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Yoga For Beginners - 40 Minute Home Yoga Workout

This sequence is beginner friendly with a focus on FOUNDATION and FLEXIBILITY. Hop on the mat and start to build the foundation of your own home yoga practice with this 40 minute video.

111 comments on “Yoga For Beginners - 40 Minute Home Yoga Workout”

  1. Hi there!
    I just started yoga for the first time ever and I love it! Your videos have helped me so much! Thank you for making these FANTASTIC videos! Keep it up!
    Thank you Adriene!

    1. This is the best yoga beginner I have found. I am 56 and have looked and bought many. This is the first that I actually enjoyed, I know I am spiritually ready.

  2. Hi Adriene! I cannot thank you enough for your beginner Yoga series. I live in the Deep South in a mid size city, and while there are Yoga classes here, I have never been able to find a Yoga class for beginners, and I felt awkward in a class of pros, so I never went back. I felt like I was interrupting their practice with my lack of skill. I just finished your Foundation and Flexibility video and I feel fantastic. So fantastic, that I think I will do it again this afternoon. Unfortunately, I have one of those dreaded sitting jobs and I honestly feel it is killing me. It is compressing my hips joints and I need help. So thank, thank you. I love your soothing manner and the reminders for us newbies to find our own way through a structured pose. You have such an encouraging soul.

  3. You are amazing! I love your videos! Ever since I found you Ive been practicing yoga every day, and I love it!! You always make me happy with your positive energy, i cant think of a better way to start the day. Im reborned.. Thank you so much for your videos

  4. I LOVE doing Yoga with Adriene! I am new to yoga and am grateful for your
    warmth, ease and encouragement. You are so comfortable and amazingly agile. It's like practicing with a good friend, guaranteed laughs and smiles in addition to the many benefits of Yoga!
    Thanks for being here.

  5. I love Adrienne but this one is too fast, too unclear. I just adore the bedtime routine, the best ever, but am off now to redo the 20 minutes beginner sessions. I just don't like feeling as though I'm rushing - or that I have to strain to understand the words without watching the vision.

  6. Hiiii I just wanted to say thank you. For your voice, for your videos, for yoga You make yoga an amazing experience. Please keep it up :))

  7. Hello Dahling! I recently discovered you on youtube, I wanted to thank you for posting the videos which allow me as a begiiner with multiple health issues to practice in my own home. I feel like we are friends and that you really care about me and my yoga get it. Your down to earth nature and frank attitude are part of what I enjoy. I have 2 herniated discs and sciatica issues, I am currently doing beginners yoga for the last month...almost daily except when my pain is triggered. I basically have all over body pain but i am beginning to see micro improvements and even had the thought today that i might start doing yoga twice a day. Do you have any specific videos for sciatic? I love you and everything about you so far and we are definateley kindred spirits!

  8. Adriene <3

    I found you on you tube a few days after you released this video. I tired it a few times and loved it. I ran out to the store, bought a yoga mat, and have done this video almost every day since. I have noticed a huge difference in my strength, flexibility, digestion [which really surprised me], and most importantly my overall positivity and happiness. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU !!! You are a truly amazing person. You should be so happy and proud of this lovely yoga community you have made, the lives you have touched, and the yogis you have inspired & help create [like me 🙂 hehe]

    Keep doing what you do
    much love xo

    1. Someones hormones must be kicking in, this really helped with my health class, i am a junior in high school, and i love you. <3 😉

  9. Adriene,
    I would like to tell you thank you. I am finally comfortable in beginning my own yoga experience/journey. I have seen other yoga videos and instructors and they would always be too fast, under explained, or unsympathetic to beginners. I feel 100% comfortable learning yoga from you and cannot wait to see the changes in my body's mind, strength, and endurance. I will be incorporating your workouts into my daily exercises. Thank you for providing your knowledge and amazing personality for the world to experience.

