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Yoga Camp - Day 28

Party on the mat! Show up! We are celebrating our practice. With a focus on the breath we continue to work on awareness through that energetic line from the crown to tail. Stretch and strengthen the full body as we continue to grow our Yoga Camp vocabulary. Welcome that ocean breath. Find ease, make it your own and let's celebrate. Celebrate your body, your breath and so much more. Let's get started!

Share your experience down below and with #YOGACAMP

9 comments on “Yoga Camp - Day 28”

  1. This article and video is very interesting! I have back pain since as far as I can remember and my doctor recommended me some of these exercices mixed with a method explained on and now I am doing it since 3 weeks and almost no more backpain + I'm becoming more flexible! You should all take a look too tx to my doc who is not only after money and selling meds...

  2. Completed day 28. Who said its not challenging? Great fun, relaxing, makes me feel at peace love finding areas in my practice I want to improve over time. Found my ankle in the lunge side bend, hello toes! Can only sit up straight at the moment with wide legs but I have time on my side. Love your comments and style of teaching Adriene. I like the baby steps into mindfulness, mantras. Maybe I am on the way to be a yogi?! Keep doing what you do so long as you have a passion and a love for what you do. Thank you namaste

  3. I thought the video was gone :O because the link on this page and from the email doesn´t work but I found it on youtube anyway. Nice movements today 🙂 I celebrate!

  4. I celebrate that the sun is shining and all that white shhhtuf is melting! I celebrate that I found Adriene and her awesome style of teaching yoga! Thank you so much

  5. I celebrate finding this wonderful practice and absolutely craving my time on the mat every day. Thank you so much, Adriene, you have made a huge impact in my life!

  6. A pigeon I am not! But I celebrate today's practice and will share it with friends and family, especially on our son's Facebook page (he lives a three hour plane ride away.) where today he posted: Feeling blessed to have a good job. Great friends and an amazing family. Synchronicity? And, because I have to respond to the "pig nose" comment, our daughter's post (she teaches 3 and 4 year olds in the same city). Child Quote of the Day (playing an animal guessing game): Me: "This animal has a special kind of nose."
    Educational Assistant: "It looks like this." (pushes her nose up to look like a pig snout)
    Child (glowing with excitement): "I know!! A HUMAN!"©

  7. Today's practice is the first time where I feel I have completely zoned out to what is going on around me and completely ZONED IN to #YOGACAMP!
    I am grateful to you Adriene!

  8. I celebrate my power to finish this beautiful day even though I am almost without sleep and with a sick baby....namaste my dear adriene!

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