The Comeback + a self renewal scavenger hunt.

I'm committing to a weekly newsletter and as promised in my comeback letter I have created a little self renewal plan to assist you in taking a little time for self discovery this week.

It is a self renewal scavenger hunt of sorts. Follow the weekly schedule - or create your own.

Share your experience or comments down below.

Wednesday - WALK. Go for a walk. A dog walk, a walk to the corner store. A long walk on the beach, around your hood, the park, etc. Go for a nice walk - whatever you have time for. Leave your phone at home if you are feeling bold and brave.

Thursday - Try the new YWA video! Hangover Yoga. This one is great even if you are not hungover because it requires you to slow down, self reflect, connect to your sense of humor and release unwanted toxins from the body.

Friday - Gentle Morning Yoga or Energizing Morning Yoga. Drink something refreshing and nutritious. Share your drink of choice below!

Saturday - Active practice. This can be a Yoga For Weightloss, Freedom Flow, Yoga For Beginners video or attending public class. This can also be a face paced walk or a run. This also can be a Saturday night dance party. Get your heart rate up and the blood pumping today. (Heyo)

Sunday - You are what you eat. So consider what you eat today. What if the words you used to describe what you ate today are the words you were to describe yourself with? Just a little food for thought. Practice alternate nostril breathing or return back to that Hangover Yoga if you are still feeling your Saturday night dance party.

Monday - Write down a mantra. Post it to your mirror, your computer or anywhere that you will see it again. Share it with us below! Connect to the power of word and thought. Check yourself and practice conscious languaging. Such an powerful and bad-ass tool for self love, happiness and success. A great way to start the week!

Tuesday - Pick a Foundations Of Yoga video. Take your time. Study. Go deeper. Pick one that excites you! Share what you chose to work on below!

Have a great week everyone!


porch mudra

141 comments on “The Comeback + a self renewal scavenger hunt.”

  1. Adriene, thank you for being you. It's very important that you keep doing the things you do - brings so much happiness to me! Thanks for the newsletter and comeback plan for the week. I think I'm going to take you up on it. I need to take better care of myself. Formal programs don't work and going at it alone doesn't work. I bet we can do it together. Thanks Lady!

    1. I bet we can! And we will. I struggle with meeting my own goals - daily! But this group energy really helps and when I do fall off the wagon I smile because - the comeback - is the sweetest part.
      Love to you!

    2. "It always seems impossible until it's done". Nelson Mandela

      Without even thinking about Monday mantra I wrote this yesterday and stuck it to my work desk...

    1. Yes! I love it! Maybe we can use #selfrenewalscavengerhunt 🙂 Sending you good vibes Victoria - and thank you for checkin in! Lets do this.

  2. I LOVE the newsletter and this lovely,kind set of suggestions for taking time to check in with ourselves. Thanks!

  3. Welcome Back! It's funny, I just re-visited one of your Yoga videos through YouTube yesterday and wondered why I never got a newsletter... Then, Voila! your "renewal letter" arrived...

    In addition to your practice, I really appreciate the realistic and forgiving approach you take... Thanks so much for being such a great mentor 🙂

    Enjoy your journey...

    1. Thank YOU Stacey. I appreciate this note and look forward to the newsletter journey. If we are to be lured to computers and social media - I like that we are putting the good intentions and good vibes out there. Balance! xo

  4. Thanks Adriene!

    I am very excited about the newsletter.

    The challenge and encouragement is very much needed right now!

  5. Yay! Love this!! I especially like the suggestion of writing down a mantra for the week. Thanks Adriene <3

  6. Adriene did it!
    A newsletter, well, and a good one.
    Thanks for the week plan. What a wonderful idea.

  7. Thank you for giving me a well needed kick of encouragement ! I had got out of my early morning yoga routine. I will start my yoga practice again tomorrow. ...Thanks and looking forward to hearing from you more often 🙂

  8. Hi Adriene, 3 >3 your vids and blog and this weekly schedule!!! I have told a lot of people about your yoga and all are enjoying!!! When I do yoga it is as you say, YUMMY!!! Have a great day. Forgot how much I love yoga until the day I tried your gentle morning yoga which I do every morning.

  9. Love these suggestions for this week. I've been a little lost in my starting practice and not always sure what to do each day to connect, so I'm thankful for you and this opportunity for guidance through your newsletter.

    Keep producing great content.


  10. Sweet,

    It seems that each new stage of development sends us into a pupa (cave), trusting that place can be restful. It can produce such renewal...especially having good spiritual company, even though we are humanly alone 🙂

    We are evolving Beautifully!!

    Take your time. Study. Go deeper. - Brilliant!

  11. Oh boy oh boy oh boy! This is awesome. I'm super stoked (I just started the REBOOT challenge, too - excellent way to gear in for the new semester!). There are a lot of changes in (or on?) the air, and the world is vibrating on a beautiful frequency. I'm drinking some delicious coffee right now, and I have set my intention to read some Shelley with JOY and to experiment with smoothies with my love tonight. Thank you for helping people be awesome, Adriene! Namaste.