  10. After a considerable condition drop due to illness I searched for a beginners class to yoga to ease me back into things. I am thrilled with the first 2 classes I have tried, and excited to have completed the longer one without the ego I once carried into class. Thank you Adriene for taking the time to explain the grounding and basic poses that I am sure I washed past previously, and in turn for making my practice much more fulfilling. Namaste

  11. Hi Adriene! I found you on youtube not so long ago, bought a mat and started practicing with you:) I've practiced 20 minute video for a week, a from yesterday I've started with that 40 min for beginners video. I was wondering when to change/upgrade to more difficult video or what should I do next? Thanks a lot:))

  12. I've been doing the bedtime practice and find it amazing. I also do another of your beginner videos but not this one; I have just finished this one and oh, my knees!!! I think I need quadruple mats!!!

  13. I have been following ur video link since I moved to a foreign country last year and I can't tell you how much your videos have helped u have such a great attitude towards life, thanks adrien.

    Any tips for knees would be so helpful too.

  14. Hi Adriene,
    Just want to say I think your yoga for beginners is amazing, I have tried a few different classes on line but yours is by far the best! You explain the moves so well, taking time for us newbee's to get the postions right! Thank you so much. I will definately be continuing with your classes.
    love Carole x

  15. Hi Adriene!
    First of all, a huge thank you for all your lovely videos, tips and your bubbly personality, I've started to practice yoga with you several weeks ago and I'm hooked))
    I have a question: my boyfriend is 42, has trained most of his life (running, weights etc), used to be obsessed with mountain biking, so has over the years injured nearly everything there was to injure in his body. As a newly converted yogi I'm hoping to get him to try practising as well one day, but he seems to think that his knees and back are so bad now that it's too late. Can you think of any constructive information that I can share with him about why it is not too late and can actually be very useful? That would be great if you had any ideas, thanks!
    Looking forward to your new videos xxx

  16. Hi Adriene, just wanted to tell you that I really adore your videos. I love your relaxed attitude and that you don't take it all too seriously. I find I'm enjoying yoga more than I ever have in the past and looking forward to each day's practice and much of that has to do with the fact that you are teaching me some great foundations while keeping it happy and fun/light hearted at the same time. I'll be telling my yogi friends about your site for sure! Thank you.

  17. Dear Adriene,
    I am writing you from Switzerland, where I live. At the moment I am at a clinic that treats (amongst other things PTSD). These therapies and introspections are incredibly demanding and harsh on the mind & body.
    One particularly stressful day, I started with your 20 min yoga for beginners class, right here in my clinic room!
    The way you conjugate yoga practice with well explained foundations, a space for one's inner discovery and dialogue, a gentle rhythm-flow that allows to check-in with what's going on inside the body and the mind, and with a constant loving and positive vibe, well all this helped me to gain some assurance and trust. I then practiced this 20 min beginners class for a week and a half and then was comfortable enough to try out the stress relieve one, the 2 morning versions and now this one.
    And now, every day, even during the toughest moments, I still try to include an oasis of yoga in my day. It helps me immensely. Thank you!!! You are great at what you do!

    I would like to ask you as well, if there are specific yoga exercises or routines that can further help the mind to re-bound, re-learn to love one's body?

    I will keep using your videos and surely, sometime you will feel a smile coming all the way from Switzerland.

    Dee Dee

  18. Hi! A friend suggested Yoga to me and I was web surfing and found your site. I've done a couple of your beginner videos and they are GREAT!! You have such a calming voice and explain the poses so well that I don't even have to look at the screen. Thanks so much for putting these out there and I can't wait to do more!!

  19. Have to take a break from rigorous workouts this week and found your videos on youtube. Just completed your 40min beginner video and it was fantastic. Your instruction is so clear and your voice so relaxing. You encourage and provide guidance for those of us relatively new to yoga. Thank you!

    Vancouver, BC

  20. My great friend Teri and I just did your Beginner's workout on the balcony of the house we rented in Eureka Springs. We have a view of the Ozarks the temperature was just perfect. Great 40 min workout for beginner's. Feel stronger, more relaxed, and whole. 🙂

  21. What a wonderful beginners yoga session - I've booked marked this to repeat over and over! Love it! I also enjoy the music you have playing at the very end...could you tell me who/what song that is please??

