Bikini Bodies and Bad Moods

NOTE: This message is from this weeks Letter. We don't normally post these here but wanted to share this message with as many people as possible. If you'd like to receive the weekly Letter from Adriene, you can subscribe in the sign-up box to the right.



I hope your week has been going well.

I cannot believe it is the end of May already!


As June approaches I have been getting a lot of requests for mindful ways to get in shape for summer (here in the states) and for the pool.

This is a delicate subject matter for me because if I make a video called “Bikini Body Yoga” or “Beach Body Yoga” I cannot assure myself that my humor or sincere advocacy for self-love over bikini booty vibes will shine through.

It is important for me to have fun and respond to requests. But I also want to make sure we are clear on the intention and the true root importance of investigating the process of getting back to one’s truest self.

And falling in love with that.

Over and over again.

I think when pool season comes we are programmed to do the opposite.

At least in my culture.

Perhaps we can use our mission of Find What Feels Good and the amazing growth of the YWA community to come up with a way to inspire movement and self love in a way that truly feels supportive of who you are and what your beautiful body looks like.

“If you’ve got it, flaunt it.”

I think that the tools of yoga have the power to do both.

Naturally, the more you practice -  the more you fall deeply in love with… your bod, your breath, your moves, your grooves, your curves, your lurves (no clue) and your all around awareness & attitude.

With each practice we have a chance to dig at our true essence and I think true self-acceptance and love is so very vital in that journey feeling good.

So – get that body that makes you feel good by loving your body NOW.

Enjoy the ride and I am going to remind you that I’m right here with you to help you make it fun and feel supported!

This weekend we gear up for a month of EMPOWERMENT and body movin'.


I am doing 30 Days of EMPOWER and I’m inviting you to join!



Empower is my version of Power Yoga and a fun way to kick your booty mindfully and with a sense of self-love and play. It’s hot, it’s fierce and it’s challenging.

But it is also built to inspire joy, mindfulness and cultivate strength and support from within. For me, those are the qualities of yoga that bring you back to your mat each day. For me, EMPOWER is not about getting a bikini body (though we can!) but it is about getting strong, healthy and empowered.

This is a course that inspires lasting results that start from within.

I'll be sending out a new calendar just for the EMPOWER30 challenge and on June 1 we will be adding downloadable versions of our most popular Vinyasa sequences that you can add into the mix.

Join me!

Get EMPOWER today for only $97.

No coupon needed, but we will be closing the doors again on June 2.



Also, we uploaded a big request this week!

Yoga For When You're In a Bad Mood!

This is a great practice for when you are feeling like you will never be comfortable diving into the deep end. (NAKED?!)

It is a great practice to let the thinking mind take a break so you can dive right in.

As they say, “You gotta start somewhere.”

Let’s do this,


PS - Thank you so much for all of the kind well wishes on my vocal surgery – happening next week actually. I will post a (silent) Vlog (take that Silent Bob!) and send you details on what’s up next week. In the mean time – lets get geared up to rock June’s socks off. Shall we?

22 comments on “Bikini Bodies and Bad Moods”

  1. Love your videos. I have MS and some days I only do the beginner's videos. I still enjoy doing yoga. Thanks Adriene. You're the best. Good luck on your surgery.

  2. Dear adriene,
    Thank you so much, this is exactly what I needed to hear. I have been enjoying your videos on my recovery from anorexia, learning to reconnect, appreciate and love my body. I have had to stop all other exercise because of the damage I did to my body so your videos are like little moments of bliss. Thank you for being my friend and helping me through my troubled moments. Namaste
    Love maddie

  3. Such a great message Adriene. Thanks for sharing. Love finding what feels good through doing your videos a few times a week! Good luck on your surgery.

  4. Your 30 day challenge not only centred my mind but it changed my body physically, but that wasn't why I was doing the yoga. As you said it was for me, my time on the mat just to be be me. Everything has toned up and having to wear a bikini everyday at work (in a scuba instructor) its not just a summer thing its an all year round thing. the body change was a bonus. my mind feels good and i feel good. labels dont make a difference its like having a burger with a diet coke!

    keep doing what your doing it rocks as do you!

