Homemade Skeeter Spray!

As promised, here is the all natural homemade mosquito repellent recipe I promised!

A big thank you to my friend Jay Byrd who originally made this and shared with me. This spray smells amazing and is easy breezy beautiful to make.

This stuff works too - but like most natural remedies it works best as a preventative. Meaning- soak your limbs with this spray before you step outside, not after you are bit! Last outside yoga class I taught I only used this spray and was not harassed by them pesky skeeters at all!

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Simple Skeeter Spray:

In a 16-20 oz spray bottle combine:

  • 15 drops lavender oil 
  • 3-4 Tbsp of pure vanilla extract (please note the *pure*)
  • 1/4 Cup lemon juice.
  • Fill bottle with water.
  • Shake it like a polaroid picture. 

And thats all folks! Make it and snap a photo for me and share on my Facebook page to  encourage and inspire other folks to begin homemade experiments of natural remedies and wonder! Also- if you have any other remedies tested, tried and true- share them with me and my readers! Lets inspire each other.

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made with love

3 comments on “Homemade Skeeter Spray!”

  1. Hi Adriene! Thanks so much for this! I'm in San Antonio, and I can't step out the back door with my dog for even just a minute in the evening without becoming a mosquito buffet. I hate using chemicals on my skin, so I'll definitely be trying this recipe.

    I also wanted to let you know the images in this post aren't loading. Maybe it's just me? But I get a 404 if I click the broken image icon.

    Thanks again!

  2. Hi Adriene! Thanks so much for sharing this recipe! Is it ok to use fresh lemon juice for this?! Love your videos! Namaste.

  3. Just to clarify, I don't suggest pinching the bottle in between your fingers and shaking it like a small sheet of plastic. Hold the bottle and shake it like you would shake a bottle as to avoid injuring your fingers. Thank you

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