  22. You my friend are simple amazing. Thank you for creating these beginners videos and this beautiful website.

  23. Dear Adrienne,

    My name is Marjan, from Amsterdam, The Netherlands. I'm 56 years old and I own a horse with who I love to go out riding. However, lately I started to get stif in my hips and riding became more and more painful so I decided to pick up yoga.

    I found a lot of video's on You Tube but yours are my favorite. I have been doing your 40 minutes for beginners several times now and I really love the way you teach ! But now someone told me that I should do Yinyoga instead of any other. Do you have any idea about that? I think your yoga is perfect and in time it should help me to get flexible again.

    So thanks a lot for your video's, I will definitely keep watching them.


  24. Hi Adriene!

    First of all I want to thank you for your videos, I'm starting with yoga and I'm doing this video every day first thing in the morning! and loving it 🙂

    So, I have a question regarding the mat... I know it's not easy to choose a mat but if you could guide me just a little bit with the kind of mat that would be good for a beginner that usually practices at home I would appreciate it very much 🙂 Maybe you already wrote something about this!

    Thanks again for your blog and videos!


  25. You become for me & many people , my friend , you are really amazing ,wonderful and excellent. Thank you very much for creating these beginners videos and this beautiful website.

  26. Hi! I've been doing yoga for a while on and off and your free classes are a real gift to me. I enjoy so much your in depth but no-nonsense explanations of the asanas. I'm trying to start my own home practice and your videos are my tools of choice. I have 2 questions for you: 1) What should I expect, mind-body wise, after a while of practice and after how long? 2) This is technical - I'm very flexible because of years of ballet, but because of my extra weight ( the 80 pounds I'm working on loosing to reach my healthy weight) I have a hard time bringing my foot in the front of the mat, in between my hands or in reverse (ex: to prepare for plank pose) when changing postures. Is there a "graceful" way to do it without having to stand up to place my body for another asana? Until I'm able to do it, of course! Thank you so much for giving, understanding and letting us know that a practice doesn't have to be rigid. Geneviève, Montréal (Québec)

  27. Adriene,
    I discovered you about two weeks ago after buying a Smart TV with intentions of finding Yoga to start exercising with. I lOVE LOVE LOVE your workouts!!!!! I will be using your workouts for months to come until I am strong and ready for some of your more advanced training like Reboot and EMPOWER14. I have bought several yoga dvds in the past but you teach and don't just make a film!

    Thank you so much for your love of yoga and wanting to pass that love to others! <3

    Anita, a forever and excited new fan!

  28. Dear Adriene,

    Thank you very much for doing these videos. I have never thought that I could have so much fun with yoga. I am really glad that I found you. Your videos helped me to handle a really stessful period in my life. I will surely continue on to follow your videos and hopefully improve 🙂
    Thank you for the positive energy!

    Have a nice day!


  29. Hi Adrienne,
    Firstly thank you for such a great and uplifting resource! New to yoga and its been a wonderful place to start. I've been working my way through some of the videos and loving it (done the beginners ones, the detox, the morning and bedtime routines and a couple of the foundational ones). I have a couple of questions if you have time:

    Firstly I'm finding all the movements fine but struggling with pain in my knees (a bit during but mainly afterwards). I have had issues with my knees in the past (squatting in gym etc) and physio has said its due to hyper mobility and poor alignment. Any tips? Do you think its a case of yoga will help them over time or am I making tham worse and should I ease off? Its things like the lunge positions that strain I think.

    Second question - I'm thinking of getting the reboot package. Is it suitable for those fairly new to yoga or should I work my way through more foundationals first?

    Thank you so much!

    ps love how you always say "my friends" gives a nice warm glow every time 🙂

  30. Hi, Adriene! I am a college student and as everyone knows, school brings on a lot of stress and worry. I've been trying to find ways to relax and get more restful sleep and peace of mind, and thanks to you I have! I've only followed your 40 minute beginner video, but so far I feel really good and I am able to focus on getting things done! This is a great de-stresser, and I plan on following your other videos as well. Thanks again for you videos and the time that you've put in to make them!

