EDIT: This yoga jam is postponed due to Adriene's vocal surgery! We will announce new dates soon! Thank you!
You asked for it. The YWA Yoga Jam is BACK!

90 mins of 90's
A Yoga Celebration set to your fave jams of the 90's.
90 minutes of vinyasa fun for your mind body and soul! Come ready to sweat, move, groove, laugh and ride that pony... like no one's watching.
$20-25 for workshops.
Mat and towel rentals available.
Some past Yoga Jam posters...

Oh please can you do a virtual class like this?? For us who are weird at heart but don't reside in Austin?? Peace and love!
Just want to say that you guys are rock stars. I found your youtube channel a few months ago just looking for a beginners thing to yoga and it's changed so much of my life for the better. I've absolutely wrecked my body over the years (high school sports, Marine Corps Infantry, hard physical labor) and needed something to help me regain my health. The fact that it's free is amazing to me. You offer so much. Any way, thank you for such a great resource to use and I'll continue to keep up the practice.
I really wish I lived or was even visiting Austin! I would love to attend an actual yoga class! I'm verrrry beginner, but I absolutely love the practice and would love the chance to meet fellow yoga-practicers-professionals...I'm not so certain on the terminology. Anyway I hope who ever is able to attend has an amazing time!
Do we have to sign up or do we just show up? If we do sign up where do we go?
Hi Ashley! We have to post pone this sadly! But we will have the new date along with sign up posted soon! SOrry about that dear!!!