    1. Ah, this is so awesome! Again, so glad to have you hear and this is inspiring and FUN to read! Get it! And enJOY! oxoxoxoxoxx

  12. I was just wondering yesterday if my signing up to the newsletters had worked, and lo here is one! This renewal plan could not have come at a more perfect time for me! I've been going through some bad times, but I feel I'm now at the other side of the crater - hauling myself out, and had started doing your videos, they've dropped a little by the way side, but this week I'd decided to make sure I do something again, and then came this routine! I pledge to follow this weeks routine, then look at making my own. Wishing you all the best! x

    1. Do it! Redesign it and find what works for you Joanne! It's hard to pick yourself up sometimes - especially when we are busy and people rely on us. But we do have the power to evolve, move and transform. Get back to what is really important - back to what feels good. Have fun! Holler at me anytime! oxoxo

  13. Just what I need...a plan that I can follow and accomplish. Thank you so much Adriene. You Rock! Namaste 🙂

  14. Adriene,

    I love how you have made the practice fun, light, and something to be cultivated by everyone regardless of skill level or experience! As a new yogi, I appreciate the ability to go at my own pace but to always have guidelines and encouragement there for the taking. Your letter brought some much needed laughter to a day full of schoolwork (college physics...ouch), and for that I thank you. I can't wait to get started on my self-renewal scavenger hunt I may just start it today 🙂 Namaste.

    1. Start today? You rebel!!!! 🙂 This note brought a big smile to my day. Thank you! Have a great week. Nurture your body so you can enjoy focusing on your studies and your tasks. Its all important! Love!!!

  15. It's always great getting your news and updates. Your videos are such pleasures, my favourites are the bed time one, gentle morning and even the pregnancy one (even if I'm not pregnant), it's just so very relaxing and calms, I love those quiet practises! Thanks so much dear friend!

    1. Hi Kat! Thank you for the feedback. I mean it!

      And expect to see some sweet quieter (yin like) practices in the autumn/winter season - coming up here.

      Big love to you,


  16. Hi Adriene! I just wanted to say thank you for starting my days with yoga this week! I started the "Optimal Health for a Vibrant Life" 30 day program and I have committed to daily yoga. Since I can't always make it to the studio, I am following along with your videos. I love starting my day with you and am excited to go on this journey. I am not doing a hard core 'cleanse' but adding in a few things that are really good for me and taking away some things that no longer serve me. Feels really good to nurture myself.

    1. Beautiful Susan! Yes, with a busy lifestyle it is hard to commit to a hard core cleanse - whether it is good for you or not. I really try to take each day at a time.
      Congrats on committing to the 30 day Vibrant Life program! That sounds awesome! I am glad the videos are serving you and appreciate the note/feedback, always.

      Enjoy your journey and holler at me anytime!
      Namaste, A

  17. Adriene,
    I swear you have the most perfect timing! When I'm holding my breath you tell me to breathe, when I need to wipe the sweat from my brow you know it, right when I need to reset sure enough you say reset...and now this newsletter, you truly know what your students need. I am so thankful to you and all you do for me. You help me be a better me and I feel so much better, lighter and happier. I see the brightness now in things that used to just be dark...thank you. You are always on my gratitude list!

    1. hallo.Adrienne! I`ve been practicing yoga with you since January..Also.Reeboot, Empower...
      I learned to feel my body, my wishes, I accepted myself...
      I`ve been changed...I even lost my weigt! Unbelievable!I could not even dream about it ..
      I am another person now and I am very proud to be a part of yoga world!
      Sometimes I try another yoga videos, but I come back to your videos again and again!
      It`s like you "take me home"!I feel myself very comfortable with YWA!

    2. And you are on mine Diana! This channel and this exchange helps me to become a better guide - and a better (happier) person. So thank you too! Namaste.

  18. I have to admit, I've missed you and your daily notes!!! After Empower, I have often felt like a fish out of water. I've been practicing but it hasn't been the same. I love your newsletter and I feel like I'm making a comeback, too, and a renewed commitment to myself (again). Actually, every day is so different, but yoga has made tremendous changes in my life and I sincerely owe much of the change to you !!! I cannot do it alone and I so welcome your words and wisdom and guidance. Today I turned 51 and am celebrating life ! I'm alive! and I just love your suggestions for the week ahead. As usual, I feel like your timing is spot on for me...You bring such joy and light to so many. I'm happy to be one of the lucky recipients !! Namaste!!!

    1. You are right - every day is so different. It is nice to form a practice with that understanding and forgiveness. In that I feel like we can become more empowered and happier/healthier humans. Love to you.

  19. I'm soooo glad I run into your youtube channel. It's really empowering "meeting" such an inspiring person. I practice youga for 2 years, but only now I really FEEL it - watching your videos and doing it with you. I love the Energizing Morning Practice. It give's me power for the whole day, and with two children, a husband and work I really need that 🙂

    Thank you very much.
    Greetings from Poland!