    Best wishes,
    Morgan 🙂

  31. Greetings from Poland!

    I am on my way to find focus in my life, I have started yoga, but can't afford attend more than once a week in my city, and most yoga sessions are too advanced for me, whereas finding your blog was the best what I can do\Thank you for your precious videos

  32. Hello!
    I just had a quick question. How many calories would be burned during this beginner's yoga session?

  33. Hello from New Hampshire! (And a request!) What would you think about doing a beginner sequence focused on twisting? I do some on my own but would be interested to see what your favorites are. Thank you Adriene- your videos make me happy!

  34. Dear Adriene,

    I love doing yoga, but unfortunately I had to stop. After doing no yoga at all for 6 months I saw a small advert in a Dutch magazine describing your videos.
    I just wanted to say thank you for making me fall in love again with yoga. I love your enery, your voice, humor and the way you are making it easy to understand.
    I hope you keep posting wonderful videos.

    Thank you so much.
    With love,
    (all the way from the Netherlands;-))

  35. Great video Adriene. Thanks so much for sharing all of your insights so generously 🙂 I'll be joining you for the 30 days od yoga in January 🙂 Melanie. x

  36. In mid November I ended up not being able to do my work due to a crushed disc between my pelvis and first vertebra. I have already practiced yoga in the recent past but I haven't been practicing for a few months. Immediately after seeing my x-rays I turned on youtube to find some yoga that was slow and educating. I found "Yoga For Beginners 40 min workout with Adriene" (foundation and flexibility.) Now just more than a month later, I feel great and my doctors are telling me I should be able to try going back to work at the first of the year.

    I have followed quite a few of your other videos and will continue to do so with which ever I feel like at the moment. I also practice much more outside of my home anymore and don't ever plan on stopping.

    Thank you Adriene for your effort and the education you have given me!
    Forever a loyal follower, James.

    I very much look forward to January.

  37. is it possible to download a few of your beginner routines, so I can store them on my laptop to do while visiting my mother who does not have internet

  38. Adriene, you are lovely. If I am able to produce a documentary in the future regarding a dream and vision I am in the process of, we'll hire you as the actor:) Thank you for your generosity which I pray comes back to you 1000fold.

    Question: When I am in baby cobra pose and moving into mountain pose, I am on my toes and pushing from my toes and lifting from my belly. However, I end up curving like cow pose rising up in the chest first then pushing back into downward dog. Is this a matter of arm strength?


  39. Adriene,

    First off thank you for a great beginners practice, as someone who has never done yoga before and was increadibly intimidated to even attempt to go to an actual yoga class this has been AMAZING! I have been doing this routine for about a week, I do it three times a week to conencide with the days that I weight train in the gym and honestly I feel absolutely amazing this week.

    I have two questions though if you don't mind:

    1.) The move where you come out of the runner lunge, drop your back knee to the mat and then roll back on your front ankle to stretch your front leg out. This move seriously hurts my back toes, I cannot put that kind of weight on my toes and get a good stretch on my front leg at all. Is there a way that I can modify this move so I can get the same stretch without having to put all that weight on my toes like that?

    2.) Out of your videos which video would be the "next" step to go to to keep advancing in the practice without going to advanced to fast and how long would you do this particular video before advancing further?

    Thank you so much I cannot begin to tell you how thankful I am that you have taken the time to do this, my body thanks you, my golf game thanks you, and most of all my inter being thanks you.

    Take care

  40. Adriene,

    I just tried "Yoga for Beginners" for the first time and I absolutely loved it. I love your pace, tone, and how I feel like I could watch the video over and over without feeling like I've already heard the script. I especially enjoy that I can simply listen to your voice for direction, rather than straining to look awkwardly at the TV screen.

    I am an elementary P.E. teacher and have recently begun incorporating yoga into our weekly schedule. The kids absolutely love it, and they have challenged me to keep finding new routines and sequences. I look forward to learning more from you.

