Chair Yoga

Chair Yoga invites you to find mobility in a way that is soft and gentle but also really supportive and beneficial. This 17 min practice invites awareness and integrity into the body, specifically the line of the spine. Activate the muscles that help you find length up through the spine for better posture and energy flow. Great Yoga For Seniors as well!

Share with a friend and let me know how it goes down below! Namaste.

76 comments on “Chair Yoga”

  1. Adriene, this IS a really good one! I'm 67 and have been practicing with you daily for about 6 years--I've been doing home practice yoga for about 7 1/2 years. I've done all 3 of the 30/31 Days practices with you, several times over, and the 31 Day Revolution totally kicked my butt, and I loved it!

    Also, though, I'm always on the lookout from you for "special" practices for those mornings I am really reluctant to get into the yoga clothes and get on the mat--I love Yoga for Hangovers, Yoga for When You're in a Bad Mood, and Gentle Morning Yoga.

    But today's Chair Yoga surprisingly challenged me a bit and kicked a little booty! It's going to be wonderful for when I'm VERY reluctant, but really want to push myself further. I found the Warrior II really getting to my core muscles--maybe even deeper than the unsupported, usual pose.

    And another reason to really love it, and something I was going to request of you, is that I also look for yoga that can be done without getting on the floor, for situations when the floor is too icky (work, houses full of pet hair, or motel room arrangements that are just too narrow to work out in); I can add this to my "no-floor" collection!

    Thank you for everything that you are doing for us all! Love you!

    1. Thank you, enjoy this chair yoga, first time for me on a chair. Previewed for a friend who is healing from a broken arm. Hopefully, this will be perfect for her. <3 🙂

      1. Marion Says: I ;like Adriene's Chair yoga and I'm a young 66 yr old woman . Some of the moves are a little difficult but I'll get used to them. Thanks Adriene. See you next time! Perfect to do on a warm, humid day!

    2. Adriene - my 11-year old granddaughter Natalie has an aggressive form of T-cell non-Hodgkins lymphoma - do you have an upper body (arms/head basically for sitting up in a bed or chair) only workout that she can do during her intense chemo treatments that will help to keep her limbs from atrophy? I have shown her and taken her to yoga classes in the past and I love what your Yoga is doing for me and want her to continue that body and soul building forever as well. Thanks so much & God Bless

    3. I am a 79 year old male. Because of the covid19 shutdown of all athletic clubs and YMCA's, I only have the video to follow on the computer. I try to do Adriene's chair yoga routine each day. It is a good replacement for not leaving the house.

  2. To A dear and amazing Friend, lovely Adriene, just to tell you I love you and thank you with all the gratitude of my heart and soul, for who you are, what you give to the world and what you do to make this possible!
    Have a very good time and Life, where ever you are. You are just wonderfull 🙂 breathing lots of Love in and lots of Love out....... to You!
    XXX Lilly

  3. Yesterday I had to spend some companyhour in the stable with one of our horses that is wounded. I felt that I needed a yogasession for My body. So, I made an Adrieneclass in the stable with ny horse looking strange at me.
    So you can yoga on s chair or on a dirty stable-floor.
    Cheers Eva

  4. My first time. Really enjoyed the lesson. I have an artificial hip on the left and artificial knee on the right so couldn't complete the exercises this time but I am determined to work on it.

  5. I have arthritis in my hands, knees and feet/toes. Do you have any videos that specifically address arthritis?

    1. Because of COVID19, I am unable to attend my Yoga class........We do chair Yoga but we also stand for the warrior, etc. poses. Do you do some standing poses also. I'm glad to be able to do your sessions every day so I'll be in shape when my Yoga class resumes.
      Thank you for your classes....They are very helpful!!!

  6. Dear Adriene, I have been doing yoga with you for over a year now, & am so very grateful for you! You have improved my mental, physical & spiritual life beyond measure. THANK YOU!!! I tell everyone how amazing your videos are & tell them there is no excuse for not showing up on the mat - everyone deserves time for themselves & you have a yoga video that will benefit everyone.
    My husband joins me for yoga & asked if you have a video on yoga for bowlers. I'm guessing a weak wrist, and arthritic fingers are cause for my gutter balls... Anyway, we both bicycle & love your cyclist/runner videos.
    Thank you for inspiring me & bringing me daily balance in my life!

  7. I received your email for the first time today (as I just recently signed up) and I immediately felt better, it was just what I needed today. Therefore, thank you.

  8. Adriene,
    Please please please come to missoula, MT and teach a class! Preferrably on a weekend so my friends and I can attend. Lol There are many Yogi's in this town and I know you would love the beauty that Montana has to offer!!

  9. Just got back from vacation. Ate too much and didn't get any yoga in. This chair yoga was perfect to jump back in with!!