    1. Whew! You go! It is so hard to make time for ourselves when we are sharing so much with those we love. But I have come to learn that by making that time for ourselves we are actually creating more space to be more loving and available for the ones we love. So amen! Keep feeling it! xoox

  20. Hey Adriene, it's Adrianne! I've been watching your channel for a couple of months now and it really has gotten me into yoga. Sometimes I try another channel or video, but I always end up back with you b/c I just love your personality (and your name, duh). I've "fallen off the wagon" last week as far as my diet/exercise routine, and I'm ready to get re-committed. Nothing makes me feel un-icky more than yoga! I also live in Central Texas about an hour away from Austin, so one day I would love to attend one of your classes as my very first yoga class (as soon as I'm not so self conscience). Thanks for the news letter and I look forward to reading more! ~~~~Namasta

    1. YO ADRIANNEEEEEE! Great to hear from you my fellow Texan (And Adrianne!) and I am so glad the channel is serving you. Keep practicing and do come play with me some day! xooxox

  21. Hello, Adriene! I am a 56 year old retired public school teacher (taught 31 years) who did not start practicing yoga until I turned 50. Last year, I completed a 200hr yoga teacher training, and now teach gentle, restorative yoga at our local community college. I am a grandmother of 6 beautiful g-babies who live here close by, so I get a bit scattered at times. I need a sweet, gentle, fun guide to keep my personal practice fresh and mindful. This is it. Yay!
    Love and Light,

  22. This letter just came the right day. My body just told me to take a break and slow down to get well. So I'm taking some days off from work doing nothing. And the week planning in this letter is everything I need right now. Tomorrow I'll start the day with a relaxing walk.

    Thank you Adriene for your enthusiastic and inspirering letter. Have a great day!
    //Monica Olsson

    1. Good day to you back Monica. Sometimes yoga is cooking a nice slow mindful dinner. Sometimes it is a forward fold in a shower. Sometimes it is recognizing when you just need to slow it down, take the pressure off and take a break. So rock on. I shall walk with you tomorrow! I've never looked forward to a walk more! 🙂 Namaste.

  23. I LOVE THIS & the #selfrenewalscavengerhunt. This month is all about renewal for me, I renewed my yoga practice, my fitness routine, my couch 2 5k running program (used your yoga for runners routine btw awesome!!!!) I just got back a month ago from living in Belize for 3 months. It opened my eyes to so many things. & I came home a different person with different priorities. Quit my job for one that makes me happier (nannying) & all kinds of stuff. I experienced a lot of awesome new things there, I also went through a lot of not so awesome things including a breakup from a man I whole heartedly respect & was coming to love more than anyone I've ever met, & more than I knew possible. Fortunately things ended on good terms & we're still friends but it's definitely been one of the harder experiences in my life. & some days are not great honestly. I started really looking at my yoga practice differently after that. Less of something I do because it feels good but because I feel good when I do it. Even if it's just for those moments on the mat. Anyways look at me blabbing about my heartbreak smh sorry. Anyways I love this idea, I love your videos, I love that you are going to do a weekly newsletter. I'm excited for the possibilities. No matter what life throws at you there are still possibilities, that's something that helps get me through. There I go blabbing again haha. Keep it up adriene, you're awesome love what you're doing & the fact that you share it with all of us 🙂

    1. Ashley! OMG, yes. Thank you for sharing - as I think we can all relate to how these life changing things can transform you and also weigh you down at times. Changes like that call for nice solid look at your story. Also they require an acceptance. Both of these things are made more graceful and more fluid with awareness and support - which, for me, is what this dang yoga channel is all about. It is a channel back to you and a quest to seek what truly makes you happy. The world certainly does work in mysterious ways. I believe that! So, rock on girl, I will keep it up if you will. BIG LOVE. Namaste.

  24. Hi Adriene! I just started yoga a few weeks ago and I LOVE your videos! I like how you explain the movements so I can follow you without turning my head to look at the computer. You explain things so well and with a great sense of humour! Thanks for inspiring me

  25. Thank you Adriene! This is exactly what I needed to hear today. I have been slacking over the weekend and needed the inspiration to get my ass back in gear!! Thank you for being such a wonderful teacher as well as mentor to me! I'm off to the mat!



  26. Thank you for all of your wonderful videos. I "discovered" you during the spring, and in doing so, my interest for yoga has catapulted even further. I follow your videos on my lunch break when I'm working from home and it's the PERFECT way to "check in and do what feels good" in the comfort of my own cave.You are a gifted instructor. I will keep my eyeballs on you for sure.

    Love from Alexandria, Virginia

    1. Tatjana! Beautiful! A home practice can be so great. It serves up just what the doctor orders sometimes, huh? I admire you. Thank you for chiming in here! NAMASTE 🙂

  27. Great just what I needed to find in my inbox! The kids are back at school and I can now find some time to reconnect with myself coz sometimes I could do with a little helping hand and guidance with my somewhat haphazard yoga practice! Full moon in Pisces today, yippee that's my sign right there. What lovely realistic daily targets you've put. Namaste right backacha

    1. The moon! Hi Melissa, I hope you enjoy this new season now that school is back in session. I am easing into myself and also going to participate the scavenger hunt listed above. Let's see what happens! ooxox

  28. Hi Adriene! I came across one of your videos on another site, and liked it so much that I wandered over to your website to check things out. What a great and inspirational space you have here. Since then, I have checked in with you every morning that I am physically able, to do one of your videos. You have so many options to choose from, and I make a conscious choice every morning for which of your videos speaks to me at that moment. I am finally on my way to daily practice and it is because of what you offer. I have to say, I'm even a little excited about the hangover video, because.... well... life happens. 🙂 Thank you for being you, and I'm so glad I found you!

