30 Days of Yoga - Day 25

Day 25 of The 30 Days of Yoga journey! Dancing Warrior Yoga Sequence. Don't decide where it ends!

This day 25 yoga practice invites you to work on organic movement and creating a full body experience - that is true to you. No yoga robots! Stay receptive as you work to build strength and unlock space. Stretch, strengthen - work it out!

5 more days!

Connect and support others down below! Cultivate positivity. Remember each day is different! The journey is the reward! See you tomorrow!

27 comments on “30 Days of Yoga - Day 25”

  1. 25 was fine. Your so right about just getting to the mat being the battle especially when your doing it before the sun comes up. Really enjoyed the free form at the end.

    Keep them coming! Ready for tomorrow.

  2. Adriene, you are the best! For the first time in my whole life, I am proud of my body, and what it is capable of. All the β™‘ in the world to you! The 30 Day Yoga Challenge has changed my life. Namaste.

  3. Hi Adrienne πŸ™‚ my sister and I came across your 30 day challenge and have been enjoying them greatly. It's not often we come across a yoga instructor whose practice we like. We love you calm yet humorous spirit . Keep up the great work!

  4. Ah yes that was wonderful. Dancing warrior is one of my favorite sequences πŸ™‚ I was a yoga robot for many years before I found you. Thank you for rekinding my passion for the practice!

  5. I love the Warrior poses. I think Warrior II is my favourite yoga pose. Triangle is still a bit difficult for me, but I'm working on it!

  6. Hi Adriene,
    Jus wanted to say , loving the 30 days of yoga series. Are you planning to do one every year?!

  7. I'm a newbie and am really enjoying the practices in the series! It is challenging but well worth the effort every morning. Thank you for sharing your talents! I am benefiting greatly from them!

  8. Nice short practice today - I'm going to head over to your other videos to try something new. Namste

  9. DAY 25: And still feeling alive! Today's practice was short and sweet. Sort of being led down a trail in a beautiful park and then set free to explore the beauty of nature, and in this case, your own. What does your body and mind need to feel nurtured? Every day our body gently talks to us to provide it with movement and yoga with Adriene is a great way to fulfill it! Thanks again for this wonderful 30-day challenge. Today is another new beginning! Looking forward to tomorrow morning! πŸ™‚

  10. Hi Adriene,
    Day 25 - Being quite a newbie, today I wanted to be led. I was going along following you on the Dancing Warrior poses but I am not quite ready or know how to build more organic movements. But you offered some good tips or guidelines. So I am going to do day 25 practice again later today. And I am going to watch closely.

    A bit sad that 30 days of yoga with such a fabulous guru as yourself is coming to a close. Hope to see more yoga videos from you.

    Many, many, many Thanks !
    Lots of love



  11. Loved Day 25!!! I am enjoying every moment of this 30 day challenge. It has been so good for me mentally and physically. You are such a breath of fresh air it just makes me want to practice every day. Thank you for this wonderful experience.



  12. Today was really great! It was short but effective! Perfect when you donΒ΄t have that much time or had a really long workout before. πŸ™‚

  13. I found the freestyle part hard to this I like the relaxed teaching method, I know I am not a yoga bot. I swapped out into crow foundation, ever since the first time I saw this pose I have wanted (wished) to possess the skill and knowledge. I am not s total beginer and have been practicing for a while on and off. However for some reason swapping 3/4 of the way through into a freestyle made me angry it really upset my chi.
    I am taking this as a good sign, challenging my previous ideas of what coming to the mat is all about.
    I will concur Crow it will just take longer yhan my inner child wa nts it to take.

  14. I love practicing with you Adrienne...you emit the love of Yoga from your heart. Thank you

  15. I loved day 25... it made me feel much stronger! Namaste Adriene and yogi friends πŸ™‚

  16. I was nervous at first about free form (I'm doing this alone in my house, why am I nervous?), but you made it seem so natural. Thank you!

  17. Adriene,
    I am absolutely addicted to your yoga practices. II completed 31 day Revolution, Yoga camp and now finishing up 30 Days of Yoga! I have been faithful since January 2nd not missing a day on the mat! Yoga has truly saved me from my struggles with anxiety! Thank you! I am looking forward to more.

  18. Yoga every day has become a real treat! I love the fact the sequences are all different lengths so you never know what to expect. I had a sleepless nught last night and this really helped to put a smile back on my face. Thank you.

  19. Wow, I was feeling more open in my back and chest after Day 25. I did some other poses after your video and decided to try a camel pose. This is a pose that when I first started yoga in May 2016 I told my instructor I will never be able to do. Too tight, bad knees, etc. Well I did it, I touched not one but both heels and was absolutely freakin' euphoric!!! Thanks for being awesome and getting me on the mat all these days in a row...it has amazing power.

  20. I had an intermedullary rod inserted into my right femur in May, 2018. Dedicate yoga has really helped me improve my ROM and strengthen my femur! Also, I no longer have lymphedema in my right leg! I'm so thankful and hopeful that not only my leg will continue to benefit from this session, but my whole spirit, body, and mind will, as well! Thank you and God bless you!

  21. Absolutely loving this 30 day course!
    Adriene,, would love if there was another course one could do after this, designed for more experienced yogi's? Would be great to challenge myself to a hard course!!! :)))

  22. Hi Adrien. I have just started your 30 day challenge and am really enjoying it. I thoroughly enjoy your pleasant commentary and lovely style. I really intend completing the 30 days and hope to move on. Had to share my mat today with my dog who was also enjoying the class
    Thanks. Paula.

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