  10. Hi Adriene from the girl from Oz...( Luv your choice of dog too...)

    I am so glad I came across your Yoga video's....absolutely love them & your relaxed style of teaching, just what I needed to get me out of this "Rutt" I'm in...I look forward to doing them each day & have even got my hubby to participate...Keep up the great work & thanks for helping me prepare for my first "Wanderlust' experience this Nov in Australia...cant wait, hope your having a great time at yours....:)

  11. Hi Adriene.
    Thank you for your videos, the love and the good spirit.
    I have been doing yoga with you for the past two months, first time for me, and I love it. I try to be carefull, try to listen to my body and I also try to do good postures.
    Do you have any special advice for that "little ball" behind the neck? I dont know the word in english, I presume that is a consequence of the computer use and bad posture. I am really looking for to lose it.
    Thank you.
    Love from Tirana, Albania, southeurope.

  12. Hi Adriene,

    I've just found you. I live in England and just had Netflix with a load more channels. I saw you on yoga TV and browsed through, but your practices really hit home with me. So I've since been on YouTube and there's a lot more of you. I'm so excited to try a different session each day. I'm quite new to yoga but already I'm enjoying finding me again at this point in my life (mid 40s). My sons going to uni soon and I'm trying to rediscover myself. I love your attitude and relaxed way and your friendliness. Glad to meet you.

  13. Hello


    I watched your first video "Yoga for beginners" suggested by my mother. Really, the steps that you have taught in video is very simple.

    At the beginning, my first experience with yoga was painful because it was first time. How can I reduce the pain that occurs during Yoga?

  14. Hi Adrienne,

    I'm wondering if you do any videos for the elderly and digestion?
    I'm looking for a seated video that I can suggest to my mother's nursing home where their main exercises are seated.

    Mum has chronic constipation which causes her at times to have a lot of discomforts. The GP has ruled out all illnesses. So we will be reviewing her medications to promote elimination and adjusting diet but I feel that gentle yoga would aid her healing and bring vitality back to her : )

    I may be completely off piste but it's worth investigating every avenue : )

    Many thanks

  15. I'm currently recovering from a ruptured achilles and am only just weight bearing so this is perfect for both body AND mind. Thankyou!

    In time I hope to be able to move on to your other videos

  16. This was perfect for me. I’m recovering from a broken ankle. This let me stretch my sorely neglected hip muscles.

  17. Dear Adriene
    I just found your video. I wonder if this would be recommended for fibromyalgia?
    I would really like to gain more mobility, flexibility and reduce pain, if possible.

    Please advise soon. Looking forward to trying this.

    Thank you so much, from Toronto, Canada

    Adrienne K.

  18. I would love to see more Chair Yoga routines. I injured my knees and haven't been able to do my regular yoga routine in over a year, so the Chair Yoga was wonderful.

  19. I only wished this was closer to an hour long. I really enjoyed this, it was a good pace, not to slow. And would love to see more chair yoga

  20. I have been doing the chair yoga and I am wondering if you have other chair yoga videos for seniors that I could do. Thank you!

    1. Hi Denise, Adriene has a few seated yoga practices that you might be interested in trying. You can find a playlist of Seated Yoga practices on YouTube here. One the playlist you will find a Yoga for Chronic Pain video. In that video, Adriene does some split screen options showing how to modify and use a chair for some of the poses.

  21. Hello Adrienne.I'm an 87 yr old lady with Chronic Fatigue and lots of arthritis in my spine.
    Two major back ops.I live n Denmark Western Australia and did yoga here for many years.Thought that those days were past until I came across your delightful yoga in a
    Chair which has just thrilled me.I'm still pretty stiff but gradually getting better.
    Your attitude is just delightful and thank you for that.I've only been
    Doing this for a couple of weeks and feel the advantage already.
    Many thanks Anne Peachey. 4th.April 2020

  22. Dose anyone know if Adriene have an other or series of the chair yoga? I would be very interested.

  23. I am really appreciative of this online class.

    As an older adult I find it inspiring and increases my flexibility.

  24. I am a 66 year old lady and have been attending a modified yoga class for over a year. I have two replaced knees so I cannot get down on the floor or get on my knees. I enjoyed this online class a lot. I hope you will do more modified classes for us older folks!

  25. Hi! Until the COVID-19 shutdown about 6 weeks ago, I was practicing a rigorous hot yoga practice here in White Bear Lake, Minnesota. I am 69-years-old, and I have been biking, but I have not been doing yoga. Grateful to find your site. I'm feeling stiff after all the weeks of not stretching, so this felt wonderful. Thank you. Diane

  26. Did chair yoga with Adrienne today for first time. What a wonderful way to start off my day! I feel revitalized. Thank you so much. I will be back!

  27. Hi Adrienne
    This is 4rth time I am practicing with you after a series of surgeries and TKR this year
    I exercise daily for a total of about 40 min and do your class 3 X per week
    unlike what seems like mostly women who write here...I am a 70 yr old man "on a mission" Breathing has helped me as its the one thing I cant seem to do with ease
    thank you

    1. I like the way one can go at their own pace and their own speed I also like how it makes me Focus because I have a problem with focusing and this helps

  28. I just started yoga with Adrienne and I love it. I have been having pain in my hips and upper back. The yoga with Adrienne has helped me so much. I feel so much better already and it has only been 2 days. This is so relaxing. Thank you, Adrienne.