    1. Yes! This excitement is so rich. I always think that instead of getting down on myself about not being able to do a yoga pose I will embrace the excitement of ONE DAY arriving on the mat ready to experiment with something new. There are so many avenues to explore. Stay curious! Curiosity as an act of self love! xx

  29. Adrienne,

    I adore your videos! The really really work for me and I find such peace after each practice!


    I am thrilled to get to know you {and me 😉 } better through this newsletter as we continue our journey to find what feels good.




    1. Hi Kelly! Yes, I am excited too and thrilled that this many people are connecting here. Wow! Such a gift! Excited to see what happens next. The possibilities seem endless! ooxxx

  30. Thank you!!! I discovered your channel a few weeks ago and have been picking my way through the Foundations series (sooo helpful) and several of the other vids (Yoga for Butt and Thighs kicked my ass yesterday). 😀

    Your commitment to your channel, website, newsletter, etc - all for the benefit of others - is incredibly inspiring. I'm so grateful! Thanks for getting me back on the mat after way-too-long an absence from yoga. I forgot how freaking fantastic I feel when I do it regularly. Love to you!

  31. Ironically my finance goes back to work tomorrow and I resume my dog walking responsibilities. Thank you so much for helping us keep at least part of our lives on track. Yoga is such a powerful life tool and having a great teacher and mentor just amplifies the benefits. Thank you! Namaste my friend! 🙂

  32. In reading all the replies, its good to know I'm not the only one who has fallen off the yoga wagon. Made a commitment yesterday to restart my program and WOW your newsletter arrives today. Great timing. I really love you and your vids. Please keep them coming.

  33. I came across your site just recently as I have been taking a few yoga classes to help with training for my first half marathon. Little did I know that yoga is a lot more than just stretching.

    Lots of changes happening in my life at the moment, the most important one being fatherhood early next year. I think that yoga will definitely help me focus on all these changes (and keep me stress free)!

    I'm looking forward to being a part of this community (even though I'm over in Scotland) and learning the art of yoga.

    Keep up the good work 🙂

  34. Adriene,

    I so enjoyed reading your newsletter and look forward to your weekly installments.

    This little re-boot could not have come at a better time for me. I am about to take a magnificent leap of faith, move cities to start a careeer change & study art - because it is what I truly love. There are all kinds of fears and worries tangled up in this move and I feel as though I have lost touch with myself - which is so important as an artist. This might just be exactly what I need to kick start the next part of my journey - & I am very grateful for your encouraging and supportive words. Lets do this!

    Love to you,

  35. I LOVE this!! I can't wait to take a walk around my new neighborhood!! DUH, why didn't I think of that before 🙂 So looking forward to a little slice of Adriene once a week ~Thanks for all you do!!

  36. Wow!!! I am SO excited that you are doing this, A! I do your gentle morning practice a few times a week... and alternate the energizing morning yoga. I Love your energy. Unfortunately, I am not anywhere near Texas... living in upstate NY and doing everything I can to hang onto the present moment... have you seen it? Thank you for your incredible generosity of spirit and body... to share your wonderful yoga. I came back to yoga after going to Omega Institute for an Eckhart Tolle retreat. I think I already told you this:/ awhile back... but anyway, I'm mad about the room you video your yoga classes in. It has made me banish the couch that used to be in what I called my withdrawing room! So now it is the yoga studio. Not very radical a name, but not the point. I was about to walk my big Newfoundland dog and thought, Man, I need to read Adriene's newsletter first... so I can REALLY bond with the land I am blessed to be around out here in good ole NYS.
    You are a gift to all of us. Truly. I would gladly attend your classes... but must first somehow get the fare up! I am grateful beyond what I can say that you are sharing your journey with me! And boy, the thing you said about practice... that is just IT. I agree.
    Thanks from the bottom of my heart.

  37. This could not have come at a better time for me. Lucky me I am new to your videos and subscribed just in time for the first newsletter! I'm just starting my journey with yoga (I'm calling it a journey so that I feel fancy and inspired hehe) and trying to live a healthier lifestyle. I'm doing all of this with the goal of self renewal in mind and this scavenger hunt is GREAT kick off! I'll definitely be using the #selfrenewalscavengerhunt on Instagram to share this with my loved ones. Thanks Adriene!

  38. Hi Adriene, thank you for the news letter, your message is so timely and I love your videos your an inspiration and authentic. Thank for all that you do. More power and blessing be to you.

    Love and peace!

