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Self Love Yoga

Seeking a full yoga class that strengthens and tones the body but leaves you feeling stretched out and more in love with your true self?

Look no further, my friends. Hop into something comfy and let's commit to to your relationship to yourself so that you can feel strong, supported and yes...loved. You deserve it. And when you feel connected, strong, flexible and loved - you will have the energy to serve others and manifest your wildest dreams. Giddy up! Full Yoga With Adriene SELF LOVE Practice is here! Commit.

Let me know how it goes down below!

42 comments on “Self Love Yoga”

  1. Monandnock Region, NH...Have been doing your programs since the New Year 2017. Rolling out of bed and showing up! You make it easy. Yes I modify.Thank you for all the Good Stuff!

  2. I LOVE yoga and you have made me love it more. I have turned into a yoga junkie doing it every time I get a chance!!! I am wondering where you get your yoga pants from. Seems most yoga pants are wide ankles and loose. Thank you!!! Annette

  3. Thank you for all your hard work, Adriene! Tomorrow I turn 60 and I’ve never felt better much to do with following your practices. In 10 days we leave New Hampshire to visit my daughter in New Zealand. I’ve made the trip twice before as expected the flight is difficult. Do you have any yoga practice suggestions That might help with the flight? I’m sure there are others who would like help surviving long flights.

    Thanks again and Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. I have been practicing Yoga for almost 4 months now. I was lucky enough to stumble upon your bedtime yoga video on youtube that very first day. Having chronic pain and sometimes being confined to bed it was exactly what I needed at that moment! As my well being has improved, my practice has as well. I started doing short videos for this or that, whatever I am feeling that day. I started 30 days of Yoga, but stopped after day 5 because of an unrelated injury. I continued with short workouts I could do. I started taking an online class about yoga 3 weeks ago. When I saw your video this morning, and that it was 50 minutes, the first thought I had was, "No way, too long, can't do it......"
    BUT then I stopped and told my self that I can TRY, and guess what, I tried all the way to the end of the practice!!!!!!!!! My very first full length yoga class~~~thank you so much! You truly are an inspiration and in my case, a force that has improved my life in so many ways it is hard to even explain it to myself let alone other people!

  5. Thank you so much Adriene! You are so amazing for sharing your energy with us:)
    Much love from Israel:)

  6. Please come to Portland, Or on your next tour! Love this practice and am full of gratitude for being able to do it at home, but would like to join you in group also!

  7. Thank you, for this. I needed to read and take in the words. I’ve had a stressful week. I am a caregiver to adults with developmental disabilities- self love has been abandoned lately....thank you.

  8. We have just got back to doing Adriene yoga, and we have found it to be more challenging. We love deep stretch and Deepen & flow the time just flew by. Keep up the good work.

  9. You would fit right into our thanksgiving celebration. Our daughter-in- law and her sister share your boundless enthusiasm for living life to its limits. At 75 I love your gentler yoga tapes. Thank you for offering to all of us a way to nurture ourselves.

    Enjoy the holidays and accept whole heartedly all the voices of appreciation.

  10. Looking at Osaka Castle as you told us to let you know where we were: red and gold leaves on a cloudy day, shimmering on the water, sublime. Thank you again.

  11. Thank you dearest - eternally greatful for all you do! I absolutely loved this self love practise i felt the love in my heart and soul...and muscles and bones. I am 60 and at a point in life where i feel the need for self love and I know I deserve it!
    Much love and Thank you.❤️

  12. I did this yoga video this morning before counselling as I had some anxious energy and generally not feeling so good lately. I loved taking the extra time to do a full length practice with you and came off the mat feeling a little lighter and happier. I usually do your videos early in the morning to help set me up for my day and they always cheer me up. Thank you Adriene 🙂

    1. What a very nice start of my day off. I was looking forward to this day, just having the time and no pressure to do anything at all. Just be in the moment . Thank you so much Adriene. Namasté.

  13. Although I enjoy many of your videos, but I was not really expecting too much from this "Self-Love" - pleasantly surprised would be an understatement. Many people might jump to this if they are feeling down, but it also great if you have just conquered one of life's obstacles. Thanks for everything Adriene!

