Brain Body Balance

A ritual for the brain and body to support you during process, healing, and reflection.

Gift yourself with this 22 minute holistic practice to help you feel more balanced from the inside out.

Hop into something comfy and let’s meet on the mat!

Invite a friend. Accountability is awesome!

For more videos like this, check out:

Yoga for Concentration and Mental Focus

Yoga to Gain Perspective

Yoga for Mood Swings

Head and Heat Reset

You can also check out the Yoga for Grounding Playlist.

7 comments on “Brain Body Balance”

  1. Coming back to yoga after a 6-month hiatus (age 62). Thank you for being available online for free! Namaste 🙂

  2. I am 61 years old and find that my hip flexor are very stiff so it's hard to bring my leg up 8nto a lunge from down dog. Any suggestions?

  3. Hi Adriene,
    You got me through early Covid when I couldn't attend my usual yoga practice. Thank you! Your gentle way with your audience is much appreciated.
    I did 30 days with you, Breath and now Nourish.

    Yankee woman

  4. I am 52 and have a wonderful 18 year old daughter ❤
    My problem is my stomach lower and upper its called a muffin top
    Biggest issue is knowing how to eat properly
    Thanks for listening

  5. Thank you Adriene for what you do. I'm close to 80 and have been doing Yoga with your instruction for 4 days. Already I can feel the difference in my movements.
    Thank you again oh! and Bengi.

  6. Hi there

    So great I’ve actually found your site Adriene ! . I now have a 5 week old daughter but unfortunately I now actually have a disability too so therefore I get very tired as well as having my beautiful little baby ! ‍ I am wondering whether you possibly do any light yoga please ? I have a right sided weakness due to a stroke. Regards, Louisa.

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