  39. Hi Adrienne,
    I love your videos, you're funny, real and so easy to follow. Being kind and accepting with our bodies, especially trying to be patient when you're not "quite there yet". Any suggestions for those of us that seem to get emotional towards the end of class. Not sure why, but sometimes just feel like a good cry when I'm done.
    Thanks - Keep on doing what you do - I'm so happy to have found you!

  40. Thank you Adriene for being available and inspiring. I am using your youtube lessons to connect not only with myself, but my 12 year old daughter who is going through a pretty rough time right now. We do our practice together then go for a walk to discuss how she is feeling and ways of being kinder to herself. You have been the inspiration for some very interesting discussions and I feel more connected with her now than I have for a while.
    So thank you for making a really difficult time an opportunity for growth and love and kindness.

  41. Thank you Adriene for you wonderful videos! I 'found' you last spring when I was searching for resources for the "Help, I'm Stressed!" class on relaxation and mindfulness I teach at the high school where I'm the school social worker. Many of my students deal with mood issues and I KNOW yoga is a great tool and lifelong practice for anyone. I have found such a great benefit in practicing yoga through my own search for mindfulness, emotional regulation, and distress tolerance. I decided this fall to teach foundations of yoga using your foundation videos. I've been practicing off and on for 3 years and still remember my first few classes. I sure would have appreciated someone going through each pose one by one! It definitely would have saved me some embarrassment, helped to eliminate the pressure to perform, and encouraged me not to overdo and really listen to my body. I can't wait to review and practice with all of your videos. I look forward to hearing from you each Wednesday. Thank you again!

  42. Hello from Georgia Adriene! My pup Indie and I are very excited to take you up on the walk around the park idea tomorrow. Indie is still learning about yoga but boy do you have a real fan in her. Every morning she's the first to the mat - she's got that downward facing dog maneuver down pat:) Thanks for being so awesome and for helping all of us renew.

  43. Love you sooo much!!!!! 🙂 What a Joy and Blessing you are. 🙂 Thank you for the videos, newsletter and keeping in touch with us. YOU FILL UP OUR HEARTS…OUR LIVES!!!!! 🙂

  44. Thank you so much for the newsletter and daily suggestions for the week ahead. I am going to follow your suggestions and am excited about finding my mantra. You are a gift...Thank you.

  45. Synchronicity I tell you what. Just as I am beginning to feel toxic thoughts try to creep in about my lack of practice and self care over the last month, I open my email to this. The comeback. If only I had your ear for an hour to tell you the ways YWA(that's you girl!) has intensely impacted my life and so gently creates momentous change. Right when I felt disconnected, these simple reconnecting tools. Thank you Adriene. Ps, I've created quite the little fan base for you up in NoDak. I take every opportunity I can to tell someone new about you.

  46. Where to begin - here, right? In the moment, right? I imagine you would say something like that.... Thank you for helping me to connect my mind and body and heart - both physically and emotionally in ways that have remained stagnet and disconnected for quite sometime. To feel any movement and to abide by this sort of mantra of "do what feels good" - not only directs and permits you to listen to your body but reminds you that you, yourself are your most informed teacher (when you can listen and trust in that).

    I had an adverse reaction to a medication I was taking for a chronic condition I have, that was both life threatening and life altering. I went from swimming 2 hours a day, 5 days a week and graduating at the top of my masters program in social work to being unable to walk; being in excruciating pain and developing a severe form of vasculitis (inflammation of the blood vessels) that caused vessels all over my legs, hips, some on my stomach, elbows and all over my feet to burst. I was told they did not know if I would ever walk again due to the hit my connective tissues took from that medication. It has been two years now and I am still recovering. Getting my PhD, work, - life has been on hold in so many ways. I have experienced so much fear, grief and anger that I did not think it possible to sit with myself and breathe through it - all of the emotional and physical pain. I shut down. For a long time. And it's been a long road to open back up. BUT - your videos, website and now newsletter (yay and congrats!!!) have helped me tremendously to invest in the journey again. Engaging with intentionality with my body; working with my body rather than being so angry at it has been incredibly difficult, yet richly rewarding. Feeling empowered has been incredibly challenging, yet finally seemingly attainable.

    We all have our journey - and we must take it as it comes. But, I am learning it is oh so much sweeter, kinder, richer, "juicier", if you will 😉 and gets us oh so much closer to a daily sense of peace if we "enjoy the journey". Thank you for reminding us all of that regularly. Your videos truly are gifts I treasure that have helped me to heal, grow and RECONNECT with living. Immense gratitude!!!!

    Namaste, Adreine. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

  47. Hi Adriene! You're the reason I'm doing #yogaeverydamnday! I'm on my third week now and I feel amazing! My #selfrenewalscavengerhunt - quit smoking! This would be my third attempt to quit. I know I'll feel like crap when my body starts to realize that I'm not putting in poison anymore! Haha! With yoga as my weapon and Adriene as my mentor, I'm not worried! So, thank you! You inspire a lot of people so I hope you'll continue what you're doing.

  48. Hi from across the pond.

    My yoga practice had lapsed until the day I was shown a link to your videos on You Tube in March of this year. You have got me off the sofa and actually 'bending' again. I have recommended you to everyone that will listen to me. I have a long journey of 're'discovery ahead of me and I hope we can do it together.