    Thank you!

  41. Hi and thank you for your great videos.
    I tried yoga for the first time last year, in November, and I got hooked. I had a back pain that day, and it just disappeared. After that I was looking for a website, where I could do the Yoga at my own time, and at beginners level.
    I was recommended to look into your videos, and I`m very glad I did. Every second day I start the day with the Beginners video, and some days I continue with one of the fat burning videos. A great combination.
    My belly is more tight, my mind is more open and happy - thanks to you!

  42. I'm a 51 year old, formerly extremely active guy that has suffered the debilitating effects of Fibromyalgia for the past 10 years and my health has spiralled downwards. Just to get through the day is a big struggle.
    Fibro has not only affected my physical health but my mental, emotional and spiritual health as well.

    I'm almost a total newbie to yoga but completed your 40 minute yoga for beginners session this morning for the first time. Whew! That was a workout. BUT...I can honestly say that as I sit here and type this I feel like I have taken the first step towards a journey of healing; mind - body - spirit. I so desperately need that!

    So, I will continue on with my journey with yoga through your videos and see where it takes me. I'm optimistic and excited at what I might find!

    Thank you so much.

  43. Hi Adriene!

    I wanted to start learning yoga and came across your video's on YouTube...really enjoying it so far, thank you so much!

    There was only thing I wondered if you would be able to help with? I have been told I have double jointed knees and sometimes when I put pressure on them I get sharp pains in my knees - are there certain yoga poses I shouldn't be doing and are there any that would help strengthen them?

    Thank you! 🙂

  44. Where I work has started offering yoga class once a week. I was wanting more and found Adrienne on FB...LOVE the complete beginner, morning , and have now moved on to 30 days!!! At 50 I wanted to keep working out but needed a calmer atmosphere!! Adrienne is perfect for this!! Funny toes were hurting to walk and stand on, for some reason they are not hurting as much after 3 months of yoga? Thank you

  45. Hello Adriene,

    I really love your videos and the way you don't push to hard but make everything seem nice and easy. It's totally soothing and still a good way to train. I wondered if you could do a video for people working night shifts/ or an anti-jet lag video. Since i am a physician i frequently work night shifts 7 days in a row on the ICU. Usually sleeping during the day and getting up in the afternoon/evening is not a really a healthy way to spend your time 😉 Maybe you might have ideas to do something that feels good and gives people like me a nice and healthy workout anyhow!

    Your style is great, stay how you are,



  46. Dear Adriene,
    God, you, your videos for beginners ajd your way of teaching - the calmness and the space you leave to really breathe and enjoy instead of hsving to rush through and get anxious to be able to keep up - are amazing!!
    Thank you so much for your effort and your videos, I have only done the beginner session for a week, but I finally found what I was looking for to be able to keep it up at home 🙂
    All the best to you, greetings from Kiel, Germany, right by the beaches of the Baltic Sea

  47. Adriene, thank you for your free videos! I have been on a prescribed diet program and have lost about 50lbs so far with a little more to go. My husband used to do power-lifting competitions over ten years ago, then because of decline in health issues he took up running, but in last two years has gone through neck surgery which has had to do a make-over in his workout routines. Together, we have started working out with swimming, weights, kayaking, and now adding yoga in-between. I looked up yoga for beginner's on youtube and came across your video for beginners. I have to say THANK YOU for making our first experience with you in our living room awesome! We are finding yoga to be very helpful for in-between weight training and they step by step explanations is perfect for my husband. We love the slow pace you took and I've NEVER seen him this excited about doing yoga before. We are subscribing you on youtube so we can use our tablet to watch you in front of us (instead of up top where our tv is). I'd just like to know, how long should we keep doing beginner videos before we move into intermediate or more advanced classes?

    Thank you for the work you are doing. We love your humbling tone, sense of humor, and being able to make this so simple to understand for us that are learning yoga vocabulary.
    God bless you, your family, and your practice!

