙂

  11. Embrace change happily.
    These past few days, I realized that there are a lot of changes going on not only with my personal life but also at work.
    There is no sense in fighting it because it is constant and it is making room for things to grow and find space.
    Embracing and accepting the changes will make the transition easier, not only for me but for other people too.

  12. Tuesday - Adriene, balance MOTIVATE and SELF CARE.

    Namaste to all of you. Reading all of these mantras definitely lifted my spirit and raised my vibrations. It was fun to scroll and breathe with you. My immunity is down today but I also need to get some sh*t done. So my mantra for today requires a balance. I'm listening 😉

  13. Be Content. Too often I find myself wanting more, wanting to do more, wanting to be more. I need to remind myself to not just be content with who I am and what I have but to be grateful for it as well.

  14. Mine is. "Be helpful". I work in a stressful environment and have fallen victim of it getting the better of me far too much lately. However, this week I feel much more positive and in control....perhaps renewed energy from the coming change in the season... Not sure. I know I would not have gotten through my recent stressful time without the help of my colleagues and friends. Now I'm feeling better, it's time to give back and help those around me that need it. X

  15. As per usual, your newsletter fell in my inbox at the right time. I too had it all to do today. But after two weeks of working to the extreme, my body has given up on my minds determination to keep going. I've cancelled everything and accepted I need to listen to my body. My mantra is to be kind to myself. Ive slept a lot today and tonight I'm going to meditate. Just be. The discount code is also a lovely gift and I will be using it once I've regained some energy. Hugs x

  16. My mantra for the past year has been "healthy and happy".

    A little over a year ago I was hit by a car while riding my bike home from work. The accident was physically devastating, but even after the broken bones began to heal, my heart and soul struggled. It took several months for me to reach a place where I was both physically and emotionally happy and healthy again.

    Once I reached that good place, I became determined to never let it happen again. I can't prevent another car from hitting me (I still ride to and from work) but I keep my heart and mind in the right place. Happy and healthy.

  17. My word for today is "gratitude". On so many levels. I bought a little something for our daughter and it brought such a sparkle to her eyes and such a big smile on her face. No "Thank you" could ever replace that sight.

  18. Yesterday during Empower's Heart 1 practice I chose an intention of quiet/stillness so I could work on letting go of my day's stress. It helped so much. Today, I've chosen strength of will. I tend to set intentions and then as I go through my day I allow myself to resort back to old habits without any thought at all. I love your suggestion to place my daily intentions (or I may use weekly ones, not sure) on my desk monitor or as your photo - write it onto my palm. I need to remember to bring myself back to the intention and work on not allowing myself to's hard work!!! Yet, when I do remember, the rewards and peace that overcome me are there. 🙂

  19. The mantra that came to my mind this morning is: Breath Gratitude

    I try to practice gratitude each day and I've noticed lately I've been being a bit lazy about it. I really wanted to focus today on my gratitude. I'm even working from home today so I can help my mind and spirit get back on track: )

    1. dear ginger

      after reading your mantra an our ago, it kept resonating in my mind, so a thought to reply.

      it made me go back in time when i was not feeling well for over 2 years. it was hard finding myself again and accept the day as it is, and finaly anjoy the day as it comes. i honestly forgot how dark day can be sometimes.

      thank you for reminding me how light the days are at the moment, and wish you all the strength finding yours!

      love from holland

      1. Thank you, Anne. I appreciate your reply!

        Greetings back to you and much light from Texas! 🙂

  20. Hi everybody. I m french so sorry of I do some mistakes. I really love to read all your positive attitude messages 🙂
    Since a few days... Months... I m trying to forgot a man. Hard thing to do is'nt it ?
    So I started to tru the mantra thing method. Every times he come back on my mind I think for myself "abracadaoust !" ( a kind of magic word to "Get away!"). And I try to focus on the thing I'm doing. Sometimes it works. Sometimes not. But I'm trying to ne patient 🙂
    Here in Paris, it´s almost the night so... Bonne soirée ! 😉

    1. That's brilliant! That could work for any negative thoughts. I shall 'abracadaoust' away my low self esteem and panic attacks! Merci, Florence ♥

  21. Hey all! So I actually jotted down my "answers" to her questions to help find my Mantra today.

    How am I feeling?
    I did a power yoga yesterday that kicked my butt, I had to get up two hours earlier today and work extra.
    Feeling SORE, TIRED, and TIGHT.

    I NEED:
    Length, stretch, and ENERGY

    What am I thankful for?
    YOGA, Adriene, Justin, my Mom, Cooking in my own kitchen.