  5. Heya Adriene!
    Thank you so much for your wonderful sense of humor but also having the wonderful courage to share your knowledge and help us (I mean me) beginners! I am eternally blessed. My question to you is do you have some video's coming out with a lot of your yoga videos on it that we can purchase? I ask due to I would love to purchase them but also get them to some friends who are living in the dark ages (no internet, they just got a block phone!). I personally have suffered from lower back and hip issues but wanted to help spread the word on what has defiantly helped me and surely would help others.

    Thank you for you and your team and do have a wonderful day!
    *Kendall D.

  6. Hey, Adriene 🙂

    Soooo, I splurged on one of those super thick lulu mats and it is stiiiinky. Can't get the smell of rubber out. Any suggestions on a good quality yoga mat?

    Thank you!

  7. Adriene,

    I came to yoga 8 months ago with you.
    I was at least 15 kilos overweight and still am, but now my body is more toned and I feel much better than I used to. I feel peace where I am, the way I am.
    This is why I love yoga so much, the challenge is not to get a better body than you friend, colleague or that b---h in the magazine, but just to get a better version on yourself. You have taught me this and I am so thankful that you don't follow the pressure for that bikini body yoga. Yoga is not meant to be marketingy, if you want that bikini bod session, and think you can achieve this in 1 month time, you are not "yoginized" enough. Keep up the education, post more vids where you talk about yoga as a lifestyle and stay true to yourself and to yoga, this is why we loooooove you! Warm hugs.

  8. THANK YOU for resisting the idea that only certain bodies are compatible with bikinis, and the underlying idea that only certain bodies are worthy. I've been plus-sized for years, and after a breast cancer diagnosis last December, I'm currently scarred, lopsided, bald, and covered in markings to guide my radiation therapy. And guess what - I've never loved and appreciated my body more!

    Early in my treatment I discovered YWA, and you've helped me get through this rough time. I immediately loved your approach, from Simpsons references to your constant refrain to explore and tune into what feels right. Thanks for being inclusive and body-positive! <3

  9. Dear Adriene,
    I want to say thank you for your videos on you tube. I am 56 years old and have always disliked exercise...what I saw as boring brainless repetition that just got me hot, sweaty and tired for the rest of the day. I discovered yoga and began my search for beginners online. That's when I found you! I have done your beginner ones and just finished day 2 of the 30 Days. Thank you so much for your patient explanations without demands. I am working hard, wobbling some, falling down a little and feel encouraged by you just to do what I can and enjoy the process. It is delightful! I trust that as I do this each day (sometimes having to split into 2 days for time's sake) I will feel better and look better and have more to give. Thank you so very much!!!

  10. Hi Adriene,

    I want to take a minute to thank you for not only your videos, but your approach to sharing online yoga classes. I am on my 15th day of your free 30 Days of Yoga and the difference it has already made in my every day life experience has been immense. I have always struggled with severe body image issues (regardless of my size at any point in time) and in just 15 days of spending time with my body and using it to do things that feels so good, my perception is changing. Now when I see myself I don't only see all the parts of me that I dislike (which still happens to an extent), now I see a body and limbs that can do awesome, bendy, stretchy, STRONG things. And the reason I want to thank you for being a part of this is because I have tried to use online yoga videos before and until I found yours, I never found anyone that I felt I could relate to in any way. I always found myself thinking "this video isn't made for me" and I would give up.

    So, that's all. Thanks for doing this. I am so happy every day. I just purchased the EMPOWER course and I'm a little scared but I'm going for it anyway.

    Best wishes,

    1. This was so cool for me to read -- I definitely relate to learning how to heal severe self-image issues via yoga. BUT not just any yoga! Finding YWA's channel on YouTube last summer helped me, too. Besides discovering yoga is my "thang", Adriene's philosophy towards caring for the spiritual, physical and mental being is what has catalyzed this profound shift in myself over the past year. It's been getting easier for me to see my own body as one that enables me to do tons of strong things -- my mind, too -- and it's so empowering! I'll totally be repeating the 30 days of yoga.
      Thanks so much, Adriene!