  48. hello

    i have been doing this video for about a week now, and i was wanting to get onto the next phases. i was wondering if you could recommend a natural flow, or perhaps the videos i should move onto next.

    with that being said, i still consider myself a complete beginner, but think i can go onto the next one at least.

    any recommendations would be appreciated. thank you!

  49. Hi there

    I seem to struggle with the easy pose (that's not really easy)I cant seem to sit crossed leg for one - if I do then i cant get my feet to connect with the earth (cant keep my feet on the ground)

    Please help!

  50. I just wanted to thank you so much for these videos. I have a sitting job, and any sport I've tried just didn't stick with me. But this is fantastic. I'm already in my second week of doing yoga every morning. Thank you so much, I really needed this.

  51. […] never, ever pushing yourself further than is totally comfortable, a chirpy, gently encouraging YouTube yoga instructor surely has to be better than sitting on your bum in front of the TV all night – at least to […]

  52. Thank you!!! Revisiting yoga after many years great for dusting off the cobwebs and seeing how rusty I am!! Perfect x

  53. Professional, lovely practice that gets to the fundamentals: challenging without being too hard, basic without being boring. Terrific lesson and great positive energy from the teacher. Thank you for your generosity in making this freely available online.

  54. Hi I'm new to yoga and love Adriene's approach although it's going to take me quite a while to get fully into all if the positions.
    I would love to purchase the downloadable version but live in the UK. Does anyone know whether it is possible to purchase outside of the USA.

  55. Wow. I only lasted until I had to stay on one knee for ten seconds. I guess I need to work on my balance. Awesome video. I'll try again when I have time. Bye the way I'm unfit, but not unhealthy, I just mostly work and sleep, so your video is perfect for me.

  56. Hi, Adriene,
    I explored Yoga a couple three times over the years but I found myself feeling inadequate and frustrated instead of feeling good. I was always a few steps behind during class it seemed. So I was a bit dubious that this would be different but my daughter recommended you, I'm home by myself so who's gonna see - 🙂 - and I felt open for a new adventure. That was a couple weeks ago and I'm still with it. Every day! Sometimes more than once a day (beginners in the morning, bedtime at night for instance). That for ME is a RECORD!!
    I'm 66 so I wondered if I could even come close to achieving poses and I wondered if I could keep up. I wondered if any part of it would be enjoyable beyond knowing I was doing something good for myself.
    So SURPISE! I CAN do this! It DOES feel good! I feel TALLER (which is a good thing since I have lost over an inch of my youthful height to my spine compressing with the weight of the world - just kidding - I'm just getting older). And I no longer hate downward dog!!
    Thank you, Adriene!

  57. Hi, adriene, my name is Kathlena and I'm 13. i am an overweight kid with no mother. I found your video on youtube and i tried it for a few days now, and i love it. Everyone has seen a big change in me. i am thankful to you. Where ever you are, i love you. Thank you so much.

  58. Hi Adriene!

    I featured another one of your epic beginner videos on a blog post I did on starting a beginners yoga practice. Here is the link: Also wanted to say how much I love your classes - you always make things fun! Your recent yoga camp with affirmations is currently my go-to for zen boosting, but the beginner classes helped me hugely over the last year as my practice deepened.

    Thank you for making yoga so down to earth (and for your kick-ass positive attitude!). Namaste!


  59. You inspire me so well that I decided and made my guest room as my yoga room!! and I am from Houston 😉

  60. Hello,

    Thank you so much for the Beginner's lessons. I have become addicted and will be moving back to ATX in a week so the relaxation is priceless. You excel in being able to simplify the abstract quite eloquently. It is greatly appreciated.

    Take care.

  61. Hi Adriene!

    I work abroad as an artist, and as such spend a lot of time sitting hunched over my sketchbook or tablet, and, because I'm abroad in a country where I'm still learning the language basics it's been very difficult to find somewhere I can go to get in a workout- which has been quite discouraging. I turned to yoga as a solution, figuring that it would be something I could do at home, and work it into my schedule wherever there was time. Your videos for beginners have been positively wonderful. You are a great instructor, you encourage people to take it at their own pace and not to stress over mastering yoga right away, which is just fantastic.
    This video has been my favourite for diving into the yoga world, and I look forward to trying the more advanced routines in your other videos as I improve. Thank you so much!