    Thank you.

  49. Oooh okay I'm all for that. Walk today and instagram it. Sat I'm visiting family so I'll push it forward and double up on Fri 🙂
    And Monday is my first day back after maternity leave so no better time for a mantra....
    thank you 🙂
    now I'm going to do. .. Morning yoga (yes it's lunchtime but I've a fussy baby!!) ♥

  50. Boy was this newsletter and scavenger hunt timely! Not long before I read it I actually HAD eaten half a pizza by myself! I think I should get points that it was a portabella and spinach pizza. 🙂 I really love your teaching style and I also appreciate that we don't have to take ourselves too seriously when practicing with you. I totally plan to Come Back right with you! Thanks Adrienne!

  51. Dearest Adriene, you have been such an inspiration to me since I discovered your videos on youtube. Your practices are always full of light and love. I would love to become a yoga teacher myself but am not sure if I am advanced enough to do so yet. I want to share the wonderful things that yoga can do for you with others, but where do I begin? Thank you so much for all you do to make yoga fun and accessible for everyone.

  52. Such a great idea! I am looking forward to following this self-discovery week. I think it's exactly what I need right now. Looking forward to the weekly newsletters for a little bit of a mindful check-in.
    Thanks for being so inspiring! 🙂

  53. Hello Adriene ! 😀
    I discovered your channel a few days ago and I have to say that you are an amazing human being and an awesome yoga teacher ! I m kind of new to yoga but I want to evolve on the mat but also in the world ouside. until now yoga feels good and I cant wait to see the benefits(im sure they will appear soon)
    Thank you for the newsletter and for the plan; I wasnt sure how to take up yoga for serious now haha but now I know 🙂
    Have a great week full of joy !
    Namaste xx

  54. Oh how fun! I can't wait to do this!

    I was able to work from home today and I took a nice walk outside with the dogs: )

  55. Hi Adrienne! I was wondering if you could explain the differences between Reboot and Empower and who might enjoy which experience. As I have a limited income I really can only purchase one program, what are the benefits or unique little somthin´s about each of them? Thank you and sorry if this has been covered already somewhere!!!

  56. Awwww yeah! I am so excited about this newsletter! I love your free spirit and your caring attitude towards all of us! Can't wait to get weekly inspiration! Your videos have seriously changed my life and have made Yoga a necessity to my every day life! Thank you thank you thank you!

    Also, I have a desk job at home where my body gets really tired of sitting at the computer! Tense shoulders and back and just a mad body at the end of every day. Would you be able to make a like 15-20 minute video that I can do in the middle of the day when my body needs a break from the office chair!? I know other desk people would love it!!! WE LOVE YOU!

  57. Hi Adrienne

    You have been such a positive inluence in my life. I found YWA about 18 months ago while still have in South Africa and have been following you ever since. Keeping my daily date with one of your videos has helped in our transition to New Zealand.

    I love your fresh organic approach, your take on life and how you make it ok to take each moment as it comes and help us to find gratitude for our bodies as they are.

    Sending happy thoughts and positive energy your way and to the international family you have created.


  58. Your humour is making the online yoga classes so much fun. You make it 'easy' for people who are not familiar with it to take a dive into the world of yoga! Thank you for giving me tools to turn my fears into lessons, instead of an enemy that used to take over my body. I'm spreading your awesomeness through the Netherlands! I think this were enough compliments for now 😉
    I'm a big fan.
    Thank you! Namasté

  59. You are an inspiration to all of us. Leaving for a long car ride tomorrow to visit family but will keep up with as much as I can... Love all you so...

  60. Hi Adrienne I just wanted to thank you for this fantastic newsletter and self-renewal plan lots of great new ideas for me to try! I have been practicing your yoga videos for about the past 4 or 5 months on a regular basis, almost every day or other day. I can't do stuff like power workouts/zumba because of my health problems, but I have always loved yoga (and had an on/off relationship with it over the years due to classes finishing, not being able to find a good yogi to follow etc.) But when I found your channel I found the yoga for beginners video which I LOVE and practise often as well as the abs workout, stress quick fixworkout and also recently began practicing the Lion's Breath pose which I LOVE too as it really helps me feel a sense of calmness and relief afterwards. Generally speaking these days I feel much calmer, less stressed and happier now i'm doing your yoga, meditating and praying. Thank you! Namaste. Julie x

  61. This is great. I've just recently gone through the very traumatic experience of losing my father about a month ago and I'm trying desperatly to keep myself from falling into a harmful depressed state and work my way to a healthier way of healing. It just so happens that I'm reading this on a Wednesday after taking a walk so I'm gonna take that as a sign. To self renewal and healthy healing. Thanks Adriene. You're truly inspiring.