  29. I discovered you through an Internet search. Thank you. Your gentle spirit and claming energy made me feel really good as today is a busy day for me.

  30. I had been following "regular" yoga with Adrienne but due to knee surgery last week, am unable to kneel for a while. The chair yoga was a nice alternative. I am a nurse with extensive geriatric experience and I wish this episode would be a part of the regular activity program for nursing home and assisted living residents.

  31. Dear Adriene,

    Thank-you so much for the chair yoga video because it's allowing me to exercise when I have painful knees. You are such a wonderful instructor and I love your videos. Because of you I am getting back into shape in a slow and steady way. So far I've lost twenty pounds since last year and am regaining flexibility since I started your yoga on Jan 5, 2021. Namaste and take care!!!

  32. Thank you! Recovering from a severe wrist injury/surgery and this was sorely (sorry) needed. Chair assisted Warrior II was very enlightening! I'm usually very active; this injury reminds me to be humble.

  33. Adriene's technique, voice and manner make this a fabulous break for me at my desk (with earbuds). And, for my sister who has really bad knees. Kudos to you!

  34. I just recently had a knee injury. I had been doing yoga 4-5 times a week. Prior to that I had been walking 10,000 steps and then standing or sitting. Began having light headedness. After I got back into yoga routine it went away. Now I am back to square one. Now due to the knee injury I find I am still unable to do a lot of the floor things. Do you have more chair yoga videos?
    Thanks this was a great start.

    1. Hi Barb, we are so sorry about your knee! We admire that you are finding ways to fit yoga into your routine. For videos close to what you're looking for, we have: Yoga At Your Desk (Click Here) and Wheelchair Yoga (Click Here). I hope this helps!

    1. Hi Jill! Adriene doesn't offer in person classes, but on occasion she offers a live Zoom class through Practice Yoga. If Adriene does any live shows, they will be announced on socials! You can also join the newsletter to stay up to date.

  35. Hi Adriene
    You ran an online yoga session for me when I worked at Choose Love a couple of years ago and I wondered if you would be able to do a similar session for a new start-up that I'm working with? We have a cool-down call tomorrow at 11.30am - I appreciate it's very short notice but if you were able to by the off chance I'd love to run this for our team. If not, could we look at another date/time?

  36. After a week of doing this class daily, I am finally breathing correctly and can hold my legs up longer. What do you think about adding your wheelchair class and then going into this class? Little more arm work? -Catherine

  37. My first chair class with you. Awaiting hip replacement surgery 1/22/24. I made it through the recent 30 day challenge with MAJOR modifications. I’m back for more!!!
    Thank you

  38. Thank you for this session. I very much enjoyed it. Adrienne 's voice us soothing and calm.

  39. I recently sprained my ankle and because I love my Yoga With Adrian practices, I found this one! Yes, indeed, other chair videos would be great! Thank you so much for your practices, they are a part of my days for 9 years!

  40. Hi - I have a committed 20 year yoga practice in Berkeley CA. A few days ago I unfortunately fractured my fibula so cannot do "regular" yoga on the mat for at least 6 weeks. I am looking for a practice - perhaps chair yoga? Can you please guide me - are there varied chair yoga classes on this website? I only found the one with the u tube video. Thanks for helping - Kathryn

  41. Hi Adriene

    I, too, am called Adrienne, but slightly different spelling. I've just done your chair yoga for the first time and the release of the various pains I have is amazing. I'll try and do it everyday but need to find a chair the right height.

    Even if I feel this comfortable for a short while it will be brilliant. I do feel a little bit sick but that maybe normal?

    You are amazing and I shall try some other supported sets you have as I have one ankle and wrists that don't like too much weight on them.

    You have made me feel less useless and so much more. A huge thank you from England.

  42. I love the chair yoga because it loosens my lower back that has been back since 1973. A fall injury

  43. It feels good every time. My pinch is gone… I need to get here every day but I don’t make it. I need to have my core pull in better so the lower back stays in place. Is there a short one I can do while standing because I have a 5 hour job standing

  44. I’m still living his this moves my hips to where they need to be - opened and not pinching.. thank you

  45. I am 83 and recovering from stress fractures of two vertebrae (causing trapped nerves) and a triple fracture of my upper humerus; in addition I have arthritis. I have been thinking about yoga for many years but never actually tried it until I stumbled across your chair yoga session today. I loved it. I could not reach many of the poses but my has attempts made me sweat a little and I feel good at the end, thank you! I will certainly continue with yoga. Also I loved your style so I may try some other of your videos; could you recommend where to start please? I am in the UK where it is a beautiful spring day.

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