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Yoga for Depression

Yoga For Depression is a 15 min yoga practice to help balance and restore both the physical and emotional body. Tend to your nervous system through mindful yoga to tend to the brain and body connect in a powerful way. With a focus on the breath this yoga practice invites you to be kind, be accepting, practice regularly and heal naturally.

50 comments on “Yoga for Depression”

  1. You are amazing Adriene! Thank you for your generosity and thank you universe for guiding Adriene in her life's purpose!

    1. I agree. Last Wednesday, as I sought to balance myself in the space I was in, which has usually caused me unease, I said to myself, "whatever I gotta do to feel good." And then it clicked. Find What Feels Good was as clear as day.

  2. Another amazing inspiring email for our Sunday ....... thank you Adriene for caring so !

  3. Thank you Adriene - your words came at the right time & struck a chord.
    Really appreciate all your reminders!

  4. I have schizophrenia, i was diagnosed two months ago and it has change my life a lot, i am a lot less active with the meds etc. Tried this yoga today and am really pleased i did as has lifted my mood this morning. Need to keep motivated now. Thankyou

  5. Hello sweet lady,
    After practicing your online videos, I got brave enough to go into a studio. After practicing 2 years, I was encouraged by my teachers and friends to get my yoga teacher training certificate. (My community even helped me pay for it) I am actually in training, 100 hours left! Even though I have not had the oppertunity to meet you in person, your spirit helped me find a path. I hope to hug your neck one day! (Say that real Texan like)
    p.s. I know your dad. Small world.
    Shannon Williams

    1. Thank you this reply helps like gill smith said a another interesting email in my inbox thanks really like your vids

  6. Hi from Czech Republic โค๏ธ
    Love your energy, your videos, your teaching style, you are my inspiration You do an amazing job and I love most your silly videos and laughing during yoga-videos :)))) You are amazing ๐Ÿ™‚ Have a lovely Sunday

  7. Hi Adriene,
    I love your videos and way in which you teach and share with all of us. I was wondering (and hoping) if you would do any practices for those of us going through cancer? I know many of your videos work but one with cancer patients in mind and your caring, loving nature would be a blessing to many like myself. I underwent a mastectomy in May and currently doing chemo. Certain positions (at times) are still too much to do but thank you for offering such a wonderful gift to so many.

    Forever grateful!

  8. A friend told me about your videoes last winter when I was doing my 200 hour ytt to deepen my practice. I was also going through the most painful separation from my husband of 25 years. I so appreciated seeing your caring way of teaching and it was a great reminder to me of why I do yoga. It is so much more than asana. I continue through a very difficult time in my life and I thank you for all you do to help the greater yoga community!! โค๏ธ

  9. I find all these videos so helpful, but I struggle to maintain the daily practice I'm aiming for. Two of the reasons for this are physical - weak wrists and postural tachycardia - which can both make it difficult to keep up or even finish. Can you offer any advice on adaptations for people with these issues? Thank you so much!

  10. This is so amazing. Since I've begun my yoga journey with you at the start of the year, my life has improved in every way. People who have known my for years, close friends and informal acquaintances , stop me and let me know that I look so happy and content. I am!!! After several very challenging years, this practice has allowed me to find peace and joy in whatever my current life is. Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!!

  11. This is exactly what I needed today, thank you for being an amazing, positive human being <3

  12. Adriene, thank you so much for this. I struggle with chronic depression and some days it can be so hard to just get out of bed. Your videos are a kind of lifeline for me, especially the quickies, so I can move as much as possible even on bad days. The hardest part is always getting to the mat, but once I'm there you're always with me to guide the way. You help more than you know. Thank you.

  13. Adriene, you are a really great writer besides being a great teacher. Thank you for all you do.

  14. Hola Adriene,
    I am one of your newer followers. After some exploration through your 'beginners' play list last month, I went on to '30 Days of Yoga,' and just completed Day 30 yesterday. So, I am happy to say, the last thing I need today is remedy for depression! Thanks to a commitment to this series โ€“ yours and mine ๐Ÿ˜‰ โ€“ I have found all kinds of What Feels Good! But having said that, even though I am feeling good (nay, great!), thank you for thoughtfully including videos and messages like the one you've shared today. Even the best lives can be derailed now and then, and I take comfort knowing that this will be here if I never need a way to get back on track. Blessing and besos...

  15. Hi Adriene,
    Thank you so much for introducing yoga to me. Your lessons(you) are so inspiring, so full of love, so easy going. Every day I look forward to sit on my mat. I am gratefull that my friend told me abouth your 30 days of yoga.
    Thank you.

  16. Hi Adrienne, thank you so much for all the wonderful videos you make available. Thank you for your light and your love. XXX Linda

  17. 1000+ emails a day? Of course, because you are so loved. I love you, too. You are a comfrey, plantain, calรฉndula salve to our souls and bodies. Bless you for sharing so freely. And, yes, I love your Mama, too. Isara

  18. Thank you, Adriene. I just followed this practice today, the 5th day without my fur baby, Hazel, to join me. I was looking for something to relieve grief and found this. It was a pleasure to be introduced to Benji. Best, Melanierose๏ปฟ

  19. I am 48 and going through many changes in life, menopause, including r. arthritis, doctor thinks I am to young for auto-immune disorder, so trying to eliminate stressors in my life with therapy, I have done about 80 of your yoga videos, you are a Godsend you inspire me, make me laugh, and I am grateful for you, thank you. I know with your videos, I will be revived and back to my healthy self. You are a blessing.