  62. Thank you south adriene, I am really going to try and follow these daily challenges. I already try and practice with one of your videos everyday, plank can be a bit tricky though when my three year old decides that lying under me is a good idea or sitting on my tummy when I am doing ab practice. I am persisiting though as the healing power of yoga is amazing as I have hip displasia and other back issues but much better now with yoga practice. I am a mum of three young boys so it is really nice to do something that makes me re-connect with myself. Thank you so much Adriene. Namaste

  63. Hi Adriene,
    Im from Australia and so glad I discovered your yoga channel on you tube! Yoga has helped me to slow down and do something for me.

    Hayley 🙂

  64. Hi Adriene,

    I just discovered your youtube channel some weeks ago ( better later than never 🙂 ) and I must say: I tried to do yoga at home also before with other online videos, but I did not like them, they didn't keep me 'occupied'. Then I was just surfing on the net seeking for some morning yoga video to release the pain in my neck & back and found yours. 'All right, lets do it!' I would lie saying I was immediately 'lost' in myself and perfectly in harmony, but I started to feel it. So I did it the day after and felt better. And the day after...etc 🙂 I absolutely LOVE that you 'let' me do it on my way ("nothing fancy here.." 🙂 )!!
    So long story short, I've never been the person who does sport or yoga or else alone because never felt motivated. Your videos helped me to achieve at least a little change: I do it at home, alone, and feels good! But still a long way ahead of me 🙂 Love the thematic short yoga progames! Can you recommend something for migranes?:)
    Got the newsletter, got the weekly plan: walk done with my two dogs in the forest!:)
    So thank you, and go on!;)

  65. Just reporting in that my walk yesterday was quick, swift and under the moonlight - and the air smelled like grape lollipops.

  66. I LOVE, LOVE this! Completed my walk, solo, without my hubby and children, it was such a treat! Sun was setting, just lovely. Can't wait to try the new Yoga video today.
    What lovely, simple ways to check in and slow down! Thank you so much for this guide. Thank you for all that you share, Adriene!

  67. I've been feeling lost and scattered lately, so this came at such a perfect time. I can't wait for the hangover yoga tonight to find some balance and get rid of these toxic vibes! Thanks for this and everything you do!

  68. Hi Adriene,

    I have definitely fallen off the wagon at the moment... Currently exploring on holiday but once I'm back into my routine definitely going to follow the above! Through you I found yoga and a way to reduce my anxiety which was getting the better of me and to "find what feels good" 🙂 So thank you, keep up the awesome work ! Ps I love grape lollipops 🙂

  69. Hi Adriene, I recently left a stressful office job and and have started working from home. I never had any time for myself before and poured everything into an company and people that didn't really serve me other than a paycheck (not bad of course, but hardly fulfilling). I suffered from so many aches and pains, I think just due to the stress I put on myself. Now that I have more flexibility in my days, I discovered your YouTube channel and have begun practicing with you almost daily. I have been chipping away and finding my inner voice and peace again and I am really enjoying it. This renewal plan is an excellent way to check in and stay on track. I thank you so much for it!! Keep up the great work!! ~M

  70. I didn't make it for a walk yesterday because of some rainy weather, does chasing the little lady around the library count? ? 🙂
    Looking forward to the hangover practice!

  71. It has been a rough year. Broke my arm in April, son 1broke his leg and tore ligaments in his ankle and ended up with surgery and a cast, mother was diagnosed in Aug with st 4 pancreatic and liver cancer with 5-10 months to live, put my old horse down last week dt congestive heart failure , and my son 2 broke rt arm going over his dirt bike last weekend. Needless to say I'm overwhelmed...I Need This for me!!! Thanks for the refocus. Say a prayer..its a rough one.

  72. Thank you soooo much for the inspiration! Gave me a new push in the right direction for this week. Can't wait to discover my new Mantra! Love and light.

  73. Hi Adrienne,
    It's been a real joy to discover you and your website. I've been recommending to others regularly. I echo those comments about your realistic and forgiving approach to practice and your newsletter references to slowing down and renewal have resonated strongly.
    I've had months of 'stress' and fatigue and frustration about not being able to do my usual running so have returned to yoga and have found reassurance and strength from a number of your videos especially the yoga for stress. Great for after a long day in a busy hospital!!
    So keep up the good works and I look forward to more inspiration (and singing and Texan references!) 🙂
    With many best wishes
    Sophie x

  74. Hi there!

    Really love this empowering, full of love, self-compassion and wisdom week schedule 🙂
    - My walk (even through the city) to my weekly yoga class on wednesday felt like a liberation manifest after a long and demanding day of work.
    - Yesterday, Hangover yoga video sequence was very welcome to ease my sore muscles (after super-duper-over empowered yoga the previous day 😉 ).
    - Today, gentle morning practice (definitly not enough an early bird for energizing morning sequence) was the perfect and physical preparation before a busy day at work (and for the blood sampling before it...). By the way, my refreshing drink of the morning was lemon water, a little bit of agave syrup and 2 additional drops of green mint essential oil... Yummy 🙂

    Geez, I can't wait for the rest of the week to come! 😀

    Thank you so much Adriene for beeing such an amazing and inspirational teacher! It's everyday yoga, beyond practice (I would almost say "to infinity and beyond 😉 )

  75. Just reporting my nutritious (well, delicious at least) drink for this lovely fall- like Friday morning here in Oklahoma: Banana Pumpkin smoothie!

