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Yoga for New Beginnings

Today’s practice is the perfect 20 min at home practice for New Year's Eve.

Allow, release; and thank you for all the teachings, experiences, and memories, 2017.

Create space in mind and body for what is to come.

Open your mind and heart and welcome in fresh breath, joy, opportunity, and self love!

Let me know how it goes down in the comments below.


71 comments on “Yoga for New Beginnings”

  1. Thank you Adriene for having been part of my life for a while. You really rock! Happy 2018, Sabine

  2. Hi Adriene, Best practice ever!! I've enjoyed your 3 Days of Yoga and cannot wait to journey with you and everyone into the New Year! Namaste

  3. Happy New Year from Manchester England!

    Thanks for all your videos Adrienne, so inspiring and helpful through this year.

    Looking forward to starting the new year 30days with you.

    Emma & Karl

  4. Thank you so much Adriene for sharing your gifts with the world! You and your team (including Benji) are a wonderful blessing to one and all! I have enjoyed watching your transformation as I have been transformed by yoga and grateful for the connection of Mind, Body and Spirit. And for all the amazing affirmations-many of which I remember and repeat often. Rock on! Best to all in 2018! Michele

  5. Happy New Year Adriene! You are so inspirational og I have you to thank for that I startet with yoga a few years ago! Thank you and I wish you a great 2018!!

  6. Thanks for sharing. This video isn't showing in the membership site. It's not in the featured videos nor does searching for new beginnings find it.

    1. Thanks for letting us know, Stephanie. We'll get that fixed asap. In the meantime, it is available on the website and YouTube 🙂

  7. Hello Adrienne,

    I enjoyed your beginning class. I have not done yoga in more than 10 years. My body is beginning to get stiff. I exercise but with age and weight, I still have moments of stiffness. I going to see if yoga will help.

    Thank you for starting my yoga journey to better health.

  8. Happy New Year Adriene! Thank you for this 2017 amazing year of yoga 🙂 All the best for you

  9. I'm not really used to leaving comments but I had to today!
    Thank you so much Adriene not only for this video (perfect for me today), but for all that you do, all the dedication and passion and kindness you put in what you do.
    Looking forward to TRUE and wishing you - and the kula! - all good things for 2018!
    Namaste & bonne année!

  10. Loved this video. It was the perfect way to begin saying good-bye to 2017. I so appreciate all that you do Adriene. You inspire, cheer, support from afar. I feel that we know each other, though we have never met. It is an amazing gift you have to create such a community in the virtual space of social media. You are a blessing. I can’t wait to begin True and wish you, the FWFG team, and of course Benji, only happiness and love in 2018. Namaste.

  11. Really enjoyed thank you! I’m 11 weeks pregnant and have been sufferenjng with nausea and vomiting so struggles with my practice over the last 6 weeks, so good to get back to it with the perfect teacher!
    Happy 2018 namaste xXx

  12. Hi Adriene and everyone! I am loving practicing yoga at home! See you tomorrow and Happy New Year! Namaste❤️

  13. Happy New Years! Thank you for all that you freely and generously give in your yoga practices. Looking forward to continuing onward in 2018 with daily yoga. Namaste.

  14. Hi Adriene, I challenged myself this year to do ALL your yoga workouts and I managed! Today was the last one, but of course I will be joining again next week! I am so thankful for you videos and for learning me how do put yoga into my life. Happy 2018!

  15. Hi there! A friend shared a link to sign up for your True 30 Days of Yoga and I'm in, well, in a modified manner, as I start another strength-based program tomorrow as well. So I will see you every other day... I did your New Years Eve clip and it hit the spot today! Our two Labrador Retrievers attempted to assist, so we'll see how the rest of the month goes with them. Not as chill as your Benji. 🙂 Here's to a wonderful 2018!

  16. Adriene, greetings from Alaska. I wanted to let you know what an inspiration you have been to this 60 year old. I have tried Yoga before, but you have truly brought me into the practice on a daily bases, both in body and mind. Thank you for being such a beautiful inspiration. You are truly a blessing in my life and my heart thanks you for sharing your practice and your love with the social media community.

  17. very nice. Just started with your NY Eve yoga. going snowshoeing in the woods. Taking my relaxation thoughts with me in the woods

  18. Thank you so much for everything you do! Your YouTube has helped me change my life in more than a couple ways. Some days I wonder if your videos are what saved my life, I can't imagine where I would be without YOU! Happy New Year & Namaste!!!

  19. I started doing your yoga for very beginners 9 days ago. I did it for 7 days and then yesterday did yoga for tired legs. Today I did the yoga for new beginnings and it was just what I needed. I was not in a good place in my head as I have been dealing with doctors for a family member in the hospital. I'm on a mountain vacation and even my daily walk couldn't clear my head. I was going into yoga today with great reluctance and saw this new video and it was perfect to clear my head. Some moves were hard for me such as lizard pose but I managed through and felt great after. Looking forward to 30 days of yoga with you Adriene!

  20. Thank you for your wonderful guidance throughout 2017! I'm so happy to be joining you for your 2018 adventure

  21. Love your yoga workout's Adriene. Feeling so much stronger in mind, body & soul. Love from Australia.

  22. Loved it. Today is all about preparing for new beginnings. Can't wait to spend 30 days with you.

  23. I have only done yoga once or twice before, and I have always felt self-conscious about the poses, the Am I doing this right? distraction. I did not feel that way just now, and I am grateful to you. I hope this is the beginning of a year where I am more aware and kinder to myself. Thanks.