    Canadian in Japan

  62. I took my first class at a studio yesterday. I was so nervous I had a friend/instructor with me. From your videos I not only knew 20% of part the poses but could wing the others. I was good. 🙂 I think I found a home studio so thank you very much for the help. I caught myself referring to you by name a few times, "Adriene suggested this..."

    It morphed into "Two Dimensional Adriene" so people knew what I meant. You are an amazing teacher and I look forward to using your videos in concert with a studio practice. Thank you again very, very much and I hope your life is unicorns and rainbows, or whatever that means. :)

  63. i love this video! i always wanted to start yoga, but thought it was going to be way to hard! thank you

  64. So I am new to yoga, and enjoy it already! I am shipping out to basic training and thought this would be great to try for stretching and relaxing. I enjoy lifting, working out, running, and felt like trying yoga. However I wasn't sure where to even look. I found this video and I really enjoyed it. Yoga really does make a difference even with a young body it made a world of difference. Honestly I have been doing a half hour to an hour of yoga before I run and that truly makes a major difference as well. Thankyou

  65. Wow, this was challenging for me but awesome! I actually fell asleep on the mat at the end, I was so worn out yet totally relaxed. Thank you for your wonderful videos!

    1. Hi Adriene I am 51 and almost all my life I thought that yoga is not for me. I felt after I was in bed motionless back. I began to think that life was over. I heard might deal with yoga, because there are many exercises that helps the lower back. I was very sceptical because I gained the weight during motionless. I decided to try yoga for beginners, those real beginners, who never been touching the meaning of yoga. Started to find courses in Internet for home workouts I accidentally came across your course and I love it immediately. I liked the soundtrack, clothes you're wearing, your quite and nice voice, the method you're teaching. Your course inspires peace and confidence that everything will be fine and I will be able to conquer this science. Every morning I catch myself that you are working individually only with me because you understand my situation. I started very clumsy, I could barely sit cross-legged on the mat, having severe pain troughout the body. But in a few days of exercise I realised that have less pain and feel better my body. I'm not sure you read this message, but I subscribed to your site to follow you and get some results. I am very far from that, but I'm optimistic to go ahead
      Thank you, Adriene!
      Some time I will send you a smile from beautiful Vancover
      With regards,

  66. Very much enjoyed this yoga session. Popped it on once I got my little boy to bed. Fantastic way to unwind. I was tense, tight & had a terrible headache for a couple of days. Right now i'm feeling floaty, loose , relaxed & my headache has shifted. Perfect feeling before bed time. Happy mummy. Thank you.


  67. Thank you Thank you Thank you Adrienne. You are the coolest Yoga Teacher! I can finally learn from you and your warm voice and fun humor, at home, at my own pace. Namaste!

  68. Hi Adrienne. Just want to say: Thank you! Been struggling with anxiety ( ugh) and went back to my local gym for yoga. THAT was not relaxing. So I went on line and found you. In one week I feel more relaxed, empowered and strong. I know it takes much more time than that but just breathing and feeling in touch has helped enormoursly. Right cure at the right time. Without getting into specifics, your routines have already made a positive impact. I thank you.

  69. Thank you for your videos. They are so informative not only how to do the poses but the method behind them. I enjoy your videos more than going to a gym class that I have attended.

  70. Adrienne, I've loved returning to yoga through your videos! Your warm, gentle approach was exactly what I needed! Do you have any suggestions for how to modify poses when pushing down on the backs of the feet creates a radiating pain in the arches? This has always been a struggle for me. Thanks again!

  71. Nothing better on a wet English November than to set my mat down in front of the fire and spend 40 minutes with you, Adriene. Thank you so much for bringing yoga in to the life of this 60 year old lady, I am loving all your workouts. And bless you for giving so generously of your time and talent.

  72. Yoga at home teaches you to pay attention to your own body, to realize what it needs on any given day and how to practice in a way that supports you both physically and mentally. 