    The trees are starting to turn as it gets cold. They stand tall and strong all winter. I am letting them inspire me.

    "LONG and STRONG." My mantra for today. Love reading through all of your stuff too, fellow yogis. <3

  22. For me, the most rewarding part of my practice is that it helps me with all the other areas of my life. It helps me to stay calm under pressure, to achieve clarity in the face of confusion, to realise that I have an infinite amount of inner strength at my disposal. Ultimately it helps me to succeed, overcoming any obstacles that may come my way, remaining happy and peaceful in the process.

    So, for me, my two go-to mantras are;

    "If it can be done, I can do it!"


    "I already have everything that I may ever need at my disposal"

    Thank you to Adriene and all the other yogis out there who continue to inspire me every day!


  23. My Mantra for today is "Let it go"
    This is more like my life mantra, I find myself saying it all the time 😉

  24. Today's mantra 'self' ....... Self Love, Self acceptance, Self care. I'll start with just a day.

  25. My mantra for today: "make people happy". putting smile on their face, supporting them in their plans, uplifting their mood... seeing them happy nourishes me at most.

  26. I too change my mantra from day to day. I remember reading somewhere that you should find a mantra and then stick with it for life. I don't believe I agree with that since as I grow in my practice new things appear. Today's mantra was patience, but recent one's have been gratitude, purpose. and a favorite is smile.

  27. I suppose I had one and never knew it. I have a favourite film called 3 Idiots. In it the main character says that hearts are weak and easily frightened. Sometimes you just need to tell them 'Aal izz well'. Whatever happens it's okay, all IS well. It really is okay...
    It's a little long but I also love Robert Louis Stevenson's "Anyone can do his work, however hard, for one day. Anyone can live sweetly, patiently, lovingly, purely, until the sun goes down. And this is all that life really means." It's got me through many a difficult situation.

  28. My mantra word is *Angel* we all need one at times and it is my daughter's name, which feels me with love and pride as she is a beautiful person

  29. Hi Adrienne from the channel islands uk.
    Thanks for your inspirational channel
    My intention to start the day is to have a " peaceful mind and patient heart" not only will this benefit me, but also those around me by making me more understanding to others needs.

  30. I've never called this 'My mantra' before, but these thoughts help me every day if I start feeling rushed, under pressure and stressed out.

    1) My life is like a little snow globe that someone has given a good shake. Everything will eventually fall into place.

    2) Go at your own pace.

    3) The turtle wins the race.

    4) One stepping stone at a time.

    5) Enjoy the moment it's all you've really got.

  31. I always try to set an intention in my morning practice, but I always find it very difficult. One mantra that one of my yoga teachers used to say and that has tuned with me for a long time is "you are here", and for that reason, one of the intentions I repeat to myself quite often is "be here". Also I think I should work on "self-acceptance".

    Do you change your intention everyday? I find it quite difficult to consolidate it in my mind in only one day, so I keep with the same intention for a while. I think I should have it more present during the day. So, yes, tomorrow I'll focus on self-acceptance!!! Thank you all for all the inspiring mantras!!

  32. Infinite patience produces immediate results. I especially remind myself of this in traffic or in a classroom where my students are struggling to understand a concept. It helps bring me back to what is is important.
    It works!

  33. my mantra is 'patience' - which to me means to be kinder to myself and understand that i can't do everything but also look at what i am doing and see that i am working more than i realize, it is just that my kind of work takes time (i'm a phd student, which is a crash course in how to feel bad about yourself).

  34. My mantra today may seem simple, but recently I've been feeling like I put on a face to make everyone happy and I'm tired of the charade. So for me its:

    Be yourself!

  35. A mantra that has served me very well these last few weeks, especially during yoga and/or prayer is "Cease Striving". It essentially means rest, but I find that telling myself to cease striving actually helps this perfectionist take the "work" out of resting or trusting, if that makes sense. It's an invitation for myself to just BE and I allow myself to be where I am, right now, and realize it's ok, self-compassion can be oh so restful! I've attempted to find other mantra's but find myself constantly coming back to this one. It's the one that sticks to my soul.

    1. Your mantra is what I need for the month. "Cease Striving". Just saying those words brings a relaxing feeling. It's OK. Breathe out. What a blessing. Thank you.

  36. It's three days before my wedding and I have a terrible flu. So the mantra madness is just in time.
    I chose for my mantra these days: "Trust. Smile at the flow. Everything will fall into place."