  20. Just in time your email and this amazing practice Adriane. You read my mind. Thank you beautiful, God bless you โ™ฅ

  21. Thank you, Adriene, for the kindness you send out into the world. You are making a difference in people's lives.

  22. After every video I always thank Adriene and say namaste. To read an email that thanked me back & a namaste as well definitely made my Sunday ten times better

  23. Hello Adriene,

    Thanks for wonderful yoga classes, your classes inspired me a lot to practice yoga regularly. Could you kindly post some videos for diabetes or blood sugar control.

  24. Thanks so much for another free practice!

    Are any of the practices NOT safe for pregnancy? Not sure if that is easier to answer, or if I should ask if any of them ARE safe, but anyway...

    Thank you!

  25. Exactly what I needed. Thank you Adriene. The ability to do yoga with you means so much to me.

  26. ฤฐ am grateful for an amazing yoga teacher and all round lovely human being . who is ready to wipe away the shite of the yoga mat. Which i took as a great metaphor for the cloud of depresion being blown away with the swipe of your hand ......good work m'lady. great gratefulness and gratitudes all round .

  27. Aloha! I was so moved by your email from yesterday. Thank you so much for your continuing contributions to my yoga practice, you make me laugh often and remind me of why is important to slow down and find what feels good ๐Ÿ˜‰

  28. I was having such a rough day, feeling really down. I talked myself into doing some yoga at home, and when I opened up to your page this was at the top. Just what I needed. Thank you.

  29. Your 30 days of Yoga is a God-send (my new postpartum body was not responding to my old yoga classes). So today I was visiting the Blanton & I sat in the 'Giant' exhibit (our family's favorite movie) & I see this lovely woman typing & I think 'is that...? No...' Obviously YOU know this, but it Was you! What?! AND you're in Austin! As soon as I can wrangle up a babysitter I'm taking a class. Anyhoo, thank you for allowing me feel more like myself which hasn't happened since late 2015 (pre-baby).

  30. Thankyou!
    I've attended classes over the past 20 years on and off but never stuck with it as they were like mini torture sessions:-). Following your online classes has been a turning point, for the first time I have totally enjoyed myself and feel amazing as I never feel pushed to hold and stretch beyond what I can do. Thankyou so much, Kerrie xx

  31. Hi, I have been doing yoga with you for a week now and you have made my day everyday. You are so adorable with good energy, thanks for doing this . I have started with you biginer class now don't know which one to go to. Do you have a series that can be followed .from number one to 2 and se on ..?

    1. You are a sweet girl, Adriene, to share your knowledge and skill with us. BTW: You look like the girl in the Venus razor commercial that is now playing - is it you?

  32. Hello and greetings from the UK.
    I have been with depression for 4/5 years. This email came on a bad day so thank you so so much. I am also doing the 30 day yoga too.
    Finding some great peace.
    Love and Peace x

  33. My dearest friend Adriene
    This video left me in tears. I recently went through a dark patch in my life, learned a tough lesson the hard way, and realized the truth will always reveal itself.
    Thank you for videos like these that keep me going when life gets tough.
    You have been there for me through emotionally tough times and I am grateful for that.
    Thank you for being you.
    Thank you for letting me be me.
    I am enough.
    Lots of love from mild chilly South Africa.

  34. Thank you Adrienne!
    For making me feel gratefull!
    I didn't thought I had it in me today! It means so much ๐Ÿ™‚

    With Love,


  35. I love you, Adrienne. Just as you are forever grateful to your mom and the Universe for what was passed down to you, I am forever grateful that the Universe brought me to you, and that I can humbly receive the abundance (in SO many ways) that being connected to you through today's technology has opened me to. Thank you for your enormous generosity in giving us so many free videos and encouraging emails. For being a willing vessel to be used to touch and heal so heart is full to overflowing with gratitude. You are a special soul indeed!

  36. Exactly what I needed for today - letting go of all the things that I cannot control. Thank you, dear Adriene. More blessings to you and the team.
    - Jen

  37. Adriene, your practices are so valuable to me, thank you. I cleared some shite away today and loved imagining letting things spill off my back (nearly blubbed while I was spilling). A million thanks.

  38. Hi Adriene,
    I've been doing your yoga now for about 6 months and it has helped me so much! I never thought yoga was my thing until I found you! You have made me fall in love with yoga, I look forward to it every day! I don't know exactly how it works, but it has been so therapeutic for me. No matter what issue I'm dealing with, you have a video for it! Today I was feeling so depressed and after doing your video I felt so much better. There really are no words for how much you have helped me, it's like therapy without going to a therapist. I have finally learned to love myself through your practice. Thank you so much for everything you've done for me and all of the lives you've touched. You have such sweet, infectious spirit. Keep spreading the love and doing what you do. Namaste. ๐Ÿ™‚

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