  73. I am new to yoga, and enjoy it already! I am shipping out to basic training and thought this would be great to try for stretching and relaxing. I enjoy lifting, working out, running, and felt like trying yoga. However I wasn’t sure where to even look. I found this video and I really enjoyed it.

  74. Hi, I just wanted to say that I'm finding your video's very helpful. My friends, doctors and family have been recommending Yoga to me for a couple of months but I can't afford to go to a Yoga Class nor is there one that fits around my schedule currently. I suffered a spinal and leg injury, which I still suffer from but I've been told that I'm too tense which is adding to my current level of pain. I've decided to start doing yoga to try and regain some of the old flexibility and strength I used to have, as well as getting fit and loosening my muscles. However, I have only been able to do the first ten minutes of the beginners video before it became too much for me. At the minute I'm hopping to do the first ten minutes of the video twice a day for a week, then slowly build on it by five minutes every week until I've completed the forty minutes. I was wondering if that was a good idea, or if you could recommend another video for me to do that would be better?

  75. Balasana is very good yoga poses for night shift employees who want relieve back pain problems.

  76. That did not feel like 40 minutes. Usually I stop and check the time on videos like these to see how long is left of it. I didn't even have the urge to do that on this. I've also never been able to keep up with other beginner Yoga videos because I feel awkward and have to rearrange myself a lot because i'm not used to the movements and transitions. It wasn't so with this video.

    Thank you so much of publishing this.

    I think I may finally be able to enjoy this enough to do it more than once in a while!

  77. My mom and I did this video looking for a beginner video. Adriene has a great presence and is obviously very knowledgeable. However this did not feel like a beginner yoga sequence. It was very fast and not clearly explained, I had to stop because I was getting knee pain, and now it's a week later and both my mom and I still have pain in our knees from it. Neither of us have had any knee problems so this is alarming. This wasn't the first yoga we've done, but I'm afraid we did something to damage our knees and don't know what.

  78. I have dipped in and out of yoga. Today I just wanted a good stretch and nothing too advanced. This was perfect. I shall definitely try her other workouts. Will recommend this to my running friends.

  79. Hi Adriene,

    I really don't know how to thank you enough for creating these wonderful inspirational challenging videos.

    In December this year I was fit energetic ate and drank everything that is recommended to be healthy for you. I had slight pains across my chest and working out appeared to slow down through lack of energy. I blamed it on my 58 years of being on this planet

    I went for a health check at my surgery at the end of November . All tests weres okay . The nurse advised me to go for further tests. I had an angiogram I was told I had severe heart disease
    Wow that blew me away.i needed Open heart bypass. Quadruple.. ouch...
    after the OP I am recovering really quickly.

    I started back at the gym .. I walk my dog 2 hours a day .( Hes an English spaniel walks forever ) then I found you. You are like one of my family ha . I see you every morning . You make me work hard , make me laugh, and one of the most important thing is you have taught me how to relax and enjoy what I'm doing .

    I am now on day 6 of your 30 day programme loving it and cant wait to see ya tomorrow
    . Please Keep up the fantastic work. You are my life saver . Mmmmmwah

  80. Adriene, I love your work out for beginners!!! I have been doing the 20 and the 40 fore beginners since August ,2019. Can you suggest what to move forward next? I love listening to you! Through your encouragement I am able to do booth videos and feel great everyday when I’m completed theses two video.

    Thank you,
    Linda Minduik
    Elmvale, Ontario

  81. Revisiting today the 2nd ywa beginners video I used last april 2021. Gained so much flexibility after 5 months...

  82. I just started my yoga journey and it's like practicing with a good friend who understands me.
    Thank you Adrienne for your down to earth attitude, gentle encouragement and humour! I have done yoga classes on and off for many years, but always felt that I was being pushed way out of my comfort zone and ended up hurting myself, being sore and feeling "less than" at the end of a class. Your classes are gentle and I feel I can progress at my own pace without tearing ligaments or enduring days of pain after a class. Namaste

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