Building a Yoga Foundation - November Calendar

For November, Sarah Bowman has put together an awesome calendar for those of you looking to get back to basics and focus on the Foundations of Yoga. We are very proud of this series and excited to see it getting some renewed attention.

Here's what Sarah wrote:

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Happy November, kula!! For this month I have decided to return to my foundation and dedicate this month to building my yoga practice from the ground up. I have an injury that I am recovering from and a hectic work and school schedule that kept me from a regular yoga practice for a while. In light of that, I have decided that this is a good time to focus on building the foundation of my yoga practice.

I have created a schedule for myself for the month of November and I have arranged the Foundations of Yoga videos in an order of growth, not release date. There are a few other videos included which I think will aid in strengthening the foundation of my practice.

I am sharing my calendar with you all in case there is anyone else who may be new to yoga, recovering from an injury or away from their mat for a while, or anyone else who wants to focus on strengthening the foundation of their practice. I will be doing these videos to the best of my ability given my recovering joint injury. Feel free to modify as you need to as well. I hope you join me.

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You can download the Building a Yoga Foundation calendar here. And you can also follow Sarah's November Yoga journey on her great blog Recipes Redesigned.

2 comments on “Building a Yoga Foundation - November Calendar”

  1. Thank you Sarah for posting this! I will gladly use it for the month of December.

    I started my 30 days of Yoga practice November 1.... because it has 30 days in it so it seemed fitting. I have a question for Adriene, and for anyone else that practices yoga regularly:
    I have not practiced regularly but have been practicing for years. As I am doing the 30 days I feel my arms and my core getting stronger, but my legs seem tighter, stronger, but tighter. At first they seemed like they were loosening up (I naturally have tight muscles in my legs) but this week, everyday I start my yoga routine, my forward folds hurt even when I bend my knees generously. I was wondering if it would benefit me to do the nighttime video before bed as well and try to fit it in twice a day? I'm just not sure what the best strategy would be.

    Love and blessings


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