  37. "I am peace" always helps me find inner balance when I am feeling a bit chaotic. I use this a lot while meditating 🙂

  38. woke up with this:

    determination next to patience . Everything will start to fall into place .

  39. WED- OH my struggles! I'm not going to like y'all. It has been a hell of a day. Today my mantra is - PEACE. Seek peace in your self Adriene. In others. In the reality of the day.

    Peace out.


  40. Happily just did the Yoga for Stress Relief practice, so today's mantra is, "Release."

    I'm releasing that which no longer serves me ie. it does not serve me to stress about all the work I have to do, about teaching etc. I can only do what I can do.

    Do the work, show up, do it with love.
    It does not serve me to berate myself for any of it or to stress <3


  41. My mantra for the day (studying for exam) is "the trouble is you think you have time" -buddha . I guess it applies to all of us ,wherever we are whatever we are doing 🙂

  42. The rain will come and the grass will grow. This is a very inspirational mantra passed on to me by a good friend. Who has allowed me to use it until I find/create my own.
    As of now I am on: Living lifted by light and grounded by love. Another one I hold close to my heart comes from a Led Zeppelin song, All you need is in your soul.

  43. My mantra this week is peace. I am currently a junior in college, newly married, and feeling like I have NO time for anything but a textbook and my laptop. But I have peace in knowing that the end result is going to be such a victory; I have peace knowing that God is with me and I CAN do it.

    Peace. <3. Just sit on the word peace and think about what it really means to you. For me, it means a decision each day to not let the stress overwhelm me, but to continually have peace.

  44. My mantra is simply "You can." I find that doubt and worry often pervades my thoughts, so a gentle reminder that I can take whatever life throws at me is often a needed one.

  45. Hi Adriene! I just wanted to say how helpful your yoga videos are to me! They are wonderful! I use them for a morning wake-up, for a night time routine, or for stress relief. You are personal, down to earth and knowledgable. Thank you so much!!!

  46. I've been down with the flu two days ago but I tell myself: MIND OVER BODY. Have a great day!

  47. stillness .

    It was harder for me to find my mantra for today, but hey,there it is.
    It's going to be a busy weekend, filled with all of my love ones. And the weird thing that usually happens is that I expect so much from myself ant of the situation that I usually get stressed and tired, and than disappointed.

    This time I decided that the world can turn a round as fast as it wants, I'm going to enjoy living by my own pace.

    Happy friday ♥

  48. The past three days:
    "Slow," as in slowing down and taking things one at a time.
    "Release," as in letting go of things we can't control or do.
    "Deliberate," as in doing things with intention and presence.

  49. My mantra this week has been, "BeLIEve!" I am thinking about this especially this morning as I prepare myself to read the eulogy at my dear friend's funeral. I BELIEVE I can make it through.

  50. Many years ago I was in the presence of Gurumayi at an ashram in the Catskills of New York . It was a life changing experience and I will never forget her words of wisdom..."divine service comes from a heart at ease."

  51. My mantra today is Compassion.

    I was feeling a bit down yesterday and realized that I started being hard on myself about this and the issues causing it - not for the first time.

    So I want to consciously and gently redirect my energy and awareness to the present moment and stop dwelling in the past but at the same time be gentle and compassionate, with myself and the people in my life.

  52. My mantra for the week. Smile and say hi to a stranger everyday.
    I guarantee you will feel happier and happy to have made someone smile 🙂
    Love you Adriene!

  53. On a bad day, sometimes I just repeat again and again, "God Loves Me." Sometime it is all I have.

  54. My mantra today is 'let go and accept'. I suffer with anxiety and OCD/intrusive thoughts and I find it really hard to accept that I have this going on when I never used to. I find it pretty scary and I worry and obsess about my anxiety every single day. My doctor has told me I just have an anxiety disorder and I need to accept and let it go. As of today I am trying to do just that. Not let it all scare me anymore. It is what it is. It doesn't define who I am, I am still a loving mother, and a good kind person.

    Thank you for your wisdom Adriene. I found yoga through your channel and it has been a huge benefit to me. 🙂


  55. I have made a decision to move to China to teach English and practice Yoga. My family isn't supportive they think that I am throwing away my college degree and my future. It made me create doubt with my decision and it scared me. So I wrote these mantras/Word to help me get through it.


    I am confident in my decisions in my life.
    I will not fear the unknown.
    I will be strong and firm in the face of doubt.

  56. I can remember the great three part mantra you have mentioned a few time on your videos for monkey brain. Something - Realize and Release?

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