  11. Thank you for not doing a bikini-body-yoga-workout Adriene! Thank you for reminding us that all we need for a Bikini Body is a body, a bikini and some self loving! 🙂

  12. I just watched the silent vlog today. So sad about your surgery, but was happy to read it was "minor" (as if...). With your outlook I'm sure recovery will be quick. You're in my thoughts and prayers. I also wanted to thank you so much for your videos. I just finished day 28 of your 30 days and wanted to share something with you (I have practiced yoga on and off over the years, but have been doing daily for almost 3 months now, using your videos and others from Psychetruth). I am SOOOOO excited. I have never been able to sit back on the top of my feet. I usually pad with a blanket. Today, at the end of the video and you went to the sitting on the feet and leaning back and opening the chest, I did it without a blanket!!! I am so happy cause I never thought I'd be able to. I have a little ways to go for it to be fully comfortable, but I'm getting there. Now to be able to do a crow without getting a concussion... Speedy recovery to you and thank you for the FUN yoga!! Namaste.

  13. Hi Adriene,

    I, like many others I have seen throughout your social media centers, have been so moved by you and your beautiful spirit. Your Day 8 meditation video quite literally moved me to tears as I was overwhelmed with a sense of love and support I felt washing over me... from my own self! You are enabling so many others to find and explore the power of our own spirits with the serenity and warmth that you yourself emanate into the world. Thank you and namaste


  14. Just wanted to throw a comment out on this - as an artist who focuses on working from the figure, I'm always amazed that the more I learn about the human body and how it works, and the more I work from the model, the more aware I become of each person's beauty. Take a look at an artistic anatomy book, or, if you're feeling adventurous, try a figure drawing course. These are great ways to gain a greater appreciation for the special creation that each of us is; fearfully and wonderfully made.

  15. Hi Adriene!
    I think you are absolutely wonderful!!! You have helped to renew my love of yoga by encouraging me to listen to my body's needs. I was having a hard time finding a studio that worked on teaching people to become good practitioners of yoga. Sadly most of them just seemed focused on doing poses and not building up fundamentals for not-that-new newbies like myself. You have made my at home practice so enjoyable, and it helps that your adorable personality shines through your work. Thank you so much for everything, and thanks for helping me love my body!!!

  16. Adriene, can't tell how much your online yoga sessions have helped me... I'm just so thankful that I found you!
    This spring I have had a real challenge with a depression and when I was about to loose my path - I found you! Thank you so much for your great philosophy!
    NOW I feel great and full of energy, and have decided to take a yoga teacher Training. Do you have any teacher trainings? Your philosophy is so great, I would like to learn and share with yogis in Sweden 🙂


  17. Thank you so much for writing this, I wish everyone had the same attitude. I love yoga (and your videos) because it encourages you to let go of judgement about your body. Peace, love and practice xx

  18. Thank you for not doing a beach body yoga video, Adriene! I think self love and self acceptance is the yogi way. I would rather see a "Yoga For Body Acceptance" video any day. To me, doing yoga to change my body goes against the whole point of yoga! Yoga is for embracing what is. The love must come first, and that is what yoga can bring. I tell people I do yoga because it helps me feel friendly with my body. Never because I"m trying to look a certain way. xo.

  19. I have always been a bit sceptical about Yoga but your beginners videos have really inspired me and now practice every day. Thank you Adrienne.

  20. I am a very active, 50 year old business owner who always has a too-full plate and more stress than I know what to do with. I won't bore you with my personal challenges, but suffice it to say that I have fallen in love with yoga because of you. The benefits to both body and mind are huge. The relief of pain, stress, and menopause madness is more than worth the time spent on the mat. Just wanted to say thanks for making your programs available and easy to follow!

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