  14. Adriene,
    All I can say is: Your work is so awesome, You are awesome and I thank you!
    Lots of Love, Charlotte

  15. Hi Adriene! My partner and I do your yoga videos almost daily. Thank you so much for making these videos that enrich our lives! Although we did this routine in the evening, we still loved it because now we feel energized to finish our Thanksgiving cooking. I am grateful for you and your work, Adriene! Do you think you might make a yoga for the pelvic floor video sometime? I have high tone pelvic floor dysfunction, and yoga really helps me relax my muscles. A video that is focused on the pelvic floor would be awesome. Have a happy Thanksgiving holiday if you celebrate... ❤️

  16. Lo-o-o-o-ved this session today!!
    I am from Quebec , Canada and today I was gazing a one of the firsts snow falling gently on trees this year!
    Thank you so much Adrienne

  17. I LOVE yoga because of you. I found myself because of the every day yoga practice with you. I can be with myself, I get inner peace, love and nice feeling of my human being. THANK YOU ADRIEN. You send with the exercise love to the world.

  18. I did this about an hour after Thanksgiving dinner, and it felt so good! I went to bed feeling great instead of bummed that I had eaten so much.

  19. Hello Adriene! Thank you for another great practice! Please consider making a video for us ladies to give us a great practice to do when we are on our cycle to deal help with the cramping, hip, leg pain, etc. Thank for all you do, I've enjoyed so much doing your videos each day for 4 months now!

  20. Thank you for this wonderful practice! Much needed and appreciated.

    My husband and I (and our Boston Terrier, Boris) have been practicing alongside you for nearly a year now in Edmonton, Canada and can't thank you enough for these amazing videos!

    I am very much looking forward to the upcoming 30(or 31?) days of yoga in 2018!

  21. Best practice ever. And i have been doing yoga for 10 years...3 years with you. Love you!

  22. It is November 30..last day has me contemplating...working in retail, the news is crazy, ...trying to find my" good space " in this madness! Then I remembered day 1 of the revolution, practice with ease....there is so much good out there! Great people with great energy. I decided to begin the 31 days of revolution again to get me through the season with joy, along with peace and love. If anyone out there will join me to create this energy of good will...please!!!! Let's rock the end of year

  23. This is a request for Adriene: I am recovering from bilateral mastectomy for breast cancer (state 1, thank God). Did your vids several times a week at least and a public class before. I note you have one chair video (I haven't tried yet) and one wheelchair video I just did! Would you do more sort of recovery videos? From surgery/illness or injury? My low body is craving movement but my upper body is still weak and tight (esp pectorals) from surgery. I did your live class in Nashville, too and LOVED IT!!!

    1. Hi Anastacia, we do already have requests for recovery yoga, specifically also a request for yoga for post-op for breast cancer survivors, on our list of suggested videos for Adriene. So maybe there will be some coming down the line in the future.:)

      Wishing you a speedy and full recovery!

  24. Dear Adriene,
    Thank you so much for all that you give to others through your awesome yoga practice. I live in New Zealand, and just did this video whilst listening to my dogs and the bird song outside (as we are in the Southern Hemisphere, it is early Summer and very warm!). It was super wonderful seeing your furry friend join you today! If you ever think of visiting NZ, please get in touch. Thank you once again, lots of love to you.

  25. I have a little baby here at home in Cologne and since a few weeks I am doing your self love practice and it feels so wonderful to have some time and space just for me. Thanks Adriene!

  26. Adrienne...
    Your videos are sooo inspiring! I discovered them just a few months ago and have tried only a few of them so far. Feel the need to reconnect these days... and found this video so healing!
    Thanks for all the love and inspiration you so generously bring into this world. 😉
    Love from Buenos Aires, Argentina.

  27. Today's practice was at my friends house. I'm taking care of her dog while she's away. During the thigh slap portion of the practice her dog got up from her nap to check on me and licked my face similar to Benji's reaction! I've always admired the bond with you and Benji. And now I have a dog to practice with too.

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