  24. Happy New Year from TULSA, OKLAHOMA!!! What a great practice to do on New Year's Eve! Looking forward to continuing to feel better each day by practicing Yoga with Adriene!!! THANK YOU!!! CHEERS TO 2018!!!

  25. Thank you Adrienne! I always turn to you when I need inspiration in my home practice. Happy New Year to you and your sweet pup.

  26. 11:30pm in Pennsylvania & just finished this practice. Beautiful!
    Thank you, Adriene.
    Happy New Year to all.

  27. Thank You Adriene!!! I just finished 365 days of yoga and it all began with Yoga Revolution (challenged by my lovely daughter)! I wrote down my practice everyday this year and did a YWA practice just about everyday...there was one for no matter how I was feeling. Thanks for changing my rocked it in LA. Cant wait for the next 365, TRUE, and you next tour! 🙂

  28. Never thought yoga was for me until my daughter introduced me to your videos. Now I use them regularly to balance a very busy, active life. Looking forward to completing True in 2018 the year of my 60th birthday. Thank you

  29. Your yogaclasses are great! So easy to use them in a break as they arent that long. And they are really powerful guided by you!!!
    Thanks a lot for sharing your energy!
    And Happy New Year!

  30. Happy new year from Norway! I’ ve been following your 30 days challenges over and over again for the last year. I love them, and the other videos, and look forward to follow your new yoga challenge.

  31. Thank you Adriene and Happy new year to you.

    I look forward to taking this journey with you (all)

    Love and light
    Kalie (Australia)

  32. Hi, Adriene,
    Happy new year!!! I discovered your video’s last summer and was very enthousiastic en encouraged. Now it had weakened down a bit. I’m very curious of the new series wil have the same effect1 So I give it another try. Thanks so much!

  33. Starting up my at-home practice again. Last night the first. It was perfect. Thanks so much Adriene!

  34. I learned about all your videos from a friend, and now I am hooked. I cannot begin to tell you how happy and good each and every video makes me feel. 2017 was a difficult year.... I lost both my parents in 6 months time. Yoga gives me the strength (inner and outer) to move forward and gives me the time to reflect on how lucky I was to have such wonderful loving parents. Thank you Adriene for ALL your videos. They have helped me in so many, many ways.

  35. I’ve been watching your YouTube videos for over a year now, and this is the first time I’ve signed up to actively participate in a brand new practice for the new year while it’s being released so i am PUMPED UP!! You are so fun and energetic and I’m so very excited to be a part of this positive, inspiring practice with EVERYONE~

  36. Happy New year Adriene, I lost my way for a few months, my motivation was zero after a 15 year relationship broke down, but it's a new year, new beginnings and I'm ready to commit, today was the first day i rolled out my mat in so long and when I saw the new beginnings video I was so happy, can't wait to join you every day and challenge myself a long with you and everyone else it's so enpowering thank you so much x

  37. Hey Adriene starting this series during my first pregnancy. How was your new years eve? Thank you for all the beautiful videos. Happy 2018 from the Alabama girl living in Germany and our little man.

  38. Thank you for your helping so many of us discover a more intentional life!
    Happy 2018 to you (and Benji)!

  39. Thank you Adrienne and Happy New Year. I love being here. Authenticity, loosing the layers... of to a great start. Thank you for supporting me with your work. Love. Tamara

  40. Thank you for inspiring me to bring in the New Year with you and yoga. I am a beginner living in Sacramento, California and am looking forward to the next 30 days. Happy New Year!

  41. I have had a break from yoga for 2 weeks, unwillingly. It's just been too much. Did cozy yoga yesterday and this one today, and I'm slowly getting back in the groove. Thanks for a good practice, namaste x

  42. I'm very thankful for your videos. They allow me to continue what I started when I had a nearby yoga teacher and do so in a way that feels loving. Happy New Year!

  43. I can't even describe how badly I need flexibility training in my life! Thanks for sharing!

  44. So warming to have you to start the year off well. Good grounding for lots of us. Thank you.

  45. Thank you Adriene for your willingness and passion about yoga and sharing it with the world! It has changed my life! So excited for my third year in a row of 30 days of yoga! You are a gift and an inspiration!! Love from Elko, NV!!
    Lisa D

  46. You are my favorite yogi of all time! You’re funny and heartwarming, you make me think and make me forget at the same time. You are a beautiful escape from the grind and a reason to celebrate my body and mind. Thank you for your charm and sense of humor and the wonderful challenges you offer us. I’m grateful for you.
    Namaste Victoria

  47. I haven't done yoga for a few years and am terribly out of shape, at my heaviest ever, and in daily shoulder and hip pain. I was literally about to go to YouTube and look for yoga videos when a friend posted a link to you on Facebook. This video helped guide my hip into place and loosened my shoulders, as well as provided emotional release. I never felt that with my former in person instructors. Thank you.

  48. Adriene, whenever a fellow Yogi asks who my instructor is, I proudly respond, "Adriene". You are not just a YouTube star, you have come out of the screen and into my life. Thank you for always laughing at yourself and keeping it real. You are laughing with me when I lose balance. Looking forward to a very centered and mindful 2018 with you. All the best from Singapore!

  49. Thank You Adrienne! Looking forward to this 30 days! I am on real (ish) time. Either way, eager to continue forward. And BTW I LOVE your plants!

  50. Very nice! I feel both relaxed and excited. Definitely ready for more.

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