  76. Hi Adriene

    Recently discovered your videos and your website and I absolutely love what you're doing. I started doing yoga from your videos and it has been fantastic, especially for such a beginner as myself.

    So thank you for what you're doing 🙂

    Love & light from South Africa

  77. Just checking in to let you know i've been following the plan for the last 3 days - (and really enjoying it!)

    Weds - Lovely slow, long walk through the other side of town and to the park where I sat watching the ducks on the lake for a while.
    Thurs - YWA hangover yoga.
    Today - Gentle morning yoga and drink of choice is yummy orange and passionfruit juice! 🙂
    tysm for this plan it's really fun and first time i've stuck to a plan this long (aside from the videos I do through the week) but I'm rly enjoying it and feeling the benefits. x

  78. Gentle Morning practice followed by a peach smoothie with a dash of turmeric! I'm loving the newsletter and the weekly plan! Thank you, Adriene!!!

  79. Dear Adrienne,

    Thank you so much for this invitation for self renewal, and in general for the resources and guidance you've provided. I've been practicing yoga off and on for 10 years or so, but right now I'm living in Mexico and haven't found a class that feels right near me - these videos are really providing a great substitute and I am super grateful for them.

    I have a couple questions/requests: I'm wondering what advice you might have for going deeper with yoga through either yoga retreats or teacher training. Is there a particular organization or school of training that you would recommend?

    As far as yoga sequences, I seem to be a lot more flexible than I am strong, and find the more active sequences with a lot of standing postures are always very challenging for me. I'm wondering if you could provide a sequence tailored towards building that kind of strength, that's active but also not super hard. Another request I have is for a video with an inbuilt sivasana at the end. Sivasana is one of my favorite parts of the practice, and after your video's finish I find that a loud, invasive youtube ad starts playing and totally harshes the vibe of my relaxation!

    Thanks again for all that you do, and for any guidance you can provide about retreats or teacher trainings,


    1. I love Jasmine's idea of an extended savasana. Or even just a longer play of the shakey graves exit tune? Some extra time to hang out before the ads starts would be so awesome.

  80. Love your videos. They where the first i watched and now there's other way to keep me growing. Had some black tea this morning with my energizing practice. Thank you for this new fun way to experience our practices. Namaste

  81. Mantra for today land thuis week: Every instant holds the potentiaal for a new beginning.

  82. Hi Adrienne,
    This "come-back" topic is just in time for my own self come-back and recovery. I just got out of the hospital and would like to regain my full strength back and back to my mat. I had hypokalemia and I would not have noticed it just in time to be treated if i have not learned to listen to my body. Thanks to you and yoga. Keep inspiring and've touched many across the globe.


  83. Hi there! I love love love your YWA videos, and am super excited to start the "hunt". But, mantra...I draw a blank. Where should I start to understand what my personal mantra needs are? Feel a little silly asking, but I would really like to know 🙂 Many thanks for being your wonderful self, it has made my new yoga practice fun, funny and exciting!

  84. Adriene! This newsletter could not have come at a more perfect time! I am a special ed teacher trying to get back into the swing of things after losing my Nana two weeks ago and missing the first week of school. She was the closest person to me and it was a tough loss for everyone. Needless to say- I haven't been my jubilant self and then BOOM- newsletter received. I finally hopped back on the Mat with Yoga for Stesd relief and threw in some lavender too. I loved getting that yoga groove back so much I shared the YouTube link with all of my teacher colleagues encouraging them to also take 30 minutes and let it go!!! Thank you for being you, and NEVER stop telling "bad" jokes on your videos- they make my day! Enjoying some post yoga green tea with lemon, happy Monday, Namaste xo

  85. Adriene, thanks. You actually made Yoga possible and fun. I feel I can only do what feels good, at my pace and progress. You are a blast to listen to 🙂
    Happy Day, Week, Month, Year. I'll be there following!

  86. My mantra for this week is "I am grateful". I find that I am definitely not being grateful enough for a lot of things I have in my life 🙂 Thank you for being such an inspiration Adrienne!

  87. I am so grateful for finding your videos on YouTube. I have enjoyed learning for the last month and will be continuing . I did go away for about 5 days and was a little lax but got right on it today and will continue. Love the newsletter and the hunt. Thanks for being you.
    My Mantra: Treating the earth as it should be treated and for me to be grounded to it.

  88. Hi 🙂 Just wanted to share my mantra for yesterday which was "I am safe, I am loved, I am blessed".

    Today I practised 3 of the Foundations of yoga poses i'd never tried before, in order to challenge myself a bit.
    They were Gate Pose, Locust Pose (which I loved and found very enjoyable and relaxing) and Runners Lunge which i've been struggling with in some of the longer sequences. So. I loved the locust pose but now my knees are suffering from the other two lol. But I will stick at it. 🙂

  89. Hi Adriene,
    I'm very new to yoga and loving your videos. I have a question about the REBOOT. Is it an advance series? Or, can a beginner participate?


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